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Whistle Blowers expose Earth's Elite Alien alliance - Is James Mahu a Liar$
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The preceding should make you sit up and take warning.
===== About what MIGHT BE the real Ancient Arrow Site in the American West =====
Here is a real story – not a fictional one like Mahu gave you:
I knew a man many years before the New Mex. WingMakers Ancient Arrow site and James' WingMakers fake story.

This man did have a gift as a seer – but he was a very unassuming quiet man with a very simple life. He once had this incredible vision and after a long journey from the Eastern USA was directed along with his companions to a place in a remote canyon in the West in the company of several other people. This was in the 1950s and before '15' ever headed the NSA. IT was in an area that is still a secret location and which I have personally visited many times.

After a few nights of camping at the location [to which they were directed telepathically to go] What had been an apparently solid rock wall on a very large rock face appeared to visually and materially change and a Large opening suddenly appeared in this solid rock wall face and he and several others – walked down a spiral ramp walking right through what had previously appeared to be solid rock – and they walked into a large chamber which seemed to be a library of what he called pure golden disks.

(The rock, the Golden Disks and the Spiral all fit with the Wingmakers fiction.)
They were told by a 'glowing' companion that this was was being kept for (and was supposed to be for) humankind at a future time when it would be needed. Their exact words actually were: 'in times of trouble'. These people and my friend were NOT shown the contents of the library or in other words 'the actual info or content' on the discs but only the discs themselves. Mahu as Neruda has said in one of his interviews that the wingmakers HAVE the technology to holographically HIDE such places as the Ancient Arrow Site. This would seem just another Mahu "Lie" except that Corey Goode, Emery Smith and Jason Rice have all said that the SSP (secret space program) have this technology as well, So it is my opinion that here Mahu is informing us that the Corteum KNOW that the real site is HIDDEN using this technology. Although the site in New Mex. is actually a complete fiction I think that The REAL holographically hidden 'cave' – is not a fiction. It is remote however and very far away from New Mexico.
Although I believed my friend it sounded really fantastic and stretched my credibility limits when the story was first related to me. Only after I started to write about the fraud associated with James Mahu did it dawn on me that I may in fact, know the location of the REAL ancient arrow site. There is more.
The site (according to my friend) (along with 6 other sites) were already known by some Tibetan monks who came through and visited the area and said what they were visiting all the sites (7) around the world spoken of in their ancient scrolls. (The fact there were 7 sites and that they were spoken of in Ancient scrolls also fits with the WingMakers fiction.) So it is clear to me that the other sites are already known to some individuals but that those individuals are NOT the NSA nor 15 nor the Corteum. Could it actually be one reason the NSA is spying on everyone... so they can pick up chatter/ болтовня about the real locations of ancient sites known to certain people?
Could this be one reason that ISIS or ISIL (1515?) routinely destroys ancient sites in Mesopotamia? Are they are actually hoping to destroy the real ancient arrow sites?

If so It also would explain why they have a huge NSA and weapons base at Pine Gap Australia since their 'intel' tells them there is also an ancient arrow site near there.
If they were so benign/доброжелательный, Why would Labyrinth group even need to be associated with the NSA – especially if it is for the betterment of Mankind? Why would they need to have thousands of employees actively cataloguing humankind including DNA, thoughts and personalities? I believe this is not about the betterment of Mankind but rather about control.
Mahu is very eloquent/ красноречивый and clearly very well spoken and intelligent. I wondered at first if he were using artificial voice modulation. His voice is extremely deep and hypnotic. But I have since decided it is not digital modulation because the upper limit of the voice profile is still all very clear. I thought to myself where I had heard this before? Ah yes! Another unusual Spanish Accent (one definitely not Mexican or Cuban or Central American – more like Catalan perhaps?) Another person who in my mind is also questionable and claims to have many Alien connections and insider info definitely uses voice modulation and who also has this familiar accent. He seems to have a lot of information that no one else could possibly have. He claims it is for protection of those in ET federations etc that might be outed if he were to not use the Voice modulation. He goes only by the name: COBRA. Imagine that. Another insider who has an exotic Spanish accent and uses Reptile references?

What are the odds?

(There also just happens to also be a VOICE modulator machine that is called COBRA. This is very interesting.)

