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If, as I maintain, the human body is an aerial for the reception of signals from the Godverse then alien interception would detune this aerial. As a consequence we would begin to lose awareness of the state of union that is the Godverse. We would lose the ultimate reference, the balancing point that gives rise to conscience.

Conscience is a measure of thought and thinking when it is set against this ultimate reference. In Godhead we were in a state of union with each other, we were not separate individualized being. Thus an implicit sense of union comes from the Godverse and we translate this into human features of it such as compassion, sympathy and empathy.

Once we lose this sense the signals of self protection to survive in a physical universe take over and we are motivated to do whatever it takes to protect our own individualities without conscience as to how this might affect others. This is the origin of the impetus we call violence and as such violence is a natural result of the loss of the sight of the Godverse, in other words, a loss of what we commonly call ‘conscience.’

In the case of Cro-Magnon man this loss was precipitated by alien genetic interception.

Violence is thus not a quality given to us by the Greys it is instead the incidental result of the loss of insight that their genetic interception has brought about. The Greys themselves are not violent, they are emotionless robotic beings. Their intrusive procedures are no more cruel or violent than a gun is cruel or violent when it shoots someone.

The prejudice and consequential violence of the white Euro-Caucasian (Cro-magnon) types throughout history towards the darker skinned people of the earth has several causes.

This inherent evil in the make-up of so many pale complexioned humans towards the more melanized of their kind, is almost an instant psycho-emotional response with many. Its strength and consequences on the body of humankind has been the root cause of the greatest wickedness practiced by humanity on humanity over the centuries.

I believe the root cause of this color based bias is set on the same principle that animals have to follow to survive in the conscience-less animal kingdom. They have to quickly recognize visual differences in order to identify threat.

On top of this I believe that the Greys have built into the program they have inserted into this particular genotype, (I am referring to the Euro-Caucasians when I say this) a necessity to keep itself separate and undiluted by other gene pools. A further addition to this recipe for racial bigotry is the fact that some of the higher melanized groups have proved themselves impervious and resistant to alien interception and the Greys may be motivated to instigate their primary servers amongst ‘de-melanised’ humanity to cull these groups.

I use the word ‘de-melanised’ advisedly. In ‘Song of the Greys’ I explain that the ‘mark’ given to Cain in the story of Cain and Abel may well be based on the fact that the archetypal Cain was probably a genetic alteration. An albino form produced so that further genetically engineered alteration was more easily achieved as time went on.

It is very strange that the so-called God’s punishment of Cain for killing Abel by was merely banishment. Banishment with the proviso that no one harmed Cain in any way. A strange instruction from a god who invented the axiom, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’.

If however this God was ‘Captain Alien’ and was supervising a genetic engineering exercise, this instruction would ensure the preservation of their ‘format’ beings nicely, if you see what I mean. The ‘format’ would be needed for a breeding program. A breeding program for a marquee of humanity with a killer instinct and all the other follow-on instincts such as implicit belligerence and tacit aggression, intact. Very useful personality and instinctive appendages for a geno-type with survival as a high pre-requisite.

Why then is melanin a barrier to alien reach?

Professor of Biology at the University of London Steve Jones suggests that the color change from dark skin to fair skin, that is said to have taken place when the migration out of Africa brought human beings to Europe, does not necessarily make sense when seen in terms of biological advantage.

It is accepted generally that this change was due to the fact that a fair (or, in other words, transparent) skin would absorb more of the meager levels of ultra-violet light available in Northern climes. The absorption of ultra-violet light is necessary, we are told, to aid in the production of vitamin D, vital for the production of strong bones and teeth.

Steve Jones says that,

"although the idea of rickets as the driving force behind the evolution of skin color is attractive, melanin was probably not lost because of changes in vitamin balance."

He points out that "rickets is a disease of civilization", a disease which only became common as cities grew in the Middle Ages.

Even blacks only need two hours a week of sunlight to stay healthy.

