The silent massacre

Induced Alzheimer’s Disease

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Induced Alzheimer’s Disease
Whether or not Alzheimer’s is a bona fide disease is questionable, for Alzheimer’s can be and is continually induced by victims’ attackers. How does it happen? Mind control.
The process is slow and methodical. The attackers start out by blanking out words in the victim’s thoughts. The blanked-out word will be somebody’s name, a place, or an object.
Then, the attackers will provide that word to the victim through the whispers to his subconscious. He suddenly remembers the word that he thinks he has forgotten. That method creates a dependency on the attackers to supply words that the victim believes he has
Finally, after many months of causing the victim to forget words, the attackers begin causing the victim to lose his train of thought while both thinking to himself and especially in talking with others. They do that repeatedly, convincing the victim as well as those around him that he is losing his mind. They keep blanking out more and more thoughts. One day, the victim

forgets where he lives, and he drives aimlessly around looking for his house. Relatives later find him on the other side of the city. They take his keys away from him and stop him from driving. He then forgets where the bathroom is in his house. Much later, he has problems using his knife and fork when he eats. By that time, he and his relatives and friends believe that he has an advanced case of Alzheimer’s. He takes very expensive medicine that is supposed to help him. It does little to stop his slide into oblivion. In the end, he becomes little more than a vegetable, breathing but not living.
I am certain that one of my brothers-in-law was a victim of induced Alzheimer’s. He was a brilliant chemist who started his career with an oil company. He worked over the years with several oil companies. Later, he bought land and developed a mobile home, or trailer, park on it. In the latter work, he made enemies when he had to repossess trailers or force renters to pay their rent. At some point, he was “hooked” by either somebody in the oil companies or somebody who had something to do with the trailer park. I knew nothing about targeting at the time. I watched as he slowly lost his mind. He finally had to be led to the table, where he tried to eat with his hands. He had to be led to his bedroom and be put to bed. He had to be bathed. He died in that mindless condition.
Natural dementia has been around probably as long as humans have existed. However,
Alzheimer’s is a post-World War II disease that can be either natural dementia, which is probably genetic, or induced. Each decade, we see more and more Alzheimer’s. If
Alzheimer’s is induced, who benefits from it?
First of all, it benefits the pharmaceutical companies that provide the medicines used to treat it. Despite those medicines, I have yet to see them halt the advance of Alzheimer’s, which is further proof that it is induced. Secondly, it is a way to neutralize somebody in a seemingly natural manner. The Israelis neutralized Yasser Arafat through induced Alzheimer’s. During the last six months of his life, he increasingly lost his ability to think. By the time he died, he was practically a zombie.
I repeat that Alzheimer’s can be and is induced. It is induced through the software that is used with the device that “hooks” the victim. Through that software, the attackers whisper to the victim that he is losing his mind, and they blank out and supply thoughts with the same whispers. Finally they blank out increasingly more of the person’s memory. He eventually loses his ability to think.

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