Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

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There is a large number of Grey abductees living all over the world. Most are either unaware or just partially aware of their involvement with the Aliens.

Grey abductees seem to be taken for a large variety of reasons, some apparently having nothing to do with the person, him or herself.

They might have been manipulated, to various degrees, for no other reason other than that they were with a person scheduled to be abducted. Others have been abducted apparently only once or very rarely, compared to throughout life. As with Nordic contactees, it would seem that genetics and artificial racial background plays a part in their selection processes.

People have been abducted by Greys for a long time. This contact can exist during generations in the same family, and even cases of the abductee having contacts with same entity during the process of past lives.

All this means, that there may be a clear indication that a large percentage of the human race could very well be a "Sleeping Army", and were picked up only once or twice and implanted, but not generally bothered or contacted throughout their lives.

This suggests that these people are on hold for something, or that they are simply walking transmitters of some kind of information, basically bio-energolosmic psycho-waves, back to the Aliens.

Most Grey abductees are first taken as children, and many adult abductees know or feel their children are being abducted. It would seem that most children who appear to be involved don't want to consider the possibility of actual abduction or think about it at all. It would also seem that the best policy with most children is to leave it at that, not push them to remember.

Hypnotic regression, especially, is considered too much to ask of a child, even adults, actually should not take lightly the decision to have themselves hypnotically regressed to recall abduction experiences.

Children and adults alike, if they are involved, will tell you of their weird dreams and experiences even when they don't believe there is anything going on.

Women are frequently abducted largely for reproduction purposes, through some never experience that kind of interaction.

Some of those who are involved in that part of it report that their earthbound, human children that "live with the Aliens" have several different reactions to the situation. Some are perfectly happy with the program as it is, many don't express any opinion about it at all because they don't see it as being anything they can do something about. Some are repulsed by the children and by their own involvement with them.

Some have felt that the children we produce will be used against us. Some of the weapons and aircraft training that abductees are involved in is actually done by the abductee for the sake of the unborn child.

Training the mother as received is thought to be transferred psychically to the unborn child. Things along this line are part of what might inspire some abductee's to fear their half-breed children. Others love their half breed children as they would any others.

Many who feel this way would like to recover their children and bring them back to Earth where they would have a better life than with the Aliens.

Many also feel that the children are better off where they are but would certainly like more open contact with them, more interaction with their children.

Aspects of Bio-Field Differential

The bio-physical field of the Grey entities is in opposition to the field of the human body.

The reaction produced by the interface of the two fields can produce a sensation referred to as "body Terror" by abductee Whitley Strieber. A human may or may not experience this reaction, depending on their ability to develop a "Mental Block" to the reaction created by the field differential, on occasions, the same possible reaction with some Nordics is experienced.

The fields emitted by the Greys parallel the type of field emitted by much of their technology. The Greys use technology to amplify the effect of their bio-fields on the humans.

It allows them greater control over the ordinary humans, who may react to the field differential with the human emotion of fear.

Using Internally Generated Tones to Interfere with some kinds of Manipulations

Anyone can produce high pitched tones in his or her own head. It would render the manipulative technology inert Just maintain the tone during the presence of the Greys and anyone is capable of arguing with them.

Generation of the tone is an important part of the human defense programming against intruders.

Awareness Parameters for Tone Maintenance

Since the technology used to manipulate humans encourages relative paralysis of conscious functions, maintenance of tone-interference or other mental techniques must be handled by a form of bridging, or cooperation between conscious and sub-conscious awareness.

Effective use of counter acting techniques depends on an increasing awareness of both states.

The sub-conscious areas are where all memories are preserved, and all experience there relative to abduction is subject to blocks placed there by both the abductee, (as a programmed response to a function which the Aliens have connected with the survival impulse) or the Aliens. Lucid dreaming indicates a closing of the gap between awareness of both mental areas.

Being able to interact with the Greys, on their own turf, so to speak, is a threat to Alien manipulation and control.