"At first sight," says Professor Jones, "evolution has got it wrong. If humans followed the rules that apply to other animals, who have been a lot longer on the real estate, Europeans ought to be black and Africans white," simply because dark objects absorb more of the sun’s light and heat.

However, it is also true that blacks are able to sweat more than whites and, says Jones, this,

"more than compensates for the effects of skin color."

There are also the obvious advantages of a dark skin in the tropics which lie in its ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of high levels of ultra-violet light.

So the advantages of a fair skin, no matter what the climate, are difficult to find in evolutionary terms. However, in terms of an aid to an easy and efficient alien interception of the human genome, the advantages are, I believe, enormous.

In almost all reports of alien contact some kind of light is described as a means they use to move, intercept, and induce, all kinds of procedures. It seems to be crucial as a means, even a mechanism, of reaching and interacting with our species.

Melanin, as a dark pigment, absorbs light. Individuals who have a darker skin surface also have “supra-nuclear melanin caps” surrounding the nucleus of their cells. DNA that is contained in the cell nucleus is therefore protected by these melanin granules from any alien engendered effect that is expressed through the way they use light.

Encounters with alien beings or craft have been demonstrated to take place with by far the greatest frequency at locations where there are particularly high electro-magnetic fields (power stations, military bases etc.) High electro-magnetic fields also seem to be put out by the alien craft themselves, often causing widespread power failures in the areas in which they appear.

Melanin has been found to have a capacity to conduct electric fields. The conducting properties of melanin would allow it to act like a Faraday cage, conducting electric fields away from the nucleus of the cell and thus preventing alien procedures from reaching the DNA in the nucleus.

If high electro-magnetic fields are a vehicle through which these aliens can reach humanity, then it may indeed be the case that dark-skinned people have a natural barrier to that reach.

Jacqueline Barton's group at the California Institute of Technology and her colleagues have suggested that DNA itself is a conducting molecular wire.

According to Cees Dekker (Department of Applied Physics and DIMES, Delft University):

The unique assembly properties of DNA together with its unparalleled recognition, optical characteristics, stability and adaptability suggest that DNA may become one of the most important species in the general area of molecular electronics.”


Barton’s group measured the fluorescence produced by an excited molecule and found that it no longer emitted light when attached to a DNA molecule.

Their results suggested that this "fluorescence quenching" was due to the charge on the excited donor molecule leaking along the length of the DNA to a nearby acceptor molecule. In other words, they suggested that DNA was a conducting molecular wire. If this is the case then alien genetic interception through the use of both light and electric fields to manipulate DNA with its electrically conductive and light absorbing properties will be easily achieved in those who do not have melanin protection.

Interestingly, initial findings reported in an article in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology suggest that the aggregation of melanin in supranuclear caps over the nucleus of the cell seems to be specific to human cells:

In pigmented animals, however, the existence of supranuclear melanin caps has not been clear.”

Could this point to the possibility that ‘supranuclear caps’ protecting the nuclear DNA from external effect may be a feature that is determined by the close connection of the soul to the Godverse.

The descendants of modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens were all highly melanized, lack of melanin is thus a relatively recent mutation. If the notorious mark of Cain mentioned in the Bible indeed refers to a fair complexion then this “mark” may be disadvantageous to humanity but a distinct advantage to an alien interceptor hell bent on changing human DNA to suit their purposes.

So, in summary: Ultra-violet light is used to get through the nuclear membrane and splice chromosomes for genetic manipulation. Melanin will absorb this light and inhibit the action of genetic manipulation.

For humans with dark complexions and melanin granules surrounding the nuclear membrane, it will be harder to manipulate the DNA in the chromosomes. People with fair complexions on the other hand have no such protection because they lack this melanin shield.

It is an interesting fact that the vast majority of alien abductees come from the Europiform genus of hominid. The most direct descendants of Cro-Magnon man. It is also true that there are no UFO hotspots anywhere in mainland Africa or Asia with the exception of China and Japan and most of the sightings in China have taken place in the last fifteen or so years. The vast majority by far are where the descendants of Cro-Magnon man live presently. North America and Europe.

