Bring up the HPNx Pro software on the given PC. Verify that the PC and HPNx Pro are on the same isolated network.
Note the last 4 (mac address) digits of HPNx Pro you are using.
(Information is on the back side of card)
Under the Device tab, enter the 4 digits in the blank space labeled “Your HPNx Pro ID”
Insert the HPNx Pro extender card into the DUT. From the HPNx Pro trace window, verify that the status of the HPNx Pro is ready.
Right click on the Trace window to select Payload for full vision of all layers.
Select the “CARD RES” tab. And then press the Play button to open the CARD RES resource.
Check that the DUT establishes a session to the CARD RES and reports support for CARD RES resource = 0x002600C1.
S [97:52:25.956] open_session_request from CARD RES
[ 91 04 00 26 00 C1 ]
S [97:52:26.016] open_session_response on resource CARD RES, Status = 0x00, SessionNb = 4
[ 92 07 00 00 26 00 C1 00 04 ]
Right click on the CARD RES tab and select Add session slot.
Select the play button.
Verify that the DUT responds to the second open session request with an open_session_response with one of the following session status values.
F1 : session not opened, resource exists but unavailable
F3 : session not opened, resource busy
S [98:00:47.467] open_session_request from CARD RES
[ 91 04 00 26 00 C1 ]
S [98:00:47.527] open_session_response on resource CARD RES, Status = 0xF1, SessionNb = 0
[ 92 07 F1 00 26 00 C1 00 00 ]
On the HPNx Pro delete the 2nd session from previous step.
Using the HPNx Pro test tool, send a stream_profile() APDU with the following value.
Verify that the DUT replies with a stream_profile_cnf() APDU.
Max_number_of_streams = 3
A [98:03:49.379] stream_profile from CARD RES
[ 9F A0 10 01 03 ]
max_number_of_streams = 3
A [98:03:49.509] stream_profile_cnf to CARD RES
[9F A0 11 01 02]
number_of_streams_used = 2
(Note: This represents the number of transport streams that the Host is sending the Card simultaneously)
Using the HPNx Pro test tool, send a program_profile() APDU with the following value.
Verify that the DUT replies with a program_profile_cnf() APDU.
Max_number_of_programs = 4
A [98:12:13.043] program_profile from CARD RES
[ 9F A0 12 01 04 ]
max_number_of_programs = 4
A [98:12:13.173] program_profile_cnf to CARD RES
[9F A0 13 00 ]
Using the HPNx Pro test tool, send a es_profile() APDU with the following value.
Verify that the DUT replies with a es_profile_cnf() APDU.
Max_number_of_es = 16
A [98:18:54.040] es_profile from CARD RES
[ 9F A0 14 01 10 ]
max_number_of_es = 16
A [98:18:54.180] es_profile_cnf to CARD RES
[9F A0 15 00 ]
Verify during Initalization that the DUT does issue a request_pids() APDU to the HPNx Pro. The request_pids() APDU Tag value = 0x9FA016