Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

Interestingly enough. It appears that there is a

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1. Interestingly enough. It appears that there is a reptilian-based Orion scenario going on as well, with reports in the New York and London news of an approaching planetoid, due here 1990-92.

  • Long range telemetry devices are sent forth for surveillance to ascertain the level of development of the civilization and whether or not they have become a social-memory-complex (this could be defined as an aware society)

  • Upon establishing that the planetary civilization has yet to align into a proper social memory complex (its members being aware that they are aware, with aligned purposes, goals, and programs) covert operations move in with intelligence and science teams to begin an in-depth study of the planet.

  • Large electronic communication devices are placed in orbit or hidden on or under the surface. These devices operate on the level of mental or emotional wavelengths. When a being is attuned to the typical Orion wavelength (they resonate to service to self) or “prays for help to his God", there are computers that answer those calls with pre-recorded messages which appear to the lesser aware being as divinely inspired messages from a deity or angels.

  • Leaders are approached with population control programs or solutions to survival-related problems. Leaders are convinced that they represent “an Elite“ group that has been chosen “by God” to rule the populace for the good of God’s empire. Look at any theocratic country on Earth and you can see this.

  • In the event that the leaders are hostile, emphasis is switched to the masses in order to evoke replacement of planetary rule with “elite” from the masses (who are controlled by off-planet forces).

    Apparent reasons for Orion Based Operations

    In accordance with “service to self” philosophy, goals are sought that will achieve more power for the “elite” or ruling class; it is important that more and more slaves be made, so that the psychic energy can be drawn off to feed the madness of the “power elite”.

    Domination and nullification is the basis of the game of struggle and conquest.

    It is a stable datum to negative Orion based groups that empires can only be built and maintained on the backs of broken “game-pieces”, and oiled by the blood, sweat, and tears of “worthless entities too decayed to be useful for any other tasks” and too rebellious to trust in more cooperative ventures.

    Primary Physical Characteristics of the Grey Entities

    The big-headed Grey is the most commonly seen of the species by human beings.

    The evidence seems to indicate that they are subservient to the taller Greys, which seem in many cases to be monitoring what the smaller ones are doing. Research indicates that these smaller Greys are clones that collectively possess an electronically monitored and controlled social memory complex that allows them to function effectively in a group-mind mode.

    They do not have distinct individuality, as the larger Greys seem to have. The approximate height of the big-headed Grey is 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall, and according to autopsy results gained between 1951 and 1978, they have an average weight of about 40 pounds.

    The proportions of the head to the body are similar to a human five month fetus. This clearly seems to reflect a very ancient nature as a species as well as the fact that their DNA patterns lie within a specific band that is on a more primitive scale.

    Species skin tone variation seems to be widespread, with skin colors ranging from bluish grey to beige, tan, brown or white. There are other factors which appear to affect skin color, and one of them is the state of general health of the entity. Skin color is known to change after they have consumed nourishment.

    There are no reproductive organs or reproductive capability with the cloned species. The larger Greys apparently have some vestigial reproductive capability, and some of the hybrid species that have been cross bred with the reptilian species have full reproductive capability.

    The brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human. Due to the cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain matter, and the Greys have known technology that enables them to insert memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any matter or pattern that they wish.

    The Greys consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have witnessed it, involves spreading a biological slurry mixture that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide ( which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria ) onto their skin. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noted that the Greys have a distinct series of odors, many of them appear to be similar to a mentholated cinnamon smell.

    The larger Greys have a more pronounced nose and are more human in appearance. According to some government sources, these extraterrestrial biological entities called themselves the EBAN.

    It is with the larger Greys that elements of the government made a series of diplomatic agreements in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70's.


    It might be noted at this point that we are not really dealing with “superior” beings on an evolutionary scale when we are speaking about the Greys.

    They and their various cloned offspring should be considered as a life-form. Their technology is what gives them a temporary superiority. An interesting comparison to the Grey species is the dolphin, which is an intelligent species which has a group consciousness shared through telepathic means.

    The dolphin brain is some 65 million years ahead of the human brain in cortical development, yet the dolphins maintain a social structure that is totally without tools and devices.

    The variations seem endless.

    Reproduction Processes

    Innumerable witnesses have confirmed the presence of underground facilities that the Greys use for breeding.

