The time is 8: 52. We have a member of the public who has come to spaes speak. Mr. Daiven port

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Motion for approval.
Second by Ms. Denys.
You have is the floor?
I'm done.
Mr. Daniel.
Thank you. As I was telling Mr. Motes you guys are headed in the right direction. I was a little bit surprised by what the county insurance policies covered. I've been a sole practitioner and I've a provided my employees what we -- the goal here beginning to upgrade that. That is something we really need to do. I'm glad to see you guys going in that direction. Thank you.
Mr. Dinneen.
Final comment. Thank you, Tom. Committee. Mr. Robinson. I meant what I said about being proud of the fact our unions also believe we would do right by people. I think is to make sure they understand by going together collectively we ended up getting a better value for them without hurting the taxpayers at all. I'm proud of that. That sets the stage for the anxious we have when we -- Anning when we go to bid. We will discussion skusz the smaller programs and also working on a committee that will look at union and nonunion people. It's going to be very competitive. Very complicated. Thank god we have Mr. Robinson working for us. I think -- [ Audio breaking up brgs
In today's work who knows what the cost will bes. We all -- we all may end up having to pay more. I want to make sure when we get to that point the employees understand we did right by them and the taxpayers. I'm pleased with how this came out. Good work -- you made it look easy here at the committee. I know the amount of material you went through sun believable. If there's one thing -- if there's one thing struggle with, this health insurance stuff is so complicated. I'm so glad we have Mr. Robinson on our team.
All right. So notion on the floor approval of contracts with Aetna life insurance company, American heritage life to provide group cancer, and standard insurance company to provide group short term and long term disability. All those in favor. All those opposed.
So carried. 7 -0. Item 6. >> Contract amendment with health smart benefit solution for third party administrative services. This made me nervous when I read this we just did a contract for this and now getting rid of it.
Tom Motes human resource kreshth. Hilt smart is our third party. We are now going on dental and vision with a fully insured companies they will process the claims. We went back to them and Dave in our office negotiated with them to remove the cost of processing the dental and vision my name is claums. We've amended the agreement and brought it to you and it will save patr $56,000 -- approximately $56,000. I will entertain any other staff comment.
Mr. Chair, fronl the point that it's those koount kind of savings we were tiebl make the change employees and still not custody --
We made shire they're all balanced out.
No further comment from staff. I will entertain a motion.
I move approval amendment with health smart benefit solution for third party and to decan cleat the administrative services for dental and vision.
A second. Further discussion. Seeing none. All in favor of the contract signify by aye. All those opposed. So carried. We are at 6-0. Mr. Wagner had to step out for a moment.
I move for a 10 minute --
I was just going to say. Unless an objection I will take us into a ten minute recess.
Chm betters could please come to order. Next item up number 7. Fit call year 2015-16 advertising authority's budget presentations. Tammy bong you have the floor.
Thank you. Today we have three agencies that are going to be submitting a budget. Your pact a brief summary along marketing plan and budget summary document that is also included with phone -- some deta tailed line items. Today we're going to present the Power Point presentation. We will answer any questions you have. We will start off with Tom making his presentation and Renee will give the advertising presentations with west Volusia and southeast. I'll be happy to answer questions as we conclude. We'll start with Tom.
