Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

The etheric body and the absorption spectrum of blood

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The etheric body and the absorption spectrum of blood

William C. Treurniet, June, 2012

Summary. The relationship between the etheric and the physical body is discussed in the context of illness resulting from close encounters with members of extraterrestrial races (ETs). Information channeled from an ET indicates that the illness is caused by interaction between the ET and human etheric bodies. Also, we learn that the ET physical body contains hemocyanin which has a significantly higher frequency peak in the electromagnetic (EM) absorption spectrum than human hemoglobin. Since the ET etheric body is believed to have a higher baseline frequency than the human etheric body, we can say that the frequency of the spectral peak for either oxygen-carrying molecule is correlated with the baseline frequency of the etheric body. When the ET etheric body interacts with the lower-frequency human etheric body, it may force a shift in frequency for the human which negatively affects the physical body. It is also suggested that energy is transported from the human physical body to the etheric body via the hemoglobin in the blood. Deoxygenated hemoglobin has more EM energy capacity than oxygenated hemoglobin. Therefore, less oxygen intake may facilitate the occurrence of a near death experience, dreaming, as well as a deep trance experienced by a meditator or a medium.

1. Introduction

In the occult literature, the human body is thought to have a superimposed ephemeral double called the etheric body (e.g., Powell, Ramsden). It exists in the physical realm, but is capable of separating from its denser counterpart in order to enter or communicate with non-physical realms. During the so-called out-of-body experience, the etheric body may travel in what is called the astral plane where other non-physical beings may be encountered.

The etheric body is thought to have an energy that oscillates at a certain frequency. This frequency can be raised to enable a medium to communicate with entities in non-physical realms. The altered frequency changes the relationship between the physical and etheric bodies so that the physical body enters a trance state. In this altered state, the medium's physical body may be manipulated by the spirit of a deceased person existing in the spirit world, a non-physical realm. For example, the medium's vocal apparatus may be used by the spirit to generate speech.

More recently, the entities contacted by mediums have gone from the spirits of deceased people to those that identify themselves as members of extraterrestrial races (ETs). It appears that these entities can be physical but also exist in a nonphysical realm different from the human spirit realm. One medium in contact with ETs is Paul Hamden who channels members of several races including the Zeta and the Anunnaki. The Zeta are similar in appearance to those that are popularly known as the Grays. Hamden's records of conversations with the ETs from many séances (Hamden, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c) reveal fascinating glimpses of a greater cosmology beyond the physical realm.

The records also give some insight into ET communication with us. Some statements from the ETs deal with the specific problem of human illness caused simply by being near an ET. Hamden has experienced this himself during the long period of acclimatization to their presence, and he recommends a procedure for countering the induced illness. The following analysis examines why such an illness may occur. It also sheds light on what may bring on a near-death experience and other phenomena associated with altered states of consciousness.

2. Illness caused by an encounter with an ET

Physical proximity to an ET is thought to make one physically ill with any of a wide range of symptoms. The Zeta channeled by Hamden said that “illness is understood by the etheric body (higher self) when it is completely attached to the physical body.” Conversely, “illness is not understood by the etheric body when it is semi-detached from the physical body.” In other words, wellness requires a good connection between the physical and etheric bodies. Illness may result when this connection is disturbed. Why would this happen?

In Hamden (2010a, p. 54), the medium affirms that the etheric self and the physical body are separate entities. The etheric field is said to have a frequency, and we might infer that it could extend into the radio frequency range of the spectrum or higher. Research has demonstrated that a radio-frequency field can be used to manipulate biological molecules (here), and can alter gene expression in cultured human cells (here). A comprehensive review by Cifra et al. (2011) discusses theory and experiments on electromagnetic cellular interactions. So an etheric body may well be the substrate that regulates processes in the physical body as claimed (e.g.,Ramsden).

Close proximity of a Zeta to a human may move the frequency of oscillation of the human etheric body toward the frequency of the Zeta etheric body, possibly by a mechanism that promotes frequency following. If the processes in the human's physical body are then driven by the ensuing abnormal etheric body frequency, it follows that the normal rhythm of interactions within and among cells and organs may be upset.

The proposed frequency following effect is confirmed by the Zeta's statement that “when you are in our presence, our energy filters into your energy and then there are changes that are temporary. There are changes to your body and consciousness. This is because humans are taken out of this corporeal three-dimensional realm and moved closer to their true self”. Further, he says “when the human is connected to us, the cells are excited as we are of a different frequency, and this allows manifestation of what is an underlying unwellness in the human”. Because the cells are excited by the contact with the Zeta etheric body, the Zeta frequency appears to be higher than the corresponding human frequency.

The change in etheric frequency by a frequency following mechanism is an hypothesis that accounts for the illness arising from being close to an ET. Hamden (personal communication) describes a grounding procedure that restores the proper frequency to the affected person. In particular, the etheric frequency must first be raised to the same level caused by the proximity to the ET, then lowered slowly until it is at the body's normal base frequency. Hamden adds, “I know all the issues related to the improper reduction in frequency or the abrupt disconnection between the ET and humans. This leaves a human very vulnerable to being in separated states and the resulting unwellness. I learned the process of grounding from them. It went against every fibre of my being, until I realized they knew what they were talking about, as I grounded basically instantly”.

The illness appears to occur when the separation between human and ET is not properly controlled. Until we learn how to do it ourselves, an affected person would benefit from the assistance of an ET to reinstate the proper frequency of the etheric body.

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