Zeta Reticuli: Distance to Earth

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Whatever the verity of any particular prophecy it must be admitted that prophecies predicting the doom of civilization have been continuous through the centuries and obviously none have come true. But the many other types of prophecies that have come true serve to illustrate the fragility of our existence as a species.

The fact that the 2012 prophecy has come from several sources that are independent of each other might be taken to suggest its potential accuracy. There is also the possibility outlined in my new book that the Greys could use their technology to control the path of an asteroid such that it hits those parts of the world where there is a concentration of those who are not part of their experimental group and might interfere with those who are part of it.

Be this prophecy certain or uncertain, it brings us face to face with the prospect of death as an agent of sudden demise, of the ending of our physically conscious individuality. We are but a heartbeat away from the loss of all our expectations. Where next? The question must hit us from time to time whether we like to admit it or not.

Do we prefer to go to death in ignorance of what it might be? Or do we wonder about the destiny of all our personal thoughts and all our experiences?

It seems to me if we can all get an intelligently derived look at what might lie beyond the scales of physical life, then whatever it all might come to in the end, we would have a better format for adjusting more realistically to the day’s own troubles. If in the Russian roulette momentums of the universe an asteroid approaching us out of the sun without warning can take out our entire civilization and us with it at a stroke, what then the price to those of us who cherish our individuality?

But it is crucial to see that what people see as Armageddon is something that need not be an explosive and terrifying end of the world, but the beginning of a glorious enlightened new one. A new way of seeing the entire existential base not set on New Age concepts or Old Age tenets of ignorance based on the physically set derivatives of the days own troubles of medieval times.

I believe that a completely new and grand insight taking in some of what science tells us now about the matter based transient atomic world and merging it with the everlasting psycho/spiritual abstract expression of the Godverse will bring us up to date with what the truth of it all might be. My research in as objective and logical a stance as I could make, has revealed an affirmation that a glorious final result is a certainty for some of us despite the effects of the SLOT that prevail in a matter and force based universe like ours.

There are many prophecies in the various religions and cultures across the world predicting a new beginning for mankind, the ‘new Heaven’ and ‘new Earth’ of the book of Revelation.

For some reason only apocalyptic prophecies are given prominence by the world’s media and these more positive predictions are put on a back burner. I am not of course saying that the alien phenomenon might help to bring about a better situation for us all, far from it.

I am instead saying that there is another input into all of this, an input from the Godverse.

This Godly input automatically and implicitly counters all that humanity has to face from the Greys to the extent to which we have not in free will chosen what the Greys do to us.

Jesus Christ was, I believe, part of that compensation. His legacy to us in word and deed provided us with an antidote to their interceptions that is best summed up in his suggestion to Judas to ‘think with the heart.’

In my new book I suggest Christ also left another legacy, a biological legacy, a line of descendants free from alien genetic interception that could cleanse humanity from Grey pollution. In the book I offer evidence from the Gospel of Judas, from other Gnostic texts and from the canonical Book of Revelation itself to substantiate this revolutionary idea.

That which comes to us from the Godverse comes only through natural means, not through technology and space travel. Thus messiahs are born from wombs, they do not arrive in spaceships!

Karma One: Besides the disclosure of the extra-terrestrial phenomenon through testimonies of military whistleblowers and victims of abductions, do you believe that a deep analysis of our gene pool and its successive mutations can show that it has been manipulated by an advanced engineering project developed by extra-terrestrial beings, like the ones described in the Sumerian tablets?

What are the objective elements that we can’t miss showing that the human genome was the result of a scientific manipulation?

Have you found some elements showing that this manipulation, this project, was and still is malevolent and that the full potential of human beings is lacking or diminished as a consequence?

Nigel Kerner: Yes there is indeed evidence within the human genome of such interception. Trinucleotide repeats are an obvious example. Trinucleotide repeats are distinct from normal DNA because of their repetitive codes, the same triplet code is repeated again and again (i.e. ctgctgctg, or cggcggcgg).

In the same way a clone is characterized by repeat codes, it is formed from a master cell which copies and recopies itself to create a complete body. I suggest that trinucleotide repeats could be part of their attempt to convert us into their format.

Interestingly, trinucleotide DNA can form unusual molecular structures which allow two entwined strands of the DNA double helix to slip, against each other, leaving loose ends to which the enzyme will add extra DNA bases. If it was the intention of the aliens to re-order DNA for their own purposes and in this way to reorganize parts of the human genome, then they would have required just such a device by which they could splice DNA in and out.

