The time is 8: 52. We have a member of the public who has come to spaes speak. Mr. Daiven port

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Thank you. A couple comments here and then I think the manager wants to make a comment but I would like to ask some questions first of that's okay, Mr. Dineen. First of all, thank you. Thank you for filling a void. I am going to make some comments and then Mr. Dineen I will let you talk and I would like to reserve the right to come back after your comments. In your event support expenditures I am glad you talked about event funding. In the information I have here, all of a sudden I am seeing a whole bunch more requests for [ Indiscernible ] . My concern is, we have daytrip or in events -- events and if you look at this , when we come back and we will on this, I would like to see totals. It appears at first blush that one third of all event support expenditures are for daytrip activities . You are going to have to work really hard to prove to me that they are not those activities. The proof is when these have -- events happen, traffic is backed up and they are all leaving for the day. For example, take his name. When I go to Disney with my family and my grandkids, I think once in all of the years I have been here have I actually spent the night in Kissimmee. These are day-tripper events, and there is an increase , a marked increase. We are going back to the day that counsel stopped this several years ago. We will be addressing this . This is disconcerting. So I wanted to see proof that these are not day-tripper events. They need to be justified here. Who prepared your budget? >> It was prepared I believe a little bit by Carl before he left. Terry, and Bobby King came in when I was on vacation. There were some things that needed to be smoothed over while I was on vacation and Bobby King came in and worked on it with the budget department. The budget department was also involved. >> Okay. One thing that is missing here is the councils investment in trails, and as you know, this counsel just approved over $2 million for a triple hit -- trailhead that connects Edgewater to [ Name indiscernible ] beach. We have trails highlighted in Southeast Volusia and I thought -- we are missing a huge, huge investment in marketing. I think you are proof that they are coming over to West Volusia. That's a market totally missed, not captured at all or even in the discussion with this. I am going to reserve my right to come back after the manager's comments. Mr. Dineen if you would take it and then I will come back.
Thank you. One addition to your comment, Ms. Denys, is I think this is an opportunity with the new piece that the Council approved that connected directly to Smyrna Beach ought to be celebrated in the advertising. You will have a connector that goes both ways, from west side to the ocean -- it will be are only ocean connection directly -- and then connected directly. That ought to be celebrated some time. But before I make my other comment, let me say Renée, thank you very much. You are filling a void right now that unfortunately is larger than I anticipated. We're going to have to deal with that. I do appreciate you doing whatever you can. In some ways, I definitely agree with Ms. Denys and some of the comments she made, but how we get there during this transition period is somewhat of a challenge. Because you can't be everything to everybody. Okay? The concern I have for the councils sake is that you should have received yesterday the results from the audit we got.
Talking about the exit audit.
Yes. The good news about it is that there is no smoking gun. There is no expenditure were we found someone used a credit card improperly and bought something for themselves. But beyond that, and you always do in that scenario especially when your director leaves, especially the way it happened -- we did find some concerns that Renée knows about. I need you to understand what those concerns are, and on the administrative side we have some recommendations that we believe ought to go forward to make sure that the issues we found, which we were able to correct, can't happen again. So before you would approve their budget, I think you ought -- it wouldn't matter whether you put it off till the next meeting technically, but I think you ought to feel comfortable with what the audit found and what we think ought to be done in terms of addressing the issues found in the audit. In that way, I think you have full disclosure before you approve the budget. That would be my suggestion in terms of making sure that everyone is aware, because I want the council members to be fully aware of what we found because it was significant enough, and that we deal with it before we approve the budget. I think that would be a wise policy.
Would you be making that motion to postpone until next meeting?
No. I will postpone until there Southeast Volusia add authority board takes appropriate remedy to correct what has been disclosed on the exit audit. So whatever their board can remedy and present to us, because it will take board action from the Southeast Volusia add authority to remedy before it comes back to us for approval.
