Unit 7 topics

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 (1.5 min.)

The USA: the People

General attitudes

Americans are frank and outspoken. They openly voice their opinions and share their views on a variety of subjects. In general, they appreciate people who are candid. There are very few subjects that an American will not discuss. Most are not easily embarrassed. Of course, there are variations, and religious values may keep some from discussing certain issues. Extremely personal questions are avoided by those who are not close friends. Americans value innovation, industry, and integrity. They enjoy a good sense of humour, including sarcasm. Americans have the ability to laugh at themselves as well as at others. They are very proud of their country. Even though they may criticize the government, most are very patriotic and believe the United States is one of the greatest countries in the world. Americans strongly value their freedom and independence, both as a nation and as individuals.

Personal appearance

Clothing habits are very much a matter of personal preference in the United States. Although fashion trends affect general clothing patterns, a person usually feels free to wear whatever he or she pleases. Americans emphasize cleanliness [‘klenlInRs], but they may purposely wear tattered clothing or casual attire in public. Clothing is often used to make a social or personal statement. Nevertheless, formal clothing is popular and is worn for certain social occasions. Appearance in general is very important to the individual American.


Americans do not stand too close when conversing; there is generally at least two feet between individuals. However, they may spontaneously touch one another on the arm or shoulder during conversation. It is common for members of the opposite sex to hold hands or show affection in public. Direct eye contact is not necessary for the duration of a conversation, but moments of eye contact are essential to ensure the speaker or listener of one’s sincerity. When sitting, Americans assume a casual posture. They may prop up their feet up on chairs or place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other. Crossing legs at the knee is just as common as sitting with legs spread apart. Poor posture is not appropriate, but is not uncommon.

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  1. What do Americans value, as a nation?

  2. What do Americans emphasize in clothing?

  3. What kind of contact is essential during conversation?

b) Scan the text for details.

c) Answer the teacher’s questions.


61. Discuss the following issues:

 What you know about the national stereotypes.

 How you see a typical Russian (and/or, for foreign students, a representative of your country).

 How national stereotypes influence the relationships between nations.


Albion , the word used in some poetic or rhetorical contexts to refer to England, was the original Roman name for Britain. It may come from the Latin word albus, meaning ‘white’. The white chalk cliffs around Dover on the south coast are the first part of England to be seen when crossing the sea from the European mainland.


Britannia is the name that the Romans gave to their southern British province (which covered, approximately, the area of present-day England). It is also the name given to the female embodiment of Britain, always shown wearing a helmet and holding a trident (the symbol of power over the sea).

The Big Apple is the symbol and the nickname of New York. The nickname appeared in the 1920-30s and takes its origin in the jazz songs of Harlem.

New England is the name given in 1616 by Captain John Smith to the English colonies on the east coast of the North-American continent. Today New England comprises the following states: Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut.



62. Translate into English.

1. Каждые пять лет британские подданные избирают членов парламента на всеобщих выборах.

Лидер партии большинства (партии, которая превосходит по количеству членов парламента другие партии) автоматически становится премьер министром.

2. Многие считают крикет национальной игрой англичан наряду с особым стилем поведения, который в первую очередь включает в себя чувство достоинства и справедливости.

Необходимо помнить, что англичане особое внимание уделяют принципам честной игры.

Крикет когда-то был исключительно британской игрой (ограничивался рамками Британии), но под влиянием Соединенного Королевства такие бывшие колонии как Австралия, Новая Зеландия, Индия, Пакистан, Шри-Ланка внесли свой вклад в быстро растущую популярность игры.

1. Every five years the British subjects elect their MPs in a general election.

The leader of the majority party (the party which exceeds other parties in the number of their MPs) automatically becomes the Prime Minister.

2. Many people consider cricket to be England’s national game as well

as the style of behaviour, which includes above all a sense of honour and fairness.