Effects of Multiple Level Alien Manipulation

The most interesting aspect of Alien control and manipulation is that the technology they use allows the separate and distinct manipulation of both the gross and the finer densities that compromise the physicality of the human body.

They have the ability to place a human on a table, put him or her into Delta Sleep, shock him or her with a static charge, separate his or her finer bodies, and manipulate them at will. Manipulation of finer areas that involve the formative forces of the physical body have tremendous effects at the physical level.

They also have the ability to withdraw experience and memory from a human and place that experience and memory into another body, or container, whether the container is a natural or synthetic one.

Manipulations of these type have effects on the ability to have one's consciousness leave the body, emotional response patterns and programming, ability to deal with psychic blocks, and a host of other parameters.

To begin to counteract this, work must be done by the individual to work on expansion of awareness. Connections must be developed between the conscious self and the "second self," which may be the self that is projected astrally.

After a while, the conscious maintenance of the connection begins to combine both conscious memories and memories which lie deeper. Work on self hypnosis and regression techniques with a qualified individual. These techniques will aid in the process of developing more awareness and control.

Constant experimentation while in Alien presence must be done by the abductee, who must make an effort to note results of various mental manipulations on the Alien control efforts.

Some Major Indicators of Alien Interaction and Possible Hidden Involvement

  • Missing Time

  • Waking up during the night or in the morning with unusual bodily sensations, such as tingling, numbness, dizziness, heaviness, or paralysis. Any of these are often accompanied by disorientation.

  • Nightmares or vivid dreams of Aliens and/or their technology.

  • Sleep disorders, also waking up at a specific time.

  • Physical marks or evidence or bodily manipulation.

  • Repeated sightings of Alien craft

  • Clear remembrance of Alien contact and interaction.

  • Healing or inexplicable improvement in your physical condition.

  • Reactions of fear, anxiety or unusual bodily sensations upon viewing visual images of Aliens or their technology.

  • Feelings of having had a communication.

  • Un-explained behavior totally inconsistent with previous patterns.

Any or all of the above indicators may appear in combination with other ones. Many of the indicators could also signal a physical problem requiring medical attention.

Clinical psychologists have reported that a significant number of people have been helped by their interaction with alien species, mostly through Alien physical manipulation that resolves a physical condition.

Bio-Conditioning of the Hybrid-Fetus In a Human Host

The nature of the Alien physiology is quite different from that of the human host.

Through the autopsies that we have done on the Greys, it has been found that the tissue is very often a composite that reflects a blending of animal and plant genetics. Some species have black tissues with green blood and appear to function on a light based nutrient system.

Many human hosts have reported mysterious infections, often yeast-like in nature. Through analysis of many cases, it has been pretty well established that the Aliens often purposefully introduce systemic organisms into the human female in order to acclimate the hybrid fetus to the physiological environment of the Alien life to come. These substances are thought to be micro-fungi and/or micro-viruses.

The implantation of these substances is thought to be critical for some species in their hybrid breeding program.

It is quite apparent that here is no concern for long-term affects of hybrid breeding on the human. They apparently make adjustments during the breeding cycle. These adjustments can include substances which physically wear down the human host, as well as, manipulation of the various fields inherent with the human body.

The question always seems to arise, if these Aliens can produce synthetic tissue, why couldn't they just grow a torso or create a synthetic clone to bear the fetus for them.

Why do they have to use humans for this process?

There are two main parts to the answer.

  1. The first one is that they need the genetic input. The whole reason for hybridization is to enrich the genetic capability of the organism, for this they need human genes.

  2. The second part of the answer is that they need the effect on the fetus or human emotional and psychic experiences. The hybrid being will develop growing sentience, (unlike a synthetic, where the sentience does not extend past the physiologically determined by the matrix, the programming is set) and must be exposed to these factors.

One would then ask why they could not sit around and project psychic energy at a clone, (using artificial ways, of course). The answer is that the emotional component would be missing and the psychic energy not so pure.