So the motion would be to postpone indefinitely. Because that could be next meeting or two meetings, or three meetings. However long it takes them --
Unless you want to call a special meeting. We can do that too.
Here is the issue. [ Indiscernible - multiple speakers ] we need to have approved a budget, which would be the best thing to do, by 24 September. Okay.
So that gives you adequate time to do exactly what you said.
Okay. That will give their board time to meet and review the audit and decide on remedy before Council approves this budget.
So you are asking for a postponement until --
Until the second meeting in September.
Okay. So postponement on this item until the second meeting of September.
Motion made by Ms. Denys, seconded by Mr. Lowry. Reader comments?
Know that's it, thank you.
And again, Renée thank you for stepping in.
The Council can -- the Southeast Volusia add authority can call as many meetings as they need in order to get their budget fixed.
Ms. Cusack -- your light was on?
Thank you. I would like to support the motion that we have just put on the floor. Also I have some concerns about these increases in some of these event support expenditures. They appear to be, in my opinion, [ Indiscernible ]. I would want further discussion as to where we are and justifiably so, these increases as it relates to your event support expenditures. >> That would be one of the concerns I have, that we ought to have some discussion so that we might approve these expenditures. Because I cannot approve these today. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, ma'am. I have a quick question and maybe you can answer this, Renée. ACA community programs. What is that? >> Atlantic Center for the arts.
Okay. I didn't know what the ACA stood for. Been there. I was looking at a $44,000 expenditure and I'm going, wow. But now that it is ACA, I understand. It's a very expensive program, but it works. I talked about -- well off budget, never mind. Off-topic and I don't want to go that far. Okay, Mr. Dineen, closing comment?
Yes one final comment. I have heard this from a number of council members. I will throw this out to the Council to see if this is how they feel. One of the things that may help in terms of understanding what the member -- marketing campaign is , especially in southeast where there is an issue. Occupancy and issues about how many people are there -- it's not a need at certain times because you are pretty full -- this applies to Smyrna Beach. There are times when it is packed, and the issue is how do we get people off the beach? One of the concerns from councilmembers is, how do we tie the advertising in so that it is marketing so that we show that it is trying to market for the dead times? Not just general marketing, and you don't have to do that now, but you may want to address that . I have heard this from a number of councilmember, that they believe in what you are doing, but we don't show that. I think it is a lot more germane to Smyrna Beach. So in the marketing if you have already filled up the rooms, you can fill them up again. But during the times you don't have anyone there, how was that marketing focused on trying to fill those times? I don't think there is a clear picture in the presentation of how you are driving this.'s I think a number of councilmembers have said that in one way or another to me. So I thought I would mention it today. Thank you. >> Just to expound on that, Mr. Dineen, you are right. In peak times, if there is no advertising we will still be full. So to advertising during peak season, and I will tell you what I am hearing out in the community. When I am having lunch meetings beachside , I was there Monday after a busy weekend and it was dead. I was talking to the proprietor and I said, well you were slammed this weekend, and he said Ms. Denys, we live and die by weekends. We have to do something to get them here for 3 to 4 days. We need to include families and tie them to events and bring them in other than from Orlando and just for the weekend. We need four and five day events because what is happening is , our businesses are shortchanged on the weekends because they are slammed, but the may have too many staff during the week that they can't sustain. The tourism and marketing to brand itself is bigger than just one industry . So we have to strengthen some of our weak areas. Our product is very good, as you know. But we have weak areas we need to strengthen the marketing on, and I am hearing it more and more from some proprietors , without naming names, some business owners that are concerned. So Mr. Dineen is accurate that that is what I am hearing a lot of. If we can look at that as somehow -- to broaden that area. Marketing during our peak time is, well, they are going to come one way or another. So if we could look at however that happens. You guys are the professionals, but that is a dynamic. Mr. Dineen, coming back then, counsel, what I would like to do to, depending on this -- how this book goes. I think we need to look at ad authorities and pay structure -- how that goes for employees and how this is set in approval. I think there are some things that need to be strengthened because when there is a vacuum in change -- a vacuum and change , and I think we are seeing that again, I think it is time for counsel to have a policy discussion on ad authorities and setting some parameters. When we get through this, I am not doing it again.[ laughter ] We need to talk. And I think when we get to this exit audit and the budget comes back , counsel, we have a responsibility to set some policies and stop some of this. Renée. Thank you.
