The silent massacre

Those efforts and expenditures yielded little or no result. My advice to other targets is “save your

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Those efforts and expenditures yielded little or no result. My advice to other targets is “save your
time and money and treat yourself to a night out on the town.” Several web sites advertise electronic
and other objects and machines that are supposed to neutralize the electronic effects and mind
control assault. In large part, those sellers are opportunists who are making a load of money
scamming desperate victims.
Instead, I have learned to use my mind to counter the electronic effects. I urge all targets to
experiment with using their own minds against their attackers attempting to capture their minds.
Scientists tell us that humans use only about ten per cent of their brains. Targets must learn to
develop parts of the remaining ninety per cent. Although the electronic harassment no longer
bothers me, the subliminal voices endure. I have not yet found any satisfactory way of neutralizing
those voices. Nevertheless, they bother me less every day.
After reading about targets rushing to the emergency room time after time because of the attackers’ electronic torture, I determined early in my harassment situation that I would not follow that path. Instead, I deal with the electronic assault and mind control and defy the attackers. My guiding principle is “Whatever happens happens.” Be sure that a breakthrough will occur that exposes how electronic stalking and mind control operates and the evil persons

behind them. As I often telepathically tell my attackers, “The secret will come out, you bastards. Nothing lasts forever. And time is on my side.”
The Perpetrators of REA
Many targets believe that the U.S. Government targets U. S. citizens with electronic stalking and mind control for experimental purposes. Although I do not doubt for a second that the government engages in REA, either directly or indirectly, I do not believe that in my case it is necessarily the U.S. Government. Here is why I say that. I have intentionally conveyed radical and terrorist thoughts to my attackers that would have gotten me arrested for questioning if they worked with the U.S. Government.
For example, I have “talked” (through synthetic telepathy) to my attackers about blowing up cell towers, bridges, and other infrastructure, about joining the Hezbollah or al Qaeda, about detonating a bomb at a law enforcement convention, and many other alarming illegal and terrorist activities. If my attackers were government agents, they would be obligated to pass on that information, leading to my arrest under the Patriot Act. Yet, I have never been approached by law enforcement or U. S. intelligence about those “plans.”
My research leads me to believe that my attackers work for Israel with the acquiescence of my own government, for the attackers enjoy the protection of all levels of law enforcement and government. The actual attackers may be a pro-Israel Christian Fundamentalist group, a pro-Israel PAC or “benevolent society,” American agents who willingly perform Israel's missions in the United States, or other elements of a Radical Right. Israeli agents and their accomplices operate within the United States with almost complete freedom and impunity.
Targets often form an idea about who their perpetrators by thinking back and “connecting the dots.” That is what I did. Still, our opinions cannot be supported by fact, which is obviously the aim of the attackers and their powerbrokers. In actuality, we have little proof about the actual perpetrators of REA, or the perps, and how they operate. What we think that we know is only conjecture before the courts. Nevertheless, logic, research, and experience lead targets to their own conclusions. Here are mine.
I believe that probably two different groups are involved in “hooking” the minds of targets and carrying out the REA on those targets. Those groups operate on two different levels.
(1) The first group represents national and perhaps international leadership, or the powerbrokers. This group controls the device(s) and methods used for that purpose and keep those devices and methods as a closely guarded secret. That probably means that the high- tech and sophisticated “hooking” process belongs to the intelligence agencies and the military or to those who are somehow connected with their operations.
The FBI knows about REA yet does nothing to stop it, so it must necessarily be a part of the first group. The FBI field offices doubtlessly form the nuclei for the fusion centers. Several cities and towns fall within the region that comprises each fusion center. The FBI ensures that the target is “hooked” and then turns him over to the nearest or most feasible group of attackers along with the target’s files. The attackers are encouraged to add to that information and use the totality of that data in their mind control (V2K) activities. The head of each group

