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China Soft Power:

Africa is a litmus test for Chinese soft power

Bates Gill and James Reilly 2007 (Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS, East Asia representative for the American Friends Service Committee, “The Tenuous Hold of China Inc. in Africa,” Washington Quarterly, Summer, ln)

Taking such steps would have broader… diverges with their substantial interests on the continent
Chinese ability to negotiate resources imports are critical to its peaceful rise

Shi Yinhong professor of international relations at Renmin University of China. “China’s peaceful rise is all about soft power” China Daily 06-14-07

China is seeking to become a sustainable… foreign trade and diplomatic power.
Strong Sino-African relations are key to China’s soft power

Bates Gill and James Reilly 2007 (Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS, East Asia representative for the American Friends Service Committee, “The Tenuous Hold of China Inc. in Africa,” Washington Quarterly, Summer, ln)

Contrary to conventional but typically superficial… valued part of that transformation
Only alternative to peaceful rise is military lashouts

International Herald Tribune 12/30/03 (Yoichi Funabashi, columnist and chief diplomatic correspondent for the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun,

There was a time when Chinese leaders… North Korean nuclear and missile problem.
Chinese Soft Power is key to stop war over North Korea

Melinda Liu. Feb. 8 2007. (Newsweek. “Can China Play Hardball Diplomacy?”

Feb. 8, 2007 - Once again Beijing is swarming… stage of disarmament could play out.

Africa News 99

Reps K:

The American relationship to Africa is defined by images, saturated by representations of conflict, disease, and the permanent affliction of catastrophe and chaos. Policymakers can’t help but solidify the dehumanizing frame for intervention that these images demand.

When we think of Africa, images… political power distribution in the world

The attachment to images of African catastrophe castigates Africans to a permanent global underclass. Defined as harbingers of their ever-present demise, Africans become the objects of a genocidal process of dehumanization that’s grounded history’s most extreme atrocities.

Sankore 5 – Editor, International Federation of Journalists, Africa and Coordinator, Freedom of Expression and Associated Rights in Africa [ROTIMI, “The Pitfalls and Consequences of Development 'Pornography'”,]
Increasingly graphic depictions of poverty… people to freely define their future.

Our alternative is to short-circuit this cycle of pessimistic disaster imaging of Africa – telling a new story of Africa, severed form the model of prejudicial portrayal, is crucial to disconnect American policymaking from the mechanisms of colonialism.

Mezzana 5 [Sociologist and Researcher, CERFE Group African Research, Danielle, “A CANCEROUS IMAGE”,]
The literature reported in this field has revealed barriers… information on the African reality.


Bush has established a perception of fiscal restraint

Novak 7 (Robert, Chicago Sun Times, 6-18)

Addressing a republican…in the months ahead

Foreign assistance would crush fiscal discipline

Rice 6 (“Africa’s Strategic Importance to the US”)

Discerning and disaggregating…simply be pouring money down a rat hole
This degree of spending will shock the economy

Patrice Hill, Washington Times, 4-23-2007 (“Expiring tax cuts may shock economy” 027421841978F18BE895F87F791&tier=4&id=881D890EE9504E7295ADC278CCAB1B8D)

Congress will have to steer carefully…for the economy, he said
US econ is key to world econ

Fund Strategy 6

The emphasis on consumption…locomotive to growth
Nuclear War

Beardon 00

Gulliver Prep MM – Affirmative – RFID’s – Version 1


Other things we have run a lot are Hege bad which we do not have electronically and politics, so far this year we have run Iraq Withdrawal Bad, India Deal Good, Lost Good, Lost Bad, Fisa Good.

