Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

Greys with “normal” sex organs

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Greys with “normal” sex organs

There are evidently some Grey species that have full use of sexual organs.

Most references to Greys as sexless beings are those that refer to the cloned worker class that perform most of the work during abductions. Breeding in large glass cylinders is believed to be the result of limited physical capacity to actually bear a child on the part of the Grey female.

It is apparently more practical to combine Grey sperm with a human female egg and allow it to come to a stage about three months old before removing it to complete its development in a similar liquid environment, which also has special light conditions which promote alien cellular development.http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_aliens/vida_alien18za_01.jpg

Pictures in the Dulce labs portraying wombs with little fetuses and the clear tubs with little aliens in them are believed to portray the cloned worker class of beings that are pictured on the cover of “Communion”.

The tall Greys are the dominant species and are basically “test tube” species.

The clones are synthetically produced with biological materials (much of which owe their source to life-forms on earth).

Generally, the Grey clones have one major organ which has the combined function of a heart and lung. The rest of their body is apparently a homogeneous spongy tissue infused with circulatory systems, glands and other amorphous structures.

The brain has been described as having many more lobes than the human brain.

There have been previous references to crystalline networks that have been found in the brains of some of the alien autopsies. It is believed that the network has a functional relationship to telepathic communication and acts as a functional node for group control of the cloned species, which function in what is essentially a hive mind.

Each of the Grey clones has an individuality, but it is much less pronounced than in the human, where tendencies toward expanded awareness and shared consciousness are minimized through cultural conditioning, programming, and basic cranial differences in structure.

Physiological Characteristics of Some Grey-Reptilian

Species Autopsied by the United States Government

1990 N.A.R.

Alien Life Form:

Term used by the government to describe the Greys’ in terms of being a malevolent life form.

The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different from ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms (the ”body terror” mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber). The field around them is in direct opposition to ours. It is an anti-life field, as these specific species are on a devolutionary spiral.

They are akin to soldiers of fortune, and offer their advanced technology in trade for things they require. They are experts at manipulation of both the human body (through manipulation of the fields) and the human mind. They require blood and other biological fluids to survive. They abduct humans and animals in order to acquire these fluids. They implant small devices near the brain which potentially gives them total control and monitoring capability.

These devices are very difficult to detect.

The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that Involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human. Information is entrained on the brain waves. It appears that all attempts to remove the implants (1972) have resulted in the death of the human. They perform surgery and other operations on human subjects.

These abductions continue to be an ongoing matter. A list of abductees is provided periodically to MAJI, although it is known that many more are abducted than are reported. These aliens also claim to have played a very significant part in the planets religious history, and have provided MAJI with supporting evidence of this.

Various descriptions of the ALF’s relate the following characteristics:

Between 3 to 5 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes (external), absence of body hair, large tear-shaped eyes (slanted approximately 35 degrees) which are opaque black with vertical slit pupils, arms resembling praying mantis (normal attitude) which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, claw-like fingers ( various number of digits- often two short digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers), tough gray skin which is reptilian in texture, small feet with four small claw-like toes, organs that are similar to human organs but have obviously developed according to a different evolutionary process; a non-functioning digestive system; two separate brains; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; alien subsistence requires that they must have human blood and other biological substances to survive. In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other (cattle) animal fluids.

Food is converted to energy by chlorophyll by a photosynthetic process (this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their “blood” was greenish and the tissue was black).

Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone (anterior and posterior brain). There is no apparent connection between the two. Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network which is thought to have a function in telepathic (and other) functions which help to maintain the group-consciousness between members of the same species.

Functions of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage is that decisions in this species come rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness to those who must make a decision.


This initial report is concerned with two groups of aliens: Greys and Reptilians. There are several different kinds of both Greys and Reptilians, but for now I will simply refer to them as single groups.

Both groups live on this planet or beneath its surface and in space. They have been here for a long time.

