22 May 2015 Higher Education Program News

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FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces

National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD

22 May 2015
Higher Education Program News:

  • EM Hi Ed Webinar Series:

The Higher Education Program is continuing with the webinar series started in 2013.  The webinars will be used to increase the flow of information and knowledge to the emergency management higher education community.  Knowing what is important and essential to your programs is important.  To that end, we request that you provide us topics that are of particular interest and necessary to your academic programs or your institution.  An April webinar is currently in the planning stages.  Ideas for webinar topics may be sent to Lillian Virgil at Lillian.virgil@fema.dhs.gov.

  • EM Theory and Research , Hi Ed website

New documents posted to the Higher Education website, EM Theory and Research section at http://www.training.fema.gov/hiedu/emtheoryresearch.aspx.

The FEMA Higher Education Program convened two working groups in the last two years to support the higher education community’s efforts to define what emergency management is and does as a discipline and how that relates to higher education in emergency management. Documents were produced that report the discussion of these groups and their points of consensus.

  • Results from a Survey Gauging Emergency Management Higher Education Community Consensus on Key Points related to Research Standards for the Discipline of Emergency Management

  • Snap Shot of the Results from a Survey Gauging Emergency Management Higher Education Community Consensus on Key Points related to Emergency Management’s Disciplinary Identity

For more information or to comment contact: Jessica Jensen at ja.jensen@ndsu.edu.

  • Hi Ed Symposium

Everyone attending or presenting at the Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium must have an accepted application on file with the NETC Admissions office. Individuals without an accepted application will not be granted admittance to NETC for the EM Higher Education symposium.
Participant Profile
Each participant accepted to the Symposium is requested to submit electronically in Microsoft Word a short “Participant Profile.” Participant Profile should contain information you would like other participants to know about you as well as why you are attending the conference and what you would like to get out of the conference – is there something in particular you would like to talk with others about, or, is there something in particular you are looking for? Please include an email address. The “participant profiles” will be posted in the Participants Listing on Emergency Management Higher Education Program website 17th Annual EM Symposium sectionhttp://www.training.fema.gov/hiedu/educonference15.aspx. This is your way to start communications and discussion with other participants prior to the symposium. Biographies (Participant Profiles) are to be emailed to Barbara.Johnson3@fema.dhs.gov
Symposium Workshops, Monday, June 1, 2015
Symposium workshops will be held Monday, June 1, 2015, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Workshops include Introduction to ArcGIS, Survey of HAZUS-MH, How to Teach Emergency Management, and Emergency Management Scholars Theory and Research Workshop and Exercising Emergency Plans. Please consult the Hi Ed website at http://www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/educonference15.asp for additional workshop information. Seating for workshops is limited and will be assigned on a first-come basis. Please email Barbara Johnson, Barbara.Johnson3@fema.dhs.gov with workshop preferences.
Emergency Management/Homeland Security News:

  • Emergency Management Solutions - Volume 7 No. 5, May 2015

Monthly Video – The Hindenburg Disaster - On May 6, 1937 the Hindenburg, the largest dirigible every built, burst into flames while landing at Lakehurst, NJ. Thirty six people, mainly crewmen, were killed but, amazingly, over 62 others survived the fiery crash. A news crew covering the arrival managed to obtain the dramatic footage seen here. Following the disaster, public interest in lighter-than-air transport declined rapidly.
Blog Highlights –

The Last Musketeer


Farewell to Roy KIte, emergency manager, mentor and friend. ...»
Emergency Planners Are The Same The World Over


Nepal may seem a world away but emergency planners face the same problems wherever they are....»
Energy Conservation and Cognitive Dissonance


The California PUC wants to reward people who save electricity with higher rates. Do they really think this is going to encourage future conservation?...»
Managing Crisis - The following are excerpts from my blog, Managing Crisis, published by Emergency Management Magazine. Please visit my blog to see the rest of my articles.


Issuing a Public Warning Is Not an Easy Decision


The decision to issue a warning to the public is never an easy one. I have written elsewhere about one of the most common reasons for failing to issue timely warnings: the fear of creating public panic.  ...»

Catastrophic Planning Is Vital But Often Neglected


My friend and colleague, Bob Jaffin, has suggested that the difference between emergency management and homeland security is the one of focus. Homeland security tends to focus on external threats while emergency managers primarily focus on the communities we serve....»


What If Hurricane Katrina Happened Now?


One of the hallmarks of Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was the extensive use of social media to exchange information. Technology is changing how emergency managers interact with the public in dramatic ways....»

Featured Article - Playing Politics - 3 Political skills you must master
Professional Development - Continuing Education Builds Your Skill Set
Upcoming Educational Opportunities
40th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop

July 19-22, Broomfield, CO

The Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop is designed to bring researchers and practitioners from many disciplines together for face-to-face discussions on how society deals with hazards and disasters.