Thank you. Tom educatetive director of the Halifax advertising doing business as the Daytona beach visitors council. Good morning. County chair Davis, distinguish ed distinguished council members and county staff that we worked with so hard on this. Today we're seek approval of our 2015-16 fiscal year budget marketing plan. 2013-14 was our best year in ten years and so far 2014-15 the year we're currently in has surpassed that mark to be our best year as we are 12% ahead of last year at this time. Our strengths -- let's see. Destination strengths and weaknesses have changed somewhat due to proposed projects like the three hotels in the works. Daytona Rising. The Tanger out let mall and the ECHO projects. Our weaknesses still center around the old spring break image that hasn't been in place since 1919 but it dies -- 1991 but dies hard in people's mind improvements to infrastructure. Happily our strengths are over coming our weaknesses. The opportunities are centered around working together to collectively market and sell this great destination. Our new branding the original American beach resonating with our guest base. We have done five focus groups in various place like New York, North Carolina, Texas and we have one more to do in Tampa. People really connect with that because they see us as an original, American original with racing starting here. People used to fly their planes on the beach. The plaza hotel. And we're also the first hotel in the state of Florida to go year round at the plaza. We've added a representation firm to represent in england, Ireland and Germaniny. We're working on a golf package that will include a fishing combo. We're one of the few places on the planet where you recollect U.K. fish fresh -- yes you can fish fresh water and salt water within 20 minutes. We have great news of the Jet Blue nonstop. We had a meeting with jet blue a couple of weeks ago and a campaign to move that forward. Our focus will always bb b to fill our shoulder seasons. Our greatest occupancy fwans. Realizing you've -- I will be mroozed to answer any question you may have at that -- this time or at the end of the presentation. One note is the higher revenue reflect it is sesz of our current efforts. As we mentioned the develop -- increasing and in March of 2015 we exceeded the 1 million mark for the first time in the history of our organization. We are con -- targeting consumers as well as conventional and meeting market. The list of consumerers shows two new additions. On January 8 the New York Times doing a travel show. That is the day after the Jet Blue flight starts. They will help us pub size the flight at the show. We also added the Boston Globe Show three weeks after The Jet Blue flight starts. The other shows are standards that we do. The individuals always yields great results. The emphasis in these shows we show them all we have in echo tourism and the beach the number one reason people come here and our various events throughout the year. The ECHO projects provide us with many unique attraction. When they are combined with arts culture and heritage offering makes us at least a four-night stay. That's what we're after. The more nights they stay, the happier everyone is. Our visitation still shows Florida as our number one source of visit terse. New York has moved up and Texas increased. That's one reason we went to Texas to do focus groups. We are finding they are receptive to us and they know there's other beaches in Florida available other than desen -- our instate visitors are truly being tourist in their own backyard. Our in state visitors come from the nearby area. Our number one area is Orlando. We are trying to blooed their visitors here. We have 137,000 room nights. Equals ten points in occupancy. 07% now run a year of 80%. We keep -- the other thing we're work on other there. They have a huge Brazilian presence in Orlando. We're working with the international brokers to see how we can siphon some of that business off. The other important area is nearby market. We know that Nesh market visitors. The primary emphasis for this market is through digital advertising. Our trackable way to fill our shoulder season is through group convention and meeting sales. Or concentration of -- number of definites booked and number of new prospects we've found increases our business base. As Mr. Patterson said if you're not prospecting, you're not growing if you're not growing you need to get out of the sales business. Special markets. Like the Daytona beach half marathon. Approved $25,000 that you're voting on to thep that get going. That could be a great early event in a shoulder season. Right before 5:00 and after the Rolex. We also have the exco projects in if area of special projects using digital and social media. Our collaborative efforts are extremely important. We prove that the current year we are in. Bloggers travel writers and convention buyers with great results. We will dhont with our southeast Volusia and advertising authorities. By working together and using this 113,000 we have in there collectively as a very relist tick number we're going to get the economy scales we got last year so we can do more and bring more people in. That's the end of the presentation. I will thank you for your time and let me any if you have questions. It's a great day in Volusia County. Go out and enjoy it. Any questions? >>Vy one .
I have one. Florida is the overwhelming -- we get most of our visitors from Florida. Where in Florida?
I'll back up. They come from from Volusia County. Orlando, Jacksonville, palm coast and Tampa. We're doing work with our ad agency south of us because we're starting to see interest in there. I noticed in February we had people from the Palm Beach and Miami areas at LPGA and I asked why they were up here and they said they wanted cooler weather. They do get tired of 85 and higher year round. If it was one or two, but it was a lot of people at that time looking for cooler weather than what Miami has.