of attackers answers to the field office in whose jurisdiction his group falls. The attackers may be local or they may be thousands of miles away.
The CIA is also doubtlessly involved in the first group. On March 2, 2010, a story came out in the Washington Times that suggests that the CIA is a loosely-run intelligence operations riddled with corruption. In the article, a CIA communications-technology specialist named
Todd Brandon Fehrmann was trying to sell stolen high-tech CIA equipment to a private individual. Those state-of-the-art items included “several handheld spectrum analyzers — high-technology devices with military applications that can measure and check cell-phone signals and equipment . . . .” The article quoted Anritsu, the manufacturer of the devices, as explaining that “the analyzers have several uses, including measuring cell phone base-station signals, mapping signal strength to determine where to place antennas, base stations and signal repeaters.” That type equipment could very obviously be used for electronic stalking and mind control.
The members of the first group play only a leadership role and are very few in number. The device(s) and methods used to “hook” targets’ brains to torture and exert mind control over those targets are a closely guarded secret. Only high-level Federal officials in the intelligence agencies, high executive branch officials, and the military would have knowledge of and control over those device(s) and methods and be able to keep them secret over a long period of time. Although most of the decision-making personnel and many of the mid-level employees and lower level personnel in those organizations know about the electronic and mind control devices and methods, they do not know the precise instruments or how they work.
We do not yet know what devices and methods the masterminds use to “hook” targets. In my case, the constant factor is the tinnitus, which, since the inception of the current EMSC, has never faltered. Although the tone occasionally changes, the ringing is always present. Thus, I believe that there is a direct connection between the device that hooks – and keeps the target hooked – and the tinnitus. Even the voices that I get 24/7 and the jolts and vibrations and other physical effects are not continual; yet, the tinnitus is.
However, after a target is “hooked,” he has to be accessed somehow by the people who actually carry out the electronic and mind control assault. The target probably possesses some object or substance in his body peculiar to that person that allows the second group, or the attackers, to locate him. That characteristic may be an identification number, much like objects scanned in stores. Once hooked, the targets remain hooked. In fact, the attackers probably cannot change the frequency and almost certainly cannot cut off the frequency. Only the first group can do that.
Those persons who control the device(s) and methods used in electronic and mind control assault are the “masterminds,” who probably also select many of the targets found on the “hit list.” In addition to targets that they place on the hit list, they probably add other targets recommended by big business, “friendly” foreign countries, heads of religious groups, high- ranking politicians, and other parties. We know far less about the masterminds than we do the second group, which actually employs the REA.
However, make no mistake about it. The same person, persons, organization, or government

unit that have the power to hook a target also have the finances and personnel to keep that target hooked for life. I know of no target who has been freed from his REA torture. That continuity hints that an organization rather than an individual calls the shots, as an organization can carry out a sustained action over a very long period of time. My attackers have told me, “We’ve spent a lot of money on you.”
(2) The second group consists of the rank-and-file conspirators, including the actual attackers, who may be (a) ex-military and military-connected personnel and (b) ex-law enforcement and their extra-oficio employees on the state and local levels. The second group performs the actual work on the targets once those targets are hooked. Their activity depends mainly on the adroit use of computers and their software by the attackers as well as in providing the
The second group makes few decisions. It is charged with the responsibility of carrying out the electronic and mind control activities. It employs the actual electronic effects and mind control assaults on targets after the masterminds “hook” those targets. This group is very large in number and varied in its make-up and modus operandi. Let us examine some of those possible second groups, or attackers.
-- Fusion Centers
In the last years of the Bush administration, the Department of Homeland Security created
“Fusion Centers” that “share information and intelligence [with state and local organizations] within their jurisdictions as well as with the federal government.” At this time (2009), there are about sixty centers and plans to create still others. Those sixty centers probably coincide with the sixty FBI field offices.
The heads of the field offices probably select the sub-groups that serve as attackers. Those sub-groups then assign the actual individual attackers. Only the heads of those groups have contact with the authorities. The attackers themselves do not communicate with law enforcement and intelligence agents.
The word “fusion” means melting together. The Centers do indeed fuse units widely dispersed over the entire national territory of the United States of America. Big Brother has you covered.
DHS intelligence officers operate in Fusion Centers in twenty-four states, including my state of Louisiana, and also in the District of Columbia. Plans call for more than a hundred federal professionals at those centers by the end of this year (2009). Much of the communication between the DHS and the centers is classified “secret.”
-- Infragard Units
Michael Rothschild’s article in the February issue of The Progressive called “FBI Deputizes
Business” identifies businesses as possible perpetrators of electronic torture and mind control. The article states that the FBI formed a group of businesses called the Infragard in
1996 under the Clinton administration (1992-2000) ostensibly to stem and PRE-EMPT any perceived terrorist threat within the United States. The meaning of “terrorist threat” is at best very vague and gives those essentially FBI-sponsored vigilante groups the legal right to attack American citizens with absolute immunity. Law enforcement not only permits those groups to operate but probably also assists them.

