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Europe: An Introduction

1. What Western European country and its allies have faced off to fight Germany and its allies twice during the twentieth century?

A Italy

B Austria

C France

D Switzerland

2. What Northern European country is part of the three countries of Scandinavia?

A Greenland

B Denmark

C Iceland

D Finland
3. What Eastern European country was a “satellite” in the former Soviet Union’s orbit, but now belongs to NATO and the European Union?

A Belarus

B Ukraine

C Moldova

D Bulgaria
4. What Southern European country lies partly in Europe but mostly in Asia?

A Malta

B Turkey

C Greece

D Andorra
5. What ancient culture’s architects used mathematical formulas to produce ideal proportions in their buildings?

A Minoan

B Roman

C Persian

D Greek
6. What language do countless legal terms in English-speaking countries come from?

A Greek

B Arabic

C Latin

D Byzantine

7. Who are considered the founders of many modern cities, notably London and Paris?

A Minoans

B Romans

C Persians

D Greeks
8. What was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire?

A Constantinople

B Rome

C Athens

D Alexandria

9. What was Europe’s great unifier?

A The Roman Empire

B Christianity

C The Crusades

D Greek and Roman law
10. What group were the Franks called upon to defend in the first Crusades?

A Byzantines

B Greek Orthodox Christians

C Jews

D Coptic Christians

11. Why was Clement VII named as pope after Urban VI had already been elected pope in 1378?

A Urban VI was found to be mentally unstable

B Urban VI’s election was determined to be fraudulent

C A faction of cardinals refused to accept Urban VI

D Most of Europe’s archbishops refused to recognize Urban VI as pope

12. What marked the end of Muslim expansion into northwestern Europe?

A Charlemagne’s defeat of the Muslim invaders

B King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella retook Granada

C Charles Martel’s victory at Tours

D Fall of Constantinople

13. What group’s control of overland trade routes to Asia gave Christopher Columbus an important reason to seek a westward sailing route?

A Franks

B Moors

C Byzantines

D Turks
14. What was one of the reasons Jews were expelled from several European countries?

A The local Jewish populations refused to submit to Spanish authority

B It was feared converts to Catholicism would return to their original faith

C The Jews led a rebellion against Spain in protest of the Inquisition

D It was feared their presence would bring local violence from Crusader fervor

against Muslims

15. What language became the basis of a rich culture of poetry, storytelling, and other literature, and of music and theater?

A Yiddish

B Ladino

C Hebrew

D Aramaic

16. What country had full protection as citizens for Jews from the very beginning?

A United States

B Netherlands

C Britain

D France
17. What idea was one of the ideas within Hitler’s racist ideology?

A Fascist theory

B Aryan supremacy

C European superiority

D Caucasian purity
18. How did the 1648 Peace of Westphalia impact the Holy Roman Empire?

A It established the principle of state sovereignty

B It consolidated the empire’s power

C It split the Holy Roman Empire in two

D It added the Kingdom of Sicily to the empire

19. What was the Europeans’ concern about the possible fall of the Ottoman Empire?

A It would lead to generations of civil wars and rebellions

B It would lead to the fall of the Holy Roman Empire

C New states might upset the balance of power in the region

D An Ottoman economic collapse could bring down Europe’s economy

20. What group made up about half of the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s population?

A German-speaking Austrians

B Hungarians

C Italians

D Slavs
21. What country did President Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” speech call to be established as unified and independent?

A Finland

B Poland

C Austria

D Czechoslovakia
22. As Europe industrialized, what ideas caught on?

A Roman Catholicism’s supremacy

B The political ideas of Marx and Engels

C Lenin’s vision of a totalitarian state

D Keynes’s economic theories
23. What movement has taken form in Britain’s Labour Party?

A Centrist socialism

B Liberal Marxism

C Democratic socialism

D Euro-communism

24. What term best describes Francisco Franco’s rule?

A Democratic

B Socialist

C Communist

D Fascist
25. What was a consequence of fascism in twentieth-century Europe?

A Death and destruction

B Free elections throughout Western Europe

C Liberal-conservative balance

D Defeat of communism

26. A Greek word meaning “love of wisdom”

A Senate

B Sephardim

C Indulgences

D Diaspora

E Philosophy
27. A Latin political term from the Roman Republic

A Senate

B Sephardim

C Indulgences

D Diaspora

E Philosophy
28. A term for a means of seeking forgiveness for sins

A Senate

B Sephardim

C Indulgences

D Diaspora

E Philosophy
29. Word meaning the scattering

A Senate

B Sephardim

C Indulgences

D Diaspora

E Philosophy

30. Name for Spanish Jews who settled in North Africa, Italy, and elsewhere in Europe

A Senate

B Sephardim

C Indulgences

D Diaspora

E Philosophy

31. When Hitler came to power as chancellor in 1933, Germany was an advanced society with a weak political culture, specifically a weak culture of democracy.