Jacksonville, palm coast?
Tampa, Orlando and Volusia. That's just people having vacations, stay occasions. Two or three nights. Getting out of their home. People from delane getting a beach. Renting a hotel room with their family. What we're trying to work on now is increase the stays from out of state in August because of the new school start date. If school starts the 17th for this area and people will stop traveling on the 10th. August has always been a good in-state visitation. We're hoping New York and some of the other areas that may start later because of snow days will help fill in the void that will happen because of school starting earlier.
Do you have any proye-x je-xs -- projections what New York will do when we get jet blue?
After meeting with their people if they started a flight to hell tomorrow, they will sell it out. They have such a 2308ing -- [ Laughter ]
It shows you how much they love this area line. When we -- airline. When we were talking to them we didn't tell them about two Thursdays away into the focus -- thirds in the focus group. When we said jet blue going to start a January 7 flight. Every one of the people in all four focus groups said there must be something there if Jet Blue is going there. They'll follow them anywhere. I think we'll do very well with that flight. Hopefully Jet Blue will look for a second flight and from Boston.
Thank you. May I go first?
Yes you may.
Thank you. Great presentation. Good number. I like the growth. I only have one pet peeve. I've told every director and board this. If you go to the last page of your presentation here. Please.
Bring it up for everybody. Are we on that?
This snaj
That one there. Thank you. What don't you see? People. I'm not worry rid about cars. People.
It -- snit looks like i deserted golf course and beach. I'm sorry Hyatt. That museum is cranking. Time lapse picture of one car going down the road in Daytona. We got -- I've told this to Renee and the west side and the east side and everybody. If you're going to try to advertise a beach, I'm going to pick on you Renee. Look at the front cover of the southeast. It's a beach. Great. There's nobody there. We're trying to tell people to come to our beach. Everybody loves it. I don't see anybody. I'd rather see it crowded. That's my only pet peeve. We have a lot of pictures with no people. That's what we're trying to encourage is people. Please. Other than that, thank you . Mr. Dinneen.
Thank you. Tom , good presentation. It's really been a breath of fresh air to see the changes that have gone on. A lot of it is Tom's leadership. I -- everybody I talk to, not just my staff but business people, believe for the first time that everybody, including the west and southeast, that for once we all seem to be rowing in the same direction. The krit suchls I hear now are -- criticisms I hear are let's just do it better. It's wonderful when you have that kind of attitude, this whole thing about catching the you wave. I'll tell you one thing that's a breath of fresh air. Sometimes you have to tell people they can celebrate the past. Sometimes you can't live in it. You have to talk about the new thing ts. And start realizing what we think is a positive is not a positive to somebody else. I had to walk out for a minute. You may have said this. One thing you told me that really resonated. Especially talking to the council members about their backgrounds. About the world's most famous beach. That tends to be where you lived. You may not resonate the same where you said America's beach. Destination you used different words that mean different things. That's really important. Now we're going to the next level how to refine the message. The only thing I talked to Tom about and talked to Renee about. My only criticism, not criticism, part of refining it. You're advertising needs to keep in pace with the investments we make. If we're making more investments in reefs and trails, more investments in the marine science center, we expect there to be -- to see that in the advertising. This originally started, Josh, remember, this whole thing start #23rd a question that he -- start #d from a question he asked years ago. We just invested 70 million in the ocean center. Where's the new ads for the ocean center. Start #5d discussion.
Let's not go back to that. [ Captioners transitioning ]

We want to hold hands and say can buy off. -- The point is, asking those questions led to what I'm getting at which is, what Josh is getting at, hour expenditure should show up. Just keep that in mind. We really appreciate the support that we had for the half marathon from everyone that was there that day.

Thank you. >> And if we can consider a motion that we would be approving the FY 2015 -16 budget as shown in your packet of 9 million-16 budget as shown in your packet of $9,757,044 ,
Can I have that number again? FY 15-16 budget submittal is 9,000,755 -- $9,757,044.
