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Nigel Kerner is definitively the most original author writing about the extraterrestrial intrusion phenomenon. Uniquely he offers an insight into the Grey alien agenda with humanity based upon an understanding of the existential base on which we and they exist.

He suggests that the best way to understand their seemingly bizarre behavior is to define exactly who they are, what they are and most importantly how they came to be. After exploring these questions he then takes a fresh look at witness reports of extra-terrestrial intrusion in the light of new discoveries at the cutting edge of scientific research, particularly in the fields of genetics and quantum physics.

Kerner was also the first author to make a clear connection between the Archons from the Gnostic Texts of the Nag Hammadi codex and the Greys. He made this association in 1997 in his first book. Today, everybody seems to catch this connection and use it to substantiate their own theories.

We are on the edge of cosmic drama and the reason is dramatically simple: Our modern societies are desperately looking for a messiah, a contemporary one who is able to connect science with the intuitive sense of an underlying mystical reality. For some people this intuitive sense goes no further than superstition. Therein lies the problem as the Grey phenomenon is interpreted by many opinion leaders and whistleblowers as offering the very elements of science and superstition that they are looking for.

But it is Kerner’s view that the Greys are a mechanical messiah. They don’t have empathy. They don’t have soul. They are semi-organic robotic entities programmed with a goal to perpetuate themselves at all costs, struggling against physical decay through entropy. Yet with greatest irony the Greys could become the ideal solution for those looking for a mechanical and scientific solution to human problems.

This, says Kerner, puts us in great danger because these machine-based entities want to steal something that they cannot understand because they are machines. No matter how intelligent and sophisticated they are, the Greys are not of the same nature as human beings, they do not have natural origins, they are artificial creations. Thus they are lost in an infinite quest to understand the difference between us and them.

That difference lies, according to Kerner, in a line of connection to that which he terms the ‘Godverse’. He calls that line of connection a ‘soul’ and suggests that the Greys are desperate to understand what ‘soul’ is because without it they have no capacity for eternal existence.

In this the second exclusive interview he has given to us, Kerner goes deeper into all those questions and offers a unique perspective on who we are, how we came to be and what we are heading for.

Nigel Kerner Interview

Kama One: Since the publication of your book «The Song of the Greys» in 1997, eleven years ago, did you collect some more elements showing that the Greys are predatory by nature and are devolving biological drones or robots? Or on the contrary, did you find some elements that show that they are not so predatory?

Did you notice the existence of other extra-terrestrial beings and are they also predatory and representing a risk of manipulation of our consciousness and our culture (as for instance, the American forces represented a risk toward the natives of Papua New Guinea or the Spanish conquest were a risk toward the natives Indian)?

Or, to the contrary, did you find elements showing that the intrusion of aliens of other species than the Greys could be positive for the development or the “galactic consciousness” of human beings?

Nigel Kerner: There has been no change in the nature of alien abduction as it has been reported since ‘The Song of the Greys’ was published. The alien beings that feature in almost all alien abductions are still the Greys themselves.

Budd Hopkins whom I regard as a truly sincere and objective example of an investigator determined to get an accurate as possible an insight into the phenomenon says that all the cases he has dealt with have involved the Greys. Some of these cases have also involved taller more humanoid aliens, (in many cases a form described as a Nordic type). But the Greys feature in every one.

We are talking here about a huge phenomenon that has been reported by tens of thousands of people across the world from a wide range of different countries, cultures, religions etc. The Greys are a common feature of all of these reports and this is something to be taken very seriously in terms of an effect on humankind as a whole.

The fact that the taller more humanoid alien type, the Nordic looking beings, and more rarely still a distinct reptilian form of being, seem to accompany the Greys, implies a common association of all these extraterrestrials. This is another feature worth considering. However, isolated reports of other species of alien visitors do not have the same significance as reports that share so many common features with other reports world-wide and for that reason we cannot be sure of their authenticity.

The negative and predatory nature of alien abduction is something I have no doubt about. I make this clear in my book ‘The Song of the Greys’ and I underline this fact very strongly in my new forthcoming book.