A True

B False

Europe: Immigration and Terrorism

1. Why was there a labor shortage in West Germany after World War II?

A The economy was expanding very fast

B Many Germans had fled the country as refugees

C Workers had better opportunities elsewhere

D World War II killed hundreds of thousands of civilian workers

2. What immigrants made a place for themselves as skilled workers in Germany’s high-tech manufacturing industries?

A Italians

B North Africans

C Turks

D Poles
3. How long do the European Union citizens have the right to stay in another EU country?

A 1 month

B 3 months

C 6 months

D 12 months
4. How long must an EU citizen have uninterrupted legal residence in another EU country to acquire the right of permanent residence?

A 1 year

B 3 years

C 5 years

D 7 years

5. Through what type of lens have Europeans looked at immigration issues?

A Economic

B Nationalistic

C Legalistic

D Humanitarian
6. Why have applications for asylum risen significantly since the end of the Cold War?

A Many are fleeing ethnic cleansing and seeking safety in Europe

B People are fleeing poverty and hunger in their native countries

C Droughts have forced many off farms and into European cities

D The United States has drastically cut the number of asylum applicants

7. What often puts the Roma at odds with governments?

A Their high level of poverty

B Their refusal to speak local languages

C Their itinerant lifestyle

D Their religious practices

8. What language is most commonly related to the language of the Romani, due to a shared “parent?”

A Egyptian

B Hindi

C Romanian

D Italian
9. What do German authorities call offenses related to victims’ ideology, race, and so forth?

A Politically motivated crime

B Hate crimes

C Racial crimes

D Immigrant crimes

10. What country has the largest Muslim and Jewish populations in Europe?

A Italy

B Turkey

C Spain

D France
11. Where do poor people tend to live in France?
A Inner cities

B Suburbs

C Rural areas

D Mid-sized cities
12. How does the Victim Support group in Britain explain the big increase in “racially motivated incidents” between April 2005 and March 2007?

A A large influx of new immigrants

B A cut in social services across the board

C Better referrals from the police

D The rise of strong far-right politicians

13. Why did the London Metropolitan Police Force’s Black Police Association say that it would actively discourage black and Asian recruits?

A They said that such recruits would be treated unfairly

B They didn’t want additional competition for promotions

C They thought that few of these new recruits had a good work ethic

D They didn’t want to encourage a far-right backlash against police

14. What was one of the lessons of the London and Madrid bombings?

A There were not enough police in big cities

B Civil liberties must be sacrificed to guarantee security

C The need to fight al-Qaeda’s ideology, not just its organized killers

D Bomb-sniffing dogs were necessary on all subway cars

15. What group do the British feel they have a need to act against for their country’s security?

A Muslim students

B Pakistani immigrants

C Citizens of Syrian descent

D Radical Islamist preachers
16. Where did Egyptian student Mohamed Atta become radicalized?

A Cairo’s Goethe Institute

B Al Quds Mosque in Hamburg

C New York City University

D Training camp in Pakistan
17. What was the real horror of the London bombings for many people?

A The fact that terrorists could so easily get visas

B The huge network that the terrorist cell had developed

C The brief destabilization of the national government

D The attackers weren’t immigrants, but native sons
18. What has Europe done in response to terror attacks?

A Reinstated passport checks at national borders

B Required additional background checks on potential immigrants

C Standardized national laws to close gaps in the law

D Developed new treaties between nations to aid extradition

19. What can intelligence agencies in the United States, Britain, and Germany now do?

A Share information with agencies investigating crimes

B Share top secret intelligence among themselves

C Arrest suspected terrorists on each others’ territories

D Monitor their own citizens’ private lives without warrants

20. What do the overwhelming majority of Protestants in Northern Ireland want?

A To be free to worship where and when they wish

B To be part of the Republic of Ireland

C To remain within the United Kingdom

D To join the European Union

21. How does each side in Northern Ireland tend to see itself?

A As a minority

B As martyrs for their cause

C As a majority

D As victors in the conflict

22. What was the mission of the British soldiers when they arrived in Northern Ireland as “the troubles” began?

A Protect the Protestants freedom to worship

B Drive out the Catholics

C Defeat the Irish Republican Army

D Protect the Catholics’ civil rights
23. What was one of Britain’s main adversaries in Northern Ireland?

