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Whistle Blowers expose Earth's Elite Alien alliance - Is James Mahu a Liar$
So summarizing; here we have a Man [15] with Artificially enhanced alien intelligence who claims to have found the scientific proof of and access to the "Human Soul" which he terms the Grand Portal! (Mastering the Human Domain... Jade Helm 15 15).
On one of the new WingMakers sites is a book with the full backstory on the background of Ancient Arrow site. This story goes into GREAT detail about the defecting Dr. Anderson (aka Dr. Jamison Neruda) and his coworker Samantha and how much trouble they were in when 15 discovered their plan to release this information to the public (out of the goodness of their hearts of course) and yet at the interviews with Anne (who later became Sarah) Dr. Neruda claims to trust 15. As one continues reading and putting 2 and 2 together however, a very different tale emerges. Since by default 15 is not only head of ACIO and Labyrinth but by default this means also really implies that 15 is in fact, head of the NSA! Well it just happens he is also the Lead Man at the Incunabula meetings which is also known as BILDERBERGERS and in links provided on this page 'some' (and we assume this means 15) of these people have even apparently Faked their own deaths and are said to be still alive.
If you read the book called Ancient Arrow project which purports to tell the whole backstory of the WingMakers original saga you should be aware of the following:

James Mahu could not possibly either know or describe all the things he describes about Neruda's "feelings" or his private "thoughts" as claimed in the book – unless he is actually: Neruda or unless it is completely a work of pure fiction. (Which is NOT in line with being "authentic" by the way).

Well as if this was all not already way too confusing – James actually does confess years later and states that the entire thing is Fiction and that he created the entire wingmakers story. So if this is true, and he is just a human then why would anyone follow it? Why is any of this even important?

Because long before wingmakers (20 years earlier) I heard a similar tale about an ancient site and time-travelers and was acquainted with two people (since passed) who spoke to 2 Tibetan Monks traveling in the USA who were on a quest to visit all 7 ancient sites. I verified this with another person and traveled over a thousand miles to an archaeological site speaking with the Curator of that site – the 2nd man who actually spoke with those Tibetan Monks. Their two stories were identical. I was taken to the the site which I have kept secret to this day. So in other words, when I heard about the ancient arrow site and wingmakers the hair on the back of my neck stood up. And not in a good way. Something was off.

Yes James. Something is really way off. And to my way of thinking you have proven that what is off is YOUR story which has changed over and over repeatedly.

What are you trying to do? I think you are trying to use your bogus story to DRAW OUT anyone who actually knows where the REAL Ancient arrow sites are.

You (or someone in control of you) wants those sites. You will lose. and by the way James Mahu, I'm calling you out: You are a Liar.
Lie Myth, Fiction Revelation, Tomato Tomahto! Well it just so happens that James Mahu does later claim to be Jamison Neruda – But this also means he is really Dr. Anderson which means there never was a Sarah or Anne.

If he made everything up as he claims then again I ask, why is any of it important and WHY does he persist in claiming that this LIE is going to help humanity?

(P.S. By the way, he claims some of it – the core parts – are true and really happened – it's just that he WON'T say which parts!) I have attached a statement from James at the bottom of this page – so he may defend himself. It is not modified in any way.)
So James says part of the story is TRUE.

But I would like to submit that I believe nearly all of the Wingmakers is FRAUDULENT since it turns out that it is being published with NSA approval under the fraudulent guise of being started by a scared benevolent whistleblower defector who was only trying to 'gift' the information to 'mankind'. This is called "Cointelpro". A favorite spy tactic.
Mark Hempel James Mahu's webmaster and original "follower" has demonstrated what happens to anyone who becomes too close to the Wingmakers materials. He is now acting as an A.I. Prophet. He is now someone who is promoting Artificial Intelligence – and the merging of Human intelligence with synthetic intelligence. (See photos of Mark below)
This is especially alarming since in even on the original WingMakers site Dr. Anderson (who is James) stated that he had started to be powerfully subliminally influenced by simply interacting with the paintings, poetry, music and tech of the Ancient Arrow Project and WingMakers Materials. Well since James IS Mahu Nahi we know this is not possible since he wrote the stuff and painted the paintings and created the very frequencies inserted into the music and poetry etc.

So why would he admit that the contents of 'his' Wingmakers materials would have that effect on people?

I believe that he did this because it is highly illegal NOT to warn a Free Will Planet and it's occupants when you need their permission. This was his subtle convoluted way of warning Humans.
He is basically warning us that the materials will subliminally influence us. ...and Mark Hempel is proof that this is indeed so.

He is now C.O.O. of a company which creates and promotes or uses Artificial Intelligence.

This is the exact opposite result of what is supposed to happen (according to Mahu) to someone exposed to the wingmakers materials. The exact opposite.
Let's – for a moment – deconstruct some logic here.