Much of what COBRA says sounds really good – at first. Just like James Mahu. But you have to wonder where the heck he gets his info? And why would he use the code name COBRA? – I find it further eye opening that the NSA and Military actually has SPEC OPS that use a WHITE COBRA on their badges and this brings to my mind WHITE DRACO ROYAL REPTILIAN ANUNNAKI....
I don't believe these guys are Good Guys. But their message is alluring and Hypnotic to many. Now I'm not saying all Kingu Babbar Draco White Reptilians have to be bad. In fact it may actually be that most if not all humans now have some KBDWR in us – somewhere in our DNA. This is purported by Anton Parkes actually. And eventually everyone – including them – needs to get back to source and so I hope they go.
But why use the symbol of Anunnaki which has been used for centuries? Look at the Hindu Gods the NAGA and look at the Pharaohs Cobra decoration. Why Cobra? Does the first letter really stand for Corteum? Look at the Moses and Lifted up Serpent and the Dollar sign which was originally a snake over two femur bones/ бедренная кость – just like two femurs and a skull for secret societies and pirates. This also became our medical symbols and became the DOLLAR SIGN – which is a snake (S) over a LINE... Think: how do you write Dollar sign? $ And how do you write Dollars (plural) $$ now spread the I and the S apart and what do you have? ISIS or maybe you could write: 1515.
If you'll notice on DARPA/Secret Military patches or BLACK OPS space groups connected to the Secret Space programs one common mascot/ талисман is a COBRA. Particularly a White Cobra with red eyes.
If you listen to the first interview by Mark Hempel below, you will note that within the first 6 minutes or so James (Mahu Nahi) actually ADMITS that the pictures, music, symbols and sounds are all imbued with a very subtle frequency that affects our consciousness.

(Protect yourself – if you listen, please only listen to a few minutes at most)
The Real ancient sites were created to stop these groups: The Labyrinth, ACIO and LPG-C, and the Corteum from accessing our intended Time Line. I believe strongly that they do NOT know exactly WHICH timeline to enter in order to carry out their nefarious plan to MESS it up! The real sites are not going to be revealed in such a way that the Corteum will be able to SUPPLANT, CHANGE, REVERSE ENGINEER, SABOTAGE, or CONTROL the information found therein.
In my view this is most likely why James (an artist) was brought in. To create a massive elaborate creative frequency FRAUD – which included the FAKE site in New Mexico! He was directed to create an entire 'spiritual sounding' quasi-new-age- type story around it – It was all very elaborate (But confusing and circuitous and overstated as well.) It has been his ultimate mission to sideline our Timeline and BST humanity to cause us to forget where we are going and get lost in his spiritual sounding Mumbo Jumbo B.S.

Yes BST might stand for Bull Sh*t Tales.
He claims in his Project Camelot interview that the Anunnaki created HMS to imprison humankind and talks about Nibiru, Anu and other things. Then in Quantusum he places a big ol' DRAGON! He then says the great science discovery of the ACIO is: "the proof of the existence of the Human Soul which is a portal". Connect the dots: they are attempting to bring in the synthetics (The Animus) into the GREAT PORTAL of the human soul. I know this because if they were truly benign why would they need to remain hidden and why would they be working in the dark with the least trustworthy and most mendacious/ лживый most Black Budget and slavery focused freedom usurping power hungry Cartel on earth: The NSA? The NSA's true purpose is clear to me – especially after their death ritual of 911 – (just as the test run of Jade Helm 15) It has been to enslave humans through Quantum computer control (thus Mastering the Human Domain!)
SO BEWARE! Look at the pictures. Do they look benign to you? Some show what appear to be human forms with no skin over their muscles or PLANTED like trees into the ground unable to move. IN fact look at the picture JAMES MAHU supplied which is entitled Corteum (below) in it you see human hands apparently trapped above the human's head on a wall of glass – as if they are trying to run and can't get away and there is an alien like ghostly figure behind them. Well that just sounds peachy/ персиковый doesn't it? Very friendly – these Corteum! It looks more like a poster for a Horror Movie to me!
Lots of Illuminati symbolism too. We should ask why? There must be a reason the Labyrinth group are called the BLACK MONKS. According to Corey Goode the black monks are deeply into the occult and also use Sigil Magic. That is why there are 'unconscious' symbols and subliminal things in WingMakers art and music.
James even admits in his writings on WingMakers that by the time 2012 rolls around every single thing about humans will be on computers and will allow them to personally navigate – as if it's a good thing. This is a completel contradiction to the original idea of the WingMakers. While tech isn't necessarily bad [this site uses tech for example] however don't you find it antithetical to the stated goal of the WingMakers? James says this back in 1998. Interesting that He would have known this back in 1998! Don't you find it remarkable that a man just MAKING UP A FICTIONAL STORY WOULD BE ABLE TO PREDICT THIS? I mean... this was Long before many people had even heard of the World Wide Web and yet James was basically admitting that he already knew that we would become part of a quantu-m-sum system.

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