Do I hear a motion?
Mr. Patterson.
I go ahead and motion that we approve the budget for advertising in the amount of --


Okay. Sorry I don't have my glasses. >> You look cool that way. There is a motion on a -- on the floor for approval for the Halifax area advertising authority.
I will second that.
Thank you Ms. Q sack. -- Ms. -- Ms. Cusack. All those in favor signify by saying aye . All those opposed. So carried. So we have to do a motion for ever advertising. Thank you. Just wanted to make sure. >> Good morning. Renate Helen Baz , with directing Housing Authority located in the land -- Deland, Florida. I'd like to recognize people that showed support by coming out, Bob Davis the president of the hotel Motel Association, Doug Little, the tourism chair and he also is owner of the St. Johns River eco-tours in Barry and Sarah Patel who is the co-owner of the boutique hotel downtown and Sarah Hughes from the -- Hotel in Daytona. I'm not going to go into the marketing plan and everything, I will just keep this straightforward as the budget . To have received copies of the marketing plan along with our visitor profile and the Benedict and -- advertising media plan that talks about our creative. Let's start off with the key points, -- no that's okay. There we go.
You were showing something and I was digging all over the place trying to find that screen.
I wanted to make sure you were paying attention. I am not going to take -- go over all of the key points. I do want to update the first line and since we have received additional collections, we were up 19.4 person as of July 31 -- 19 for -- 19.4% as of July 31. What is not shown on the key points is that we are hosting the 50th anniversary conference of the Florida Trail Association in October 2016 . This is going to give us the opportunity to further showcase Volusia County's wonderful trail network through field trips for attendees and their families. We are excited about this opportunity and I have to tell you that they contacted us. They reached out to us. They saw what a wonderful trail system we had, and they felt that this was the perfect place to hold their 50th anniversary conference. Not only that because it is the 50th anniversary, they are going to being -- be bringing in federal and state people so it will really put the area of Volusia County and its trail system on the map. Also wanted to talk about the 44 Marina has been reached -- recently purchased and is undergoing an overhaul to turn it into the St. Johns River Marina resort. With 177 wet slits, 144 full-service RV sites, a restaurant, two tools and miles of hiking trails. Also not listed is the new Marriott and the new owners of the Putnam Hotel who plan to turn it into a boutique hotel. Let me continue on for some of the key points this is really exciting, I know Tom was talking about everything exciting in Daytona, so we have a lot of exciting things here as well. The local rugby team, the Warriors, are hosting the qualifying tournament for the American region of the rugby league World Cup in December. Teams from Canada and Jamaica will face off here and play in Jacksonville as well. So this tournament should relate to overnight stays for family and friends. The team will go back to jackets -- Jacksonville which is where they are being housed. I know you read last week in the newspaper about Clay Henderson being hired as the director as the newly established Center for environmental resilience which will be tied to the $6 million center to be built . They did just receive some funding from one of the steps and relatives to be able to go ahead and build this aquatic center. We have a lot of exciting things happening.