Thank you. We hired Evelyn fine with Midshipman Florida marketing and research to handle the Executive Director search. She did an excellent job in finding Tom. A wonderful job in finding Tom. And I wanted to make sure -- to a short counsel -- to assure people that they would have a strong person at the helm this time of that organization. So Ms. Denys, you don't have to go through this again. None of us have to go through this again, because it is difficult . I am happy to step in, but you can only do this so long. We have entirely different marketing plans, entirely different focuses and it is different with the different staff. I was happy to help out for a limited period of time. I want to assure you that by hiring this fine, that we will have the highest, utmost opportunity to have the right person in place that can guide the advertising, the marketing. That can make the changes in the organization that need to be made so that you have a healthy entity , a healthy organization, promoting the Southeast Volusia area.
Who did the search last time? >> No one. It was done with the board.
Okay. The board advertised out there on --
Right . Right.
But missed fine, qualified, quantified -- Mrs. find qualified and quantified , she researched the references and spoke with people in the community where they have worked to make sure they are not just putting on a pretty face with the presentation. Thank you.
Thank you, ma'am.
Okay there is a motion on the floor for continuance until the 24th? Is that the correct date?
Can I suggest this? That we be no later than the 24th and if by some chance we have a done for the first meeting in September, we bring it so that it gives you more time.
Is that okay with the motion? And the second? Okay. So amended. Could you please state the amended ? Restate your motion than. For the record.
Just for the record, we are going to bring back for approval Southeast Volusia ad authority budget no later than September 24.
I need a second to approve. Okay. Is that okay sir? I am always looking to you for procedure? We are good? He is happy. All right. So moved and seconded.
Mr. chair?
Oh. No sir you may not break the rules. [ Indiscernible - multiple speakers ]
Bob Davis.
Bob, one moment please. [ Indiscernible - multiple speakers ] I have a deputy here who would like to speak to me. Yes, Charles.
I would like to also say in regard to the efforts of Evelyn, we have some new board owners in Southeast Volusia working hard to get their hands around a lot of the processes and procedures. I don't want them to go unrecognized in their efforts. Buck so noted, Sir. Bob, I was in the middle of the question. You know that is a violation of the rules of order.
Me I just make a comment?
Is there any objection on the Council? Seeing no objection, -- I would like to -- think the counsel for the hard work you have been doing to bring in all the advertising agencies together and today I think you have seen the proof of all the efforts going on. One piece that was missed is that Volusia County in 2014 by the state of Florida -- not by any of the advertising boards -- brought in 9.1 million visitors. 9.1 million visitors . That's 600,000 more than the year before. That brings in bed taxes, taxes for the Ocean Center, and for that we are very thankful for all of the groups working together. I have been making the rounds per your suggestion to the advertising boards. I have not yet advertised -- visited one of them but I did go to Smyrna Beach and another place yesterday encouraging the board members to first of all come to the board meeting and secondly every so often call the councilperson who appointed them so that you are aware, not just once a year or from the newspaper of what is going on, and I think we have to think all of these folks for showing up today. Last but not least, I need to thank Deb for putting together a meeting with the college in Edgewater on a workforce that will be going to -- and I am leaving right now at one deck 00 with the entire community of Edgewater and what the college can do. Thank you for giving me that time. >> Bob, stop. Walk over there and fill out a yellow form, Sir. Correct , Mrs. Zimmerman? Get over there and fill that out. In triplicate, now. [ laughter ] Is there any other comment?