A Irish Protestant Defense League

B Irish Republican Army

C Irish Catholic Secession Force

D Irish Revolutionary Guard
24. What was the result of former US Senator George Mitchell’s series of negotiations concerning Northern Ireland?

A St. Andrews Agreement

B Northern Ireland Peace Treaty

C Good Friday Agreement

D Sinn Fein Reconciliation Accord

25. What does Northern Ireland have once again, as of December 1999?

A Its own government

B Freedom of religion

C Freedom of the press

D Representation in the British Parliament

26. Egyptian-born British citizen, he called for God to destroy the United States.

A Richard Reid

B Mohamed Atta

C Abu Hamza al-Masri
27. He tried to blow up an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami in December 2001.

A Richard Reid

B Mohamed Atta

C Abu Hamza al-Masri
28. Leader of a terrorist cell known as the “Hamburg cell” of al-Qaeda.

A Richard Reid

B Mohamed Atta

C Abu Hamza al-Masri

29. The Berlin terrorist cell helped plan and execute the 9/11 attacks.

A True

B False
30. British and German counterterrorism officials have moved from a preventive to a reactive approach.

A True

B False
31. The St. Andrews agreement of 2007 cleared the way for actual home rule for Northern Ireland.

A True

B False

Europe: European Union

1. What war was supposed to be “the war to end all wars?”

A Civil War

B World War I

C World War II

D Korean War
2. What was a main reason for merging France and Germany’s coal and steel industries?

A Neither country could afford to rebuild these industries alone after World War II

B France wanted to prevent Germany from nationalizing these industries

C France and Germany wanted to beat competitors in these industries

D The two countries presumably couldn’t go to war with each other
3. What was created by the 1951 treaty based on the Schuman Plan?

A European Coal and Steel Community

B European Common Market

C European Commission

D European Central Bank

4. What treaty created the European Economic Community (EEC)?

A Benelux Treaty

B Treaty of Paris

C Treaty of Rome

D Common Market Treaty

5. What country was NOT a founding member of the European Union?

A France

B Luxemburg

C Italy

D Britain
6. Why was Britain sidelined at first by the Common Market?

A Winston Churchill was opposed to Britain’s membership

B Resistance from German leadership

C Britain did not see itself as exactly part of “Europe”

D Britain had not yet rebuilt sufficiently after the war

7. What country was one of three added to the Common Market when it expanded in 1973?

A Portugal

B Denmark

C Italy

D Sweden
8. What country joined the European Union in 2007?

A Romania

B Malta

C Hungary

D Poland
9. What are treaties an expression of in the European Union?

A Commonalities between European states

B The rule of law

C Fluidity of European borders

D The power of democracy
10. What structure was created by the Treaty of Maastricht for the EU?

A A structure with three pillars

B A central government made up of two main branches

C A structure limited to economic expansion

D An economic hub with military and judicial sub-units

11. What body has the power to dismiss the European Commission?

A European Council

B Court of Justice of the EU

C European Parliament

D President of the EU

12. How often does the EU presidency change to a different member state?

A Every 6 months

B Every year

C Every 2 years

D Every 4 years

13. What European Union agency is made up of 27 members, one from each state, and has an army of some 24,000 civil servants to support them?

A EU Central Bank

B European Parliament

C EU Courts

D European Commission
14. What is the role of the Court of Justice of the EU?

A Handle all court cases involving the members serving on the EU governing bodies

B Replace the national courts of each member state

C Provide legal advice, somewhat like a group of consultants, to the member states

D Ensures that EU law is interpreted and applied the same way in all countries
15. How many judges make up the Court of Justice of the EU?

A The number of judges is based on the population of each member state

B One judge from each member country

C Ten judges are elected from across Europe

D Two judges from each member country
16. What is the chief job of the European Central Bank?

A Serve as a main bank for all individuals within the European Union

B Provide commercial bank services to EU businesses

C Manage the Euro, mainly by setting interest rates

D Finance large infrastructure and environmental projects

17. What EU body’s particular focus right now is projects that will help the EU become the world’s leading knowledge-based economy?

