The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
A Brush with the Law

As stated previously, victims often do some strange things as a result of his targeting. After learning that I was a target, I began researching every possible article that shed light on the topic of REA. In researching, I discovered articles on the possible use of ham radios and clandestine radio stations in the REA process; thus, I started looking into radio stations in the area that no longer operated. In a nearby city named Bastrop, in an adjoining parish, I found one such station whose owner had had his license revoked. That sounded like a good lead.
I went looking for that particular radio station. A person in Bastrop whom I asked about the station, directed me to a location out in the countryside. He either deliberately mislead me or he suffered from a very bad memory. I later found out that the station had been located right downtown. Subsequent research divulged the name of the former owner. There were several people in Bastrop by that name. I finally narrowed it down to one. Then I Googled that person’s address.
I bought a pair of binoculars, and with a Map Quest map showing that person’s address, I went to find out what I could about that person. As I entered the street on which the man’s house was located, two men on bicycles sat talking with each other on the street near that house. I thought nothing more about it.
I drove to the end of the street, a cul-de-sac, and parked with the cab of my truck facing down the street toward the house. Using my binoculars, I took down the number on the license plate of a car underneath the carport of the house. I saw a male exit the house, go into the yard, and then return to the house. When I started back down the street to leave the area, the two men on the bikes blocked the street and hailed me. I should have known!
My attackers, knowing my every thought, had obviously forewarned the former station owner who had in turn asked two of his friends to feign the tete-a-tete on the bikes to watch me. One of the two men made a call to the sheriff’s office. Before long, three sheriff’s cars appeared with several deputies. The irate owner of the house came out, and we talked a few minutes. I tried to explain what I was doing without sounding like a madman. The head deputy asked me to follow him to the sheriff’s office.
When we got there, they looked inside the cab of my truck. In the truck, I carried a double- barreled .12 gauged shotgun, as at that stage of my targeting, I believed that I might be attacked at some point. The shotgun was not loaded; however, there were several shells on the floorboard. In Louisiana, only concealed weapons are illegal. Shotguns in trucks are perfectly legal and thousands of people routinely carry them. So, they could not charge me with possessing and carrying a firearm.
The deputies took me inside to the office of a higher authority who may have been either the sheriff or a chief deputy. He looked up, apparently already apprised of the situation, and asked in a derisive and intimidating manner, “What nut house did you escape from?” He took copies of my driver license and other papers. I expected to be arrested. Instead, he told me to leave the city and not to come back there again. Not intimidated, I have returned there several times since then.
The sheriff had a perfect opportunity to arrest me and make me look insane. Instead, he let me go with a warning. He had obviously been instructed by a higher authority not to arrest me. Why? Because the incident would have gone into the local newspaper and might have

drawn attention to my reason for being there in the first place. I would have had a perfect reason to talk to reporters about why I was there. They knew that. The powerbrokers and their accomplices go to great lengths to stifle any publicity on the targets and their cause.
That incident taught me several lessons that targets usually learn sometime during the early days of their discovery: That targets must be very careful in sleuthing out what they believe may be leads to their REA; that the attackers and the people behind them pull strings on every level of government; that the local authorities are a part of the “system;” and that law enforcement does not want anything brought before the public about electronic stalking and mind control.

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