The diseases affected by trinucleotide repeats seem to be those that affect particularly the nervous system. In my books I have suggested that we think with the entire nervous system, not just the brain.

These purely physical alien beings are unable to detect the non-physical nature of thought so perhaps they targeted the nervous system as the supposed hub of thought and thinking. It could be their attempt to introduce their own ‘blueprint’ into the genes which code for the nervous system of human beings to see if they could trace a path from there to the missing ingredient that makes us different from them.

There appears to be a threshold level of trinucleotide repeats which then leads to disease. Perhaps once these interceptions reach a certain number it is no longer possible for these strains to be resisted and dominated. Unlike classical hereditary genetic diseases, there is no specific mutated gene, or genes, responsible for these diseases, they are the result of repeating codes. I suggest that these repeats impinge on genes which are a natural expression of the human species.

Many abductees have reported that sperm and egg cells are removed for examination and experimentation by the alien beings. In fact, medical examinations on several women who have claimed abduction have revealed that all the ova have mysteriously disappeared from their ovaries. The expansion of trinucleotide DNA actually occurs in these earliest stages of embryonic development.

Mitochondrial DNA is, I believe, another artifact of alien genetic interception. Unlike other DNA it clones itself in reproduction instead of recombining. Most biologists believe that mitochondria are the direct descendants of bacteria that entered primitive nucleated cells in a number of infections.

Among billions of such infective events they speculate that a few could have led to the development of stable, symbiotic associations between nucleated hosts and bacterial parasites. The classes of “bacteria” that took part in these “infections” have not yet been established.

Could these “bacteria”, simply be the invading genetic elements introduced into the hominid genome by alien being via a series of “infections” until eventually they were accepted and absorbed? Not only does mitochondria have its own 37 genes that are independent of the main nuclear DNA of the cell but also there is a proportion of mitochondrial DNA that is not in any way involved in functions which benefit the cell.

Thus, it is to a certain extent, an organelle that is independent of the cell and independent of the cell’s own genetic information contained within the nucleus.

Unlike other DNA, mitochondrial DNA happens to have a distinctive circular structure. Circular DNA has been used in research to inject DNA pieces into cells because it has no sticky ends and thus does not get caught and mixed with the rest of the cell. Thus, it is extremely plausible that the alien beings could have used this circular structure to conceal the 37 genes of mitochondrial DNA.

This concealment allows these genes to replicate under their own steam and thus maintain their independence from the human organism while at the same time existing within it. This symbiotic relationship which human cells have with mitochondrial DNA allows the mitochondrial DNA enough independence from the human organism for it to be able to act as a conduit through which information from the alien beings, who inserted this DNA, can pass.

As I say in my first book, it is almost as though they have left a keyhole in human cells into which their key will fit, such that they can open the genetic information contained within the cell and manipulate it as they wish.

Using mitochondrial DNA as a marker scientists have convincingly shown that the origins of all mankind were in Africa approximately 200,000 years ago. If, as I contend in my books, Neanderthal man was un-intercepted by alien beings until a more recent time is it possible that until that point of interception Neanderthal man had no mitochondrial DNA?

His body might have employed other cellular mechanisms to provide for the functions which mitochondrial DNA now perform.

Bacterial DNA is already widely used to code for artificial protein with great success. If, as I suggest, the presence of mitochondrial DNA in cells was the result of bacteria entering primitive nucleated cells in a number of 'infections', then is it not possible that the alien beings may themselves have used bacterial DNA in this way?

They could have encoded it with genes artificially engineered by them to enter into the biology of living organisms on this planet. If scientists with our level of technology can achieve such success in genetically engineering bacterial proteins then the scope for such genetic manipulation by alien beings with their highly ascendant technology, must be enormous.

More evidence for alien genetic interception can be found in the “jumping gene” known as the ‘Alu’.

Amongst the so-called junk DNA that forms the majority of the human genome the Alu is a 283 nucleotide sequence that from time to time seems to insert copies of itself into the genome. Over the past 30-60 million years these insertions have occurred repeatedly leaving roughly a million copies of Alu scattered through the human genome and making up almost 10% of all the DNA in each cell.