Good. I am calling the question. The motion is for postponement of the Southeast Volusia advertising budget approval until at latest 24 September. Motion by Ms. Denys, second by Mr. Lowry . All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. All those post. So carried -- all those opposed. So carried. >> Okay. Well you have a boards that you can deal with on that. Thank you, ma'am. >> Everyone okay, do we need a five-minute break? No we are moving on. Item number eight. Mr. Wagner.
I wanted to for the record pull all agenda items as well. >> You were a little late on that. It's already been done. >> Here is the reason why. I'm going to make a motion to pass all agenda items.
Okay there is a motion on the floor to pass all agenda items. All agenda items?
All consenting items. If I could do that, I would.
Is that permissible? Is said motion -- >> Unless you have public participation slips. Unless you -- are there public participation slips?
No sir. There is a motion on the floor to pass all agenda items. Is there a second. Mr. Davis. Perfect.
Further comment, Mr. Wagner.
I was going to keep the floor.
Why don't you yield? >>[ laughter ] Just remember he who talks the most --
Mr. Daniels, you have the floor.
The reason I pulled them is that I read through the [ Indiscernible ] and there are and number of discrepancies in numbers and some incomplete packages that I thought. That's what I was going to be bringing up. But in looking at it, it is the sort of thing that I can talk to individual members of the staff to get straightened out, and I don't really want to take the County Council's time with that. So what I would do is -- I would amend Mr. Wagner's motion to exclude the two that Ms. Denys pulled and the one that has already been passed.
Can I just consent to that?
Well -- here is the easiest way to do this. You would have to restate a new motion, and he would have to restate the second.
[ Indiscernible - multiple speakers ] I think it is 24 and 35 that she pulled. And then there is 18 that has are ready been done.
18 has already been handled .
I withdraw my motion with a new motion.
Hold it. Okay. The items that have been pulled and already taken care of is 18, 25, I've been keeping score, and Ms. Denys has pulled 24 and 35. So your motion is approval of all consent items excluding 24, 35, 18, and 25.
So moved?
Seconded. We are moving along at a high rate of speed. Any further discussion on said matters? Seeing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye. All those opposed. So carried, thank you gentlemen for helping.
Now we will jump right ahead to item 24, Ms. Cusack Thank you. This really is for discussion and Mr. Daniels I wish I could enqueue for sending me to Pompeii for the day to hire a new executive director. He probably wished you were there instead of me to at the end of the day. What I would like to pass out now is a handout. I don't know if you have seen these. I will give you one here . If we can put it up on the overhead? Just take one and pass it down. Here is what I learned after sitting there for six hours . And interviewing for an executive director, which by the way we hired a very good guy. Duane is very competent. Here's my concern. Indian River County, there are supposed to be five counties in this collaborative. Indian River County opted out because their fear was that the South Florida water management District would control all the projects. So I listened, I listened to the EPA, I listened to the water management, South Florida water management and then they went to the call for projects. Remember the legislative session begins in January.
