Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

Additional Information about the Greys and Reptilian Species

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Additional Information about the Greys and Reptilian Species and their General Activities with Human Beings on Earth

The general class of beings known as the Greys make up several species. All the species seem to have rigidly defined social classes, which tends to be a hallmark of electronic space societies.

In general, there are three kinds of Greys:

  1. The Reticulans, who are about 4.5 feet tall

  2. those from Bellatrix (also in the Orion system) that are about 3.5 feet tall

  3. another species of Orion Grey that ranges in height from 6 to 9 feet tall


In general, the Greys that have operated on Earth for a long time are subservient to a large Reptilian species.

Because of their subservience to the Reptilian species, it is possible that they would, in principle, desire the aid of humans in any future confrontation with their Reptilian masters. This could be the main reason behind the training that is given to abductees.

The planetoid that is entering our solar system at this time (it will be here in the coming years) has been written up in several major newspapers, and it has been determined that it is being intelligently guided and that it emanates a large variety of frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum (which indicates that it is occupied and has a technical culture).

The Zeta Reticulans appear to be divided into two social classes one being more hawkish than the other. The more peaceful of the two appears more refined and has demonstrated a more tolerant attitude toward humans. The other class is more abrupt, blunt and crude toward humans.

Through analysis of many cases, it would appear that the tall Greys have one base near the Aleutian Islands. The taller Greys seem to have overall influence over the Reticulans and also over the Bellatrix species. The influence over humans seems to center around implantation of human political figures and those in control of planetary power groups.

The Zetas have apparently reproduced themselves for thousands of years by the cloning method.

They have devolved from the sexual reproduction process so that all sexual organs (as well as their digestive tract) have totally atrophied. They have no stomach and digest their “food” by absorption through the skin or under the tongue. The mouth cavity is approximately two to three inches in depth.

These are the entities that are involved (the government is also involved) in cattle mutilations. They absorb specific substances from the cattle products that seem to lend stability during the cloning process. These substances originate in certain glands and mucus membranes (lips, nose, genitals, and rectum). The problem that these entities have come to experience is that in the re-cloning process each copy is genetically weaker than the last.

This has stimulated their interest in the creation of a hybrid through genetic engineering with human genes, trying to merge and blend the species in order to preserve their race.


It is for this reason that the Zetas abduct humans (other species have similar reasons for abducting humans).

Many of the abductions have an outwardly “cruel” nature to them, insofar as the nature of the examinations and genetic work is quite psychologically disturbing to humans.

For example, a caged vacuum tube is often inserted up the human rectum and around into the intestines in order to withdraw samples of fecal material for analysis, apparently to examine the types of food eaten as well as the results of the digestive process relative to alien influence on the physical body.

The Blue Ray
Several types of beams are used by the aliens.

One in particular, the blue colored ray, is used for paralyzing, capturing, and transporting humans. The action of being beamed into a ship temporarily suffocates the human, as all the oxygen is suddenly removed from all the cells of the body during the process. Another type of radiation restores the oxygen to the body upon arrival.

When the aliens themselves use beam transport, a different type of beam is used that permits them to arrive completely alert. The blue beam is described quite frequently by abductees.

You will recall that “mutilations” generally result in all of the blood being withdrawn from the body.

This has been the case whether the subject is an “animal” or a human. The blood and other fluids are then generally transferred to holding containers, or vats, as well as other body parts.

There are many many reports of humans in various situations and scenarios having come in contact with aliens, or have been in caves or caverns with aliens, and having seen canisters or vats in which animal parts were floating, and in which a purple-red fluid was present as a substance in which to suspend all the materials.

There was one case where a woman and her two children were abducted by the entities from Bellatrix (the entities referred to as “SM’s” in the Case For the UFO) and she would not cooperate with them when they had her on board their ship. Their reply to this lack of cooperation was very direct - they killed both of her children.

She managed to run down a hallway and went into a room where she saw a vat full of red liquid and body parts of humans and animals. She saw another vat of the same type in which the liquid was being agitated, and as she looked into the vat she could see Greys bobbing up and down, almost swimming, absorbing the nutrients through their skin.

There is also the use of H2O2 in the vats in order to aid in preserving the fluid from rapid degeneration.

These entities have been abducting humans for many centuries - these entities view Earth as a big farm, and have been essentially raising and harvesting humans and apparently abduct humans to take them back to their home planet to raise there in a kind of human husbandry scenario.


Child Sacrifice in the Christian Bible
If you study ancient history, you will find that it was common, especially in the time of Babel, for humans to sacrifice their children to their “gods”.