In 2003 Richard McNally, a professor of psychology at Harvard hypnotized six women and four men who claimed they had been victims of abduction. Under hypnosis, seven of the 10 reported having had their sperm or eggs extracted for breeding purposes, or experiencing direct sexual contact with the space aliens. Their reports were transcribed and then spoken onto an audio-tape in a neutral voice by the researchers.

The abductees then listened to these tapes and their emotional responses were recorded using physical measures such as heart rate and sweat on the palms of their hands. The same procedure was done with eight people haunted by traumatic experiences unrelated to abduction by aliens.

The reactions of abductees were found to be,

as great or greater than those of individuals who cannot shake memories of combat, sexual abuse, and other punishing events.”

McNally also noted that:

"People who sincerely believe they have been abducted by aliens show patterns of emotional and physiological response to these 'memories' that are strikingly similar to those of people who have been genuinely traumatized by combat or similar events."


McNally is not a believer in the physically real authenticity of the abduction phenomenon, he believes it is of a delusional nature.

However this is of no real importance as his results still serve to illustrate the traumatizing effects of alien abduction for those who are convinced that it is indeed a phenomenon that is real.

It is beyond argument that all the procedures carried out by the Greys involve an element of force, from the point of kidnap onwards. Investigative medical procedures that are often extremely painful are conducted with the abductees held in a state of paralysis. The same is true of sexual practices that are performed on the abductees.

Thus I am entirely convinced that the alien phenomenon in the form it has been reported by first hand witnesses, is only negative and predatory when seen in terms of the life interests and broad philosophical treatise of our human species. To say that the Greys are deliberately cruel or sadistic towards us would imply that they are capable of some kind of moral or ethical codex, but if they are, as I believe them to be, programmed bio-mechanical machines, they would be incapable of any psycho-emotional sense.

And this, from the vast majority of witness reports, seems to be patently so. I think Professor Jacobs and I can claim to be the most consistent writers on the UFO/alien phenomenon in maintaining this premise. I have looked as hard and objectively as I can for a reason to change my mind and I have to say that I cannot see this happening if reason is to be my arbitration point.

The behavior of these Nordics, Reptilians and Greys suggests the complete lack of a conscience as we know such a thing to be. They would have to be simply following pre-set instructions that have been programmed into them, instructions within a dead-legged program to preserve and look after the interests of both themselves and those who created them, at any cost in this universe.

According to abduction accounts the taller humanoid aliens seem to be directing what the smaller Greys do. They thus seem to oversee the predatory ethos.

The Nordic, blonde blue-eyed types often seen and perceived with the Greys are the same deadly form that I believe made themselves known to the Nazis and were affirmed by Hitler himself to be the new kind of future man that the SS Nazi ideal would be based on. A blonde Nordic alien entity was present and was ‘shown’ to several of the Nazi hierarchy including Heidrich and Himler who were gathered secretly at the stone caves of Externsteine in 1936.

I believe the so called ‘final solution’ to the Jewish question was an idea implanted here in the minds of these German Nazi parodies of human vermin. I believe there was a sensational reason why they did this. But more about that in my second and third book of the trilogy.

Another aspect of the Grey alien phenomenon that I’ve come across and deal with in my new book is a certain type of Near Death Experience (NDE) that seems to resemble alien abduction. Those who have had these experiences are confused as to why they are so different to the beautiful ecstatic experiences that tend to characterize NDEs.

They wonder why the environment they find themselves in is metallic and solid rather than the ephemeral ethereal world they expect.

In studying these experiences and looking at them in the light of my other research I have come to the conclusion that the Greys are indeed waiting for some of their human experimental subjects at the point of physical death. I believe that the Greys can capture the soul fields of some individuals at the point that the field leaves the dead body and begins its entrance into the spaces between atoms (the tunnels seen in NDE’s).

At the very edges of atoms they lie in wait ready to use their technology to magnify force such that individual morphogenic electro-spatial fields (souls) are somehow caught and prevented from entering the status of existence beyond the physical matter based atomic Universe.

Karma One: Over the last few years more and more authors and whistleblowers have come to light with completely contradictory points of view about alien intrusion:

  • One side views them as dangerous and predatory (mostly the abductees)

  • Another side views them as neutral, professional and without compassion or emotion (in the sense that we would see emotions). They say that the aliens consider us as just a species among other species and like owners of an African reserve who take care of lions, monkeys and elephants, they watch that the animals are not too many and will not destroy the reserve, the earth.