We run mostly case specifc if you have any questions email us at, OR

1ac Version 1

Observation one: inherency

despite strong fda recommendation, rfid has not been implemented
Ferguson, 2K7
(Renee Boucher, eWeek staff writer, “FDA Looks to Technology to Help Secure Drug Supply”, June 15,,1895,2146950,00.asp)
In 20’04, the FDA identified serialization… of RFID, which frequency standard to adhere to.
drugs rarely reach their destination – in some areas up to 40% is diverted and resold at a price that puts the aid out of reach for the people that need it the most
Thompson, 2k4
(Margery Boichel, Editor, “HIV/AIDS Drug Donations and Price Reductions in Sub-Saharan Africa ,” Proceedings, The Global Alliance for Women’s Health, Heather Lauver, Pfizer, Inc, “DRUG DIVERSION: WHAT ARE THE ISSUES, AND HOW DO WE ADDRESS THEM?")
Product is projected to meet the needs …small part of the whole picture.
Advantage one: The markets
the grey market is the only channel by which diverters are able to sneak in fake drugs
Yanku, 2k6
(Wyatt, research intern at the American Council on Science and Health, “Counterfeit Drugs: Coming to a Pharmacy Near You,” The American Council on Science and Health, August)
How could this happen? The answer lies in the nature … supply that didn’t also involve drug diverters.
These counterfeit drugs routinely poison the users, multiply the number of infected, proliferate the disease, and empirically makes current drugs ineffective
Yankus, 2k6
(Wyatt, research intern at the American Council on Science and Health, “Counterfeit Drugs: Coming to a Pharmacy Near You,” The American Council on Science and Health, August, google)
Counterfeiting is an especially serious problem …desperately-needed medicines.
counterfeit drugs has empirically caused drug resistance – hiv/aids is on the brink of becoming completely drug resistant
Morris and Stevens, 2k5
(Phillip and Julie, International Policy Network of London, “Counterfeit Medicine in Less Developed Countries: Problems and Solutions”,
Drug resistance Perhaps one of the most …Saharan Africa [need a ref for the paucity of new ARVs].

Outbreaks of resistant diseases cause extinction

South China Morning Post, ‘96
(Hong Kong) January 4, 1996 SECTION: Pg. 15 HEADLINE: Leading the way to a cure for AIDS BYLINE: Kavita Daswani meets a scientist working on a super vaccine to fight AIDS and more deadly viruses yet to come, l/n)
Despite the importance of …survival of the human race," he said.
Drug-resistant tuberculosis can easily proliferate and spread creating an unstoppable and untreatable global epidemic unless the US takes action to prevent the spread from and in Africa.
Smith, Park, and O’Brien, 2k7
(Adam, David R., and James K., U.S. Rep.D-Tacoma, is a co-sponsor of the Stop TB Now Act of 2007, co-chairmen of the Washington State TB Advisory Council respectively, “We must step up our efforts against deadly TB strain”, Seattle Times Editorial Section, June 12, ml/opinion/ 2003743613_tb12.html)
This very real and very lethal disease is …be an untreatable and unstoppable calamity.
Current drugs sold at a low-cost to Africa undermine profits, since the drugs will just be re-sold in Europe to compete with those marketed directly by the companies
Graham, 2k3
(John R., Director of pharmaceutical policy research at The Fraser Institute, “HIV Aid to Africa Will Encounter Obstacles,” The Heartland Institute, Health Care News)
The lack of good governance in health care …the companies that invented the medicines.
Not only do counterfeit products directly compete with legitimate ones, they also harm companies by lowering consumer confidence
KPMG, 2k5
(Swiss cooperative that serves as a coordinating entity for a network of independent firms, “Managing the Risks of Counterfeiting
in the Information Technology Industry,” ELECTRONICS, SOFTWARE & SERVICES)
For the company whose products are being …manufacture and distribution of counterfeits.
Pharmaceutical inaction to resolve the problems of drug counterfeiting makes them vulnerable to costly lawsuits
Capiello, 2k6
(Nicholas D, graduate of Suffolk University Law School, “Counterfeit-Resistant Technology: An Essential Investment to Protect Consumers and to Avoid Liability,” Journal of Health & Biomedical Law, 2 J. Health & Biomed. L. 277)
History indicates that a company can … and are available for implementation.
When the us pharmaceuticals take a hit, the world economy bleeds – the us pharma industry has a unique position in the global economy and counterfeiting is the chink in its armor
Morrione and Hurt, 2k3
(Marnie and William, senior International Industry Specialist for biotechnology, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals for the International, Trade Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, last modified July 11, “PHARMACEUTICALS,” Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotechnology, Trade Development,
The pharmaceutical industry is unique among …player in improving global health.
Economic decline results in nuclear war, extinction, and biosphere collapse
Bearden, 2k
(Tom, Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired). President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS Mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, U.S. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officer's Course, U.S. Army [equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering]. Numerous electronic warfare and counter-countermeasures courses, “The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly”, Association of Distinguished American Scientists, June, 24th,
History bears out that desperate nations …for many decades.
no alternative to profit motives – only sustainable solution – 5 warrants
Bate, 2k7
(Roger, Economist who researches U.S. and international aid policy in Africa and the developing world, evaluating the performance and effectiveness of USAID, the World Bank, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, NGOs, as well as other aid organizations and development policy initiatives, “What Works in Africa”, World Watch, January/February 2007 Issue,
With little fanfare, businesses are trying …of profit-making enterprise.