    These facilities, of which Dulce is the most famous, provide for genetic work of all descriptions. Humans are brought to these facilities on a continuing basis in order to provide a genetic pool from which to extract DNA and RNA mixtures that will contribute toward the efforts of the Grey species to strengthen their genetic structure.

    Cloned species have a distinct disadvantage, in that the cloning process provides for increased DNA replication failure. It is thought by many that the Grey DNA structure is so degraded that the species is functioning on more of an RNA basis.

    With RNA replication there is no cross-checking capability during cell reproduction.

    Biological Materials and Animal Mutilations

    The Greys secure biological raw materials from life-forms on Earth for their genetic work.

    So many researchers state that the aliens are doing genetic “experiments”. They are not playing around - they know exactly what they’re doing, and it is more like a “labor of love” than experimentation. The animal mutilations provide, when reduced in the lab, DNA, RNA and other materials, as well as different kinds of tissue.

    Tissue extracts taken from cattle intestine, for examine, are absorption-based tissue. Other tissues excrete hormonal substances.

    Artificial brain matter is grown in containers or vats that appear to be electronically stimulated. In some cases, humans are killed and tossed into the vats. In two cases, dead humans have been seen floating in vats right next to the body parts of cattle.

    Human mutilations appear to be less obvious than cattle mutilations, although both still continue to this day.

    Other Concepts Regarding the Greys as Essentially Positive or Neutral One

    Of the more interesting scenarios that exists regarding the Greys is one that has several components that:

    1. Assign then the role of “caretaker” of the human species.
      This scenario is in direct opposition to many of the other scenarios regarding the Greys, but it does have a lot of points that deserve attention. Within this role, the Greys seem to be performing several sub-tasks:

      1. Analyzing selected human gene sequences (through multi-generational abductions of human family lines having a specific genetic sequential format)

      2. Periodically rearranging the genetic coding in specific humans in order to create new genotypes within the human species. Some researchers have stated that this has been done more than 60 times since the human species was created over 260,000 years ago. A major genetic shift occurred about 30,000 years ago - right at the same time that the Neanderthals mysteriously vanished. This is an example of a “gross” change. The changes that the Greys are implementing and researching now appear to be more subtle (but no less far-reaching) ones.

    2. Assign them the role of “preservers of life-forms” relative to this planet.

    Several types of activity seem to be sub-tasks under this role:

      1. The gathering, sampling and analysis of various life-forms on the planet. Research has already established that the Greys, amongst others, have been constantly performing this function, which seems to be related to constant checking of status.

      2. Gathering of life-forms from the planet prior to a geological upheaval. Upheavals of various nature have occurred again and again through different successive “waves” of civilization on the planet.

    1. Acknowledges the fact that the Greys are cross-breeding with human beings in an attempt to re-vitalize the genetic structure of their species.

    Any species faced with their genetic dissolution would do the same if their technology could accommodate the process. This activity has been going on for a long time and has produced many generations of cross-breeds. These crossbreeds are potentially more superior in function that either humans or Greys.

    Parallel Evolution as reflected in Humans and Greys

    First of all, many individuals have seen breeding labs, both underground and on spacecraft. In those labs, Grey fetuses can be seen. Those fetuses have heads that are “out of proportion” to their body as compared to humans.

    It is interesting to note that human heads are getting larger as health care and other facilities permit greater fetal development at an earlier age - more and more births require a Caesarean section. Heads are generally moving toward being too large for the birth canal.

    Down the road, humans will no longer be capable of giving birth in the normal way. Fetal heads will be too big for the birth canal and the pelvis of the human to accommodate.

    What will humans do then? Artificial wombs?

    The idea was brought out on the cover of Life magazine in 1965 - the equipment looks similar to the artificial womb equipment used by the Greys. Moving toward an artificial womb situation would avoid the problems and limitations placed on brain development in an enclosed womb.

    It also opens the door to artificial selection and genetic engineering, which are being pursued now in the wake of human genome research and sampling of amniotic fluid to tell whether the fetus is diseased or malformed. A Grey fetus and human fetus look the same. It is pretty certain that brains and skulls evolve toward a larger size.

    Is this a universal problem that every species must eventually deal with?

