The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Targets as Activists
What does a citizen do when the FBI and local law enforcement refuse to listen to his complaints about electronic and mind control assault, let alone investigate those complaints?
The complaints of REA never make it to the prosecutorial level of justice because law enforcement refuses to attempt to identify and arrest the assailants. Such actions of the part of the executive branch’s law enforcement, instituted to uphold laws and protect the citizenry, represent a failure of the government.
Because of that, every target must become an activist. Not doing so subjects him for the remainder of his life to unending and increasingly violent treatment by remote by a yet unknown device/method conducted by unknown assailants. Local law enforcement already knows about the plight of targets – and does nothing. The FBI and other national intelligence agencies already know about the plight of targets – and do nothing. Thus, targets must act bravely and defiantly to expose the evil of electronic assault and mind control to the general
American public. Targets whose lives have been ruined by REA have little to lose by taking the offensive.
In March, 2009, I put my own advice on activism into action by preparing, printing, and distributing a flier about electronic assault. I intentionally did not mention the mind control portion, as readers in my area simply would not understand at this point. I also printed copies

of the FFCHS flier and distributed it. Here is my flier.
Most people get the idea that stalking is performed by a lone individual on another lone individual. While that is often true, stalking is also carried out by organized groups or gangs against individuals. That criminal activity is being practiced in
Louisiana and right here in Ouachita Parish with complete immunity.
Stalkers consist of several or many accomplices who band together to harass an individual through spreading vicious rumors or giving out personal information, making wrong number telephone calls and actually tapping the victim’s phone, hacking his computer, vandalizing his property, illegally entering his house in his absence, sabotaging his vehicle and equipment, and even causing vehicular and other accidents. Those attackers are careful to conceal their identities.
Today’s technology has lent organized stalkers the use of remote-operated equipment to strike the victim from afar.
The perpetrators can now use those devices to cause these symptoms: electrical-like jolts; chronic fatigue; sleep deprivation; cramping (usually the calves of the legs); violent tremors; burns, sores, and abrasions on the skin; pin-like pricks on any area of the body; extreme itching; migraine headaches; abnormally fast heart beat, ringing in the ears (tinnitus); and many others, including cancer. Distance provides the attackers anonymity.
Local law enforcement is unresponsive to complaints of electronic assault using remote instruments. Two deputies from the Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office visited a citizen at his request to view tangible proof of the effects of remote electronic attacks. The deputies gave the evidence only a cursory examination, did not take it for forensic study, and later refused to communicate with that person further. One of the deputies was supposed to be the local expert in high-tech crime.
Moreover, the sheriff’s office never entered that complaint in its crime report that it sends to Baton Rouge.
Electronic stalking happens to victims of every gender, age, racial and ethnic group, color, political thought, philosophy, religious persuasion, economic bracket, and occupation. A sixty-year old mixed-race grandmother in New
Orleans videotaped some actions of her organized stalkers from her own property. Instead of arresting the harassers, the police arrested the victim. She is awaiting sentencing at this moment (April, 2009).
Do your own research by “Googling” the following key words and phrases: stalking (organized, gang, neighborhood); directed energy weapons, uses of RFID, electromagnetic forces, directed sound, targeted individuals, laser weapons, electronic assault, and microwave attacks. Some websites dedicate themselves to the topic of remote electronic assault and stalking.
Victims number into the tens of thousands. Some experts place that number at well over two million. If you are not yet a victim, you could be next. Speak out against organized electronic stalking and the criminals who employ it.
I also bought a dozen colorful pastel T-shirts with a sign on the back reading: “I’m a defiant victim of electronic stalking, and – hey – I’m doing great!” I wear them daily.
Most targets by far are law abiding citizens who wish to live their lives in peace while preserving their privacy; yet, when law enforcement and the government fail them, it is time to consider other measures. However, whatever you do, it must be done in a calm deliberate manner. Do not lose your temper. Do not make threats. Do not appear to be a threat to anybody or to yourself. Remember that your attackers want you to acquire a police record or have you sent to a psychiatrist for an “evaluation.” Both go into your FBI file.
In June, 2010, it was learned that the FBI was directly involved with the arrest of Joran Van
Der Sloot in his murder of a young woman in Peru. Although their assistance is commendable, the FBI seemingly cannot investigate the complaints of thousands of targets of electronic stalking and mind control within the United States. What is wrong with American law enforcement?
On May 2, 2011, after having captured on tape some of the attackers’ talking, I wrote to the
FBI field office in New Orleans, under whose jurisdiction my area falls. In the letter, I told them about the electronic attacks, gave them the frequencies that Todd Bates had identified, and

asked them to identify those frequencies. Although I sent the letter by delivery confirmation, I never got any indication that the FBI had received the letter. As usual, I asked them to reply in writing. Naturally, I have heard nothing else from that office. What else is new!

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