Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

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"Each of the hologram figures had a 'flaw' of some sort. The first had alien features with distinctive black eyes and a thin body; it also had a distended stomach with boil like protuberances on it. The next hologram looked more human. He had blond hair and human-like eyes, but he had no genitals, and his skin was extremely pale, like that of a 'borderline albino'. The final hologram was a grouping of smaller beings, about five feet tall. They were very white and Allison received the impression that they were mentally weak or something".

Another female abductee describes how she was shown a hybrid baby and asked to hold it and hug it. Jacob asked her about the skin colour of the baby: "Does it have light skin or dark skin, within the Caucasian range?" Her answer is: "Fair. Quite fair. I think it is very fair, as a matter of fact. Almost like no ultra-violet light for this guy." 5

There are historical accounts to suggest that Hitler may have met one of these hybrids. The following are his words to Hermann Rauschning the Nazi governor of Danzig:

"The new man is living amongst us now! He is here! I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him." 6

It seems that Hitler believed that he had seen a member of an "Aryan" super race, which he believed to originate from the inner Earth, a "Nordic" alien inspiring his blonde blue-eyed ideal. In referring to the "inner Earth," could he have been describing the underground and underwater locations where UFO sightings have indicated the possibility that alien craft are laying in wait, ready perhaps to emerge when the time is right?

Hitler had intimate links with the Thule society. Thule Society members were allegedly the first group to attempt the back-engineering of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. In his biography of one of the Thule society's founding members, Dr Wilhelm Dahm wrote:

"The Thule Gesellschaft name originated from mythical Thule, a Nordic equivalent of the vanished culture of Atlantis. A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal." 7

The Cro Magnon group that led to modern Europeans seems to have manifested a sudden spurt of technological growth unlike any that took place prior to their arrival on the scene. It is now believed that the Neanderthal and early modern human groups lived side by side with each other for tens of thousands of years. During that time, the modern humans showed no sign that they had superior technology.

"Both people were living in the same way, hunting the same prey, burying their dead in the same manner," says Baruch Arensburg, a paleoanthropologist at Tel Aviv University.8 Then it seems that around forty thousand to fifty thousand years ago, something profound happened. New technologies associated with modern humans—finer blades and projectile weapons—began to appear. Scientists can only speculate on what triggered this technological spurt. "I think there was a mutation in the brains of a group of anatomically modern humans living either in Africa or the Middle East," says Richard Klein, an anthropologist at Stanford University. "Some new neurological connections let them behave in a modern way. Maybe it permitted fully articulated speech, so that they could pass on information more efficiently." 9

Could this "mutation in the brains of a group of anatomically modern humans" to which Klein refers be the result of alien interception at this very point, alien interception producing the Cro-Magnon form of hominid? Such a sudden burst of technological development at this point certainly suggests the possible involvement of the ultimate masters of technology—the Grey roboids.

Thus it is my contention that the Cro-Magnons are the result of direct crossbreeding with the aliens' own genetic blueprint. Accomplished one hundred thousand years ago, it prompted, I believe, the huge exodus of humanity out of Africa. The Northern Hemisphere, which was largely covered in ice, provided the central stage on which these, the most complete interceptions of all, were carried out. Perhaps the Inuit legend which says that the first tribes were brought to the North by gods with brass wings, is based on actual truth. Maybe the super-race of the far North spoken of by the Thule Society has the same origins.

As part of an extensive gene-mapping program, researchers at deCode Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland, have been searching for places in the genome where chunks of DNA containing many genes get turned back to front.10 Strangely enough, one of these inversions, on chromosome 17, was particularly interesting to them, as it turned up in about 20 percent of Europeans, yet was rare in Africans and almost absent in Asians. They dated the origin of the inversion to about three million years ago, well before modern humans evolved. The researchers were baffled by the fact that this inversion, almost a million DNA letters long, did not spread to the entire human population. The researchers also found, when looking at the families of nearly thirty thousand Icelanders that women with the inversion had on average 3.5 percent more children than women who did not. David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard University says: "Finding any genetic variant that affects fertility is really startling, and raises lots of questions—like: why doesn't everybody have this?" If there have been three million years for such an advantageous trait to spread, it is even more astonishing that it has not done so. Karl Stefansson, deCODE's chief executive, offers a remarkable possibility. He suggests that it was introduced "by cross-breeding with earlier species." So the inversion was native to some other species of early human, but came to our species only about fifty thousand years ago. Stefansson says that: "There aren't all that many ways you can explain it except by reintroduction into the modern human population." This recent arrival of the inversion would explain why it has not spread to everyone. It would also explain why copies of the inversion in different individuals are remarkably similar. The interbreeding events would have been rare and would have brought only one or two variants into the population. Has this research team unwittingly discovered the genetic strain that was carefully cultured about fifty thousand years ago by alien genetic interception of our species? Could one in five Europeans carry that strain today?

There is an account in the pseudepigraphal book of Enoch indicating that the biblical figure Noah may have been an albino:

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