    Indications are that it may be just that. It is the reason that the Greys are using human females to bear their young during the first 90 days - the physiology of the Grey female no longer allows them that convenience. Indications are that the Greys place great importance on their children - the future of their race, and have demonstrated an interest in human emotions relative to “mothering” and human relationships to children.

    Questions That Still Need Resolving

    1. If the Greys are in fact caretakers of humans on Earth, what is their real relationship with the Reptilian humanoids which are known to be dominant over them and known to consume humans?

    2. How do we explain the fact that the Greys are involved in the stockpiling of humans (including children) for use as a food source for the Reptilian species (and as a lesser food source for themselves)?

    3. How do we explain synthetic cloning of human beings in order to gain control over planetary power groups? The Greys are known to be involved in this procedure.

    4. How do we explain the apparent destruction of life-forms and the Service to Self mind-set? Is it only a matter of perception on the human side?

    5. How do cattle view the humans that slaughter them? If they had enough awareness, would their demands then seem valid to humans?

    Producing Hybrid Organisms

    Production of hybrid organisms involves a process whereby normal physical development is bypassed and sexual maturity is achieved in the fetal state. This process is known in current genetics and produces leaps of structural difference. One can use the same basic genetic coding and change the rate at which the gene functions in order to achieve a wide variance in life forms. It is apparent that humans and Greys are, in fact, genetic variations of the same life form.

    Other human-appearing aliens with advanced technology could have taken a simian fetus and made structural changes in their own image in order to produce the original Homo Sapiens, which has been altered many times since.

    Who’s In Charge Here?

    There are two main thoughts with respect to the Greys and who they may work for:

    1. The Greys work for the Taller Greys, who work under influence from a Reptilian species, who left them in charge when they left several thousand years ago. During that time, the Greys have discovered their independence and do not wish to be re-enslaved by the Reptilians when they return. This supports the known observation that abductees are being trained on alien equipment. To fight the Reptilians? The other humans who were the original “creators”?

    2. The Greys may be independent of all of this, having the ability to travel in time and space. They may be working for no one but themselves, trying to improve their species and take what they can take from the planet. They have been referred to by many as mercenaries. There are no doubt different groups of related species with different motives and mind sets.

    3. According to the “caretaker” scenario, the Greys would be working for the “blond” humanoid species that made the original effort at producing the human species.

    The Greys as an Electronic Space Society

    It has been our experience that the majority of the public has a mind set which is not predisposed toward understanding anything outside the cultural reality they are surrounded with, and this makes our task only that much more interesting when it comes to trying to educate people about themselves and the universe around them.

    Alien interaction only complicates this process. We have taken years of material, right up to the present, and have condensed the material so that the reader will be getting as much knowledge as possible.

    For the last 20 years, we have examined the situation very closely, and we have had information from many sources. Much of the information has evolved over the last three years - much of it is still coming in. Information is verifiable, either by the overwhelming corroboration from widely scattered sources and the synchronicity of events, or from individuals ( including US Government military and intelligence forces ), including abductees, that have been directly involved with what is happening.

    First party sources.

    One of the largest problems over the years has been identifying the perpetrators of these abductions. There are two kinds of abductor:

    (1) Non-Homo Sapiens forces

    (2) Terrestrial forces, primarily intelligence and security forces of the government and corporate entities.

    A General View of Space Societies

    Among the Non-Homo Sapiens (NHS) forces, it has pretty well been established that there are over 70 species interacting with this planet, there are 9 that are most active.

    Out of those 9 there are primarily 4 species that are deeply involved in abduction of humans for various purposes, and these are

    1. The race commonly known as the Greys

    2. Blond humanoids

    3. Red-haired Humanoids

    4. Reptilian humanoids

    Sources for NHS entities are quite varied. It appears that entities have these as some of their sources:

    • Different, sectors of space, both on and inside planets and planetoids/moons.

    • Different harmonic frequency bands and dimensions for matter and energy that are outside the perceptive range of the Homo Sapiens and also outside linear matter, energy, space and time.

    All the NHS entities have displayed societal structures which portray a large variation in species, most of which seem to have passed the point of evolution that this one is in, and many of which ( especially the Orion-based species ) make heavy use of crystalline and light-based technology, as well as implant and mind control technology.

    Abilities to manipulate mental energy are what separate the abductee from dealing with the Greys on their own “turf."


