The silent massacre

Victims Allow Targeting to Become a Way of Life

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Victims Allow Targeting to Become a Way of Life
An objective of the attackers is to cause targets to focus on their targeting during every waking moment, either in thinking about, researching it, or talking with other targets by phone and email about it. Such is the all-consuming nature of the electronic and mind control assault that targets mold their lives around it. Targets continually search for the perpetrators, the methods used, and shielding that might protect them from the REA. Doing so creates an obsession that permeates and dominates their entire life. Indeed, their defense against REA becomes a way of life, a life style as it were.

Target friends of mine wear padded clothing, aluminum in their caps, and special socks and stockings. Most of them try to hide those protective items; others wear them openly, thereby making them appear mentally disturbed to unknowing viewers. They put up shielding devices in their abodes, sometimes using metal sheeting, rubber coverings, and thick foam-filled objects. They use a particular lighting system. They cover electrical outlets. They place cardboard, insulated cloths, and other strange items over the floor. Some targets use a special type of paint to cover their bedroom walls. No shielding device to date has proved permanently effective against REA.
Many targets spend most of their waking hours writing emails and messaging about their REA experiences and theories. I do not condemn them for that, as they work zealously on trying to end their suffering from the cowardly perpetrators. Nevertheless, that activity limits their ability to go on with their lives and makes that endeavor the focal point of their lives, practically isolating themselves, just as the perpetrators seek to do. Targets’ lives must maintain balance.
It’s often said that when schoolteachers get together, they invariably talk about their academic life. The same truism applies to targets of electronic and mind control assault. Whenever targets visit each other, REA provides often the sole topic of conversation. That is quite natural, for the only thing that many targets have in common is their REA. In fact, REA brings together people who, were it not for that commonality, would probably never meet.
It is impossible for targets to dismiss what is occurring to them. However, they can control the extent to which they allow it to affect their lives. Although I think about REA during all of my waking hours and although I get the attackers’ V2K both when I’m awake and while I sleep, I have determined not to let that outwardly affect my life. My house looks no different from those of non-targeted people. I do not wear bizarre items either at home or when I leave the house. I do not continually talk about REA even with those few friends and family members who know about it. I continue with a life style that is normal for me.
REA attacks often affect the target’s personal hygiene. Many targets believe that the attackers can see them when they shower and perform their bodily functions; thus, many targets will not disrobe completely to bathe. My attackers tell me that they see me in the bathroom, which automatically causes me to doubt that they actually can do so since they are chronic liars. I laugh at them and tell them, “Well, hell yes you can see me, you idiots.
Anybody with eyes can see me. Here I stand in full view!”
Instead of spending the la
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