Here's our summary budget presentation that you have already received. Unfortunate to say that our budget has been reduced to $20,000 for this fiscal year. In talking with the budget department, they felt that we should just keep it conservative and make sure that everything goes smoothly and I would rather be conservative and celebrate later when our collections continue to increase. As always for us in the West Volusia area, our balance looks like a large amount for budgeting reasons, it is determined to be based on an accrual basis by the auditors, but we operate on an actual basis and project our carryover to be approximately $60,000. The reserves are also inflated in the additional carryover amount for that factor. We will have an accurate amount in December when we receive September's taxable collections. The following slides refer to the budget categories listed on the detailed comparison that you have . Here's the personal service broken out. As you can see they have been reduced almost 8% due to a position and reduction in health insurance costs, and a 61.5% reduction in the state employment phase. Professional services, you can see what that includes. On August 10, someone emailed you an outline of the ongoing research activities that she would be doing for the three authorities for the fiscal year 2015-16 , which is included in here, and 2014 visitor profile that mystifying did is attached -- that was used to develop our print digital and social media programs. Social media advertising, we had to reduce a little bit . However, and you can refer to the handout titled in the marketing breakdown, we are using the five days of fun in the messaging for our media programs, and I would like to point out that the creative mockups that you see are using stop photography for layout purposes. The final creative will incorporate photos used in our visitors guide which you all have received previously. Since contracting with Benedict advertising, we have begun using more earned media. That means press and media releases. And owned media which is websites, social media and other digital channels to leverage our advertising dollars, so that will be used extensively as we have had to reduce our advertising budget a little bit. We are really focusing on digital this coming fiscal year . If you will notice, in talking about marketing to our niche markets, it includes the half marathon sponsorship and the fishing tournament television is not only sponsoring the Bass Masters Pro, as well as television commercials and having the tournament televised. >> Expenditures by category, and that's it. Thank you. Any questions or comments? >> Okay. I don't see any comments. I do want to make one comment. I like your new logo there. It's the first time I have seen it. Where it says West Volusia, old Florida, new five. We hear so much -- new vibe . I like the way it is laid out. My compliment.
Thank you.
With that said I will entertain a motion for approval of the budget . Mr. Patterson.
I moved for approval of the budget for fiscal year 2015-16 in the amount of $521,356. Is that a correct number?
Yes it is. Just want to make sure.
Motion for approval of 521,000, $356 for the West Volusia advertising authority annual budget , do I hear a second?
I will second. >> Thank you Mr. Lowry. There is a second. Any further discussion? >> Seeing none, all those in favor of $521,356 for the Westside Volusia County fiscal year budget please signify by aye. All those opposed. So carried unanimous. Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you. >> New hat. You have the floor.
Yes. I am serving as interim Executive Director for the Southeast Volusia advertising authority so we will be presenting their budget as well. You have received the summary and detailed budget and personnel . You have received the media plan by paradise and PowerPoint presentation for your review, as well as the marketing plan. Both of those -- West Volusia and Southeast Volusia, we did minor tweaks to the plan to update them and bring them up to date for what is going on in the areas. Not a major overall. -- Not a major overhaul. We are open to new market opportunities, not only with -- in collaboration with the other ad authorities, but as with -- also with new opportunities as they may happen. I am not going to go through the key points except to update as of July 31, your today -- year to date they were up 11.1%. Key points continued. They did talk about the accolades that have been received in the area . Personal services. There was budgeting last year for some additional personnel, but they were never hired. So we have reduced the personnel down for this fiscal year. And the personal services line item does include a 3% salary increase for staff. The summary budget comparison, marketing PR and operating expenses, if you refer to your detailed budget comparison for a breakdown of the expenses, the capital refers to two laptops that were purchased in the 2013-14 fiscal year. The reserves look a little bit inflated. This is again due to accrual instead of actual and should be adjusted once we receive the September collections as well. The board has already discussed coming up with a list of special projects, advertising and promotional, as well as an increase in staff. I would like to recognize the board members that are present, Kate Minnick from Spruce Creek golf course . Lily Shelley who is the chair from the best Western, and Tony from the Hampton Inn. >> This indicates the expenditures by categories. And here is a little bit more about -- budget detail. In the promotional advertising if you will refer to the special handout that was given to you, that is labeled through paradise and this is where they have laid out advertising for the upcoming year. Travel and auto allowance includes 17 trade and consumer travel shows . The professional services include tourism research. By mid-Florida marketing. There will be a special board meeting on September 17 two review their support request. Mid-Florida marketing was contracted to develop an ROI report on funded events by interviewing attendees and this will be used as a basis to determine event funding. As you can see, the event funding budget was reduced drastically , down to $90,000 from $172,000 last fiscal year. And that's it. Any questions? >> Ms. Denys.

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