Bearing in mind that Time Travelers by definition should know the past, Ask yourself the following:

Why would these time travelers concerned with Earth's safety and their own dark future and whose mission was to prevent an invasion by a Synthetic human-soul stealing race of ETs called Animus, place their all important cache of advanced defensive technology meant for Earth's protection against the Animus in a location that would end up in the NSA's hands cordoned off from the very Humans who need it and into the hands of another Alien race (The Corteum) who are supposedly a branch of The Anunnaki who are said to be the original Slave-holders of Humanity?
And why would they have encoded and encrypted this all important information using Ancient Sumerian which was (not only the language of those slaveholders) but also was already a dead language even as late as 1200 – 1400 A.D. when this 'important humanity saving information' was placed there. Especially since they must have also KNOWN that it would not be found for at least 700 years and knowing that this defensive tech would be indecipherable to Humans when it was discovered? Does any part of this story make sense?
Another odd anomaly that keeps showing up is this: Anne describes Anderson [who is really James Mahu-Mahu Nahi] as being possibly Peruvian and the only AUDIO we have of James Mahu (from Mark Hempel interview) has an exotic and unique Spanish or perhaps Catalan accent... (James later admits he is from Barcelona) meanwhile 15 is claimed to be from Barcelona.
What makes this very interesting are two other researcher-whistleblower-insiders: A. R. Bordon, another mysterious researcher with 15-like intelligence who founded a group called the LPG-C (Life Physics Group-California) and who was approximately the same age as 15 was also researching a form of TIME TRAVEL and Portal technology that he called: ENS and he ALSO was meeting regularly with a group of Anunnaki and he also apparently knew 15...and (TA DA!)

However He claimed to be from Bolivia and also had this somewhat less common Spanish accent.
Then there is a man calling himself COBRA (all caps always) who also had /has the same apparent accent. What makes COBRA interesting is that he uses a Voice pitch modulation device to disguise his interviews – which are all about Alien Wars going on in present time – (which is additionally suspicious to me)
Interesting also is the fact that 15 and Bordon supposedly died around the same time frame as well (right around the time of the so called TIME LINE when the Animus were to arrive!) This is also when COBRA suddenly appeared on the scene. (And COBRA – who claims to be a resistance fighter – seems to know an awful lot of things no one else seems to know and also claims to be in direct communication with ETs just like Bordon and 15. There is speculation (which seems very logical) that 15 and Bordon are one and the same. Well, I have my own ideas: I think that perhaps Mahu Nahi (aka James Mahu) is also 15, and is also A.R. Bordon and may also be COBRA!

Just to reiterate: This is the guy admonishing us all to be: "Authentic"!
The deception and misdirection do not stop with just the names and fictitious people.
The original WingMakers website also used a photo with a caption clearly intending to make the reader believe it was the entrance to the Ancient Arrow site – (see Photos below) In fact, it is really a photo of Slot Canyon (part of Antelope Canyon nearly 400 miles away in Lake Powell region and nowhere near where Ancient Arrow site is purported to be.)
The caption made it clear that the reader was supposed to think that it was in fact a unique entrance to the cave Ancient Arrow site.

I believe James Mahu (not being from here but from Barcelona) mistakenly assumed that Antelope Canyon was so remote and that so few people visit it so that his photo fraud was Safe from discovery.
Consider the photo collage at the top of the page again.

I just by chance stumbled on the photo of the Greek Model pictured in color above left as well as other photos from his portfolio.

At the time I was NOT looking for a photo of James Mahu. But I had been struggling to verify why the entire WingMakers story felt "off" to my gut. (At the time it did not occur to me that I may even in fact be privy to a REAL Ancient Arrow location or that the Wingmakers Site was actually created to "smoke out" humans who know about the REAL locations. People like those two Tibetan monks. It is possible that I've known this for many years and didn't even realize it. In fact I didn't realize it until I started creating this page to expose James as the Liar he is. During the creation of this expose' of James it suddenly dawned on me that I may in fact, be privy to one of the real locations. Now I think I might know why the WingMaker information seemed so 'off' to me.
There was no mistaking...the photo on the right and the 'greenish' rendition with the words: "James Mahu" on it is the very same man from a different angle and most likely even taken during the same photo shoot. James (a self-described artist) digitally altered the Greek Man's photo and passed it off as a picture of himself. (For one thing, a "Greek" accent and a "Catalan" accent are very very different. If you listen to the linked MP3 interview of James below you will not hear a Greek Accent but a Catalan one.
Now it is very interesting that after many years a picture of a DRAGON also shows up and is directly connected to WingMakers.

This should make you sit up.

It's on the cover of James Mahu's Book: Quantusum. Which is supposedly about an Event that is to happen around 2080. Which sounds suspiciously to me like the Singularity described by Kurzweil. The book speaks of the Human SOUL being discovered by SCIENCE. By WHOM? Why ...by the ACIO division of the NSA of course! Oh! You mean the same group claiming to be trying to keep the 'human soul' from being taken over by a Synthetic Alien intelligence? Yes that one.
Furthermore it is these same people who are pretty much the only ones on earth with access to QUANTUM computers. Yes these are the ones who are in charge of the information on the WingMakers websites. The very same ones that create Blank Slate Technology which is being reported back as being USED ON Whistleblowers coming from BLACK OPS programs and Super soldier programs and Secret Space programs (and they use this exact same term!) But we are warned by Whistleblowers that Blank Slate is not time travel – we are told that Blank Slate is well, Blank Slating them – wiping their memories – so they will forget certain exact things.

