The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Targets and Non-targets
Shortly after starting my journal, I began researching the topic of REA and communicating with many other victims. Almost invariably those victims, like I, had ignored signs of electronic

stalking and had not realized for a very long time that they were targeted. That is one of the techniques that the stalkers use. The electronic torture and mind control activities are
“progressive.” Electronic and mind control stalkers begin very slowly and gradually increase the intensity of the electronic and mind control effects until finally they are too obvious for targets to ignore. Although many of the effects are similar, they do vary from target to target.
Many of the targets, for example, do not hear the voices. Nevertheless, the voices are there.
(More about voices later.)
Targets include all races, ethnicities, both genders as well as both same-gender sex preferences, ages, physical conditions, all sizes and weights, religions and beliefs about religions, social backgrounds, educational backgrounds, levels of I.Q., all types of philosophies and schools of thought, both liberals and conservatives, occupations and professions, all incomes or degrees of wealth (excluding the very wealthy), political thought, all attitudes toward the government, all attitudes about war and peace, veterans and non- veterans, and others.
I have studied many cases of TIs, looking for commonalities among the targets. Here are several possible commonalities among targets. There may be others.
Physically-invasive medical actions. All targets have had some type of surgical procedure
(either minor or major or routine), shots and inoculations, or dental work. That may be indicative of complicity of the medicine profession in the conspiracy of silent torture by remote.
Diversity. Some TIs believe that inventors and researchers working under the auspices of the
U. S. military and intelligence establishment selected them for experiments carried out to test various neurological and perhaps biological warfare patents and hypotheses. That belief is not farfetched. Thus, the many differences that I find among the targets may be purposeful, for the experimenters will want a diverse sampling of the entire U. S. population. Diversity and variation are required for the validity of the testing. The results of the experiments must reflect and rest upon tests covering elements of the entire population.
Adopted targets. Quite a few targets who I know or with whom I’ve communicated are adopted. There appears to be some experimentation being conducted on adopted children versus natural children, probably testing the environmental versus the hereditary theory.
Twins. Some targets believe that experimenters are interested in how the brains work in siblings, especially twins. If that is true, that harkens back to Mengele’s experiments with twins in Germany before and during WWII.
Despite those possible commonalities named above, I have found no one single common characteristic or condition among targets that stands out. The absence of a principal commonality may be important, for it either re-enforces the idea that a government uses the entire range of the American population for experimentation or suggests that the attacks on targets come from more than one single source. Moreover, it suggests that many of the targets are simply “decoys” who draw attention away from the real targets (more about decoys in a following section).
Most of the targets are probably just ordinary law-abiding citizens who mind their own

business. However, other targets such as “whistle blowers,” dissidents, free thinkers,
Survivalists, and others may be considered threats to the system. There are probably even those targets who pose genuine security threats. Other targets who in the past were not security threats will become real security threats due to their torture as they are driven unwittingly to commit crimes or commit them in desperation.
Unfortunately, many ethics-deprived citizens, particularly in the inner cities, have seen targeting as a way of making money without working for it. Those people feign symptoms of targeting to be declared mentally unstable. They are then provided state funding for the mentally disabled. According to stories told by actual targets, those pretended targets also sometimes become accomplices of the perpetrators.
There does indeed appear to be a national REA program directed against homosexuals and lesbians in the United States, Canada, and perhaps other countries. I believe that program is subterfuge, or deception, on the part of the powerbrokers. The powerbrokers probably employ
Radical Right attackers to harass gays to confuse and distort the larger picture. The attackers are not aware that the real reason behind the REA is to wipe out any dissent against the powerbrokers, who represent the U.S. Government, or the status quo. The principal targets are the anti-government and the anti-Zionist elements of the population.
If experimentation is indeed a reason for targeting, the powerbrokers perhaps choose targets who they believe might have something to hide. They count on the skeletons in the closet to keep the targets silent, a form of unspoken blackmail. A few targets have served time in prison for non-violent crimes. Others have experimented with drugs. Many are closet homosexuals. Those are not facts that targets likely want known. The attackers count on that and instill further guilt to traumatize targets psychologically.
Notwithstanding, I believe that the aim of the powerbrokers is to “hook” the minds of the overwhelming portion of the American population. Despite their minds being “hooked,” most
Americans will not be affected. Most of them will never be subjected to electronic torture and mind control, for most Americans are compliant, non-thinking, pleasure and material seekers.
Nevertheless, being hooked means that they remain at the instant whim of the powerbrokers.
With the whole population placed under that system, the powerbrokers can pick and choose targets as they please or as the situation arises. That FEMA has established secret concentration camps throughout the United States is no longer simply rumor. The occupants have probably already been chosen.
REA is not peculiar to the United States. People in countries all over the world are reporting electronic and neurological assaults. Many Western targets live in Canada and the United
Kingdom. In Asia thousands of Chinese, Indian, and Australian targets are beginning to surface. Most African countries appear to have few targets. Nevertheless, targets who travel to Africa will probably continue to suffer the effect of their REA.
Strangely and perhaps suspiciously, the following Americans appear largely exempt as a class from electronic harassment and mind control.
Congresspersons and high ranking U. S. Government officials, including ambassadors. Lower ranking employees and ex-employees of government, however, are often targeted, especially “whistleblowers” and those discontented with the status quo.

Governors and other high ranking state-level officials.
Clergy. However, members of Protestant Fundamentalist, Roman Catholic, Jewish, and other churches often become targets. Some of those victims complain that their churches may be involved in their harassment.
Law enforcement officers. Although I have heard obliquely of police officers being electronically assaulted, I have never actually corresponded with or read a complaint by a law enforcement target. The exclusion also applies to prison authorities, U. S. marshals, Border
Patrol, DEA, the entire U. S. intelligence community, including the Secret Service, sheriffs, and sheriff’s deputies.
CEOs and very successful businesspersons.
High ranking military officials. On the other hand, enlisted personnel are often targets.
The medical community. I have recently learned that there are two doctors who claim to be targeted. I have spoken with one of them. If they are genuine, they are indeed exceptions.
The wealthy. I have never known of a millionaire having been victimized by REA. Most of the targets are middle-class workers, small business owners, retirees, and sometimes financially- and socially-marginal persons.
Judges and lawyers. The perpetrators know that judges and lawyers possess credibility and also know the laws and would thus be able to leverage law enforcement into action.
Persons with considerable expertise in radio and electronics, who could perhaps eventually figure out what device is being used and how.
There are two logical and plausible reasons why most of those particular people are not targeted: (1) Those non-targets are a part of the conspiracy, either directly or indirectly, and thus protected. (2) The perpetrators know that those targeted groups would possess the intellectual credibility and the power to command investigations of their attacks. Perhaps some members of those groups are indeed targeted but have noticed no symptoms that reveal that fact. If they are targeted, the attackers would make every effort not to alert them to any tell-tale signs.
Foreign countries have attempted to influence U. S. domestic and foreign policy for many years both directly and through domestic political action committees (PACs). Several foreign countries now have the capability to perform electronic stalking and mind control activities for that purpose. Logically, those foreign countries will target the following Americans: (1) the sitting president and possible candidates for the presidency; (2) key members of Congress;
(3) top U. S. military brass; (4) CEOs of large companies, particularly those firms with defense contracts; (5) selected clergy; (6) writers, producers, and media personnel; and (7) other influential persons. Can there be any doubt, then, that our CIA-FBI and other intelligence services know about electronic stalking and mind control and protect those probable targets from that activity, especially those seen in Numbers 1-3?

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