Traveller 4 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

-The last time I went to the beach was three days ago. for

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1-The last time I went to the beach was three days ago. for

I haven’t been to the beach for three days.

2-When did Lana start learning English? has

How long has Lana been learning English?

3-Let’s not go to this restaurant; I went there last week. already

Let’s not go to this restaurant; I have already been there.

4-Saed moved to Madrid in 2006 and he still lives there. been

Saed has been living in Madrid since 2006.

5-I bought this car in November. had

I have had this car since November.



Dutiesand responsibilities:

• answering the phone and checking in guests

Hours and wages: • Sunday-Thursday 9am-5pm weekends off

• $70 a day

Advantages: • indoors

• access to all hotel facilities (spa, pool, gym, etc.)

• understand how a hotel is run

• improve foreign language skills

Disadvantages: • quite hectic/stressful

• have to stand all day long.

The work of A receptionist

A receptionist works in a hotel. He answers the phone and check in guests. He works from Sunday to Thursday . He starts work at 9 o'clock in the morning and finishes at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He earns$ 70 everyday.There are some advantages for the work of a receptionist . He works indoors. He has an access to all hotel facilities such as spa, , pool, gym etc,… . He also understands how a hotel is run.He improves foreign language skills.

There are some disadvantages for the work of a receptionist. He gets quite hectic and stressful. He has to stand all day long.


Tour guide

Dutiesand responsibilities:

• taking visitors around the city and showing them the sights

Hours and wages: • Wednesday-Sunday

7am-12pm and 5pm-8pm

Monday and Tuesday off

• $80 a day

Advantages: • outdoors

• meet people from different parts of the world

• afternoons are free

• improve foreign language skills

Disadvantages: • work at weekends

• exposed to the elements

• must do a lot of talking

Tour guide

A Tour guide works with tourists. He takes visitors around the city and showing them the sights. He works from Wednesday to Sunday . He works from 7 o'clock in the morning until 12 o'clock in the afternoon.Then he works from 5 o'clock in the afternoon until 8 o'clock in the evening. He has Monday and Tuesday off. He earns$ 70 everyday.There are some advantages for the work of a tour guide.He works outdoors. He meets people from different parts of the world.All afternoon long , he is free. He improves foreign language skills.There are some disadvantages for the work of a tour guide. He works at weekends.He is exposed to different elements.

He must do a lot of talking.

Module 1b


مخطط انسيابي: معالجة متعاقبة 9مخطط انسيابي: معالجة متعاقبة 10

الدولية التكنولوجيا للعلوم

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is an international,

كليا تقع في معدل

graduate level university located in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. It is an entirely new

تهدف الى افتتحت مؤسسة اكاديمية

academic institution that opened in September of 2009. The University aims to

الانجازات أساليب البحث العلمي تطور يعزز

promote and develop new scientific research methods and achievements in Saudi

شهادة الماجستير تقدم العالم المنطقة المحلية

Arabia, the local region and the world. KAUST offers a Master’s degree, which

تستغرق شهادة الدكتوراه يكمل شهر يتطلب

usually requires eighteen months to complete, and a PhD degree, which takes 3 or

البحث الاصلي يتطلب يكمل

4 years to complete and requires original research.

الهندسة الكهربية تشمل الدراسة من تختار

Students can choose from 11 fields of study, including electrical engineering,

الهندسة الميكانيكية العلوم البيئية علوم الكمبيوتر البيولوجيا

bioscience, computer science, environmental science, and mechanical engineering.

البشرية الاجتماعية يتفحص مراكز بحث يشمل

KAUST also includes 9 research centres which examine local social and human

يشمل مراكز البحث الاقتصاد العالمي يهدف الى احتياجات المصادر

resource needs and aim to help the global economy. The research centresinclude

علوم البحر الاحمر اعادة استخدام الطاقة الشمسية مثل البحث مناطق

areas of study such as solar energy, water reusability, and Red Sea science and


ساحل مربع بطول يمتد

The KAUST campus is spread along 36 square kilometres of the Red Sea coast. The

الشمسية المصادر يحفظ البيئة يحمي

campus aims to preserve the environment and conserve resources by using solar

دراجة خدمة سيارات كهربية تقدم الواح الطاقة

energy panels, offering electric vehicles and a campus bus service, and a bicycle

مراكز البحث المعامل

sharing programme. Along with the classrooms, laboratories, and research centres,

هيئة التدريس الكلية شقق منازل تشمل

the campus also includes houses and apartments forstudents, faculty and staff,

جدار تسلق الصخور يشمل تجهيزات رياضية الباحثين

researchers, and families. The athletic facilities include a rock climbing wall, three

البولينج ملاعب السلة ملاعب حمامات السباحة

swimmingpools, a golf course, tennis andbasketball courts, and even a bowling alley complex!عدد

KAUST currently has between 700 and 800 students. The student population is made

كلا من تدرّس المناهج الجنسيات

up of over 60 different nationalities. Courses are taught in English and open to both

men and women from around the world.