Professor David Jacobs interviewed a female abductee who described how she was shown a hybrid baby and asked to hold it and hug it.

Jacobs asked her about the skin color of the baby:

Does it have light skin or dark skin, within the Caucasian range?” Her answer was: “Fair. Quite fair. I think it is very fair, as a matter of fact. Almost like no ultra-violet light for this guy.”

This seems to be the norm for most of the hybrids witnessed and is epitomized in the blonde, blue-eyed “Nordic” type of alien that are witnessed by many abductees.

It has been reported that Hitler had an alien encounter in which he was shown the blonde, blue eyed ideal that he later sought to emulate in his notions of ‘Aryan’ purity.

There is also an account in the pseudographical book of Enoch indicating that Noah may too have been an albino with flesh “as white as snow and red as a rose” and hair “white like wool.”

It seems that Noah not only lacked in melanin but also seemed not to be “human.”

His father Lamech says that he resembled “the offspring of the angels of heaven,” and “is of a different nature to ours.” So it would appear that he was some form of hybrid. The unusual nature of this child was so marked that his father was “afraid” of him.

This could lend a whole new meaning to the story of Noah and his “Ark.”

  • Could the Ark and its animals representing all the species on the planet, describe an alien sponsored genetic experiment?

  • Did they for their own reasons wish to clear the Earth of all previous experiments and preserve this one to work on in isolation?

  • If so, did they cause the deluge that led to the great flood?

  • Or, if the deluge was a natural phenomenon, perhaps caused by a comet or meteorite hitting the planet, did they choose to protect their ongoing project with the Earth’s species?

These are interesting questions that I will leave up in the air for now.

They will form a chapter in the third book of my trilogy.

Karma One: If your future readers need to remember something about your work and your future book, what will be the main message of this coming book?

Did you find new information about extraterrestrial intrusion that reshape your vision and perception of the problem?

Nigel Kerner: I am no teacher nor do I ever want to seem one. I really don’t want to preach to anyone or provide the world with new meanings and perspectives.

But I do have a right to an opinion and the right as anyone does to state mine freely.

It is so easy to let this thing get out of hand and set yourself up as some kind of Guru about it all. It is also all too easy to make it all into some kind of money spinning venture. I really don’t need to do either and I keep myself as much out of the limelight as I can. Never going on lecture tours and never making a public spectacle of myself. I loathe the status of celebrity. It is mostly for the vainglorious. The discovered information is all that matters. Not who makes it.

But the information you uncover when you investigate the UFO phenomenon is so spectacularly compelling and so stunningly important to every single human being on the earth, you really have no choice but to try and set it before the entire human quantum, because that quantum’s entire scope for survival depends on everyone knowing all there is to know about the phenomenon.

In the end the only thing of any value I can leave my children is the discovery of what might be true. That is what I owe them for taking it upon myself to bring them into this deadly Universe in their present form. Children are all that matter. All children everywhere. They are the most special of things. The points upon which all change pivots.

Let me say that chasing the answers to the UFO mystery and what they might mean to us all has been a transformative experience for me. I would never have believed all I have discovered if it was told me by someone else. It is for each individual to do personally. The thunderclap of significance to each of our lives of an extra-terrestrial indent reaches I believe beyond the grave.

I think now I have a much better grasp of the entire existential scale. It has been arrived at through objective reason and logic. Not through the claims and promises of religious and science teachers and others. The most important thing I have discovered is that all living being capable of making choices can transform themselves. We are all individually so precious.

The crucial thing is to retain the capacity to think and make choices with reason.

That is the final power it seems.


by Branton

extracted from Chapter 19

The Dulce Book

"One of the ’targets’ to which Mr. Brown’s military RV trainer sent him was the Grey aliens’ collective mind, and more specifically he was instructed to search out the ultimate command or control center of the collective.

Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He ’followed’ the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite ’heartbeat’ of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing.