The hybrid fetus is extracted from the human most about ninety (90) earth days and development then continues in a totally Alien environment.

The whole process causes premature exteriorization of the human female host, which simply increases the vulnerability to Alien manipulation due to a weakened condition. During the hybrid breeding process, the body of the human female host will be manipulated.

There have been cases where fillings in teeth, which may contain mercury and other metals, have been taken out of the humans mouth in order to seemingly promote the health of the developing fetus.

Abductions Related Medical Anomalies, an Abductee may Experience

  1. Abnormal blood cells

  2. Implants in the eye, skin, nose and/or anus

  3. Diarrhea, mostly in men

  4. Constipation, mostly in women

  5. Shoulder pain that comes and goes

  6. Lower back pain, three (3) vertebrae up, from the lower lumbar

  7. Knee pain, in the dip of the knee under the knee cap

  8. Rashes, immediately after contact, may be caused by radiation

  9. A Lump in the dip of the collar bone at connection to neck, may cause paralysis or semi-paralysis of arm or arms.

  10. Artery in the wrong place, may indicate a arterial implant

  11. Pregnancy connected with an abduction time period, usually a small fetus

  12. A baby may have an unusual appearance

  13. A child who has ESP and/or is advanced beyond his or her years

  14. An eyelid, which may contract and roll outwards under stress

  15. Eyes may be able to see through the closed eyelids

  16. Visual marks on a body

  17. Scars or geometric forms visually present on the body

  18. Scars on the back of the legs for people born in 1943, seems to indicate skin scraping, i.e., cloning

  19. Hear a buzz, beep or modulated tones in their ear, when going to sleep

  20. When they feel a "Last Breath Feeling", may be just a side-effect of a out-of-body experience

  21. Shaking of the bed, in conjunction with the limbs of the their body floating or rising

  22. Geometric symbols seen in the mind

  23. Tiredness in the morning after a good nights sleep. Feel as though you are worn out, sleep learning

  24. Out of body experiences

  25. Sudden development of ESP

  26. Wryneck, enzyme to the brain, (new development)

  27. Extra vertebrae in the neck

  28. Egg sized lump on the bottom rib

  29. Warts form a geometrical shape after examination, appear to be from some instrument.


extracted from Matrix II

Since the primary species involved is that of the Greys, we will concentrate on that species.

Over the last several years , researchers have unearthed plenty of evidence that:

  • The United States made one or more agreements with a species described as the tall Greys, and has agreed not to interfere with alien operational plans in trade for technology. Agreements made In 1934, 1964, and 1972.

  • The large Greys use smaller cloned big-headed Greys to perform abduction and examination work. It is these Greys that abductees see most of the time.

  • The Grey clones are also performing biological work which necessitates the termination of various species on the surface of the Earth, which is not governed or protected under the treaty made with the US government. Underground installations are the only sovereign areas under the treaty.

  • Biological products are gathered for other genetic work, which includes cloning, DNA enrichment, and cross-breeding with human beings.

  • Researchers will recall that the disk that crashed in 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico had several reptilian species on board, as well as the body parts and clothing of several Army-Air Force officers.


  • The Grey clones are abducting human females, both temporarily and permanently, and using them for cross-breeding in order to produce a new hybrid species that does not have the inherent genetic weaknesses of the Grey species. Research indicates that this cross-breeding is somewhat successful, and that some of the alien species that have been seen by humans are a direct result of the success of the program.

  • The Grey species in general is more on the order of an electronically based space society with a common social memory complex that allows them to collectively function as areas of group-mind. Groups of Greys are controlled from one central source being, usually one of the large Greys, a Blond humanoid, or other dominant species.

  • The Greys also maintain the technology to create clones and implant memory from another source into the clones. Implantation technology, a trademark of Orion-based species, is routinely used as a method of social control. The United States government, specifically agencies like the CIA and the NSA, have undertaken to develop parallel technology which is a direct result of cooperation and interaction with extraterrestrial biological entities. All these methods of control are domination based and counterproductive to evolvement of individual beings.