Perhaps these million or so ALUS are in fact deliberate genetic interceptions of which only a certain number actually took and married into the functioning DNA of human beings as it seems that very few Alus actually affect genes that code for proteins.

As I have mentioned in my book, there is a remarkable story of the alien genetic interception of a particular group of people in the Old Testament of the Bible.

This is exemplified in what by most standards would be seen as a bizarre story of God seeking to “slay” Moses’ son:

And it came to pass by the way in the inn that the Lord met him and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone and cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at his feet and said, surely a bloody husband thou art because of the circumcision.”

(Exodus 5:24-26)

In this account it seems that Zipporah, Moses’ wife, offers God the foreskin of her son, and thus information as to his genetic structure, in place of his life.

When Zipporah offers the foreskin, “God" lets her son go. Can it be possible that such a ludicrous course of action by a supposed “God" could have been deemed acceptable and worthy by so many people for so long? If the “God" to which this account refers is not an alien clone being seeking genetic programs to intercept humanity, then what is he?

In “Song of the Greys” I suggest that the initial command for the children of Israel to circumcise their sons could have been a means for alien being to monitor the genetic information of their “chosen people.” In other words, maybe the foreskins were taken by these beings and studied.

The fact that this remarkable story about Moses and so many other incongruities within the Old Testament can have been meekly accepted by so many people, for so long, is surely an indication of the vast extent to which the Greys have succeeded in so programming their chosen subjects, that they are blind to even the simplest logical connections that would expose their programmers for what they truly are.

The instructions in the book of Leviticus as to who may, or may not, approach the altar are also very interesting. No one of any physical blemish is permitted to approach the altar, so that they will “profane not my sanctuaries: for I the lord do sanctify them.”

Could the Ark of the Covenant and the altar within it were in fact have been mechanisms through which alien being could view human subjects who might be suitable for interception. Hence only those without physical defect and therefore with the likelihood of a genetic structure more free of the mutations that lead to physical weakness or infirmity, were allowed to approach the altar.

The prophet Ezekiel’s visions have by many people been taken to be visions or sightings of spacecraft. If Ezekiel was also visited by alien beings it would certainly account for his strange encounter with “God" in a valley which was full of bones. In this encounter God asks Ezekiel if these dry bones could live, he then assembles them into complete bodies and covers them with flesh.

After he brings them to life they stand “up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”

God then tells Ezekiel that these bones are “the whole house of Israel” and he tells him to promise the people of Israel that,

I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel... And shall put my spirit in you and ye shall live and I shall place you in your own land."

God” is thus involved in bringing to life soulless dead flesh, what kind of “life” is he therefore promising for the children of Israel, the physical immortality of Clone being perhaps? How reminiscent this is of the Egyptian process of mummification, a process which ancient Egyptians believed essential to preserve the physical body for the after-life?

The Semitic peoples truly seem to be receivers of the same “God”.

In the recently discovered ‘Gospel of Judas’ Judas relates to Jesus a dream of a house surrounded by “great people.” In his dream Judas asks to be let into this house.

Jesus replies to Judas that:

Judas, your star has led you astray.… No person of mortal birth is worthy to enter the house you have seen, for that place is reserved for the holy. Neither the sun nor the moon will rule there, nor the day, but the holy will abide there always, in the eternal realm with the holy angels. Look, I have explained to you the mysteries of the kingdom and I have taught you about the error of the stars.”

This prompts Judas to ask Jesus:

Master, could it be that my seed is under the control of the rulers?”

Could he be asking Christ directly if his own biological line could be alien controlled, “ruled over” by a “host of angels of the stars?”

As I have explained in my first book, it is my opinion based on a good look at all the evidence available, that humankind now is a product of an evolutionary procedure out of a natural overall devolutionary Universal scale in line with the Second Law Of Thermodynamics, (I call this the S.L.O.T.)

We are neither the products of a divine Creator nor even the projects of an intelligent designer. We are not the results of evolutionary processes. Instead we are the subjects of the process that I have called ‘devolution.’

We are now pale shadows of the glory we once were, we have devolved to a gross, physical restricted state from a lighter, more ephemeral state of far greater freedom and knowledge.

Humanity as a species is now an amalgamation of a series of quantum devolutionary steps.

In the distant past we were insubstantial beings unrestricted by the confines of a substantial physical body. We communicated directly via thought with no need for physical sensory apparatus to interact with each other or our environment. We then devolved from this insubstantial state of ‘light’ being to more and more substantial states, from ‘light being’ to ‘hydrogen being’ (a gaseous state) and then on to ‘water being’.