He noticed, at one point, an unusual ’subspace’ being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such ’subspace’ beings which apparently entered the Greys’ embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this ’center’ the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits.

He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control ’center’ the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings’ activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV ’intruder’ back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark ’cloud’ enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV’ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

Before Brown’s expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others.

Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians / Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey’s collective ’hive’ society that they completely infested.

Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown received a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!!

Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its ’enemy’, and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency ’imploded’ in upon themselves -- becoming ’spiritual black holes’ with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirial-like parasites, having extinguished all ’light’ within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back "into the light".

Incapable of giving out ’light’, they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace ’collective’ had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it.

This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these "subspace" beings, as we will see later on. "

Alien Bases at SOL III Perimeter

During the occupation of the Greys, they have established quite a number of underground bases all over the would, especially in the United States. One such base, among other in the same state, is under Archuletta Mesa, which is about two and a half miles Northwest of Dulce, New Mexico. Details about that base come across by way of several different sources.

This is a Kilometer underground base beneath Archuletta Mesa and the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation since 1976, one of the areas of the U.S. hardest-hit by mutilations. This installation is operated jointly as part of an ongoing program of cooperation between the U.S. government and EBEs. There are also underground bases at Kirtland and Holloman Air Force Bases, as well as, at scores of other bases around the world, including Bentwaters, England.

Back to the base under discussion, "Archuletta Mesa" we have the following data on that base. The base is two and a half miles Northwest of Dulce, and almost overlooks the town. There is a level highway thirty six (36) feet wide going into the area It is a government road, and one can see telemetry trailers and five (5) sided buildings with a dome. Next to the dome, to the North there is a launch site. There are two wrecked ships there. One can see thirty six (36) feet long oxygen and hydrogen tanks near them. The ships that we got to, near the tanks, were atomic powered with Plutonium pellets. Refueling of the plutonium is accomplished at Los Alamos.

The base has been there since 1948. The base is 4,000 feet long and helicopters are going in and out of there all the time. In 1979, something happened and the base was temporarily closed. There was an argument over weapons and our people were chased out The Aliens killed sixty six (66) of our people and forty four (44) people got away. One of the people who got away was in fact a CIA agent who, before leaving, made some notes, got some photos and video tapes, and went into hiding. He has been in hiding ever since, and every six months he contacts each of five people he left copies of the material with. His instructions were that if he missed four successive contacts, the people would do whatever they want with the materials.

Somehow, a description of the Dulce Papers were issued, and was received in December 1987 by many researchers. The Dulce Papers were comprised of some twenty five (25) black and white photos, a video tape with no dialogue and a set of papers that included technical information regarding the jointly occupied U.S. and Alien facility one (1) Kilometer beneath the Archuletta Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico. The facility still exists and is currently operational. It is believed that there are four (4) additional facilities of the same type, one being located a few miles to the Southeast of Groom Lake, Nevada

A general description of what these papers contain is that they contain documents that discuss Cooper and Molybdenum, Magnesium and Potassium but mostly papers about Bill Copper. Sheets of paper with charts and strange diagrams. Papers that discuss Ultra Violet light and Gamma Rays. These papers tell what the Aliens seek, "The Secret of The Metagene" and how the blood, taken from cattle and some humans is used. They tell why some Aliens seem to absorb molecules to eat by putting their hands in blood, sort of like a sponge, for nourishment. It's not just food they want, the DNA in cattle and humans is being altered.

Why a "Type-One" creature is used as a Lab Animal, and how to change the atoms to create a temporary, almost human being. It is made with animal tissue and depends on a micro computer to simulate memory, a memory the computer has withdrawn from another human being, creating some kind of Clone. The almost human being or Clone is a little slow and clumsy. Real humans are used for training, to experiment with and to breed with these "almost humans". Some are kept in large tubes, and are kept alive in an amber type liquid.