One should remember that the British put special value on fair play.
Cricket was once entirely confined to Britain, but under the influence of the UK its former colonies including Australia, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and Sri Lanka have greatly contributed to the increasing popularity of the game.

3. В пятидесятых годах 19 века американцы обнаружили, что Калифорния богата золотом.

Многие охотники за удачей бросились туда в поисках золота. Лишь немногие сколотили себе состояния, большинство же в итоге оказалось в полнейшей нищете.

Золото современной Калифорнии – это солнце.

На плодородных землях центральной калифорнийской равнины произрастает огромное количество разнообразных фруктов.

Но не только сельскохозяйствен-ная продукция господствует на рынке.

Силиконовая долина, располо-женная в окрестностях Сан-Франциско, является центром американских микротехнологий.

4. Несмотря на то, что Средний Запад богат шахтами и промышленностью знаменит он своими фермами.

Но плодородные земли стали проблемой для фермеров.

Они превосходят все другие штаты по количеству и качеству своей продукции, но стоимость горючего, оборудования и техники так высока, что их доходы продолжают уменьшаться.

Все больше и больше людей, проживающих в традиционном “кукурузном поясе”, находят работу в промышленности.

5. Многие американцы опасаются, что быстро растущее мексиканское меньшинство в Техасе может скоро превратиться в большинство.

Исключительно важным на данный момент становится вопрос языка.

Многие считают, что испанский должен стать вторым основным языком штата.

3. In the 1850s Americans found out that California was rich in gold.
Many fortune seekers rushed there in search of gold.

Only few made their fortunes there, while the majority ended up poverty-stricken.

The gold of modern California is sunshine.

The fertile central valley of California grows enormous quantities of various fruit.

But it’s not entirely agricultural produce which rules the market.

Silicon Valley situated outside San Francisco, is the center of American microtechnology.
4. Although the Midwest is rich in mines and industry it is famous for its farms.
But the fertile lands have become a problem for farmers.

They excel all other states in the quality and quantity of their produce, but the cost of fuel, equipment and machinery is so high that their profits keep decreasing.

More and more people living in the old “Corn belt” are finding work in industry.
5. Some Americans fear that the rapidly growing Mexican minority in Texas may soon become a majority.

The language question is becoming an exceedingly important one.

Many believe that Spanish should become the second established language in the state.

6. Российская Федерация простирается на тысячи километров в разных направлениях и лежит в разных климатических зонах.

На западе Россия граничит с центральноевропейским cтрана-ми, а на Дальнем Востоке – с Китаем.

6. The Russian Federation extends thousands of kilometers in every direction and lies in various climatic zones.

In the West Russia borders on Central European countries and in the Far East on China.


Key – 25:

A. 1 – rise; 2 – mineral resources; 3 – supplies; 4 – industry; 5 – source of power; 6 – accessible; 7 – region; 8 – exceeded; 9 – produce; 10 – sources of power; 11 – decreased; 12 – oil; 13 – crude oil; offshore oilfields.

B. 1 – influence; 2 – increased; 3 – establishment; 4 – power; 5 – resources; 6 – established; 7 – economy; 8 – increasing; 9 – population; 10 – area; 11-12 – oil production; 13 – leading; 14 – trading.
Key - 33:

1 – the second smallest; 2 – landmass; 3 – boundary; 4 – westward; 5 – fairly; 6 – development; 7 – irregular; 8 – islands; 9 – island; 10 – off; 11 – include; 12 – islands; 13 – latitude; 14 – temperate; 15 – rainfall; 16 – areas; 17 – cultivated; 18 – mineral resources; 19 – Plain; 20 – eastward; 21 – tundra; 22 – region; 23 – lowlands.


1. to rise – to raise
to rise (rose-risen) [rIzn]– подниматься;

sunrise – рассвет; price rise – повышение цен

to raise (raised-raised) – поднимать что-либо
A. 1. It was late and the sun … when the expedition started out. 2. The girl … her eyes which were filled with tears. 3. After a few polite remarks the visitor … to leave. 4. The woman … her voice as she spoke. 5. The quarrel between the boys … from a mere trifle (пустяк). 6. The car … a cloud of dust. 7. It’s getting warm – the temperature … . 8. The last bell has gone. The curtain is going … in a minute. 9. The travelling actors gave a performance on a … platform. 10. Her voice … in excitement.

