Unit 7 topics

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The United States of America

The United States of America lies in North America, the third largest continent in size, after Asia and Africa. It is washed by three oceans - the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The U.S. is so enormous that many of its fifty states are larger than entire countries in Europe. The distance between New York and Hawaii is just about the same as the distance between London and Beijing. As the country extends from the Arctic Circle (in Alaska) almost to the Tropic of Cancer (in Florida) and the equator (Hawaii), the U.S.A. has striking contrasts in climate. This is a country without a climate. It can snow in New York, be foggy in San Francisco, rain in Atlanta, and be sunny and hot in Phoenix all on the same day. The temperature is always cold in the far north and always hot in the far south. The greater part of North America enjoys a temperate climate with warm summers and cold winters. Rainfall varies. There is over 80 inches of rainfall a year along the northwest Pacific coast and in Death valley, California, there is less than two inches of rain a year.

The principal geographical features of North America are its two mountain systems and the great central plains that lie between them. On the west coast there are the Rocky Mountains which begin in Alaska. The highest peak in North America, Mt. McKinley, is in Alaska. The other mountain system, the Appalachian Mountains, is in the east. The Appalachian region is rich in minerals and has many fertile river valleys. The rivers provide abundant water power for the area. In the middle of the country, between the Rocky mountains and the Appalachians are the central plains. Other extensive lowlands are in the south-east of the country and in the north, where they are called tundra – areas where the soil is frozen most of the year. The Great Lakes between Canada and the United States form the largest connected area of fresh water on earth. South of the Great Lakes is the Mississippi-Missouri river system, which drains the central plain. Along with the Ohio River and about 250 other tributaries, it forms one of the greatest inland waterway systems in the world.

The population of the United States is the forth largest in the world. There are over 280 million people in the country. Historically, the U.S.A. has always been a country of immigrants, that is why there are different ethnic groups. The majority of the population (about 75 per cent) are, historically, of the European origin, including English, German, French, Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, Italian, Scandinavian and others. The chief minority population groups include Asians, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans (Amerindians).

English is spoken by most citizens. The English spoken in the United States is known as American English. It is characterized by spelling and pronunciation variations from British English. There is also a sizable Spanish-speaking minority, which is rapidly increasing. Native Americans speak a variety of Amerindian languages.

The United States has the largest economy in the world, although it does not have the strongest growth rate or the highest gross national product per capita. While the country was once the strongest manufacturing nation in the world, the service sector now employs the largest portion of the labour force. The economy is based on free-market principles, although government regulation controls some activities. The country is the second world’s producer of iron ore and coal and one of the leading producers of oil. The economic growth is partly based on American businesses with investments in other countries, as well as a large industrial sector. The United States exports consumer goods, food and machinery, cars, chemicals, electronic and military equipment, etc. The country has a highly developed agriculture. The United States is the chief financial center in the world. Activity on the New York Stock Exchange affects economies in many other nations and is influenced by world events. The currency in the U.S.A. is the U.S. dollar ($).

The United States of America is a federal state headed by the elected President. (Presidential elections are held every four years.) Together with the government, usually called the administration, the President represents executive power. Legislative power belongs to Congress, which comprises the House of Representatives (the lower house) and the Senate (the upper house). Congressmen are elected for the term of 2 years, and 100 Senators serve the term of 6 years. Each state has its own legislature for enacting local laws. The seat of the government is in the federal capital – Washington, D.C. It is also here that the Capitol (the seat of Congress) and the White House (the President’s residence) are situated.

1. enormous [I'nO:mRs] громадный, огромный; чудовищный: By the time of his death the company had grown into an enormous multi-national corporation. Europeans think that the distances between cities in Russia are simply enormous. / enormously – чрезвычайно, крайне, очень: e.g. The town has changed enormously.
2. entire [In'taIR] полный, целый, весь: e.g. We realized that our entire conversation had been recorded. / entirely – всецело, вполне, совсем, совершенно, исключительно: e.g. I say it entirely for your own good.
3. distanceрасстояние; in the distance в отдалении, вдали, вдалеке: e.g. On a cleqar day you can see the mountains in the distance. / distance educationдистанционное обучение: e.g. Distance education is widespread in the remote parts of the country. / distant отдаленный, дальний, далекий: e.g. The strangers came from a distant town. / distant relative/relation дальний родственник: e.g. Peggie is one of my distant relations.
4. to extend – 1. простираться: e.g. The garden extends as far as the river; 2. расширять, увеличивать: e.g. The school building was extended 4 years ago. 3. распространять, расширять: e.g. The two countries made an attempt to extend their influence in world affairs. 4. продлить, удлинить: e.g. I asked if I could extend my holiday. / extensive – 1. обширный, пространный, большой: e.g. The accident caused extensive damage to both cars. / extension – 1. продление, удлинение: e.g. We are building an extension on the back of our house. 2. удлинитель: e.g. This electric cord isn’t long enough – do you have an extension?