Exercise 1,2 يصلح هذا السؤال لكي يكون تعبير متكامل عن الجامعة

The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is a new, international, graduate-level academic institution which opened in September 2009. It is located in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, next to the Red Sea Coast. It aims to make the development of new scientific research methods and achievements its main area of interest and for

this reason it has 9 research centres. There are 11 fields of research from which students can choose, including electrical engineering, bioscience, computer science, environmental science, and mechanical science.


3. Reading For Specific Information

Read the text again and answer the questions 1-5.

1. According to the text, what is true about the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology?

a. It offers graduate courses only.
2. According to the text, what is the aim of the University?

d. to develop new scientific research methods and achievements

3. What is not mentioned in the text as a field of study at KAUST?

c. Earth science

4. How does the campus of the University help to preserve the environment?

b. It offers a bicycle sharingprogramme.

5. According to the text, what is true about the student population?

c. Students come from 60 different countries.

Module 1b

Vocabulary & Grammar

مخطط انسيابي: معالجة متعاقبة 4مخطط انسيابي: معالجة متعاقبة 3

منحة درجة شهادة يحصل على

get: a certificate/a mark/a grant

تقدم مجهود خطأ

make: a mistake/an effort/progress desperate

مشروع منهج واجب تجربة

do: an experiment/ homework/a course/a project

منحة شهادة درس اختبار منهج اختبار حصص

take: a class/an exam/a course/a test/a lesson/a certificate/ a grant

study: a languageلغة


2. Words Easily Confused

teacher مدرس في مدرسة

professor أستاذ جامعي يدرس في الجامعة

instructorمعلم لمهنة او حرفة او رياضة

1-The teacherI liked best in school was Mr Al Harbi; he taught us Science.

2-My drivinginstructorsays that I’m making progress, so I think I’ll be able to get my driving license soon.
3-Julia’s father is a(n) professor of Economics at the University of Michigan.

subjectمادة دراسية

lessonدرس أوحصة و هو جزء صغير من مادة أو كورس

Course جزء من مادة (أي عدد من الدروس) أو فرع منها

4. I have a Spanish lesson at four, but we can meet any time after five if you’re free then.

5. Maths is Dan’s favouritesubject,and he always gets good marks.

6. Saif is doing aCourse in Business Management this year.

certificate شهادة ورقية تحصل عليها للتميز او لإنهاء الدراسة

degreeدرجة علمية مثل البكالوريوس او الماجستير و الدكتوراه في فرع من العلوم

awardجائزة تحصل عليها نتيجة تفوقك و تميزك في مجال ما

7. My cousin has a(n)degree in Biology.

8. My brother has got a(n)certificate of proficiency in Italian.

9. Who do you think will win the award Player of the Year?



Relative Clausesضمائر الوصل

Who – which – where - when - whose


peopleناس - personشخص - manرجل - womanامرأة - girlفتاة - friendصديق

1- This is my friend . He plays for Mahalla team .

This is my friend who plays for Mahalla team .

2-The teacher does not have a car . He walks to school .

The teacher whodoes not have a car , walks to school .


2- which تربطبينجملتينفاعلهمأومفعولهمغيرعاقل

envelopeمظروف- meal وجبة - thingشيء- plant نبات - Animal حيوان

1-This is the car .Ali bought the car .

This is the car which Ali bought .


1-where تربطبينجملتينمتكرر فيهم اسم مكان أو ما يدل عليه

country دولة- city مدينةtown مدينة- village قريةPlace مكان

This is the big house. I live in that house

This is the big house where I live .

I like Al-Jawhara stadium. Matches are played here.

I like Al-Jawhara stadium where Matches are played .


1-when تربطبينجملتينمتكرر فيهم اسم زمان أو ما يدل عليه

timeوفت - yearسنة monthشهرdayيوم - Nightليلة

Ramadan is the ninth month. We fast in Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month when We fast in Ramadan.

1-whoseتربطبينجملتين بهما اسمين بينهما علاقة ملكية او انتماء او استحواذ ( قبلها اسم و بعدها اسم )

My brother is an engineer. His car is very powerful .

My brother whose car is very powerful ,is an engineer.
Ahmad behaves badly. Ahmad's father is a mechanic.

Ahmad Whose father is a mechanic behaves badly..

احيانا نشير الى المكان على انه كيان أي شيء و هنا ياخذwhich

Marei's building which is built in Khulais is a new building.