A European Investment Bank

B European Commission

C European Council

D European Central Bank

18. What is the official term for the countries that use the euro as currency?

A Euro sector

B Euro zone

C Euro area

D Euro countries

19. What was the first phase of the introduction of the euro?

A Euros replaced all national currencies

B Euros were first introduced as banknotes and coins while national currencies were used for bookkeeping

C Euros were used in parallel with national currencies for all purposes

D Euros were used as virtual money or book money along with national currencies
20. What is one advantage of euros for EU members?

A People and businesses don’t have to pay the cost of exchanging money

B Euros are simpler to use than most national currencies

C Euros are based on a solid gold standard

D Euros only come in paper money, so there are no small coins to deal with

21. What is one reason the value of a currency may fall?

A Demand for the currency exceeds supply

B A government prints money to cover a budget deficit

C A strong economy rises with low inflation

D The currency is used as a reserve currency
22. Why do some former communist countries in the EU not use the euro?

A They don’t want to lose their identities within the EU

B They prefer to use dollars which they see as more stable

C They have not yet met the criteria for using the euro

D They like their newly found freedom to play the currency markets

23. What is the biggest EU member outside the euro area?

A Britain

B Sweden

C France

D Denmark

24. Where do between 55 percent and 70 percent of all dollars circulate, according to the Federal Reserve?

A The United States

B Europe

C Latin America

D Outside the US
25. What advantage does the euro have over the dollar?

A The banknotes are more durable so need less frequent replacement

B The euro is harder to counterfeit than the dollar

C The euro is available in €500 notes

D The euro can be exchanged more easily than the dollar

26. Branch of the EU government that elects the European Ombudsman

A Parliament

B European Central Bank

C European Council

D European Commission

27. Members of this EU body are rather like Cabinet secretaries in the United States

A Parliament

B European Central Bank

C European Council

D European Commission

28. The executive organ of the EU

A Parliament

B European Central Bank

C European Council

D European Commission

29. Counterpart of the United States Federal Reserve

A Parliament

B European Central Bank

C European Council

D European Commission
30. After World War I, France elected a fascist government.

A True

B False
31. Sweden’s economy is big enough that it has been allowed to “opt out” of the euro zone.

A True

B False

Europe: Yugoslavia

1. Kosovo and Vojvodina were autonomous provinces within which one of the territories that ended up as a republic of Yugoslavia?

A Bosnia and Herzegovina

B Croatia

C Slovenia

D Serbia
2. What secret treaty in 1915 was basically a deal to bring Italy into the war on the Allied side?

A Treaty of Vienna

B Treaty of London

C Treaty of Venice

D Treaty of Versailles
3. What was the mission of the London-based Yugoslav Committee formed by Croat nationalist leader Ante Trumbic?

A Promote the creation of a south-Slav state

B Form a military alliance to fight against Italy

C Resist the influence of the Entente in Yugoslavia

D Combine Croatia and Serbia into one country

4. The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes recognized three predominant religions-Roman Catholicism, Islam, and:

A Judaism

B Greek Orthodoxy

C Serbian Orthodoxy

D Protestantism

5. On 1 December 1918 who announced the founding of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes?

A King Peter I

B Nikola Pasic

C Prince Regent Alexander Karadjordjevic

D Ante Trumbic

6. What country took control of southern Slovenia and much of Dalmatia when Yugoslavia was dismembered in World War II?

A Germany

B Italy

C Hungary

D Bulgaria
7. What country occupied parts of Serbia, annexed northern Slovenia, and created a puppet state called the “Independent State of Croatia” during World War II?

A Germany

B Italy

C Hungary

D Bulgaria

8. During World War II, Ante Pavelic, leader of the Independent State of Croatia, appalled even the Nazis by sending out storm troopers to eliminate 2 million:

A Bosnians, Serbs, and Jews

B Macedonians, Serbs, and Gypsies

C Albanians, Jews, and Gypsies

D Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies
9. During World War II, which of the following areas faced a reign of terror and Germanization under German control?

A Northern Slovenia

B Southern Slovenia

C Macedonia

D Serbia
10. Tensions between which people made it hard to try to run a national resistance campaign?

A Bosnians and Serbs

B Serbs and Croats

C Croats and Bosnians

D Albanians and Serbs
11. What resistance group included Tito’s Communists and eventually became the largest, most active resistance group in Yugoslavia?

A Cetniks


C Pan-Yugoslav

D Partisans
12. Who did Tito make a deal with to allow troops into Yugoslavia, but leave as soon as the country was secure?

