The silent massacre

Electronic Stalking Versus Mind Control

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Electronic Stalking Versus Mind Control
Four main points stand out: (1) Electronic stalking and mind control pervades the United
States of America, targeting victims that represent the make-up of the entire population; (2)
Conspiracy, deception, and secrecy are key elements in those activities; (3) Perpetrators of that electronic stalking and mind control conspiracy operate on national, state, and local levels; (4) Many of those conspiracies operate with the acquiescence and under the protection of law enforcement on all levels of government.
Ordinary electronic stalking can be carried out by many people and groups operating near the victims and using home-made or altered devices and equipment that can be easily purchased. Mind control, on the other hand, is quite another activity, which requires high-tech equipment, a great deal of organization, intensive training, utter secrecy, and the ability to operate by remote. Amateurs can carry out electronic stalking; however, only highly trained technicians can carry out mind control.
The Role of Jails and Prisons in Electronic Torture and Mind Control
Law enforcement has cooperated with REA on targets for many years. Experiments with

electronic torture and mind control in so-called correctional facilities probably began back in the 1960’s and 1970’s. David James Fratus, a prisoner in the Utah State Prison in Draper,
Utah, wrote of his experiences with REA in that facility in a 1988 letter. I include below some excerpts from that very long and descriptive letter.
“I began to receive, or hear, high frequency tones in my ears. Like the test pattern on a TV set. The volume or intensity of these frequencies is adjustable and some are so high and piercing that they've literally had me climbing the walls. You cannot imagine what it has been like confined to a cell 24 hours a day for almost a rear [year] now, being brain blasted by high frequency impulses--no respite, no place to hide, and having not the lightest notion what was going on.
For the climax in this series of weird events, I began to hear voices in my ears. Voices that change pitch and timbre in contrast from being a cartoonish high and squeaky, descending through the octaves, including everything from sinister Darth
Vadorish to basically normal characteristics. The reception of these voices into my inner ears is as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones, and they are able to mix, match, and blend them in conjunction with the frequency tones creating a raucous cacophony of audio discord that disheartens the soul.
Now for the clincher. The various effects of this device have been progressively increased throughout this eleven-month onslaught, finally arriving at full potential with the end result being that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort. No hoax, no illusion to what I'm experiencing. These people have devised or acquired a specialized unit that reads absolutely everything--physical as well as mental functions, and are able to cause severe impairments and dysfunctions via this remote-control scanning device.
This scheme of sleep deprivation, headaches, and audio torments is relentless and being used to break down my resistance and wear me to a mental frazzle, permitting no mental privacy, berating and picking my thoughts apart, and attacking my mind with an insidious tirade of sickening innuendo and threats. They are going into my subconscious, or memory bank, bringing forth unpleasant memories long ago forgotten, and I am being punished for past as well as present indiscretions. I can think of anything from the past-- a friend or situation from 30 years ago for instance, and the voices will provide names and particulars. I have repeatedly tested and attempted to trick them on this. No way. They have better access to what's in my head with this nefarious invention than I do.
I can converse with my antagonists merely by thinking what I wish to say.... and I welcome you to the Twilight Zone!! How the hell is this being done?? They are using those frequency impulses to perpetrate some very vicious maltreatment on me. With the apparent ease of manipulating a keyboard, they can, with a flick of the switch, strip me of all energy and motivation to where I'm forced to lie on my bunk and stare at the wall like a zombie. I've been left in this state for weeks at a time--literally chained to my bed without the actual use of physical restraints, having not the energy to walk back and forth in my cell even a few times. For almost the entire eleven months I have continuously been made to feel low down and chronically depressed.
It is inconceivable to me that the technology of this awesome device can be unique and possessed solely by the State of
Utah, but I may very well be wrong. When I first entered the prison in May, 1986, one of the psychologists who conducted my initial classification interview inquired as to whether I had ever heard "voices." That seems to be the key word around here. . .
.The proficiency of the apparatus I'm dealing with is sophisticated far beyond anything scientists had apparently imagined in use at that time. I have since heard many references made to people hearing "voices" by both inmates and staff, which would indicate that these people were in possession of, and employing this technology at least that far back. This is what prompts me to wonder how they could have had such an innovative piece of equipment in use, operating with apparent perfection of technique, without the scientific and medical community in general being aware of it. Quite a puzzle.
At least two inmates that I know of have been badgered to the point of having attempted suicide as a result of this mental torment, and something stinks to the high heavens here! All of the staff, as well as a number of inmates, are aware of what is happening, so I can't fathom how it can remain, or even at this time, be a kept and closed secret human nature being what it is. They [prison authorities and guards] are so very smug and secure in the belief that they cannot be brought to account for these blatantly illegal acts due to their well rehearsed methods of official denial, isolation, and absence of witnesses, bogus psychiatric evaluations, and of course, the fact that this mental torment is being accomplished by a faceless machine, operated by anonymous antagonists from an unknown location and distance.”
What happened to Fratus in the Utah prison represents the most heinous crime against humanity. Keep in mind that Fratus wrote his letter over twenty years ago. Imagine how much more sophisticated the equipment, the software, and the mind control techniques have gotten in the last two decades. And imagine how the spread of that evil has proliferated in the meantime.

In a case aired on the TV program “48 Hours” on August 16, 2008, the narrator told about
Florida playboy Fred Kretsmer’s spending eight months in a California prison and later hearing “voices.” Kretsmer later murdered a woman. Did the voices that he heard urge him to kill? Several victims with whom I corresponded who also hear voices had served time in prison. Thus, it appears that prisoners are routinely implanted with microchips and often submitted to psychological torture in prisons.
A few of email REA correspondents have served jail or prison time. All of them were subjected to electronic torture and mind control in those facilities. They believe that they were also targeted while they were there. In truth, they may have already been targeted long before they were incarcerated.
Only the most naive, uninformed persons will believe that state prisons exercise a monopoly over electronic torture devices and methods and mind control. Other elements of law enforcement must know about them. Moreover, how did those prisons acquire that technology in the first place? Detention center personnel appear to be a party to the entire intelligence community/law enforcement REA conspiracy.

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