The process still takes place, especially in some Satanic rituals, today. The reason why these practices occurred is that the children were being given to alien races.

The ancient “gods” of the Old Testament were beings of a radically different nature than the human species. These were the same entities that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, because they did not like their own people mingling with humans and decided that humans were too much of a nuisance.

The stories given in the Old Testament relate to other archaeological studies found in other cultures. Babylonian, Akkadian, Summerian, Ur and Egyptian cultures all carry stories that add to and clarify the stories in the Old Testament.

These stories, as pointed out later on in this book, indicate that the entities who were portrayed as “gods” were in fact space aliens. Usually these “gods” asked for sacrifices of a human nature. Here we are referring back to the period over 12,000 years ago, but the practice has been continued.

There are indications that the ritual of the Eucharist (eating bread to symbolize the body) is a reflection of earlier rituals where aliens were eating off the bodies of humans or feeding off their energies.

The phrases “Food of the Gods” takes on new meaning when these factors are understood. The true “Nectar of the Gods” which the aliens involved seem to prize most is a substance that is taken from freshly killed humans. This substance is generated at the moment of death by the strong surge of adrenaline. This surge of adrenaline through the body accumulates at the base of the brain (the brain stem) and some aliens thrive on this substance as though it were some kind of ultimate drug for their particular species.

This substance is most potent in human children.

Past Influences of the Reptilians
The Reptilian species that are soon coming back to Earth are the same entities who affected much of Earth’s history in the past.

It was the Reptilian types that were represented in the Garden of Eden story as the serpent. The entities that originally participated in the creation of the Homo Sapiens species placed the entities (humans) that they had genetically engineered in their own image in the area of what is presently Lebanon and Syria after their “expulsion” from the “Garden of Eden”, which some research seems to indicate was a laboratory complex on Mars run by a group of entities known as the Jehovah, who seemed to be regarded by the Pleiadian humans as space renegades.

The process of development of the Homo Sapiens species was interfered with at a later time (see the overthrow of Ea).

Other types of Reptilian Species
In the Draco system there are other types of entities which have visited the Earth in the past.

These entities were described by John Keel in his book The Mothman Prophecies, released in the 1970’s. The Draco are about 8 feet tall and have winged appendages coming out of their shoulders, dark scaly skin, and have glowing red eyes. They have the ability to fly and usually operate at night.

These entities, as well as the elite of the other Reptilian species (that also have winged appendages) were the source for some of the legends of the past relating to gargoyles and Valkyries.

It is also apparent that some of the qualities ascribed to vampires have also been taken from these creatures.

Entities from Alcyone System
These entities were encountered by a woman in California in the 1980’s.

Their skin was dark green in color. They wore a pad on their arm that they used to wipe excretia from a hole in the back of their neck. These entities function mostly in 4th and 5th densities, which includes the densities humans refer to as “astral”. The woman was told that she was abducted and implanted because they thought she was an “opinion leader”.

The beings would develop a pulsing glow around their heads when they became excited.

The entities function according to Service to Self and utilize implantation as a manipulative factor.

Alien Species (Service to Self)

  1. Some of the various 22 sub-species of Greys originally started out as tall blond-hated humanoids in the Lyrae system, but were subject to heavy radiation due to a nuclear exchange over a long period of time, changing their DNA to the point where some of the species became stunted misshapen dwarves. Glandular structures were also affected, including reproductive and digestive organs.

  2. The nuclear exchange occurred approximately 10,450 years ago.

  3. Digestive tract is useless. Nourishment is ingested by smearing a soupy mixture of biologicals on the epidermis.

  4. Food Source: Bovine cattle parts ( and human ) surgically removed by light technology (laser) and distilled into a high protein broth.

  5. These type of Greys have been referred to as being the “Orion Crusaders” or the “Markabians” .

  6. Sources: Rigel, Ursa Major, Draconis, Reticulum.

  7. Draconians are Reptilian in nature; the elite have winged appendages on their backs.

  8. The race is interacting with portions of the US Government.

  9. The mass consciousness of the government agencies cooperating with the Rigellians have failed to realize that it is not to the aliens advantage to give either the Soviets or the US an advantage in the “arms race”. These aliens have given the US technology that is flawed. Much of the technology can only be operated by the Greys.

  10. They control governments by picking up likely subjects and implanting them, manipulating their careers and elevating them within the societal structure to positions of power and/or a position as a leader of public opinion. When a human candidate becomes controlled by reason of inculcation therapy, they often knock the individual “out of his head” and store the humans consciousness/individuality while an artificially created intelligence is placed in the head of the candidates body to carry forth covert operations against the human population.