A series of programs called “Conspiracy Theories” with Jesse Ventura aired over TruTV in
December, 2009 and January, 2010 exposing many shady dealings of the U. S. Government.
One of those early January programs dealt with the Infragard. Probably to offset much public criticism of that organization due to the “Conspiracy Theories,” the Department of Justice started a web page on the Infragard on January 14, 2010. As one might imagine, the
Infraguard operates under the FBI field offices as do the fusion centers. The Infragard web site has a link that is supposed to pull up the locations of the local chapters of the Infragard; however, when I tried to access those locations, it would not allow me to pull up that page.
One of the pages of the Infragard Web site outlines its Code of Ethics. Of the seven points made in the Code of Ethics, two of them state that members will “not knowingly be a part of any illegal or improper activities.” The last point reads: “Protect and respect the privacy rights
[underscoring is mine], civil rights, and physical and intellectual property rights of others.”
Thus, if Infragard members are involved in electronic stalking and mind control activites, they clearly violate their own code of ethics. Interestingly, there is no penalty, such as expulsion or being legally charged with a crime, if members violate the code. Thus, the code is meaningless.
I did some online research on the Infragard. Their web page encouraged readers to contact them, so I did. Here is my email.
Sirs: I have been a target of electronic stalking and mind control activities carried out by unknown persons by remote for many years. Many fellow targets believe that members of Intragard may participate in those illegal activities although their code of ethics requires them to respect the privacy and civil rights of other citizens. Can you state categorically that neither the Infragard nor its members conduct domestic spying and electronic harassment on other
American citizens? Thank you.
As the reader might imagine, I never heard back from the Infragard.
Bush recognized the Infragard in his post-9/11 attack on democracy as a key element in quelling any opposition or suspected opposition to his regime within the United States. FBI
Director Robert Mueller called those civilian groups the “first line of defense.” It does not require a molecular physicist to imagine the abuses that are certain to accompany any such para-law enforcement program.
Many of those Infragard “businesses” are Fortune 500 firms, including companies that hold defense contracts with the U. S. Government. Telecommunications providers such as AT&T,
Verizon, and others, the U. S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, and the satellite TV providers also are often named by targets as perpetrator organizations. Other businesses are small independently-owned companies.
The tentacles of the Infragard organizations reach into the smallest towns and even into rural communities. In sparsely populated areas such as many parts of the Deep South, Infragard probably depends on small firms and businesses owned by ultra-conservatives and even
“approved” individuals to spy on and exert mind control upon selected targets. The Infragard’s weapons include monitoring targets’ computers and telephonic communication, physically spying on and “investigating” those targets, stalking them, interfering with their mail, monitoring the targets’ business and business contacts, entering the targets’ homes in their absence, and vandalizing their property.

The Infragard and the Fusion Centers count on local groups and law enforcement to support the government’s increasing surveillance of and interference with American citizens’ everyday activities. Those organizations along with the FBI and other intelligence and law enforcement operatives represent an overwhelming presence of Big Brother in the lives of all Americans.
Although surveillance alone does not constitute electronic and mind control assault, it would be a simple matter to take constant surveillance to the next step in parceling targets out to vigilante-type groups of trained attackers for physical and neurological torture.
The FBI itself simply does not have to manpower to provide agents as attackers. Moreover, the government has absolutely nothing to gain from torturing people electronically. The FBI probably monitors only the most serious “terrorist” threats and turns over other targets on the
“watch list” to its cooperating civilian groups. Psychological studies clearly prove that many people welcome an opportunity to stalk and perform their evil on helpless targets. Perhaps they get that opportunity through “helping” the FBI and the intelligence community. Those citizen criminals doubtlessly get a high from their sudden empowerment to employ voyeurism, electronic torture, and mind control on others by remote with complete anonymity and even protected by law enforcement.
For the sake of argument, let us consider that the FBI is NOT involved in electronic torture and mind control but knows about it. If the FBI is unwilling to apprehend the criminals who perform the REA, they might at least warn the American public about that activity as they often do about identity theft and other crimes that are not nearly as serious. The fact that they do not advise Americans of that criminal activity further clearly indicates that the FBI has something to hide and is in fact deeply immersed in that odious felony against American citizens on American soil.
-- Department of Homeland Security
The DHS heads the fusion centers. It is probably also deeply involved in the Infraguard program. It doubtlessly also uses FEMA for its domestic spying.
The DHS organizational chart shows that it has a military advisor, an Intelligence and
Analysis section, a Science and Technology section, and a National Cyber Security Center.
The DHS thus contains all the units that targets know figure somehow in our electronic stalking and mind control.
Now for the part that should jolt awake every American who cherishes his freedom of privacy, choice, and expression: One of the mandates of the DHS is to develop and deploy “anti- terrorism technologies by providing liability protections for providers.” In other words, the scientists and other inventors and makers of equipment and know-how for carrying out electronic and mind control activities

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