5. to strike (struck, struck) – 1. ударять, бить: e.g. The ball struck her hard on the left shoulder. 2. поражать, производить впечатление: e.g. It struck me as a little bit odd that she was always alone. 3. высекать огонь: e.g. The matches won’t strike if they are damp. 4. бить (о часах): e.g. The town hall clock struck midnight. / strikingпоразительный, замечательный: e.g. This is a striking example of how misleading statistics can be. / stricken пораженный, объятый чем-либо: panic-stricken, poverty-stricken
6. fertile ['fR:taIl]плодородный, изобильный: e.g. The fertile lands of the Corn Belt are good for farming.
7. abundance [R'bAndRns] изобилие, избыток, множество: e.g. The lake attracts an abundance of wildlife. / abundantобильный, изобильный: e.g. Rainfall is abundant in the region.
8. control [kRn'troul] – 1. управление, руководство: e.g. The teacher has good control over his class. 2. контроль, надзор: e.g. The whole industry seems to be under the control of one company. /to control – 1. управлять, руководить: e.g. Martha controls the financial side of the business. 2. регулировать, контролировать, проверять: e.g. Rocky Head power station works twenty-four hours a day controlling the electricity supply to over 5 million homes.
9. seat - 1. место (для сидения), сидение: e. g. How many seats does the bus have? Sorry, this seat is occupied. Take a seat, please. 2. местонахождение: e.g. London is the seat of the British government. Oxford is an ancient seat of learning. 3. место в парламенте: e.g. In the last election the Labour Party won the majority of seats in Parliament. / to seat – 1. сажать, усаживать кого-либо: The elderly gentleman was seated to the right of the hostess. 2. вмещать, помещать: e.g. The theatre seats 800.

10. to vary ['vERrI]менять(ся), изменять(ся), различаться: e.g. His mood varies from day to day. Opinions on this matter vary. /various различный, разный, разнообразный: e.g. I had to sign various documents before they let me into the country. / variety [vR'raIRtI] (of) разнообразие: e.g. She didn’t like the work because it lacked variety. People study yoga for a variety of reasons. / variant ['vERrIRnt]вариант: e.g. “Favor” is the American variant of the British “favour”.

to be rich in sth быть богатым чем-либо: e.g. Russia is rich in mineral resources
to enact a law – вводить закон в действие
per head of (the) population – на душу населения (syn. per capita)
to enjoy good health – отличаться хорошим здоровьем

46. Answer the teacher’s questions.

1. Where does the United States of America lie? What oceans is it washed by? What countries does it border on? How can the largest American states be compared with the countries of Europe? 2. What is the climate in the U.S.A. like? How is the rainfall distributed? 3. What are the principal geographical features of North America? What are the names of the two mountain ranges of North America? Where are they situated? Where are the plains situated? Where is tundra situated? What is it like? 4. What is the largest connected area of fresh water on earth called? What lakes comprise the Great Lakes? What river system drains the central plain? How can you characterize this water system? 5. What is the population of the U.S.A.? What ethnic groups formed the American nation? What are chief minority population groups? 6. What languages are spoken in the U.S.A.? What are the principal differences between British English and American English? 7. Which sector of economy employs the largest portion of the labour force? 8. What is the economy based on? What is the economic growth based on? What mineral resources is the country rich in? What does the USA export? Prove that the U.S.A. has a highly developed agriculture. 9. (Optional) Where is the chief financial center of the country and of the world situated? What does Wall Street symbolize? 10. What is the structure of the American political system? Who is head of the country? How often are presidential elections held? Who does executive power belong to? Who does legislative power belong to? What is the composition of Congress? How long do Congressmen serve in the House? How often are Senators re-elected? 11. What city is the seat of the government? What do they call the seat of Congress and the residence of the U.S. President? 12. Do the fifty states live only by federal laws or can they have state laws as well?

47. Find the Russian for:

entire, to extend, the Arctic Circle, the Tropic of Cancer, fertile river valleys, abundant water power, inland waterway system, per capita, free-market principles, currency, the U.S. dollar, to enact laws.

48. Give the English for:

огромный, умеренный климат, экватор, разительный контраст, туман, вершина, почва, низменность, обводнять (орошать), приток, американские индейцы, гражданин, темпы роста, железная руда.


49. Answer the teacher’s questions. (distance, distant, to be rich in sth)
50. Repeat the teacher’s sentence and add a sentence logically connected with it. (to control, enormous, to vary)
51. Translate into English. (distance, to enjoy sth, seat, to strike)

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