The silent massacre

U. S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement Examined

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
U. S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement Examined
The stand-back, hands-off position of the FBI and local law enforcement is understandable only if one considers that those authorities themselves may be involved in electronic assault and mind control activities. Ask yourself the following questions.
(01) Who would have the equipment to carry out electronic assault?
(02) Who would have the knowledge about how to use that equipment for REA?
(03) Who would have a ready opportunity to use the equipment?
(04) Who can communicate through a network that allows them national coverage?
(05) Who has the authority to investigate people and obtain their personnel and military files?
(06) Who has the financial resources required to buy the equipment, procure the attackers, train those people, and pay them for their services 24/7?
(07) Who has the technical expertise to train attackers in electronic stalking and mind control activities?
(08) Who has secure facilities where extra-legal records on the targets and information gathered on the targets can be kept?
(09) Who has the authority and funding to send hundreds of investigators into the field to conduct interviews with people who know the targets and record those interviews.
(10)) Who has the connections to pursue victims from city to city, state to state, and country to country as they seek to escape the effects of REA?
(11) Who can best start rumor campaigns and spread misinformation about the targets?
(12) Who can prevent investigations by law enforcement into complaints of REA?
13) Who can encourage the medical and scientific communities to maintain silence on REA and psychiatrists to label victims paranoid-schizophrenic without looking further into the subject?
(14) Who can summon the assistance of telephone companies, public utility companies, and internet providers in tapping phones and hacking computers of victims?
(15) Who can command the cooperation of the post office and the package delivery services into misdirecting and interfering in other ways with the victims’ correspondence?
(16) Who has the human resources to fill the internet with lies, misleading material, and deceptive information on electronic stalking and mind control?
(17) Who has the equipment and the capability of tracking a person within his home or any other structure and pinpointing any place on that person’s body?
(18) Who has the means to encourage neighbors to ostracize a victim in his own neighborhood?
(19) Who has the power to direct the resources of the IRS, DEA, ATF, and other agencies on the targets?

(20) Who has the capability of gaining access to the targets’ financial records and credit reports?
(21) Who has the clout to silence Congresspersons, especially the Committee Chairpersons, from ordering a national inquiry into widespread and increasing allegations of REA?
(22) Who has the capability to garner the cooperation of elements of all ethnic groups against a target?
(23) Who can make certain that no REA complaint is submitted on local law enforcement’s monthly crime report?
(24) Who has the influence to keep any mention of REA out of local newspapers? (25) Who has the authority to issue policy statements denying that electronic assault even exists?
(26) Who has unlimited human resources to use in this manner?
(27) Who can legally allow or block out frequencies over the air?
(28) Who can subsidize the rent of policemen and other local law enforcement to rent an apartment or house next to yours?
If you answered “the government,” or the powerbrokers, to all twenty-eight of those questions, you are correct.
Electronic stalking and mind control simply cannot exist without the knowledge of the FBI and other Federal intelligence gathering agencies, period. That hints of a vast and widespread conspiracy that must necessarily include local law enforcement. The conspiracy is secret, well organized, and thoroughly implemented. It is highly possible that conspirators may include legally constituted and outwardly legitimate groups. If that is correct, the FBI, DIA, MIA, DOD,
CIA, and other American intelligence units would have to train those selected groups, provide them the equipment and know-how to use it, and advise them.
In the event of a crime, a victim’s only recourse is to inform law enforcement of the crime.
Those authorities are expected to investigate and assist the victim. If law enforcement is the perpetrator, to whom else can a victim turn for help?

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