B. 1. Пора поднять этот вопрос и обсудить его на собрании. 2. Том поднялся из-за стола и поблагодарил хозяйку за чудесный обед. 3. Ребенок был так смущен, что не мог поднять глаза на учителя. 4. Не повышай на меня голос! 5. Когда поднялся занавес, все увидели лес и озеро. 6. Майкл встал и поднял бокал за здоровье г-на Грина. 7. Мы вышли в путь на рассвете и к полудню были уже на берегу моря. 8. Незнакомка подняла вуаль (veil), и все увидели, что это Элисон.
2. to lie – to lay
to lie (lay-lain-lying) – лежать

to lie (lied-lied-lying) – лгать

to lay (laid-laid-laying) – класть

Expression: to lay the table – накрывать на стол

A. 1.Susan did not feel very well, so she decided to … down and have a rest. 2. You are young, life … before you. 3. After I … for an hour or so I felt better. 4. When the travellers reached the top of the mountain they saw a beautiful valley … before them. 5. As it was hot we … down in the shade of a big tree. 6. Joanna was seriously ill. She … in bed for several weeks. 7. The book … open on the table but the girl does not seem to be reading it. 8. Susan asked her mother how to … the table. 9. The boy … his head on the pillow and fell asleep. 10. It was a beautiful summer day. The sunlight … on the grass and the trees in the garden.

B. 1. Посмотри на часы: уже 11 часов, а ты все еще лежишь в постели. 2. Что это там лежит на стуле? – Это одежда Джека. 3. Не пора еще накрывать на стол? – Да, уже можно. 4. Мать положила ребенка на диван и накрыла его шалью (shawl). 5. На вершине холма путешественники остановились в изумлении: перед ними лежал чудесный сад с фонтаном (a fountain). 6. Если ты устала, приляг и отдохни. 7. Не лежи на солнце после 11 часов. 8. Кто разложил здесь эти вещи? 9. Ребенок положил голову на подлокотник кресла и заснул. 10. Когда я проснулась, я не могла поверить своим глазам: все было белым, повсюду лежал снег.
3. as – like
as в качестве;

like – похоже на; таким образом, как


to look like sb – быть похожим на кого-либо

to be like sb/sth – напоминать кого-либо/что-либо.

That’s just like him! – Как это на него похоже!

like any other + существительное – как любой (-ая) другой (-ая)

A.1. For several weeks he worked … an interpreter at a trade fair (ярмарка). 2. I was sent there … a representative of our University. 3. My son tries to walk … his father. 4. … any other novel by Hemingway, this one is worth reading. 5.Mr. Simpson is known … an experienced engineer. 6. It was funny to look at the little girl – she acted … a grown-up woman. 7. I am now speaking to you … a friend, not … a doctor. 8. The boy took the thermometer and tried to look … a doctor.

B. 1. В прошлом году он два месяца работал учителем в школе. 2. Как любая девушка, Алиса любит танцевать. 3. Как выглядит твоя новая подруга? – Она высокая, с длинными черными волосами и карими глазами. 4. На кого похож твой брат? – На маму. 5. Петр опять опоздал на лекцию. – Как это на него похоже! Он никогда не приходит вовремя. 6. Джейн во всем старалась походить на свою старшую сестру. 7. Неужели я когда-нибудь смогу говорить по-японски, как наш преподаватель?
4. to wait - to expect
to wait (for sb/sth) – ждать, дожидаться (кого-либо/чего-либо);

to expect (sb/sth) – ожидать, предполагать (что что-то произойдет)
A. 1. You are late again. We … here for half an hour. 2. We must … till it stops raining before we go out. 3. I … Julian to dinner yesterday but he did not come. 4. The train is late, so we’ll have … . 5. Don’t … me to call on you tonight. 6. You can’t … them to do the work in a day, it’s too difficult for them. 7. The visitors were kept … in the reception room as the director was busy. 8. The sea was rough and the sailors … the storm at any moment. 9. Oliver did not … anything good from his brother who had always disliked him. 10. Let’s … for Susie at the entrance to the theatre, shall we?

