Unless otherwise stated in the description of the tag, a scan class health tag will receive the system digital state “No Result” if a scan class is defined and a scan class health tag for the class is loaded by the interface but there are no interface points loaded for the scan class. For tags configured to monitor a particular scan class, the PI tag attribute Location4 must be set to a valid scan class. Scan classes are defined with the /f startup parameter. Please see the list of startup parameters for a description of the /f startup parameter.
ExDesc Keyword: [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] Update Interval: When the associated class is scanned.
If Location4 is 0, the point monitors the point count for unsolicited tags.
If Location4 is greater than 0, Location4 specifies the scan class.
Description: The Scan Class Point Count Tag is the number of tags loaded by the interface for a particular scan class. The value of this tag is updated after every scan. If there are no points loaded by the interface for the associated scan class, 0 will be written to the Scan Class Point Count tag.
ExDesc Keyword: [UI_SCIORATE] Update Interval: At the completion of associated scan class.
If Location4 is 0, the point monitors the IO Rate for unsolicited tags.
If Location4 is greater than 0, Location4 specifies the scan class.
Description: The Scan Class IORate Tag is used to show the health of the input tags defined for a particular scan class. It is used to indicate the number of events sent to PI before exception processing for the given scan class. As long as the current value of the tag is between zero and the scan class point count inclusive, then the scan class update executed successfully. If the Scan Class IORate Tag stops updating in PI, this indicates an error has occurred and the tags for that scan class are no longer receiving new data. The value of this tag is updated after the completion of each scan.