  11. Humans implanted as controls are indoctrinated into the belief that they are superior to other humans. The aliens then give the humans technology or help them to obtain weapons for use against each other. All key personnel are implanted and controlled by the alien species.

  12. If the “elite” are successful, they are used as “priests and caretakers” of the slave planet. If they fail (Hitler) then they are betrayed and thrown to the wolves.

  13. Attitude toward humans is “tolerance towards inferiors”.

  14. Any consideration of these specific entities permitting an atomic war on Earth is counterproductive. It would destroy their food supply.

  15. These aliens have technological superiority but appear to lack in spiritual and social sciences. This is evident in their obvious lack of warmth, emotionality, and respect relative to humans.

  16. The first stage of their One World plan is to use biological warfare to rid the planet of undesirables. The biological warfare is out of control. Decimation of population places the remaining population ultimately under their control.

  17. They can sometimes obtain momentary pleasure in terms of mood elevation by tuning in on human wavelengths via telepathically connected radionic devices. They react to intense human emotion such as ecstasy or agony. “UFOS” in war zones. Nazi vs. Jew.

  18. They blanket couples for sexual thrills and are drawn to aberrant and sexual deviates.

  19. The biological as well as the psychological processes of human emotion and reaction are translated via scalar electromagnetics and directed towards their center of conscious focus in order to elevate mood.

  20. The Markabs use sex, pain, drugs and fear as obsessive elements with which to abberate humans.

  21. In order for humans to extricate themselves from the covert sinister alliance between the CIA and Rigel, which has occurred without the knowledge and consent of the mass consciousness, the people must regain control of the government ( which is a gov’t for the people and by the people ).

  22. Tyrants have been defeated many times in this galaxy and others. Whenever one tyrant of one group or species is banished or defeated forever, another suppressive group or species arrives to take their place. What one resists one becomes.

  23. One can never gain control over anyone but oneself.

  24. Lower 4th density is always subject to tyranny.

  25. By coming to a thorough understanding of a hostile entities ability to wear many faces, it unmasks and loses its ability to adversely influence.

Alien Species (Service to Others)

  1. There is a species from Procyon that has had a hand in the genetic development of humans and were involved with the initial interbreeding with primitive humans. Thus the sudden emergence of Cro Magnon human.

  2. Procyonian basic purpose: The Law of One is service to others. They feel that All That Is will benefit if man can develop as a true social memory complex, i.e., an Aligned mass consciousness or integrated biospheric entity. To them, 5 billion beings integrated as One “Awareness of Awareness” Unit in Creation is a natural State. Each separate entity still maintains the individual unique nature, which is the sum total of its integrated experiences, its basic differentiated identity as a spiritual entity aware of its immortality despite the use of an organic genetic entity (body).

  3. Their aim is to help us to help ourselves by bringing humans to their full potential.

  4. Failing goal #3 above, they will reap the smaller harvest of human souls and relocate them for advanced schooling elsewhere ( or “elsewhen” in the event of a natural disaster ).

  5. Humans tend to make Savior or Satan figures out of extraterrestrial or extra density beings. In doing so, they hope to negate responsibility for their misdeeds by appointing scapegoats. It is a self defeating strategy. Awaiting a “savior from the skies” is a recipe for disaster. If individuals do their best and work toward peace and unity of purpose, it will contribute towards correction of the imbalance. There are no guarantees.

  6. Christ-Consciousness” ( 4th density ) is awe-inspiring to humans of the 3rd density. It is far more demanding to develop the full spectrum of awareness. It is up to individuals to create their destiny.

  7. The Procyonians have the ability to travel within timeframes and density levels, as well as in-between. Rigelian entities lack this capability. They depend on beam craft for interstellar travel. Procyonians “astrally” travel from location to location ( perception to perception ) as a natural function.

  8. The Procyonian craft are constructed in one piece that is fabricated within an energy Matrix and solidified as an aware living crystal that is perfectly tuned to the pilot via computer link. The craft itself has a limited awareness level, as would a thought-form entity or mock-up.

  9. When the beamship contains three or more crew members who are the same density as the craft, then a teleportation sequence is possible.

  10. The name of the home planet of the Procyonians translates roughly as “those who travel through time”.

  11. All cultures go through states of higher technological development prior to learning that everything they have accomplished can be achieved by way of pure thought.

  12. Humanity as a mass consciousness can create any destiny it chooses to create for itself.

The Bennewitz Studies of Alien Cultures

Nowhere do the observations of Paul Bennewitz come more into view than in his March 1986 letter to Clifford Stone, now director of UFO Contact Center International in Albuquerque.