Here's their list of projects that this group was prepared to send to the legislature. I want you to note that there is not one project from Volusia County on this list. No that's funded. I'm talking new projects. New projects, $220 million here for and ask, and not one from Volusia County. I sat there and heard other people from the audience and distinguished panel demand return on investor , my question was you tell me where the Return on Investment is for Volusia counties $50,000 and why not one project? Tom Kerry was there in the audience. I talked with Lewis McGee on the way home. We were not notified -- Volusia County was not notified for a list of projects in the call for projects. When I was there and I asked him, who came up with this list? He said we have a scientist that does it. I said you should have told us we needed to hire a scientist to get a project on the list . I was very frustrated. No one could answer my questions. No one could answer my questions. So for $50,000 -- and if you look, it is clear. South Florida is controlling the agenda and this is why Indian River backed out. So what happened with Indian River County, why we have the amendment here. There are three cities that wanted to join the collaborative since the county wouldn't. And we are being asked to approve that. But here's the thing. As I look at that and listen, I thought okay. They have had this on the list for quite a while. However, three of the cities that are asking to join from Lake County separate from the county, there ask is on here and they have anything yet been approved to be part of the collaborative. So what I realized in sitting there -- I researched probably more than I should, and I read more than I should , but all of those hours of sitting there and listening, St. John River water management and South Watt -- South Florida water management each contributed $500,000 to this collaborative. So you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out where these projects are going to go and how the money is going to flow, let alone the water. So I have to tell you, I don't know what the answer is. Doug, I would like to hear my councils input because for $50,000 , if we turn that back over to our staff, and I asked Kelly McGee, what would you do with $50,000. She said we would have money to do these survey to get this project ready. We might just be more -- we might just do a better job in-house and letting staff do this. I am not convinced this is the answer. Especially after sitting there all day. I am not convinced of Volusia County being part of this collaborative is going to make any difference to Volusia County. I am just not there. I would like to hear your input. I'm sure you disagree with me.
[ Indiscernible - multiple speakers ] Mr. Patterson's next. >> I kind of agree with councilmember Deborah Denys. I am going to make a motion that we not agree to the amendment of whatever this thing is, and to allocate the $50,000 to County staff to come up with Project staff -- any remainder is used to pay our lobbyists, Gray Robinson law firm to lobby those issues for us.
Isn't that what they do? Isn't that what they are supposed to do anyway?
Yes but we're asking them to do something else. We are adding to it and I feel that is the fair thing to do.
There is a motion -- this is a new one. There is a motion for disapproval, is that the proper term?
Motion to deny. I like that. Motion to deny the amendment to the Indian River local agreement. Do I hear a second? Buck one moment Sir. I think that motion had two parts the second part was not to pay the $50,000, which is the annual -- standby.
Restate the motion, sir.
Deny the amendment to the Indian River program an agreement and not pay the $50,000 contribution to the Indian River program.
So basically you are saying -- wouldn't it be easier to say motion with -- to withdraw from the national Indian River? >> Know because we have never written a check to begin with.
Okay, never mind. >> And after this motion passes I want to make another motion.
Okay. The motion is to deny the amendment to Indian River Lagoon estuary program, and to not pay the $50,000 annual contribution. Do I hear a second?
Second. Thank you, Ms. Denys. Now there is a whole bunch of discussion. Mr. Eckert, you have tried to jump in here. We should hear from the lawyer first. >> Effectively it would be a withdraw for the upcoming fiscal year.
Okay. All right, Mr. Daniels. You have the floor Sir.
Actually, I am number two. There should be someone in front of me. I am showing up as number two.
It's me. You have the for two, -- you have the floor two.
Go ahead Sir.
I think the staff was aware of the timeframe in which we needed to get our projects in. In talking to Kelly McGee , if Kelly is around anywhere, that we did get projects in . She was telling me this was something thrown together just at the last minute to give to the legislature and not to worry about it. I don't know. We will have to talk to the staff and find out why our projects aren't here. I don't know why they are not. They should have been. If the staff has no interest in being part of the Indian River Lagoon. Then we should get out of it. >> All right. Mr. chair?
Yes sir?
The staff doesn't decide policy. The staff doesn't decide if we are [ Indiscernible ] or not. They should talk to me. Make a recommendation, I pass it along. I do know there was a recommendation -- there was a request as to how we have done here recently . Marion can handle that for us. >> I have a list for counsel in terms of money we have received from the district and some of the funding agencies. I haven't looked at what was approved by the district. The Indian River Lagoon coalition, so I don't know what the distinction maybe . I believe given -- what I have heard at some of the meetings, there is a concern in terms of prioritizing for those portions of the Lagoon that have been designated as impaired. Volusia County does not have that designation. If that is going to be part of the ranking, I think Mr. Daniels will remember we had this as part of our discussion with the district .

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