The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
his attack. He should not have to identify who did it or necessarily how it was done.
Let us review our seventh grade civics. On all three levels of government – national, state, and local – there are three branches, the executive, judiciary, and the legislative. Theoretically the legislative branch passes the laws, the judiciary interprets them, and the executive enforces them. Law enforcement belongs to the executive branch on all three levels. Most of the higher officials in the executive branch, including law enforcement on the state and local levels, are elected by the people. Thus, if law enforcement is indeed a part of the REA conspiracy, they are elected public servants using public funding to harass private citizens. In other words, the taxpaying victims are not only unprotected by law enforcement but they are financing their own electronic and mind control torture.
Targets know that law enforcement officers very often harass people who have committed no crime. In one such case that occurred in 2004 in South Carolina, a victim of harassment

reported “numerous instances of trespassing and vandalism” to the police. The harassers had also shot and killed the victim’s cats. The police ignored the complaint. One night the harassment victim shot and killed a trespasser on his property who was carrying an assault rifle. The trespasser turned out to be a police officer. An accomplice of the officer, who was with that officer when he was shot, later admitted that the officer had killed the victim’s cats. In other words, the officer’s actions were purely harassment intended to look like actions of the victim’s neighbors or other trespassers.
In that same case, the harassment victim was first tried, convicted, and sentenced to thirty years. However, the Supreme Court of South Carolina threw out that decision because of improper judicial proceedings. The case again went to trial in January, 2010, and the victim was acquitted. During the trial, the prosecution tried to persuade the jury that it was a case of an upstanding officer of the law being killed over the death of some lowly cats. However, the jury wisely recognized that the case was about a victim defending himself and his property against harassment and stalking. In this case, the dead stalker and the harasser was a police officer. Local law enforcement had apparently been trying to involve the victim in an action that would cause him to be declared mentally unstable. Sound familiar? In that particular case, their attempt backfired.
In my case, when my remote attackers tried to convince me that the local sheriff’s office was a part of their system, I told them through our mutual telepathic communications system that it did not matter, for that person would be “a one term sheriff.” That proved to be true. The sheriff was later caught in an adulterous affair that received much media attention, was strongly criticized by the media for the way he administered his office, and was also investigated by the FBI for theft of public funds. He did not run for a second term.
The sheriff that succeeded him is equally unresponsive. Here is why I make that statement.
One day a black extended-cab pick-up came down the lane on which my house is located, passed by the house, drove to the levee [I live on a river protected by a levee], turned around, and headed back to the highway. Although the truck had tinted windows, I could see a
Caucasian man wearing a ball cap on the passenger side when it returned to the highway. He looked straight ahead and never turned his head toward me.
The following day I found the glass on one side of a French door that faced the lane shattered into thousands of small, strangely configured segments. The glass, however, remained intact.
That door is protected by a porch and kept locked, as I rarely use that wing of the house.
Nothing could have fallen on it or smashed into it. Only some type of directed energy weapon could have shattered the glass in that fashion.
I wrote up the incident so that I would have proof that I made a complaint and took the report to the sheriff’s office. The report described the breakage, without assigning the act to the black pick-up truck, and asked that a deputy be sent to inspect the breakage. The sheriff was not in, so I left the report with his secretary. The secretary stamped my copy of the report with a sheriff’s office date stamp. I never heard from the sheriff and no deputy ever arrived. Yet, sheriff deputies have in the meantime investigated other crimes such as the killing of a cow on a person’s property.

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