  • For the Greys, the main motivation for the genetic work with humans is the survival of the Grey species, which is genetically damaged. Travel outside the 3rd dimension also bridges the human concept of time. Some species, such as the Essessani, claim that they are the result of hybrid genetics that are being performed at this time. We’re seeing a lot of hybrid species, as well as species in different stages of their own evolution.

  • The Grey species is not based on individualization or being an individual entity. For entities maintaining a group mind set ( social memory complex ), individualization seems to cause a great deal of random energy loss. They were initially fascinated both with human individuality and the human emotional spectrum, which they can perceive but apparently do not comprehend what it means ( to the human ). They do understand the concept of bonding, but only intellectually in terms of bonding ( between human mother/ovum source and an alien cross-breed child ) that will serve to contribute to the survival of the cross-breed. They recognize the need for it in the child in terms of survival. The Grey mind-set and abilities/weaknesses will be discussed later in this work.

  • Species objectives appear to be founded on a rigid domination survival-based social order, where their “religion” is science, their social structure is geared to obedience and duty, their military concepts are grouped around conquest, colonization, and domination through covert mind control programs.

  • The way the Greys seem to locate subjects for their work is more or less a result of their efforts to find human entities who vibrate in resonance ( or a harmonic thereof ) to their vibrational complex. One of the human aspects that promotes this resonance is fear, which almost amounts to permission from the Grey standpoint.


  • It has become apparent that abductees are also being trained on alien equipment for some future time. Researchers have pegged that time between 1990 and 1996, based on regression sessions involving hundreds of abductees over the course of several years. No clinical success has been achieved in pegging exact dates, due to the strength and level of the mental block which is imposed on the abductee. Very often memory blocks are tied in with the survival instinct of the human, which makes the block extremely hard to penetrate.

  • The Grey species can tolerate radioactivity at levels humans cannot stand. The apparent reason for this involves species exposure to a nuclear interchange in the distant past which promoted degradation of their genetic structure. This aspect is noted in terms of where the Greys frequent in the United States, especially base areas, which are near nuclear facilities, waste storage, etc. Animal mutilations are highest in these areas also. A connection? Yes.

  • Most atomic structure in this localized sector of the universe maintains an clockwise spin. For some reason, the Greys/EBE’s are sensitive to materials with a counterclockwise spin. It has been stated by some researchers that sugar and the AIDS virus have a relationship with left-hand spin material.

Note: When one of the Greys dies, its implant serves as a focusing device for retrieval of the body. There have been several cases where Greys have died in front of witnesses and the bodies have been ‘beamed’ away.

Grey Objectives

Their religion, as it were, is science.

They appear to divide this into physical, spiritual and sociological objectives in terms of planets they invade and dominate, as they have dominated Earth for thousands of years. Their basic game appears to be to use nullification and domination to control the leaders of various targeted civilizations.

They accomplish this by taking out the leaders and replacing them with entities they can control.

The Earth
This planet is somewhat unique in that it has a broad spectrum of entities existing on many different density levels.

Aliens who have a motivation for conquering a planet such as Earth locate beings who vibrate in resonance with their vibrational frequency, which is on a negative level of spirituality.

The people that the Greys influence are commonly told that they are the ‘elite’ or ‘chosen ones’ that will rule. Earth is not under the vested control of any major group of aliens, despite the Greys, but is being victimized by a number of vested interest groups. Things are only peaceful and calm when someone is is absolute control.

The function of the ‘elite’ humans, as far as the Greys are concerned, are to decimate portions of the human population so that the remainder can be easily controlled. Hitler is a prime example.

Apparent Social Structure
The social structure of the different Grey species seems to be geared around their group memory complex.