The Greys are also "working” for Reptilians, relative to the abductee as an individual and to the human race as a whole. They have been used by the Reptilians as the middlemen, doing the work and exposing themselves to us on behalf of and instead of the Reptilians. The Greys are consistently referred to as a mercenary force, though they themselves will often say that they “have no choice”, that they themselves are the slaves, presumably in their own culture or to the Reptilians.

The Greys are engaged in abduction and related activity, as they tell it, in order to survive. A great deal of the above is relative to their survival on an individual basis. They don’t eat humans, but they use biological substances from humans (such as glandular secretions) in a manner we can compare with eating. (They absorb nutrients through their skin.)

They milk us in the way we milk cows and they need what they take from us, or think they do. As a species, they are using material from us to recreate themselves, by creating their next generation with hybrids. Most of them can no longer individually produce offspring. I’ve been told that only one in a hundred or a thousand Greys can even conceive and that most of those babies do not live.

Some Reptilians, on the other hand, eat us like we eat chicken.

In the United States, there are rumors of great, underground food-storage rooms full of preserved human bodies. Sometimes the rumor has it that the bodies are those of children. I asked the Greys why, if this was true, would it be children? I was told that it is not only children but also adults that Reptilians eat. Children are preferred because they are generally unpoisoned by substances like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other things adults are saturated with, as a group.

The Reptilians don’t seem to be dependent on us as a food source, although part of their experimental work with us is toward the end of future food supply/production.

When they become involved with crossbreeding (humans and Reptilians), they are not doing it for racial survival but for the purpose of creating a subclass (slave race) within their own culture. These half-breeds are to be biological war machines and laborers, etc. They are to be someone else’s property. Most contemporary monsters or oddities (such as the Cabbit, half-cat-half-rabbit, that was found in New Mexico in the 1970’s) were probably created by or are otherwise related to Reptilian and/or government genetic research.

The Reptilians seem to have little regard for us as living beings. (They think that we are as ugly and repulsive to them as we ever portrayed them to be, and that we, the human race, are “as valuable as weeds.”)

However, they do seem to consider some of us valuable property. One gets the feeling they will continue to use us as they see fit, or, if we ever become a real problem as a group, they would sooner wipe us out than deal with it. They do not fear us, considering themselves far superior to us by all comparisons.

They supposedly consider the surface of this planet to be a poisonous, inhospitable environment and “allow” us to live here, since they live below the surface and in space. (We and our surface environment function as a physical buffer or living shield around their home underground.)

The Greys sometimes treat us more like children than animals. They consider us physically beautiful and healthy; mentally young and fresh. They do fear us, contrary to what they may claim, because they do not understand us. (They have no emotions or individuality; they are of a group mind. Socially and culturally, Greys and humans are very different.)

They also fear us because they know we are potentially powerful beings. However, they insist that they “own” us: They say they created us and therefore have the right to do what they will with us.

Beyond this original “right” to interfere with us, they say they have additionally earned the right through their control. Because they can control us on an individual and cultural basis both physically and mentally, they say they “own us”.

These attitudes are propaganda. Their control over us in any capacity is ultimately very frail due to its very nature. Their control is based on intimidation and advanced technology.

As we become more aware, we are harder to control, harder to lie to, harder to confuse. Our technology would definitely be competitive with theirs if we had access to it. Much of the technology we would need to effectively overcome this situation exists now. It just isn’t made available to the public, for economic reasons, as well as “national security.”

The preceding statements about the Greys are based on conversations with them and long observation of them. Impressions about the Reptilians are more general. I have not engaged in conversations with Reptilians, though they have sometimes spoken to me. Most of my experience with them does not include direct communication between me and them.

Almost all of my consciously recalled memories of Reptilians also include Greys, who usually do the communicating between us. Often the Reptilians seem to be present during abductions as observers only, standing off to the side of the action, just watching.



Other Examples of Alien Script

In 1939, while working with John Lear, I ran across an interesting case in which an individual (lets call him Gregg) interacted with another race which had as a significant part of its culture the use of mathematical probability functions and high-level computers.