B. 1. Мы не ожидали вас так рано. 2. Давайте еще немного подождем Павла у входа в метро, ладно? 3. Кого ты ждешь? – Двоюродную сестру. Я ожидала, что она придет в 12, а сейчас уже 20 минут первого. 4. Я не ожидаю ничего хорошего от его визита. 5. Если я не позвоню в 2 часа, не ждите меня. 6. Не ждите, что все будут счастливы увидеть этого человека. 7. Извините, что заставил вас ждать. Я попал в автомобильную пробку. 8. Мы ждали, что в выходные приедет моя сестра со всем своим семейством, но они так и не приехали.

1. A. 1 – had risen; 2 – raised; 3 – rose; 4 – raised; 5 – rose; 6 – raised; 7 – is rising; 8 – to rise; 9 – raised; 10 – rose.

B. 1. It’s time to raise this problem and discuss it at a meeting. 2. Tom rose from the table and thanked the hostess for the wonderful dinner. 3. The child was so confused that he could not raise his eyes at the teacher. 4. Don’t raise your voice at me. 5. When the curtain rose, everybody saw a wood and a lake. 6. Michael rose and raised his glass to Mr. Green. 7. We started at sunrise and by noon we were on the seashore already. 8. The stranger raised her veil and everybody saw that it was Alison.
2. A. 1 – lie; 2 – lies; 3 – had lain; 4 – lying; 5 – lay; 6 – lay; 7 – is lying; 8 – lay; 9 – laid; 10 – lay.

B. 1. Look at the clock: it’s already 11 o’clock and you are still lying in bed. 2. What is lying there on the chair? – These are Jack’s clothes. 3. Isn’t it time to lay the table yet? – Yes, you can already. 4. The mother laid the child on the sofa and covered him with a shawl. 5. On top of the hill, the travellers stopped in surprise: a beautiful garden with a fountain lay in front of them. 6. If you are tired, lie down and have a rest. 7. Don’t lie in the sun after 11 o’clock. 8. Who has laid these things here? 9. The child laid his head on the arm of the (arm)chair and fell asleep. 10. When I woke up, I could not believe my eyes: everything was white, snow was lying everywhere.
3. A. 1– as; 2 – as; 3 – like; 4 – like; 5 – as; 6 – like; 7 – as, as; 8 – like

B. 1. Last year he worked as a teacher in a school for two months. 2. Like any other girl, Alice enjoys dancing. 3. What does your new friend look like? – She is tall, with black hair and brown eyes. 4. Who does your brother look like? – Like Mother. 5. Peter is late for the lecture again. – It’s just like him! He never comes in time. 6. Jane tried to be like her elder sister in everything. 7. Shall I ever be able to speak Japanese like our teacher?
4. A. 1– have been waiting; 2 – wait; 3 – expected; 4 – to wait; 5 – expect; 6 – expect; 7 – waiting; 8 – expected; 9 – expect; 10 – wait.

B. 1. We did not expect you so early. 2. Let’s wait for Paul at the entrance to the metro a little longer, shall we? 3. Who are you waiting for? – My cousin. I expected her to come at 12 and now it is twenty minutes past twelve. 4. I don’t expect anything good from his visit. 5. If I don’t phone at 2 o’clock, don’t wait for me. 6. Don’t expect everybody to be happy to see this man. 7. I am sorry, I’ve kept you waiting. I got into a traffic jam. 8. We expected my sister and all her family to come for the weekend, but they never came.

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