  • A third part consider aliens - even the Greys - as benevolent, and even messianic. They consider them to be on the whole deeply benevolent even if a small minority could be evil. This third part, mostly represented by Steven Greer, seems to develop a metaphysical point of view about extraterrestrial intrusion. Greer seems to think that aliens are more advanced spiritually and that they are “superior, inter-dimensional and messianic beings” who will disclose themselves with a message of liberation or will even save us from an apocalypse

What do you think about those movements and about these different viewpoints?

Nigel Kerner: It is easy for many people to see an alien extra-terrestrial resource on this planet as a new messianic force that is here as a great and wondrous boon to us all. I believe that this is utter folly.

Science now broadly views conventional religion as little more than a medieval sop to our comfort points and the conventional view of the spiritual God principle as an archaic stipend little more than wishful thinking that fortifies hope and moral and ethical platitudes towards social control of the masses. It is all of course understandable in the light of what the priests and lay administrators of religious invectives have done through the centuries.

They have lied about, distorted and misinterpreted the entire spiritual God resource for millennia and in most cases this has been deliberate. They have made God into an anthropocentric principle little more than a glorified parent or Lord of the Manor, all with a view to enhancing their own authority, plaudits and ways of life.

I myself was not inclined towards belief in a spiritual and extra-sensory dominion over the matter of fact resources of a material Universe until I looked at the veracity of the UFO phenomenon.

In doing this I began to understand with logic and reason that the Shakespearean adage:

There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy”, is in fact a reverent truth.

I began to see that the founding teachers of the great faiths had indeed grasped that there is a world beyond force and thus the atom, a world that verifies truth as nothing else does.

The whole context of it all became clear in such a way that it could be realistically defined.

Those who believe that a purely matter resourced universe and anything that comes from it could be of any lasting meaning and value when set against any scale are in the greatest peril of losing their own reference of themselves and replacing it with a non-living, material reference. You can only know anything when it is set against the something of the self.

Without this reference you are in the nihilism of Wittgenstein and Nietzsche and thus in the nondescript lunacy of a machine mind. You are a Grey. More terrifying than this, you don’t and can’t know this for yourself.

In his excellent paper discussing the ethical implications of the abduction phenomenon Budd Hopkins discusses the fact that the aliens do not appear to intervene in any way to prevent human suffering in the world. Hopkins suggests that it might also be said that God does nothing to help either. However, in my view, there is a profound and crucial difference between these two possible sources of helpful intervention:

The aliens, as I have said, have shown themselves to be more than happy to intervene in human affairs and forcibly abduct and control their human targets. Intervention is thus, it seems, no problem for them when they wish to use it. However, for the central state of perfection and infinite freedom that we might term God, the entire scenario is very different.

As those who have read my first book will know, it is my contention that our existence in an imperfect physical universe is not the result of a creator God placing us in a state of imperfection and watching the fun.

It is instead an expression of the perfect freedom that is implicate in the state of perfection that I call the Godverse, to know and experience all things, including the freedom to know what it is like to no longer be perfectly free. We are thus a product of our own free choices. Thus it is not the case that God will not intervene it is simply that the Godverse cannot intervene.

The infinitely present ‘light’ of the Godverse can only be expressed into the universe to the extent that we allow it, we have to open the windows. Our will to do this is paramount. Once we have done so we can embody that light and act as agents of the Godverse. But the Godverse itself is an implicate state that cannot, by definition, intervene of itself.

Christ, Buddha, Mohammed and all the great teachers were physical embodiments of the light of the Godverse, as such they were able to use their free choices to help their fellow man.

The Greys too are physical creatures and perhaps we should contrast their actions with those of these teachers. The Greys, as I have discussed, have shown that they can intervene and do intervene but only in a negative and forceful way. Thus Hopkins question is suitably addressed to them: Why do they not intervene to prevent human suffering? Why do their interventions cause suffering and pain rather than alleviate it?

As I have already discussed, it seems completely apparent that the alien beings witnessed thus far have shown themselves to be without concern for human pain or distress. However abductees do not report a sense of cruelty or sadistic pleasure from their abductors. Instead the aliens seem to be without any comprehension or understanding that the pain they inflict is in any way a problem.