This person lived not too far from Johnfoff Sunrise Mountain in Las Vegas.

At a meeting with this man and his wife, he described a situation in which he had made an agreement with this culture to let one of them use his body for ten years “in trade for another ten years of life”. This is did, and the individual who occupied his body exhibited very interesting characteristics. He could drive across town and collapse time, making the stop lights change with a wave of his hand.

The CIA evidently became aware of Gregg II, and attempted to interact with him; according to Gregg I, Gregg II had absolute power over the CIA people that came to ‘investigate” him and his activities.

To make a long story short, at the end of the ten year period, Gregg I came back into his body to find that he had a new house and a new Job.

He discovered, after being pulled over for a minor traffic violation, that the police excused themselves for pulling him over. There was evidently something on file in the national computer system which warned officials not to harass him. As the difference between Gregg I and Gregg II was just the being inside the body, the police never knew the difference.

Gregg I discovered that there was a study in the house where Gregg II had lived that contained volumes on medical studies and biochemistry, as well as large power cables that were cut off and that led nowhere. Gregg II had built a female android, which Gregg I eventually met.

The android, when viewing a human child, asked Gregg I “what is it’s function?”. The android wrote Gregg I letters after the departure of the alien consciousness, but he doesn’t understand the alien script any more, at least consciously.

I had a chance to view one of the letters and copied down some of the script:

Christa Tilton had an acquaintance named Donovan who was also an abductee. During some of his adventures, he noticed the following example of alien script:


  1. The Reticulans appear to be a highly aware grouping of entities that function as a social memory complex. Individuality appears to exist, but is overshadowed by the group mind.

  2. In order to study the unique, individual consciousness of the human species, the Reticulans are domesticating and cloning a number of humans for experimental purposes.

  3. The aliens are subjecting some humans to processes which enhance intelligence.

  4. The Reticulans are millions of years old as a species and have weakened DNA structure as a result of conflicts which involved nuclear radiation.

  5. The Reticulans have relied on artificial reproduction or cloning and face extinction from incurable genetic diseases.

  6. They are creating hybrid human-Reticulans capable of mating with humans.

  7. Targets of Reticulan Observation:

    1. Water supplies

    2. Nuclear Arsenals and Test Facilities

    3. Military Electronic Surveillance Facilities

    4. Military Installations

  8. Advanced quantum physics coupled with knowledge on Ontological sciences give the Reticulans advantage over 3rd density civilizations.

  9. The true Player in the Game has the capability of covert manipulation of equal or lesser technological races.

  10. The Pawns in the game can be implanted and controlled by the Players but cannot be destroyed or vanquished; they can be manipulated into self-destructive modes.

  11. The Reticulans are largely involved in scientific exobiological surveys as well as systemic geological observation and field studies.

  12. On board some Reticulan craft there are:

    1. UV screening devices

    2. Tempo/Spacial/Jump Coordinator Circuits

    3. Remote Telemetry Scanning with Holographic Recording

    4. Multi-density penetrating scanner / Zeta-ray device with holographic display, for viewing inside buildings, underground and underwater.

    5. Interdimensional penetration of craft into solid matter.

  13. Technological Wizardry of the Network

    1. Catechomine Beta-Lipotropin 4753, a mixture which is a distillation of slightly enkephalinic melanocyte-stimulating adrenocorticotropic hormone; a cerebral cortex “roto-rooter”; removes certain body blocks and boosts intelligence.

    2. Inculcation Monitor: a modulated catecholamine encoded laser beam that resonates within the optic nerve network of the subject, setting up harmonic vibrations which disseminate encoding sequences to the proper receptor sites.

  1. Learning, Teaching and Assimilation Techniques
    In electronic space societies, learning is accomplished by forceful means such as by electronic implant. There are several means of rapid inculcation, depending on whether one uses a Doll Body or a meat-body for identification.