Abductees often relate that when they are in the midst of a group of Greys, they all seem to respond together, to one degree or another, when one of them responds. Much information has been gleaned from various communication efforts with these entities. We’re learning about them.

The main operative in their social structure is obedience and duty, and it has become apparent that there are definite hierarchies within their social structures which provide for each entity having specific duties to perform.

One byproduct of their social memory complex is that any kind of decision takes a while to make, since none of the clones seem to have the innate ability to act independently of the other cloned species. This social structure has no room for “surprises”, and the “best laid plans of mice and men can be totally wrecked if it comes into contact with anything outside its operational context.

The tall Greys seem to be less prone to the frailties of the system than do the smaller Greys.

Grey Strategies and Operations
Let this outline serve as a means of introducing the extra-systemic entities known as the Greys.

The presence of the Greys is not a new phenomenon. There is sufficient evidence to show that the blond race of EBE forced them off the planet around 1051AD. They have returned.

Interaction between any two species can, on a different level, be viewed as sort of a contest or Game; all games vary in goal and purpose. The Greys are playing a Game with us - the game of Master and Slave. Humans are the Slaves. The Greys are the Players and humans are the Pieces. In order to become true Players and leave the playing field, humans must learn the rules of the Game. They must learn all the hidden rules - rules that the Greys keep hidden from Other Players that are observing the Game; these Other Players refrain from direct interference, but apparently prefer to give assistance on mental levels.

The various species of EBE generally referred to as the Greys are composed of entities which cover a broad spectrum of awareness and density.

The basic game of the Reticulans, who operate primarily at 4th density, is to use nullification and domination to control the leaders of civilizations targeted. They accomplish this by taking the leaders and replacing them with their own entities who resemble the leaders taken.

Military operations of the Reticulan species consist of colonization of unprotected civilizations for the purpose of setting up logistical supply depots, slave sources, and acquisition of potential allies.

The exercise of domination and enslavement of planetary populations is expressed as “service to self" ( as opposed to “service to others“) and creates power for that group. Inherent in “service to self” is a rapid dissipation of the power of the civilization, due to the downward spiraling which is always the result of Games of Negativity and Limitation.

The atrophied state of mind these games induce contributes toward the disintegration of their social memory complex and group consciousness.

The Earth is somewhat unique in that it has a broad spectrum of beings of several density levels and race-types. It is inhabited inside, outside, and in the atmosphere in thousands of hidden little pockets and time-stream projections.

The process of conquering a planet involves location of beings that vibrate in resonance with their vibrational frequency.

These located beings are then told that they are the Elite or Chosen Ones who will conquer or lead the human race and rule the world for their Grey masters. Often the located beings are physically taken aboard craft and given physical examinations, provided with implants, given accelerated data through inculcation methods that will help them serve the Greys.

The function of an Elite is to decimate portions of its own race in an effort to reduce populations to manageable limits so the remainder can be easily controlled. The Nazi-Jew scenario is a good example of the Grey modus operandi. They also controlled the Imperial Japanese Empire and are generally responsible for most aggression between human groupings on the planet.

Humans have generally been deceived into playing victim-games of negativity, self-limitation, self-denigration and destruction. The games that the Greys are trying to enforce are games of co-version and secrets, as well as hidden standards.

All activities are conducted on a “playing field” which is limited by the attention span and the scope of awareness of the Players.

Military Operations

Colonization of unprotected civilizations which are unaligned with any other group in space.

They use planets for supply depots, slave sources, and biological materials. The exercise of domination and the enslavement of planetary populations is expressed as Service to Self (as opposed to Service to Others). It creates power for their group, but inherent in this process is a rapid dissipation of power in that civilization due to the limitations imposed by the games of limitation and negativity enforced on the popularity.

According to what research has revealed, there are certain methods and plans that have underscored the literal invasion of Earth by various Orion based species.

Typical scenarios might be:

  1. The target planet is time-tabled for invasion.

  2. The base station is moved within range.1

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