The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Hate Factor
Regardless of who the powerbrokers are and regardless of their objective(s), the people whom they procure, the attackers, to carry out their sordid agenda are creatures of hate. They reek of hate and hate permeates their daily physical and neurological attacks. Those despicable examples of humanity are not selected at random. They are classical sociopaths chosen for their work because of who they are. Common criminals posing as normal citizens, they break dozens of laws regarding human, civil, and personal rights – and they do so with anonymity and obvious pleasure. Yet, those criminals look just like all Americans and could easily be your next-door neighbor.
Indeed, simple stalking itself is a hate crime. However, electronic stalking and mind control carries that hate crime to its greatest extreme. The attackers’ actions prove them to be evil nut cases as they attempt to cause targets to commit suicide and cripple them with the electronic effects, target innocent close relatives and friends of the victim, plant degenerate sexual ideas, and even harm domestic pets.
Hate groups are not hard to find. Some of the personnel who helped develop the devices and methods used in performing REA on targets may have even been members of some of those hate groups. Imagine the hundreds of personnel of large defense suppliers, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies, and university labs, in addition to the personnel of intelligence units involved, who helped develop electronic stalking and mind control. There should be little doubt that many opportunities exist for those people to purloin and peddle the devices and methods on the black market or to pass those secrets to special agenda-driven hate groups.
From my correspondence, research, and personal knowledge of REA, it seems that the attackers particularly target homosexuals and lesbians as a group. My attackers also make it obvious by V2K remarks to me that they are anti-black, very politically conservative, and religious bigots although that may be deception. Young people experimenting with recreational drugs and prison inmates have also often been targeted. In addition, it becomes increasingly clear that people who “rock the boat” and those who do not subscribe to mainline ideas often become targets.
That does not explain, however, the majority of the targets who do not fit into those various categories. Targets represent every conceivable stratum of American society. By far the greatest number of victims I have met are average Americans. That suggests that the knowledge and power to use REA may be available by organized crime, whose services are

sold to those who may wish to harass particular individuals, to groups of political and religious extremists, and to foreign powers and those acting for them. The proliferation of microchips and perhaps other means of electronically assaulting victims by remote as well as perhaps the increasing availability of those devices and methods pose a threat today for every
American citizen.
Regardless of who a target might be, how he is selected, and why he is selected, he becomes a plaything for his attackers. To relentlessly torture targets, whom they may not even know, with electronic and mind control devices by remote and watch them suffer, commit suicide, and die from those effects requires unbridled hatred and lack of conscience on the part of the psychopaths who ply that torture. Targets are condemned in absentia by some person or group, provided no trial, and then summarily executed slowly by remote. All of that equals hate in its most marked extremity. Although the attackers are doubtlessly well paid for their efforts, they are driven by their own demons.
The evil nature of the attackers and their hate comes across clearly. My attackers, using their synthetic telepathy, laugh and taunt as I pray for friends and family with serious physical problems. One of those persons is a ninety-one year-old man and a former professor of mine who has suffered with cancer and heart problems for years and who is legally blind. He and his wife, who is only a year younger than he, are two of the kindest, most gentle people I have ever known.
Another subject of my prayers whom the attackers ridicule is a little now four year-old great- great niece who because of a congenital heart defect wears a pacemaker and a feeding tube.
She was first operated on at two weeks of age to attempt to correct the heart problem. They also demonstrated their hate and evil in taunting as an elderly aunt, the last of twelve uncles and aunts, lay dying. The attackers were well aware of those peoples’ conditions; yet, they poked fun at them as I prayed. Such evil is unfathomable.
Another example of hate in my case concerns one of my pastimes and interests, conducting research on my family history. I have collected genealogical material on my ancestors for over fifty years, and that material is entered into my computer under the various family names in individual folders. Recently when I went into two of those family folders, the attackers had corrupted the material. Much of it had been deleted. When I loaded the back-up copies into the computer, the back-up folders were also corrupted. That loss represents hundreds of hours of work. Hate, simply hate on the part of the attackers.
Can anyone doubt that hate is a factor in electronic stalking and mind control when the attackers cause targets to be constipated for days or when they cause frequent bowel movements that immobilize them? When the attackers damage organs and eyesight? When they cause psoriasis and sores on targets’ faces and bodies? When they deprive targets of sleep night after night? When they cause targets to vomit uncontrollably? When they make targets scream with pain from cramps? When they attempt to make a victim’s face and body ugly? When they goad a target into committing suicide?
I communicate with my attackers through V2K, which in our case works both ways. They continually tell me one moment that they love me and the next, that they hate me. In second instance, I laugh at them and reply that I would hate them, too, except I have not yet learned how to hate s--t. Targets can always find a bit of humor in their targeting. In my case, I laugh

aloud whenever the criminals, after all the unpardonable criminal things that they have said and done to my body and mind, beg me to “trust” them. How very funny!
That certain forces of the government employ remote torture as well as hands-on torture is undeniable. That intelligence and law enforcement, aided by psychiatrists and others, condone and aid in that torture is absolutely certain and provable beyond a reasonable doubt.
However, much of the torture would not fit within the government’s objectives, especially that torture that disfigures a victim. What government purpose would be advanced by that action?
Only persons motivated by hate, or hate groups, would carry out that type of torture.
I would like to see domestic terrorists who torture others with electronic stalking and mind control attacks added to the list of hate groups. I would also advocate that persons found guilty of electronic stalking and mind control receive an automatic death penalty because of the heinous nature of that activity. Outright murder does not come close to the cruel and villainous nature of electronic stalking and mind control.

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