    1. One dons a helmet which has wires and needles attached to it, and a crystal cube is put into a niche in the top of the helmet. A strobe flashes at the subject’s brain wave frequencies and a series of images are impressed into the subject’s consciousness. Individuals are trained to perform complex tasks in a short period of time.

    2. The subject is hypnotized or made to sleep and a high frequency microwave emission is used as a carrier wave on which to send encoded data into the RRS (Ridge Response System). Here, the data can be triggered later by a pre-arranged stimulus-response signal in the environment.

    3. The subject can sit facing a screen and interact with images on the holographic display.

    4. The subject is made to lay down on a table and face the inculcation monitor, a bar of flashing colored lights, and is reprogrammed to serve the Confederacy in some new capacity.

  2. Objectives of Reticulum:

    1. Political Objective is Conquest

    2. Social Objectives are Obedience and Duty

    3. Religion/Philosophy is Science

    4. Military Operations: Colonization, establishment of trade terminals and routes, mining operations and the exchange of information.

  1. Direct Observance and Inculcation Procedures

    1. The subject is located

    2. The Ridge Response System is checked.

    3. The subject is allowed to view a craft, becomes curious.

    4. Monitored data is transmitted for decision.

    5. If found acceptable, subject is directed to an isolated area, picked up, examined, made to forget the experience, and returned back to the planet.

    6. Sometimes a targeted being will be picked up in childhood and taken to an earth base for crystal implantation and is then monitored throughout the growth period. In young adult stage, the subject is picked up, the crystals are removed and the being is “parked in reserve” for future triggering and employment.

  2. Damage to Network Craft: Radar beams can interfere with both programs and propulsion.

    1. The Reticulans are from a civilization which appears to be totally dedicated to interstellar research and life analysis.

    2. The Network has been on Earth for the past 50 years.

    3. Past contacts with Earth governments have been rejected. Eisenhower.

Discussion of Density Levels and the Greys

The Greys are led by non-corporeal beings of sixth density, of which there are only a very few.

A sixth density being is at a non-physical level where the being exists as the entire dimension itself. A sixth density being would be aware of the many dimensions he is while still being separated to some degree from his many selves or projected consciousnesses.

Fifth density beings are non-corporeal in nature and also experience themselves as the entire dimension. There are large numbers of fourth and fifth density Greys involved in the situation here on Earth. Fifth density is the last density above humans (third density) that can retain negativity. At this level you will find the true player in the game. They are powerful intelligent beings who are capable of interdimensional travel.

Fifth density beings have the ability to control an entire sector of space.

Fourth density beings exist on the level of race consciousness, and are in touch with their own sixth density consciousness. They can draw energy and knowledge from their other components.

The fourth density entity is in the unique position of being able to transit between third and fourth densities, and are largely paraphysical when viewed from a third density perspective. These beings make use of both organic bodies and synthetic androids. These beings appear energetic and aware, but emotionally cold, to the human.

They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical and devoid of any sentimentality.

They can experience emotions from humans in a high-energy state (terror, fear, etc...) and in doing so gain sort of an elevation of mood. Fourth density Greys, the ones who are primarily dealing with Whitley Streiber, are the ones who possess the technical equipment to draw energy from the human bio-plasmic field. They also have the ability to extract memories and experiences from the human being.

It is they who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again. Fourth density Greys are, in effect, sensation Junkies. To experience human emotions and feelings is the closest they themselves ever come to the idea of feeling.

The Greys were ultimately behind the Thule Group in Germany during the war, and no doubt were ultimately behind the German policy of internment and termination of the Jews during the war.

Think of the emotion that was generated in the concentration camps!

Reptilian - Grey Data


by Jason Bishop III

Most “UFO buffs” think that their efforts will lead to some sensible attention by the “Authorities” to the broad problem the UFOs present... the problem of ‘are they Invaders?’, ‘what do they want here on Earth?’, and all those other nagging questions.

They come to Earth for things surface people don’t even know about.

Earth is on the ancient space trade routes. They come to bases (Cavern City Complexes) and they mine, manufacture, and do some genetic manipulations to form various subservient cross breeds.