احيانا نشير الى المكان على انه مكان هنا يأخذwhere

Marei's building where Shaaban lives is new

Choose the correct answer:

1-We use who and thatwith ………………………

a- places b- time c- possession d- people

2-We use which and that with …………………… .

a- places b- time c- possession d- things

3-We use whose to talk about ……………………

a- places b- time c- possession d- things

4-We use where with …………………… .

a- places b- time c- possession d- things

5-We use when with …………………… .

a- places b- time c- possession d- things

6-- I come from a country…………………………..has a great history.

a-where b-when c-who d-which

7-1 don't like people…………………………don't respect their culture.

a-where b-when c-who d-which

8-An envelope is a thing ……………. holds letters. .

a-where b-when c-who d-which

9- My friend …………….. shirt is red , plays for Ahli team.

a-where b-when c-who d-whose.

10- This is my friend…………………studies medicine abroad.

a-where b-when c-who d-which

11- Mandiis a meal……………………….. all people in S.A. like .

a-where b-when c-who d-which

12-Makkah is the city………………… people can do the Hajj.

a-where b-when c-who d-which

13-Ramadan is the month ………………………….all Muslims fast .

a-where b-when c-who d-which

11- Mona …………….. father is a doctor got married last year.

a-where b-when c-who d-whose.


Types of Relative Clauses

جملة الوصل :- هي الجملة التي تحتوي على ضمير من ضمائر الوصل و يتبعه فاعل و فعل .

Ahmad's father who worksin Aramco is an engineer .

All students who lives in England, speak English well.


Defining Relative Clause

هي جملة تعطي تعريف أو تحدد الشخص أو الشيء الذي نتكلم عنه و هنا يمكننا استخدام ضمير وصل that كبديل who – which و لا يمكننا حذف جملة الوصل .

Defining relative clauses give a definition or specify which person or thing we are talking about . I n these clauses we may use the relative pronouns who, which or that.

People who drive badlycause accidents . الناسالذينيقودونبشكلسيءيسببونالحوادث

People cause accidents. ( X ) الناستسببالحوادث

There is no animal which has three legs . لايوجدحيوانلهثلاثأرجل

There is no animal . ( X )لايوجدحيوان

All dates that fall to the ground are dirty .كلالتمرالذيسقطعلىالأرضغيرنظيف

All dates are dirty . ( X )كلالتمرغيرنظيف


Non-defining Relative Clause

جملة تعطي معلومات اضافية يمكن فصلها عن الجملة بفواصل قبل جملة الوصل و في نهايتها و لا يؤثر حذف جملة الوصل على معنى الجملة لانها معلومات اضافية .

= و لا يمكن استخدام ضمير الوصل that

Non-defining relative clauses. gives additional information that is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. In these clauses only the relative pronouns who or which may be used; and not that.
Ali’s brother who lives in Dammam visited last week

Ali’s brother , who lives in Dammam, visited last week

Ali’s brother visited last weekMy friend Ali who travelled abroad became a doctor.

My friend Ali , who travelled abroad ,became a doctor.

My friend Ali became a doctor.


2. practice

1-My colleague is from Wales. He plays tennis every weekend.

= My colleague, who is from Wales, plays tennis every weekend.

2-This is Mr. Carter. His son won a college scholarship.

= This is Mr Carter, whose son won a college scholarship.

3-His book was published last year. It got on the bestseller list.

= His book, which was published last year, got on the bestseller list.

4-My cousin is moving to New York. He will study Fine Arts there.

= My cousin is moving to New York, where he will study Fine Arts.

5-This is the library. I borrowed the books from it.

= This is the library from which I borrowed the books.

6-I bought a new mobile phone. It cost me lots of money.

= I bought a new mobile phone which/that cost me lots of money.

7-The man was arrested. He turned out to be my neighbour.

= The man who/that was arrested turned out to be my neighbour.


B. Complete the text with who, which, whose, that, when or where.

It was a holiday in Corfu which/that first gave me the idea to write this novel. The story is about a family which/that moves to a small village on the island to start a new life. They discover that the villagers, who at first seem open and welcoming, are actually desperate to hide a terrible secret. While writing the book, I tried to include descriptions of the island whose beauty fascinated me. I finished the book in just a couple of months, which is quite fast, even for me. You see writing is something which/that comes quite naturally to me now but it wasn't always like that. I mean, I really used to find it hard at first and there was a time when I felt I had no talent at all. I would have given up if it hadn't been for my father, who encouraged me to

keep writing. Now, besides writing, I also teach a Creative Writing course at a college in Manchester, where I live with my family. I always tell my students that writing is a career which/that requires patience, hard work as well as imagination.


Studying in a foreign country

Studying in a foreign country has many advantages. You become fluent in the language spoken in the country. i make friends from all over the world and you get to know a different culture. A lot of foreign universities offer prestigious degrees greatly valued in the job market (better employment prospects once you graduate.).

Studying in a foreign country also has many disadvantages. I might get lonely away from friends and family. Language problems could hinder overall performance.It could be costly and not all families can afford it.

Vocabulary &Grammar






bill فاتورة


autumn الخريف




Queue طابور


check elevator








footballكرة القدم




chipsشرائح بطاطسpetrolبنزين

cell phone.








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