Our bodies are now primarily composed of water along with other heavier elements. I believe that many of these trace elements, especially the metallic ones, would not be in the human body were it not for alien genetic interception.

They are metalizing us to bridge us into their formats.

Just as quantum physics points to a background to all existent states that is full of infinite possibilities, I point to that same state which I call the ‘Godverse’.

This is a state of perfect potentiality, perfect freedom to achieve all options including the option to explore the possibility of imperfection. It is my argument that our existence in this physical universe is a result of our choice to explore this possibility.

Most being that came into the physical universe from the Godverse immediately returned but some, including us became trapped, caught in the chaotic momentums of a physical universe subject to the momentum of the second law of thermodynamics, or entropy, into greater and greater states of randomness and disorder.

I believe that all naturally living things are originally implicit products of this incidental and tacit creationism that happens automatically out of the dynamic between two primarily opposed existential polarities: God-head and Force-head.

This continual interaction produces universes like ours that become more and more material and atomically chaotic and disordered with time. In fact as we now know, it all happens to no meaningful point at all. It dismantles to an absolutely cold dead nothingness. A nothingness that is eventually congruent with Force-head.

It must be said however that although this is the underlying momentum in a physical universe the opposite momentum for greater states of order and cohesion also exists. This is an expression of the implicit presence of the Godverse as an infinite state within all finite states, including the universe.

Thus free will is the arbitrator between the two opposing momentums – the drive to union and the drive to chaos.

The Greys and the other alien entities that have been witnessed do not have a natural track of descent from the Godverse. They are a secondary creation created for reasons which I explain at length in my books but involve too lengthy an explanation for this interview. They are looking for something which will allow them to survive in an entropic universe and not break down.

It is my contention that they are looking for the one thing that we have and they do not – a line of connection to the eternality of the Godverse, in other words a soul. They can never of course get hold of this elusive factor as it is not physical but as they do not understand the non-physical they cannot understand this. Thus their entire agenda with humanity is a means to this end, a means by which they believe they will replace their temporary existence with an eternal existence.

For this reason they are trying to bridge themselves into us. Introducing their programs into us so that those programs can exist in something that has a capacity for eternal survival.

I define a ‘soul’ as a line of connection to the Godverse. It is a line of connection that has become twisted and distorted somewhat the longer we remain in an entropic universe and devolve to its dictates but it is nevertheless a track to a state of perfect freedom and knowledge. The 95% of our DNA that does not code for proteins, the junk DNA previously referred to, is a reflection of our full potential that now lies untapped.

What I am saying is that in the ancient past we used 100% of our DNA and now we can only access 5%. Scientists have not been able to understand why our genetic processes go to the trouble of replicating such huge amounts of useless DNA. The very fact that such DNA is replicated is a huge counter to an evolutionary interpretation of human history.

Why would we have ‘evolved’ so much useless material? Is it not far more likely that so-called ‘junk DNA’ is actually a living fossil of our past reflecting the fact that as we devolve we slowly lose touch with our full potential?

If this is true then we are out of touch and therefore out of control of 95% of our genetic prospectus. This 95% could well form an ongoing laboratory setting for alien interference as we cannot control it ourselves, our hand is not in 95% of the glove so to speak.

So trinucleotide repeats, alus and many other artifacts of junk DNA may well be their handiwork.

Karma One: In your book “The Song of the Greys”, you stress that human beings, in fact the Nordic line (Cro-Magnon line), was biologically engineered with a manipulation of DNA by the Greys to become more aggressive and be able to neutralize and eradicate the other human “racial” projects such as the “Black people” or the “natives” and aboriginal ethnic groups?

Do you believe that this human project was designed by the extra-terrestrial to be a killing and destructive machine?

Nigel Kerner: I do not believe the Cro-Magnon line was deliberately designed with a primary purpose to serve as the foot soldiers of the Greys. It is my hypothesis that the pigment melanin is a natural barrier to their technology and for that reason they sought to breed a genotype of humanity without that barrier. Once they had such a genotype they were freer to genetically engineer its DNA to their own patterns.

It is also my theory, and I elaborate on this in my new book, that DNA is a physical translation of our line of connection to Godhead. If that line is interrupted by alien patterns we cannot receive information from the Godverse properly.

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