The silent massacre

Anxiety, One of the Attackers’ Main Tools

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Anxiety, One of the Attackers’ Main Tools
Inducing anxiety in victims is one of the attackers’ objectives. Targets should be aware that anxiety is an altogether induced symptom, created by the attackers’ whispering and playing loop play tapes to the victim’s subconscious.
I define anxiety as a high state of nervousness, a feeling of un-wellbeing, and a sense of unsettledness in a person. It places one on edge, full of fright but not knowing what is frightening him. It robs the victim of sleep, for he is even afraid to sleep. It keeps him from eating because he thinks that the food will choke him to death or it does the opposite, causes him to stuff himself with food when he does not want or need it. He is apprehensive, depressed, defensive, disoriented, disgruntled, and unfocused. He is unable to concentrate.
He cannot make plans, and even if he can, he cannot executive them. In my opinion, anxiety is the worst possible condition short of death itself. One must experience it to know what I am talking about.
The attackers know a victim’s most vulnerable emotional moments, which are usually the

result of some traumatic negative action like a divorce, a house foreclosure, the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one. They play up that loss with the hidden voices, causing the victim extreme anxiety. Indeed, he often does go over the edge into full panic, for the anxiety will eventually become panic, which drives a victim to a psychiatrist, gets him committed to a psychiatric clinic, or causes him to take some other drastic action such as suicide.
I have always been a very positive, upbeat, optimistic person. Nevertheless, not knowing about the attackers’ subconscious communication at the time, I became a victim of anxiety in the summer of 1999, not long after my mother died. One day I was sitting in the patio when I suddenly panicked. I had never experienced panic attacks. The anxiety worsened over several months. The psychological panics occurred daily. I woke up in the morning from almost sleepless nights dreading for another nightfall to come, for the panics were even more severe at night.
I developed a fear of water, although I shower daily and sometimes even two or three times in hot weather. That did not keep me from bathing; however, I dreaded to see it rain, and could not stand the thought of getting wet in the rain. I could not eat a filling meal, as it triggered still more anxiety. I began losing weight and looking haggard. Finally, I asked my nephew’s wife, who was a nurse, to make me an appointment with a psychiatrist to find out what was going on.
I saw the psychiatrist twice and took two prescriptions of Prozac. Then, a greater force took over, and I gradually rose above that problem. The psychiatrist dismissed me after two visits, telling me that I did not need him. That turned out to be very true. In a few months, I quit the drugs completely and have not taken them since then. And I shall never take prescription drugs again, certainly not for anxiety.
After that bout with anxiety, the attackers later attempted at other times to induce anxiety, usually when a good friend or loved one died. They went to great effort to cause anxiety when an aunt, the last of ten aunts and uncles, died. It did not work because I had already learned what they were doing. Then, they tried again when one of my oldest friends died. That did not work, either. Now that I know that my anxiety was caused by the attackers’ subconscious talking over loop play tapes, I will never again allow the attackers to induce panic attacks. I was supposed to commit suicide back in 1999; instead, I cheated them out of that objective.
Despite their failures, the attackers still continually attempt to cause anxiety. One of their favorite techniques to induce anxiety is to cause the target to remember people in his past of whom he was very fond, people who through the years have either died or become lost to the target. Then, they whisper their names to the target and cause him to lament their deaths or disappearances from his life. Remembering those losses incites panic in the target.
The attackers also use physical effects caused by their computer software to create anxiety.
For example, they create a heavy pressure on the bridge of my nose that is supposed to induce anxiety. However, targets should be aware that the “silent” voices to a victim’s subconscious are the main cause of anxiety in targeted individuals.

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