    Crystalline Biological Structures

    During one of the autopsies on alien bodies, it was found that there existed a separate lobe of the brain that contained a crystalline network.

    This, to me, was an interesting discovery, for it made the connection with other information which we already possess about such networks. During examination of data from ancient texts, such as The Keys of Enoch, we can see that the networks are pertinent to advanced physical forms, and that these networks allow them to tap into the Universal Intelligent Matrix.

    In these ancient texts, brains of advanced physical beings, presumably those of 3rd and 4th densities that require the use of physical bodies, are described as having the right and left hemispheres of the brain fused and a small frontal lobe which acts as a “crystal recorder” structure, or third brain. This is exactly what the autopsies found.

    With this data in mind, it might be presumed that the development of the network structure is a later physical manifestation that occurs subsequent to the development of 4th density telepathic abilities. Within the human, a structure known as the caudate nucleus functions an an initial structure for establishing telepathic-communication.

    The term antakarana, or bridge in the brain, refers to the evolutionary connection of the caudate nucleus with the rest of the brain.

    Thought forms pervade the universe, and evidently it is this network which allows a being to tap into the matrix and gain information, the matrix, or Universal Intelligence Matrix, pervades the universe.

    It is a hierarchically ordered intelligence-field composed of infinite domains, dimensions/densities/parallel worlds, and conscious entities, the primary function of the matrix is that it enacts the thought patterns of the Universal Mind into manifestation. The resultant diversification exists as an infinite spectrum of interconnected combinations and permutations.

    Interdimensional communication is the result of attunement to one's own network so that it functions as a interdimensional extension through which communicative access to desired aspects of the matrix can occur.

    Development and evolution of neurological pathways in the brain is a process during which brain cells expand, crystalline domain orientations shift, and neuro-circuitry pathways are gradually overridden, the pathways upon which this development takes place is sometimes esoterically termed the Prim Circuitry.

    This circuitry is now mostly dormant in humans, but can be stimulated ahead of its normal evolutionary progression.

    Interdimensional communication is the birthright of all beings. As every being evolves, the communicative capacity is heightened along with the awareness of its abiding essentiality, and this process is what some alien forces who are in control of the Earth are trying to retard; other groups want to stimulate the process to help humans achieve a greater focus in 4th density, with the accompanying moral and spiritual development.

    The human skull contains internal structures which are resonant liquid crystal-colloidal membranes. These membranes and structures respond to the spectrum of the Universal intelligent Matrix by reacting to standing wave interference patterns.

    Some have stated that use of interdimensional craft by humans is not possible because of the physical development (cranially) of the human, which does not permit focused’ mind-linkage. Mind-linkage permits a grouping of beings to be “of one mind” and focus the technology to permit transfer of the equipment and themselves to other locations, domains or densities.

    This discussion lays the groundwork for a discussion on one of the more important areas: Light-based technology.

    Light Based Technologies

    The use of crystalline matrices to modulate energy, consciousness and matter is the hallmark of the most advanced technologies.

    This technical capability exists in many of the species that are not indigenous to our planet, and many beings on our planet are, and have been, subjected to modification of their psychic and genetic patterns using this technology.

    The Andreasson affair was a good example, in that it illustrated some of the technical capabilities that are being imposed on humans to achieve ends that are as yet unspecified. The human body, a resonant bioelectronic crystalline structure, can be deeply affected by patterns that are entrained upon it. Learning can be achieved - or taken away.

    The biological state of health can be improved - or degraded. We are dealing with a system of science that has its roots in a deep understanding of how the universe and reality systems operate, and it is quite evident-that humans are beginning to recall some of those factors. There is an implicit knowledge of spiritual functions that is coincident with knowledge of crystal and liquid-light based technologies.

    Apparently, most of the beings that use this technology are at least 5th density, and have the capability to resonantly energize the human biological system to raise the density level in order to apply the technology to the human system. We have had underground areas described to us that contain green cylindrical chambers with seats, similar to those discussed in the Andreasson affair, and one of the locations of those chambers is right outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.

    The function of these chambers is to increase the vibratory resonance of the physical body to transfer it to a higher density level, interact with the individual, and return it to its normal density after the interactions are accomplished.

    For your information, a good literary source for details regarding crystal based technology is “The Crystal Connection”, by Baer and Baer.


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