The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Psychological Triggering
Whether targets get only organized stalking or electronic stalking and mind control, they all report the use of words, signs, sights, smells, tastes, and other things that “trigger” certain emotions. The attackers employ triggers as a part of their neurological scheme. For those triggers to work, the targets first have to be sensitized, or pre-conditioned, to them. Pre- conditioning to those triggers is probably accomplished through hypnosis or the subconscious voices. Triggering is purely psychological.

In my case, the attackers use names of people and places to trigger emotions. They have also programmed particular locations within the house to trigger those emotions. Those specific locations trigger loop play tapes that are designed to evoke certain emotions, which normally include suspicion of others, anger, doubt, hatred, sexual thoughts, and others.
They also use trigger expressions such as “(the name of a person) is just crazy about you.”
While repeating that sentence, the attackers vibrate the private parts. They are clearly attempting to create erotic feelings for that person, who in most cases is a good friend or a close relative.
Some targets are triggered by colors, various forms of lights, numbers, signs and gestures made by perp accomplices (and probably innocently by other people), certain pictures and words on TV, car honking, and a variety of other ways. To non-targets those triggers appear perfectly normal, as they are unaware of the frequency and consistency of those triggers in targets’ lives. Attackers consider triggering very important to their psychological objectives by repeating the same themes. The Nazis used repetition to condition the German people. The triggering reminds targets that they are indeed targeted, that they are continually monitored, and that they are powerless to prevent or stop the harassment.
Conditioning targets to notice and react to triggering aids the attackers’ efforts to isolate the targets, for targets become very sensitized to those triggers, making them suspicious of strangers and even relatives and friends. Targets begin avoiding those people or act in very odd ways around them. Thus, triggers play a psychological role in targets’ eventual estrangement from society.
Some targets have had success in detriggering triggers using the same psychology that the attackers employ. The targets sometimes use the triggers intentionally very frequently to diminish the emotional effect of them. Others use psychological “disassociation,” by telling themselves repeatedly that there is no association between the triggers and what the triggers are supposed to do.

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