A Stalin

B Roosevelt

C Mussolini

D Churchill

13. What noncommunist did Tito yield to Allied pressure to work with to form a new government?

A King Peter II

B Draza Mihajlovic

C Ivan Subasic

D Milan Nedic

14. Of the 1.7 million Yugoslav lives lost during World War II, how many were killed by other Yugoslavs?

A 250, 000

B 500,000

C 750,000

D 1 million
15. When Tito’s government seized property in August 1945, where did half the land go?

A A government fund to repay war debts

B State-owned enterprises

C The German minority

D Government officials
16. What did Yugoslavs call the economic system they developed under Tito’s leadership?

A Progressive socialism

B Controlled socialism

C Socialist self-management

D Neo-communism

17. What taboo was Slobodon Milosevic willing to break that made him a popular hero overnight following Tito’s death?

A Nationalism

B Democracy

C Capitalism

D Yugoslav unity

18. What former head of the Serbian Communist Party became president of Yugoslavia in 1989?

A Tudjman

B Karadzic

C Gligorov

D Milosevic
19. In which former Yugoslav republic did democracy flourish, and the cultural, civic and economic realms opened up to a degree unheard of in the communist world?

A Croatia

B Macedonia

C Slovenia

D Montenegro

20. Where does a strong civilian and military international presence still reside?

A Croatia

B Bosnia

C Montenegro

D Serbia
21. What was the purpose of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement?

A Return of all Serb-held territories to Croatia

B Serbian recognition of Croatian independence

C End conflict between Bosnia and Croatia and create the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

D Committed Croatia and Serbia to a permanent cease-fire and return of all refugees
22. What was the effect of the agreement signed by Muslims and Croats in Bosnia that created the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

A Ended fighting between Muslims, Bosniaks, and Serbs

B Established a cease-fire between Serbia and Croatia in Bosnia

C Put Bosniaks and Croats on the same side against the Serbs

D Returned disputed land in Bosnia to Croatia

23. In 1989, Belgrade ordered the firing of large numbers of state employees of what ethnic group, to be replaced by Serbs?

A Albanians

B Croats

C Jews

D Bosniaks

24. What kind of resistance did the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) begin in 1997?

A Peaceful

B Passive

C Armed

D Diplomatic

25. On June 10 1999 the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1244, authorizing an international presence, both civilian and military, in what country?

A Bosnia

B Kosovo

C Serbia

D Slovenia

26. Was the center of the Serbian Empire back in the Middle Ages.

A Macedonia

B Kosovo

C Croatia

27. The second Yugoslav republic to declare its independence.

A Macedonia

B Kosovo

C Croatia
28. The only republic to break away from Yugoslavia without fighting.

A Macedonia

B Kosovo

C Croatia
29. Although Serbs and Croats speak essentially the same language, Croats use the Cyrillic alphabet, and Serbs use the Latin.

A True

B False
30. During World War II, in Macedonia, many people welcomed the Bulgarian occupation force because they expected to be granted some autonomy from the Bulgarian capital.

A True

B False
31. Yugoslavia was one of Europe’s more developed countries before Tito’s Communists took over.

A True

B False

Europe: US Interests in Europe

1. What German action caused President Wilson to go before Congress on April 2, 1917 to seek a declaration of war against Germany?

A Germany attacked Russia and was threatening Moscow

B Germany attacked and sank an American destroyer in the Atlantic

C Germany was using submarines against passenger and merchant ships

D Germany published the Sussex pledge

2. What German actions drew the United States into World War I?

A Germany announced it would begin attacking military bases in the US

B Germany announced it would resume unrestricted attacks on civilian vessels

C Germany attacked a US military ship in US territorial waters

D Germany attacked a US plane flying over the Atlantic
3. Where did President Wilson propose the formation of the League of Nations?

A In his Fourteen Points Speech

B In his State of the Union Address of 1918

C In his Sussex Pledge Speech

D In his Versailles Treaty Address

4. What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

A To form a permanent military alliance

B To form a permanent peacekeeping organization

C To form a worldwide trade organization

D None of the above
5. Who said the American goal in World War I was “to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world”?

A President Woodrow Wilson

B Publisher Henry R. Luce

C President James Carter

D Prime Minister Winston Churchill

6. What did Henry R. Luce say must transform international relations?

A Universal human rights principles

B European principles

C Free trade principles

D American principles
7. What principle of American foreign policy was marked by Henry R. Luce’s editorial, “The American Century”?

