Research Questions This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of TikTok as an advertising platform and its influence on the buying decision-making process of young adult consumers within the demographic of DHVSU Apalit students. Specifically, the study aims to address the following key research questions:
How may the advertising marketing strategy of products in TikTok be assessed in terms of:
live selling;
short- video content; and
affiliate marketing?
What are the factors affecting the decision-making of young adult consumers in terms of:
Personal Factors;
Social Factors;
Cultural Factors; and
Psychological Factors?
3. What are the effects of TikTok advertisements on the buying decision of consumers?
Data gathering procedure The sequential format in making this study will be illustrated as follows: firstly, the data collection method, survey and interview questionnaires will be distributed through online forms. Google forms will be the platform that the researchers will specifically use. The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the young adults in DHVSU Apalit Campus. After the data collection, the next phase will be the processing, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the results.
The researchers will conduct a dry run to check the reliability and validity of the formulated questionnaire. The reliability coefficient of the instrument will be tested and measured to check the internal consistency. The validity of the research instrument will be established by presenting the developed research instrument for the comments of the experts who will rate the instrument. Before the questionnaires are distributed, the researchers will obtain approvals from their subject teacher and adviser since the survey questionnaires will be sent online using some social media platforms like messenger, telegram, and email. After the dry run of the questionnaire, it will be tallied, and further revisions of the questionnaire will be made. After the distribution, the information that will be gathered from the answered questionnaire will be tallied for further interpretation.
Instrumentation The results of this study will be obtained via an online survey form that will be connected to a database capable of gathering and storing data. It will also offer statistical software analysis of the results. Survey research will be the essential instrument for all quantitative research procedures and investigations.
Survey questionnaires will be a list of inquiries designed to achieve the study's goals. They may be completed online using a Google form, and participants will be urged to do so.
There will be three sections to the online survey questions created in the Google form.
Part I will consist of questions assessing the effectiveness of TikTok in advertising a product, with variables such as live selling, short-video content, and affiliate marketing. It will be formulated on a modified 4-point Likert scale as follows: (4) Strongly agree; (3) Agree; (2) Disagree; (1) Strongly Disagree.
Part II will consist of questions that evaluate the decision-making of young adult consumers in terms of personal, social, cultural, and psychological factors. It will be formulated in a modified 4-point Likert scale (4) Strongly Agree; (3) Agree; (2) Disagree; (1) Strongly Disagree. Participants will be instructed to rate the statements and answer the questions.