If they are indeed the robotic entities I believe them to be this would make sense because it is impossible to program compassion and sympathy into a machine. These qualities are the hallmark of Godverse connected being. Natural living being.

If they are our Messiahs, our redeemers for the future, one has to ask the question: What kind of promised land are they leading us to?

Karma One: Do you believe that there is a risk of the development of a new religion with the extra-terrestrial intrusion phenomenon based on a biblical apocalyptic message or do you believe that the risk is not important at all?

In this very peculiar time of crisis of many sorts (financial, climatic, energy, religion etc…) and the growing importance of the biblical and apocalyptic message (2012, the coming of Neberu, end of time scenario etc…), do you believe that the extra-terrestrials will play a voluntary role in it?

Nigel Kerner: Religions seem to form spontaneously wherever humankind salutes a need for them. The inherent insecurity that marks our day to day lives is all the signal it takes to make the most from the least. To make up a philosophy that will deny the effect of the SLOT (Second Law Of Thermodynamics) that takes our bodies apart each second we live.

We are always seeking a way to find an assurance that will wipe away this insecurity. An insecurity that comes from this terrible power that rots us as we stand. We need to know that there is something that can counteract this. Something resistant to this inevitable process. Something that can change death into life. Loss into gain.

The whole thing for me affirms that we human beings have some ancient memory coded in us of a reality, a time, a place or a situation where all things were together in a wondrous form and available instantly to us. The loss of this prompts us to keep hope of transformation alive. We will seek any sign that might do this and turn this sign into a philosophy or procedure or system of belief that will give us hope from despair.

It has its most powerful form when something goes against what is commonly accepted. They will for instance make a Buddha out of the boy who was found recently meditating under a tree in North India, (for many weeks, some claim months) without apparent interruption, for food, water or the expulsion of the natural waste products of his body.

He will no doubt be made into an icon signaling some extreme expectation, because we all want things to be this goodly wondrous ideal.

The mysterious creatures and space-craft that define the UFO phenomenon will be an ideal candidate for deification in a world that is disillusioned with spiritualized religion. The Occidental world and its Euro-Caucasian people have been secularized with the hard materially based world of science and will seek a materially or atomically based final reality.

They will deify the Greys and explain them as the new Messiahs. A non-spiritual variety of Messiah to take us to all things good if only we can understand them and give them a chance to do it. They will contrive all kinds of things and happenings and translate them in terms of what they will claim to be the real truth of things beyond the grasp of humankind.

In my new book I have tried to analyze all the indicators that mark belief systems both secular and spiritual and I have come to the simple, logical inescapable conclusion that nothing can be further from the truth. The UFO phenomenon is the greatest menace any natural living being can face in the entire Universe and signals the final denial and destruction of our species aided by a total misunderstanding and deliberate misreporting of what the spiritually religious message of all the great teachers really meant.

The book has taken nearly six hundred pages and over 200,000 words to explain this, and so I will not try to do it with this answer, but I believe that when the finest minds take a look at all the evidence together they will see that what fundamentalist christians call the ‘RAPTURE’ is really the ‘CAPTURE’.

They will see that deadly grey four fingered hands are moving our planet and its leaders to bring about this capture. The capture and dispatch of billions of a certain genotype of specially genetically prepared humanity, Euro-Caucasian de-melanized humanity, for their purposes. Purposes that should send a chill through all human bones.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Greys and their hybrids are indeed the great Pretender prophesied in the Book of Revelation who will seem all things to all men because of the miracles he will perform. This false prophet has the power ‘to give life unto the image of the beast’. Is this perhaps a reference to the cloning procedures used by the Greys?

Bio-chips inserted under the skin as tracking and monitoring devices are currently available for purchase. These may well be the ‘Mark of the Beast’ that the false prophet gives to human beings so that they cannot ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ without it. One of these devices is called, ‘Digital Angel,’ which is too ironic a title to be true, perhaps it is more than just irony and is actually the product of true digital robotic ‘angels’ who seemingly come down from the ‘heavens.’

Only those whose ‘names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world’ are prophesied to worship the false prophet.

Are these they who are so genetically intercepted that they can no longer clearly receive the Godverse which exists beyond the foundation of the world?

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