Paul Bennewitz, a scientist who owns Thunder Scientific Company in Albuquerque, made the discovery very early on that alien craft were frequenting Manzano Weapons storage area.

Bennewitz investigated what was apparently happening there, compiled documentation, and made the critical error of contacting the Government about it. From then on he was subject to investigation and manipulation.

Bennewitz found a way to communicate with some of the alien species via special equipment which resulted in communication through his computer, much like the situation with a modem. Bennewitz extracted a lot of information about the different groups of aliens, several of which were either related genetically to the Greys are were working with them. Bennewitz discovered several cultures that were highly stratified in nature and different in structure. For sake of simplicity, he refers to them as Very High culture, High Culture, and Low Culture.

Bennewitz wrote this letter after seven years of contact had occurred .

What follows is extracted from that letter. Comments are in brackets( ): (Courtesy CRUX)

“Dear Clifford,

“I received your last package containing the Socorro Insignia and the transcript of the meeting held here in 1983 with Richard Doty. Most appreciate it.

“First, as we are becoming acquainted I would like to indicate a few things. These individuals that met with Doty are, in my book, precise examples of the pseudo-scientific dogma that haunts this entire business. They apparently got an enormous kick out of make believe cloak and dagger, worrying about telling an OSI agent that they don’t have a tape recorder, etc. You can bet that Doty, to protect himself at a later date, was wired for sound. I know him too well.

“I am forever amazed at individuals such as these that think they can walk in and talk with one such as Rick and that he would bare his soul 'talking to them as a civilian' and telling them everything. It just does not happen that way.

“And also alas I am forever at a loss to explain why - invariably all of them will never give credit where credit is due in areas where they are not experienced - nor have the credentials - such as the Computer Thought Communications Link. Rather, as shown in that transcript they are directly critical, yet none even bothered to ask directed questions nor ever came to look at it or evaluate it scientifically.

They have never thought deeply and analytically enough to realize communication with Alien Lifeforms is not cut and dried. One must build upon this type of research-expanding in a route to fully understand Alien psychology - what their culture is - how it expresses itself - its emotions - its level of thinking.

“Contrary to the apparent Ego orientation of B.M. and the other so-called “experts” - the Alien will not meet their projected response criteria when their complete analysis and way of looking at the Alien is based upon a narrow standard of reference - the Human-Homo Sapiens.

“To be honest about it, the Alien cultures look upon them as a bunch of half-scientific, unmitigated, narrow-minded, ego-oriented asses. That is exactly what is and has defeated their efforts to even begin to understand this and, in particular, how to find out and know not only the logic involved by what it portends for the future without the input of the Government, its agents, etc.

“There is so much in this and so much has happened upon a near daily basis to me for seven years that I don’t know where to start first.

“I think probably the best approach is to start out with some explanation in the way of statements relative to alien cultures here on Earth, their social structures, physical makeup, etc., all of which has been gleaned from the direct communications by computer, visual observation, psychological evaluation, and personal interaction.

“First, there are Low, High and Very High cultural levels. In the Low levels of the culture there are sharply defined levels, which extend from slave level on up. There is no freedom there -no one crosses these lines within - cross it and you are dead. Everything is watched with optical equipment and monitored by computers and individuals called “Keepers”.

“Spheres of many sizes float throughout their environment, monitoring audio, visual and thought frequencies. These units, which have a highly mirrored finish, can be talked to. They can cloak themselves so that they are totally invisible. Their control signal can be broken down into varying AM and FM components. There is no trust in this type of society. Everything is watched and monitored.

“The command structure is near totally unbelievable.

“The ruling levels wear robes of appropriate colors. The alien government involved with this group is totalitarian. They appear not to observe and social or moral principles. Their credo appears to be total control or kill.

The Culture of the Low Levels
“In the North - at the river - the Orange Insignia - or at the Diamond as the alien calls the base. The method of rule is a monarchy. The “king” wears purple. The high colors of social level were green, yellow, and white. The lower levels wore brown.

“Their body metabolism is very high, estimated at 110 to 115 degrees. Elimination is through osmosis. Skin color of the ruling echelon varies from a jaundiced yellow to white. No hair of any kind. The arms are long - near to knee level. They have very long hands and fingers. All of them look underfed. They have big heads and eyes. The humanoid types are generally light green.

When in need of formula or dead they turn GREY.

Many in this culture walk with a limp or shuffle their feet.


Insignia employed on ships and uniforms:

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