The silent massacre

The Real Domestic Terrorists

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Real Domestic Terrorists
Much publicity is focused on alleged domestic terrorists by the controlled media. I suggest that the people who engage in, promote, and protect electronic stalking and mind control are the best example of domestic terrorists. Why have electronic stalkers and mind control artists and their accomplices not been caught? They will be. It is only a matter of time, perhaps a short time. However, their evil has long gone undetected and unpunished for the following reasons.
-- They operate in total secrecy; therefore, their locations are unknown. The attackers probably take an oath of secrecy. Otherwise, one of the attackers tells a relative who tells a friend and soon the truth is out.
-- They employ a method or methods of electronic harassment and mind control not yet fully understood. There are those researchers who believe that attackers use, in addition to microchips, other means to communicate with the victims’ brains. Whatever method is used, it will require some type of transmitter/receiver, although those instruments may function slightly differently.
-- Their electronic stalking and mind control activities leaves little or no evidence. A part of the whole scheme is to operate in a manner that leaves no trace of evidence that could lead investigators to the perpetrators. The attackers count on victims not having tangible evidence to submit with their complaints of REA. Without proof of assault, of course, law enforcement has either the pretext not to investigate or finds little cause to investigate.
-- Victims are reluctant to make complaints, as they have no proof of assault and cannot identity the assailants and do not want to appear foolish.
-- Psychiatrists, doctors, and others in the medical community do not recognize the existence of REA. Indeed, if they acknowledge that patients who suffer REA are not paranoid schizophrenic, they then find themselves unable to treat those symptoms in the traditional psychiatric manner.

-- Law enforcement has been almost completely uncooperative.
The cowardly perpetrators of REA are textbook cases of domestic terrorists. In addition to committing terrorism, the stalkers are guilty of (1) stalking, (2) harassing with malicious intent,
(3) coercion (in attempting to make the victim do things that he/she does not want to do with their mind control methods), (4) psychological and virtual rape, (5) breaking and entering
(which they often do to intimidate the victims by unlocking locked doors, turning back clocks, moving items in rooms, hiding other items, etc.), (6) burglary and theft (which they commit when they enter a victim’s home and take items to confuse and disorient the victim), (7) recording a victim’s conversations without his/her consent, (8) peeping tom-ism (through their ability to view the victim), (9) assault and battery (by using electric shock, etc. against the victims), (10) slander (by circulating false rumors and stories that lack proof about the victim),
(11) libel (when those rumors and stories are put into print in the from of emails, etc), (12) computer hacking and phone tapping, (13) conspiracy, (14) in some cases, blackmail and extortion, (15) first degree murder (when a victim suffers a fatal car crash because of sleep deprivation), and (16) attempted murder (when their plans do not succeed). Their list of crimes will put them away for the remainder of their evil lives.
In addition, the domestic terrorists violate a large number of FCC and other laws regarding the illegal use of electronic equipment. However, they will NOT engage in credit card fraud, identity theft, extortion, blackmail, or any other activity that will force them to communicate in writing or that will be traceable. Should that happen, the FBI and local law enforcement would be forced to look into those crimes and record them as crimes. After all, the FBI investigates serious crime such as the theft of sports memorabilia.
Keep in mind that electronic assault and mind control contains two elements: (1) electronic harassment and (2) mind control. The first element is often conducted from close range by persons using homemade or easily purchased electronic devices. Those criminals may live next door or in an adjoining apartment. The target will often have a good idea of the perpetrator’s identity and may even also in rare cases be able to gather sufficient evidence to bring suit against that individual or individuals. Electronic harassment is very often linked to gang, or neighborhood, stalking. Those acts can oftentimes be recorded on videotape and presented as evidence although the victim probably cannot count on the authorities for much assistance. Electronic harassment is also conducted by remote.
On the other hand, mind control, which also invariably includes electronic assault, leaves no evidence and the perpetrators are unknown. The perpetrators operate by remote, perhaps over very long distances, and leave no trace of their work. I have not yet communicated with any mind control target who has been victimized in a traceable and prosecutorial manner.
There appears to be an increasing incidence of “home grown” terrorism in the United States. I suggest that we should shift our emphasis from searching out possible home grown terrorist to studying what causes domestic terrorism. Sooner or later the growing number of victims of electronic stalking and mind control will contribute to “home grown terrorism” by creating dissidents.

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