Some humans are brain washed and used to distort the truth, certain male humans have a high sperm count and are kept alive for that reason. Their sperm is used to alter the DNA and create a non-gender being called 'Type-Two'. That sperm is grown in some way and altered again, put in wombs. They resemble ugly humans when growing but look normal when fully grown, which only takes a few months from Fetus size, but they have a short life span, less than a year.

Some female humans are used for breeding, and subsequently, countless women have had a sudden miscarriage after about three (3) months into the pregnancy, and some never know they were pregnant, others remember contact some way. The fetus is used to mix the DNA in types one and two. The make-up in that fetus is taken at three (3) months and grown elsewhere.

That's what the "Dulce Papers" talk about, (some of this information is covered in volume two "The Pulsar Project"). There are some pen and ink reproductions of what one of the wombs look like i.e. two (2) by four (4) feet, an illustration showing one of the tubes in which the "almost humans" are grown, a page showing a simple diagram of crystalline metal, pure gold crystal, and what looks like either a genetic or metallurgical diagram or chart Also attached is what looks like an X-Ray diffraction pattern and a diagram of hexagonal crystals, with a comment that they are best for electrical conduction. It would appear that the last half of the material in the papers applies to the super crystalline metal used for hull structure, or something along that line.

Obviously, this is all rather bizarre from a certain point of view, any point of view, in fact, material that is supported by years of descriptions and multitudes of corroborations must mean something, especially when compared against what seems to be going on. It is apparent from this, and other data that has been accumulated over the years, that there are underground bases and tunnel complexes are all over the world, and that more are being constructed all the time.

Many of you may recall the "Shaver Mysteries" and inner-city stories, well, all that is true. There are cities down there, amongst other things, and some of them have nothing to do with the main subject of this document. They've been under there a long time.

Let's change direction for a moment, one individual by the name of Lew Ten has been working on some ideas regarding Geomagnetic Anomalies, which UFOs may use. We will go into what he has discovered, although the concept of the relationship is not new, and let you judge that for yourself.

After purchasing Aeromagnetic and Gravitational Anomaly Maps for the United States Geological Survey, it became evident that there was indeed a valid connection between these areas and UFOs. Mr. Ten gave a lecture in Arizona about that relationship, and was harassed by the FBI, and told that the information was and is sensitive. Mr. Teri took the hint and declined to talk publically about it to the degree that he had been doing. Both the aeromagnetic and gravitational (Bougier Gravity) maps indicate basic field strength, as well as areas of high and low field strength.

Interestingly enough, the areas of maximum and minimum field strength have the following:

  • All of these areas have frequent UFO sightings.

  • All are either in Indian Reservations, Government land, or Government is trying to buy up the land.

  • Many of them, especially where several are clustered together, are suspected base areas and/or areas where mutilations and abductions have historically taken place.

In these observations, Mr. Teri has gone far, but he has gone a little further in noting that there are times when UFOs are seen in these areas. Through pain staking research Mr. Teri found that the sightings, as well as, many abductions and mutilations occur:

  • When there is a New Moon or within two (2) days before a New Moon.

  • When there is a Full Moon or within two (2) days before a Full Moon.

  • At the Perihelion (when the Moon is closest to Earth) or within two (2) days before the Perihelion.

A glance at the nearest Farmers Almanac will give you the information you require as far as the days for this year or any other time. There seems to be no concrete explanation for the coincidence of the times and the events, but appear to be true.

Back to our main subject of this chapter of this document, talking about Grey, Rigelian bases, we have the principal bases:

  • United States of America (Earth)

    • Fairbanks, Alaska

    • Groom Lake, Nevada

    • Dulce, New Mexico

    • Utah

    • Colorado

    • California

    • Texas

    • Florida

    • Georgia

    • Maine

    • New York

    • New Jersey

    • Wyoming

  • The Atlantic Ocean (Earth)

    • Wavenest

  • The Moon

    • Luna-1

    • Luna-2

Obs-1 - No report for bases at Europe, Asia, Oceanic, Africa, Central and South America

Obs-2 - No information about Nordic bases or any other Aliens.

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