The Reptilians
For the most part, we are dealing with another species that is humanoid in shape, but Reptilian in heritage.

Their leader elite are the “Draco”. They even have special “wings”, which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs. These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as the “Dragon Race” and their symbology usually includes the Winged Serpent. There are elements of their species which do not have wings - the “soldier class” and “scientists” have none.

They are all ‘cold blooded’ and have to have a balanced environment to maintain body temperature.

The “soldier class” of the species can bury themselves in the ground and wait long periods of time in order to ambush their enemy. If need be they can survive on one very large meal every few weeks or even once a year.

As a species, they are well suited for space travel due to their ability to hibernate. These reptoids have scales which protect them from moisture loss. They have no sweat glands.

The scales (scutes) are much larger on their backs, making the skin waterproof. The scales elsewhere on the body are more flexible. They have three fingers with an opposing thumb. The eyes are catlike and large. They have twin nostrils at the end of a short stubby muzzle. They are mostly meat eaters.

The mouth is more like a slit, but they have teeth which are differentiated into incisors, canines, and molars.

They average from 6 to 7 feet in height.


The Reptilian (amphibian) humanoids have been interacting with Earth for ages. Many contactees and abductees repeatedly describe an insignia of a Flying Serpent on a shoulder patch, a badge, a medallion or a helmet.

The Serpent Race lives under the ground.

The Greys
The Reptilian species directs the efforts of the worker class which are about 4 feet tall.

These are currently referred to as Greys or EBEs, and are the largest category likely to be encountered by surface humans. The Greys are really an order of crossbreed between Humans and Reptilian species. There are several other lines of crossbreeds which have been bred for various specific characteristics. Some hybrids have an active pineal eye and are telepathic.

These beings (the Greys) operate very efficiently in the dark. Their eyes are more sensitive to ultraviolet light. They have the ability to control their heart rate. The normal heart rate for a Grey is above that of a human. The skin seems to have a metallic content and an unusual cobalt pigmentation. Many have no external sex organs. Some have been bred to have them.

There are accounts in the legends of Babylon, India, Egypt, South America, Central America and elsewhere that reveal the influence of this other species on our own.

One variety of Reptilian crossbreed is particularly negative and dangerous. This variety, who work with the Draco, originate from a system having much more high energy radiation than on the Earth. These “detrimental beings” do not “eat” in the same way humans do. These hive-like beings use synthetically produced substances, mixed with blood.

This slurry is sometimes mixed with Hydrogen Peroxide, which kills the foreign bacteria and viruses. They may also be feeding off the “life essence energy” of the substances. They also seem to “feed” off nuclear energy, and have manipulated humans into developing sources of nuclear power that emit radiation. Nuclear methods involved use neutrons and create radiation. Methods that use positrons emit no radiation.

The “Greys” (the short, “Big Heads”) are mercenaries. They interface with humans in “Secret Societies” and within the Military/Governmental Complex. An interconnected “WEB” manipulates the surface Earth cultures.

Command Progression: DRACO (Winged Reptilian) -> DRACO (Non-Winged) -> Greys -> Humans

Other Species
It should be noted that not all the cross-breeds are hostile and steeped in elitism. There are beings that are thought to be the descendents of an ancient “Elder Race”. Most of these beings have blond hair, large forehead, and medium dark or light complexion.

Those who have dark hair are also shorter in height.

Conflict for Control
A covert species war is currently being fought between the Draconian linked cultures and the Orion linked cultures. The truce as applied to Earth is under extreme stress.

The so-called Orion Group is an Empire. Their purpose is conquest then enslavement of the un-elite. These “crusaders” set up bases within Maldek (now destroyed), Mars and Earth.

The Draconian Group is a Confederation. They are the Reptilian Humanoids, with subgroups (The “Serpent Race” from Sirius) and various crossbreeds. They set up bases inside of Venus, the Earth, and other locations. Earth is on their trade route.

