Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

Possible relationship between hemoglobin amd the etheric body

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3. Possible relationship between hemoglobin amd the etheric body

The Zeta ET also tells us of a difference between human and Zeta physiology. Specifically, he says that "our blood as you call it is copper based" (Hamden, 2010a, p. 146). This may mean that a Zeta has hemocyanin in its blood as an oxygen carrier while human blood has hemoglobin. The absorption spectra of hemocyanin and hemoglobin are quite different. Figure 1, from an article by Brown and Terwilliger (1998), shows that the hemocyanin in Dungeness crab hemolymph has a peak in the ultraviolet range, while in Figure 2 from Prahl (here or here), we see that hemoglobin peaks at a lower frequency in the visible spectrum. Figure 2 shows the molar extinction coefficient of hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. This is a measure of how much light the molecules absorb at a given wavelength. Since the ET etheric body is believed to have a higher baseline frequency than the human etheric body, we can say that the frequency of the spectral peak for either oxygen-carrying molecule is correlated with the baseline frequency of the etheric body.


Figure 1. Spectra of oxygenated and deoxygenated whole hemolymph from Dungeness crab.
(from A. C. Brown and N. B. Terwilliger, J. Exp. Biol., 201, p.821, 1998)


Figure 2. Hemoglobin (Hb) and oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2) absorption spectra.
(from S. Prahl, Oregon Medical Laser Center)

A connection between the physical and the etheric bodies should allow the transfer of energy between them, so anything that causes a physical body to absorb more EM energy may also energize its etheric double. Note that in the absorption spectrum of Figure 2, hemoglobin can absorb a greater amount of EM energy than oxyhemoglobin in the 600-800 nm range of wavelengths.

The importance of the difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in humans was implied in Hamden (2010c, p. 20), where the ET describes one of the ways their race can travel great distances. Biological beings that we know as grays are created as containers and sent to the desired destination, taking as long as needed. The ETs transfer their consciousness into these bodies after arrival, since physical travel is said to be more difficult for conscious beings. The discussion ends with an apparent non sequitur. The ET asks, “Do you like breathing oxygen?” This question does not appear to relate to the immediately preceding discussion in any way.

The question begins to make sense in the context of the discussion on hemoglobin. Hemoglobin has the function of carrying oxygen to the cells of the physical body. But the deoxygenated form may also carry EM energy to the etheric body. The ET's mysterious question may confirm that the presence or absence of oxygen has an important role to play in the connection between the physical and the etheric bodies. Breathing oxygen implies travel in the physical realm, while not breathing oxygen implies something like astral travel via the etheric body.

Are fluctuations in hemoglobin oxygenation meaningful in relation to particular states of consciousness? It seems obvious that highly oxygenated blood would be correlated with a strong connection to physical reality where oxygen metabolism is important. But altered states of consciousness may depend on a low level of oxygenation to facilitate the participation of the etheric body. The following sections examine specific instances where deoxygenation of hemoglobin may promote particular effects.

3.1 The near death experience

Figure 2 shows that deoxygenated hemoglobin can absorb more EM energy than oxygenated hemoglobin in the 600-800 nm (red) range of the spectrum. An increase in energy absorption in that range should be more likely when a person is dying. After breathing stops, more EM energy would become available for transfer to the etheric body. With the increased energy, the etheric body might separate more easily from the physical body. Then if the physical body survives, a near death experience might be reported. One can speculate that such a report might be even more likely if the body were bathed in red light. The additional energy around 700 nm might be absorbed by the deoxygenated blood and transferred to the etheric body.

3.2 Dreaming

The possible role of the state of hemoglobin in the near death experience suggests a similar role in the dream state during sleep. Dreams may be experiences of visits to a non-physical realm by the etheric body (e.g., here or here). If so, the increased activation of the etheric body during dreams should be reflected in a corresponding lower utilization of oxygen by the body. Consistent with this prediction, Douglas et al. (1982) found lower oxygenation of the blood during the dream state than during wakefulness. Similarly, Ryan et al. (1989) observed lower oxygen consumption during sleep than during wakefulness.

3.3 Physical mediumship

A red light often plays a role in physical mediumship. The séance is usually conducted in the dark, but if a light is allowed, it is usually a red light. Is it possible that a red light in the range of 600-800 nm wavelength might actually enhance a medium's abilities?

A meditator may achieve an altered state similar to that of a medium conducting a séance, and changes in meditator metabolism have been measured. Some of this research is summarized here in the following quote.

The fall in metabolic rate was the most striking discovery. This was indicated by a dramatic drop in oxygen consumption within a few minutes of starting meditation. Consumption fell by up to twenty per cent below the normal level; below that experienced even in deep sleep. Meditators took on average two breaths less and one litre less air per minute. The meditators' heart rate was several beats less per minute.

Additionally, research by Jevning et al. (1983) found that the rate of red blood cell or erythrocyte metabolism decreases in response to transcendental meditation. The article describes “a marked decline of red cell glycolytic rate induced by the transcendental meditation technique (TM) ... The occurrence of sleep was not correlated with the metabolic changes”. Of course, hemoglobin is found inside the red blood cell.

Jevning et al. also say, “Based upon further measurements indicating persisting alteration of the red blood cell, we suggest the possibility of attachment of a humoral agent(s) to the cell in the mechanism of this effect. This behavioral effect is unique, and the effector(s) responsible may increase our understanding of metabolic control of the erythrocyte and of TM”. That is, the longevity of the measured changes meant to them that there must be some long lasting controlling influence, a “humoral agent”.

But suppose the controlling influence is not humoral but etheric. As discussed above, the deoxygenation of hemoglobin may result in an increase in the energy level of the etheric body. Perhaps this heightened etheric field generates a positive feedback signal which inhibits the oxygenation of hemoglobin, thus maintaining the higher energy level of the etheric body and deepening the meditative state.

The changes observed in a meditator's body may also occur in a medium's body during a trance state. The drop in oxygen consumption should reduce blood oxygenation, which should increase the absorption by the blood of ambient EM energy in the red part of the spectrum. If this energy were transferred to the etheric body, the performance of the medium might be enhanced. So the red light in the séance room may actually facilitate effects that depend on the etheric body of the medium.

On the other hand, the red light may tend to pull down the frequency of the etheric body of an ET or spirit visitor who may be operating nearer the frequency of ultraviolet. In that case, these visits might be facilitated by switching on a low power black, or UV, light in the séance room. The frequency of this UV energy might be more compatible with the visitor's etheric body and may enhance the séance experience.

But if the medium prefers red light and the visitor prefers UV light, there exists a basic incompatibility that is not easy to resolve. A possible suboptimal solution might be to alternate red and UV lights in successive intervals of time.

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