observation two: solvency
Mass serialization via RFID is the single best option available for securing drugs – also, mass serialization is inevitable so you have no offense – only question is if we use effective serialization to secure future drugs or not
FDA, 2k4
(Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, February, “Combating Counterfeit Drugs: A Report of the Food and Drug Administration”’04.html)
Use of mass serialization to uniquely …ensure correct dispensing of prescriptions.
RFID solves African drug diversion—other industries prove
RFID Analyst, 2k3
(Independent journal to concentrate exclusively on RFID, Issue 24, IDTechEx, January)
Drug product diversion is increasing. For example…this months journal for more.
Don’t hate the playa, hate the game – their link assumes putting rfidS on people – not the plan and zero risk
Brito, 2k4
(Jerry, Managing Editor, 2004-05, Federal Circuit Bar Journal; J.D. expected May 2005, George Mason University School of Law; B.A. in Political Science, August 1999, Florida International University, “Relax Don't Do It: Why Rfid Privacy Concerns are Exaggerated and Legislation is Premature,” UCLA Journal of Law and Technology, UCLA J. L. Tech. 5)
The idea that one can be tracked anywhere …be ready for primetime.
Any risk of solvency means 100% - it makes production uneconomical
Network World, 2k7
(Jon Brodkin, “RFID Tracks Medicine,” 8-18,,136034-c,futuretechnology/article.html)
The electronic pedigree -- or "ePedigree" -- is a new feature added to IBM's …do that it becomes uneconomic," he says.
observation three: the dialogue of disease
Our Framework – plan should be weighed against the alternative as a competing policy option
1. fairness – ignoring plan gives the negative an unfair advantage by eliminating the one structural equalizer to the block

2. education – key to critically comparing the value of discourse to policy options

3. You should paradigmatically ignore “Reps come first” arguments – if we win plan is good, then by definition, the representations are inseparable and good

4. Even if representations are important, the actors are still Africans who exist in this social reality and commit human acts, a focus on reps only ignores this interaction.

Mbembe, 2k1
(Achille, Professor @ University of California, Berkeley “On the Postcolony” pg 6)
The concepts developed in this volume start from … practices are, so to speak, imbued with meaning.
Any alternative will fail- disease securitization is inevitable. Moreover, it doesn’t solve the case- disease securitization is necessary to mobilize funding and resources that make implementation of the affirmative possible
Kelle, 2k5
(Alexander, Lecturer in International Politics (MA, PhD Frankfurt) and Professor, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Bradford Regime Review Paper No.2, Bioterrorism and the Securitization of Public Health in the United States of America - Implications for Public Health and Biological Weapons Arms Control, July,
This paper set up to trace the securitization of …to come to other states’ assistance.
Finally, our evidence compares the risks of securitization with allowing people with diseases to die- securitization is a precondition for victims to resist biopolitics
Elbe, 2k4
(Stefan, lecturer in international politics @ U-Essex, “The Futility of Protest” p. 30-31
The securitization of AIDS may be …grass-roots activists and critical scholars.
Rorty 98
(Richard, Stanford Philosophy Professor, Achieving Our Country, pp. 87-94)
If the formation of hereditary castes continues unimpeded, …insistent as a resourceful spook."10
this is already happening—the national public sphere is being dominated by military and corporate interests. this is facilitating militarism and global violence
Boggs, 2k5
(Carl, teaches political science at the University of Southern California, Imperial delusions: American militarism and endless war, p. 82-84)
The corrosive effects of the …they obscure genuine popular concerns.
this causes extinction
Reardon, 93
(Betty, a UN consultant, Women and Peace—Feminist Visions of Global Security, p. 21-25) [elipses in the original]
The very weapons we have developed …peace and authentic global security.
all rights are predicated off the right to life
heard, 1997
There usually is more disease security pre-empts but their from our disease security good block – I don’t have that electronic either – there just more elbe/kelle cards I think

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