Certain contactees have been manipulated by both groups. This has created confusion and was done to discredit these individuals. With this mix of influences and distortions it is no wonder that Earth humans are ripe for enslavement.

The “Harvest” will occur during a period of time to come. The conflict presently underway is for control of the Earth and those here. Humans are “related” to both major extra-terrestrial forces.

Both groups are using and crossbreeding with humans.

Historical Background
There is one race referred to as the ELs or Elders that have conducted experiments on Earth that have involved both artificial insemination and interbreeding with HV (animal)-Men beings.

They created a genetic “under-species” - HuMen.- to do mining and other work. Eventually, the Serpent Race stimulated the Els “hypno-slaves” into Self-Awareness. This act caused the Hu-Men under-species to be turned out on its own.

The Serpent Race was forced by the ELs, deep underground as well as off the planet. The conflict continues to this day. A large portion of present day humanity is descended from mixed gene ancestry. The ELs and the Reptilians have both continued to cross breed with Humans. They need humans, and conspire together to keep humans ignorant and under control.

Humans must recognize the “control web” and go beyond it.

Inner Earth Species called Sasquatch
In April of 1974, psychic Joyce Partise of southern California, held a sealed envelope in her hands. Unknown to her, that envelope held a photograph of a Sasquatch footprint taken in a heavily wooded area in the northern part of the state.

Her initial remarks:

“This envelope is like a death certificate! I foresee an impending disaster, yes, now I see what it is. These things are coming from outer space - it’s an outer space war! The first area will be Portland, Oregon.

There’s a mountain with a hole in it. Somebody should investigate this mountain because they’re down there already. You know those hairy things that run around, the ape man? He’s not an ape. They’re underground, in contact with outer space and their intentions toward mankind is total destruction”.

Excerpts from the rest of the reading:

“This gorilla man - there’s a civilization of thousands of them - he looks creepy but he’s intelligent. Their eyes are extremely sensitive from being underground. It’s though they’re from another civilization long ago and have mutated because of radiation.

This has altered their brains and now they’re able to communicate with those in outer space. The sad thing is that these aliens are using them for their work, for laborers, but I can’t tell what they’re building. These aliens are desperate. Something is happening to their planet and they are preparing themselves for the time when they must leave.

They must have a place to go, and right now they are analyzing out planet with the help of those hairy creatures and want to take it over.”

Underground Bases and Way Stations
In Robertson County (Texas) UFOs have become a nightly occurrence.

Other factors which occur in the same location:

1. Unexplained tracks on the ground.
2. Mysterious deaths and disappearances of livestock.
3. Interference with normal radio reception.
4. Strange code being received on CB radio frequencies.
5. Power blackouts.

The caverns beneath Calvert, Texas are being used for some type of operations.

Farmers and ranchers in the area have reported bearing peculiar noises coming from deep beneath their feet.

“Individuals living 5 or 6 miles outside Calvert have been repeatedly driven out of their homes by the sound of generators”.

In April 1973, students camping in the San Gabriel Mountains on the western edge of the Mohave desert “felt uneasy” and then saw a giant man-like creature. Researchers from the UFO Research Institute were called in.

They discovered the sound of geared machinery and what might be compared to a hydroelectric plant coming from ‘beneath the forest floor’.

Sounds of operating machinery have been recorded coming from mines in the area after midnight.

The Yakima Indian Reservation
Southeast of Tacoma, Washington is the Yakima Indian Reservation.

Of special interest is one particular section 40 miles wide and 70 miles long, bordered on the west by the Cascade Mountain Range. It is an area of canyons and heavily forested regions. The valley is essentially closed to the public and special permits are required to enter. Forestry personnel have heard (Dorthea Sturm) unusual sounds for years coming from underground.

One area of intense activity is known as Toppenish Ridge. From deep within the dark, restricted canyons, “glows” have been seen.

This area is not accessible by foot or vehicle. Low-flying silver cigar-shaped craft have been seen to disappear into the deep canyon known as the Middle Fork of Toppenish Creek.

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