A Pacifism

B Internationalism

C Isolationism

D Globalism
8. What statement best describes the Atlantic Charter?

A Binding treaty to end war

B Document of postwar goals

C Multilateral pact between the US and Europe

D International agreement
9. What was NOT a goal or result of the Atlantic Charter?

A It laid out Roosevelt’s vision for the postwar world

B It committed the US and Britain to supporting the restoration of self-government for countries occupied during the war

C It pledged to allow all peoples to choose their own form of government

D It pledged to dismantle Germany into various protectorates

10. What was the focus of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) 12 original members?

A To overthrow the Soviet Union and defeat Communism

B To develop and defend the newly formed state of Israel

C To build up the European economies battered by war

D To defend Western Europe against Soviet aggression
11. What is NATO’s continuing purpose?

A Military alliance as well as an engine of democratic and economic change

B Security alliance promoting democracy and free-trade

C Trade alliance promoting economic freedom

D Watchdog alliance to monitor Russia and China

12. Name one country that is a member of NATO.

A Austria

B Malta

C Sweden

D Slovakia
13. Name one country that was a founding member of NATO, along with the US, Canada, and Iceland.

A Norway

B Finland

C Ireland

D Greece
14. What was one of NATO’s most important actions during the Cold War?

A NATO troops fought the Soviet Union on three separate occasions

B In its first 40 years, NATO never fired a shot

C NATO fired on the Turks in Cyprus to protect Greek interests

D NATO fought several small but important battles against the Warsaw Pact
15. What country in 1955 did NATO’s leaders think the time was right to add to the Alliance over Soviet objections?

A West Germany

B East Germany

C Poland

D Albania

16. What was the purpose of NATO’s implementation force (IFOR) when they were sent into the Balkans in 1995?

A To deter Soviet aggression by a show of force

B To ensure that the terms of the Dayton Peace Agreement were met

C To intervene in the conflict for the Bosnians and negotiate a peace treaty

D To end the civil war in Slovenia and negotiate a peace treaty
17. What was notable about NATO’s IFOR force when they were sent to the Balkans?

A It was a deployment outside the territory of NATO members

B It included the first women to serve in NATO military forces

C It was a deployment that led to standoff with Russian troops

D It was resolved peacefully without a single shot fired

18. What organization authorized the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to support Afghanistan’s interim government?

A League of Nations


C United Nations (UN)

D European Union (EU)

19. What happened to the reach of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan after NATO took command of ISAF?

A It now extends throughout the country

B It became limited to Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul

C It now extends to the Pakistan border

D It focuses on the Afghanistan-Kazakhstan border

20. What is the nature of US-European trade?

A Mercantilist trade

B Trade back and forth in similar products

C Niche trade in exchanging specialized products

D Export trade wherein US exports to Europe and does not import from Europe
21. What percentage of foreign direct investment in the US in the early 1990s came from countries in the European Economic Community?

A 23%

B 57%

C 62%

D 89%
22. What statement best describes the share of US foreign trade that goes to Europe?

A It is less than the share of foreign trade that goes to Japan

B It is one of the largest merchandise trading partners

C It is about the same as the share that goes to Russia

D It is much smaller than the total imports into Europe from the US
23. What was the importance of the agreement signed on 31 August 1980 by Lech Walesa and his fellow workers at the Lenin Shipyard in the Polish city of Gdansk?

A It launched a civil war in Poland between reformists and communists

B It created the alliance between the Soviet Union and Poland

C It allowed the Roman Catholic Church to lead its own political party

D It guaranteed the right to form independent trade unions and to strike

24. What was Czechoslovakia’s Charter 77?

A It instituted a period of “normalization”

B It replaced Dubcek with a harder-line Czechoslovakian leader

C It criticized the government for failing to honor human rights

D It formed an alliance between Czechoslovakia and Poland
25. What country experienced a brutal Soviet invasion 30 years before it had the first and smoothest shift to a democracy within the Soviet bloc?

A Romania

B Bulgaria

C Albania

D Hungary
26. Woodrow Wilson ran for reelection as a peace candidate in 1916 and tried to maintain strict US neutrality.

A True

B False
27. NATO expanded from its original members in 1989 when Greece and Turkey were brought into the Alliance.

A True

B False
28. During the Kosovo crisis NATO acted without United Nations approval.

A True

B False
29. Although US-EU trade is very strong, the real investors in the United States have long been Asia and the Middle East.

A True

B False
30. Solidarity became the unofficial opposition to the Communist party in Poland.

A True

B False

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