I've said for many years that Remembering WHO we are and where we came from is going to be KEY to regaining our access to ourselves.

Forgetting and being "mind wiped" by someone without our permission is the exact opposite of a "Benign" technology. Having our memory stolen from us is one of the most KEY and fundamental parts of Alien control of Humanity since Humans began. Folks – this is not benign. This is the ultimate danger.
Oddly, as it turns out – Being "memory wiped" is exactly what Dr. Anderson claimed he was afraid of... It was the very thing he feared the NSA was going to do to him!

You can't make this up. So why would James (who is actually Dr. Anderson and making all of this up) insert this subtle warning about Memory wiping into a story which also simultaneously claims that BST (Blank Slate/ грифельная доска Technology) is a GOOD thing? Especially since this is supposedly an all fictitious story.

No Novelist would ever get something this key to the plot so horribly wrong. So why does Mahu mess up the plot of his fiction and reveal this subtle "warning" to us?

For the same reason he reveals everything that is bizarre to us. Because it is not entirely fiction. Because this is a free will planet; He must 1) tell us it is partly fiction. 2) he must warn us of the memory wipe. 3) He must make clear that MRP is suspiciously identical to BST 4) He must tell us there are frequencies that will change us 5) he must reveal he is a Liar.
So you could say I'm helping him. Here: James Mahu is a Liar.
BST time travel... is really BLANK SLATE tech being used by the NSA goons/ головорезы Known as MEN IN BLACK – just like you have seen in the movies where they wipe out someone's memories.
Dr. Anderson tells us that by simply being in contact with the materials he was influenced subliminally and that this contact made him align with their 'Agenda'?

That's odd. We were told that the WingMakers didn't have an 'Agenda' and yet 'Agenda' is the word that Anderson uses.

Simultaneously He also claims he TRUSTS 15 ...and again in a further schizophrenic freudian slip he later states that 15 is a 'PAWN'/ пешка of the Corteum... which also indicates the Corteum are 15's superior or "boss". Deception at it's finest and most convoluted/запутанный. QUANTUSUM – the name of James Mahu's new book with the Dragon on the front sounds a lot like QUANTUM-computers. Dragons, Draco, Anunnaki, Tomato, Tomahto.... Oh wait a minute! It's Quantum as in Quantum computers but it has US in the middle of it. That sounds EXACTLY like the warning we are given about what the ANIMUS want to do with Humans. QuantUSum. US: surrounded by Aritificial Intelligence. Completely captured. BORG. Thank you for that insight James.
The singularity which they THOUGHT would happen much sooner has apparently been pushed back to 2080 – the moment in time when they can merge the human soul into an artificial body that lives forever and capture ONCE and for ALL human free souls. ... QUANT-US-UM! They want the Grand Portal known as the Human soul which is unique in the Universe. However, Humans will die out if James has his way – unlike what all his pretty words would have you believe. In his scenario, we would be the slaves of the Corteum just like 15 became and just like Mark Hempel is becoming. (Let me interject: I do not believe this is going to happen. James can't even hide his agenda from an only modestly awake human -like me- Me, someone who is not even sure of how to go about exposing him... and yet here I am, doing just that.)
Bear in mind: Mahu isn't secretive because he's being Modest. He's secretive because he is a power hungry Alien who RUNS THE NSA and wants to control all humans using secret Blank Slate Technology! If a Human Soul is the Grand Portal, (as James states repeatedly on Wingmakers websites) Then why would Humans NEED TECH?!

Well, they don't. We don't. See how that works?

Truth is – we DON'T. Not to get where we're going. They are actually afraid of us.

That's why "all the secrecy" and hushed/ приглушенный voices behind closed doors!

They desperately want what Humans simply ARE by the very fact of simple Nature.
And because THEY don't have it and can't get it, They want to control us, farm us, use us, Gene-splice us, Matrix us, Dumb us down, Poison us, QUANT US, (SUM) and put us to sleep and force us to Pilot their INFERIOR high tech Space craft using our minds/souls/unique Human qualities and abilities – things that we mostly don't even know we have and are largely completely unaware of.
Here's an important question: WHY would a so much more highly advanced much smarter race like the Corteum (supposedly are) be so INTERESTED in the Human SOUL and why would the Animus want it? (Reminder: The Corteum ARE the Animus – in my opinion.)
Because we have something they want – which means what we have is Far more advanced or superior.
Here is the proof from their OWN FAQ that James has embedded Mind Control frequencies in WingMaker materials: (parentheses are mine and ... denote abridgement but keeping meaning)

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