International Association of Emergency Managers Annual Conference

November 13-18, Clark County, NV

 The IAEM Annual Conference provides a forum to discuss current trends and topics, share information about the latest tools and technology in emergency management and homeland security, and advance the work of IAEM. Conference sessions encourage stakeholders at all levels of government, the private sector, public health and related professions to exchange ideas and collaborate to protect lives and property from disaster.

Life Balance - Keeping Fit Is Job-related

From the Bookshelf - Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How it Changed America by John M. Barry

The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 still ranks as the most destructive flood in US history, inundating 27,000 square miles to a depth of 30 feet, doing $400 million in damages, and killing 246 people.

John Barry's book tells the story of the disaster but goes much deeper to describe the social and historical context that led up to the flood. Barry begins by tracing the history of flood control measures on the Mississippi and the debate over the controversial use of levees. The book focuses principally on the events in Mississippi and New Orleans and Barry paints a picture of the social attitudes of the time and an economic system that relied on black sharecroppers.
Of particular interest to emergency managers is Barry's account of the flood itself and the response that saw the first use of a coordinated federal relief effort. More importantly, Barry traces the long term impact of the disaster, showing how it led to major population shifts and affected presidential politics.
Barry's writing makes the book easily accessible and the wealth of detail is fascinating and holds the reader's interest. Definitely worth the read.
©Lucien G. Canton 2015. All rights reserved.

Reprinted with Permission

  • IAEM Dispatch, May 21, 2015

Reminder: Eight days remain in the IAEM Awards Competition — don't forget to enter!
Time is running out! You have eight more days to enter the 2015 IAEM Awards Competition. All entries must be received by Friday, May 29, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. You must submit your entry, including all supporting material and entry forms (where applicable) to Karen Thompson. There will be no extensions to the entry deadline. There is still time to enter your outstanding project or nominate the person of your choice in one of our award categories. Everything that you will need to enter the IAEM Awards Competition is posted at www.iaem.com/Awards. Read about the various 2015 award categories, and take the time to review the posted entries of last year's winners. The Awards Work Group wants to know about your innovations, so that you may be recognized and so that your colleagues will learn from your successes. Whether you are submitting an entry for the Public Awareness Award, Technology & Innovation Award, or Partners in Preparedness Award — or whether you are nominating someone for the Clayton R. Christopher Award or a Uniformed Services or Student Award — the IAEM Judges welcome your entries.

Philippines braces for 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Metro Manila
International Business Times
As seismologists in the country say that a 7.2-magnitude earthquake produced by the Valley Fault System may hit several parts of Manila any time, Philippines has chalked out a detailed action plan to save itself from a Nepal-like situation. In a bid to minimize destruction to lives and structure, the country has introduced the new Valley Fault System Atlas, a tool that will ensure Metro Manila is prepared for the "big one," according to local experts.
European Union launches new disaster preparedness plan in the Caribbean*
The European Union has allocated 10 million dollars for risk reduction activities in the Caribbean. Communities highly exposed to floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes will benefit from disaster preparedness projects funded by the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department, through its DIPECHO Programme. A total of 14 projects will be implemented in the region between 2015 and 2016 in order to reduce the vulnerability to natural hazards and to better prepare communities and authorities to respond to emergencies.
Megaquake could hit central New Zealand
Scientists finally have proof that central New Zealand could be ticking down to a highly damaging "megathrust" earthquake. Earlier research has suggested the seabed between the Wairarapa and Marlborough is capable of generating magnitude 7-plus quakes. Now researchers have found solid geological evidence that an area off the coast of Wairarapa and fringing Cook Strait causes "megathrust" quakes and tsunami similar to, but probably smaller than, the devastating magnitude 9.0 March 2011 event in Japan.
FEMA announces 2015 Youth Preparedness Council members
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) this week announced the members of the 2015-2016 National Youth Preparedness Council. Created in 2012, the council brings together youth leaders from across the country that are interested in advocating on behalf of preparedness and making a difference in their communities. The council supports FEMA's commitment to involving youth in preparedness-related activities. It also provides an avenue to engage youth by taking into account their perspectives, feedback, and opinions. Council members will meet with FEMA staff members throughout their term to provide input on strategies, initiatives, and projects. The six new members of the council were selected based on their dedication to public service, community involvement, and potential to expand their impact as national advocates for youth preparedness. The members selected in 2015 are: Angelo DeGraff (Maryland), Ty Zaunbrecher (Louisiana), Kiahna Lee Espia (Guam), Divakar Saini (California), Hailey Starr (Washington), and Megan Stutzman (Oregon). Learn more.
Hurricane Sandy Flood Insurance claims review begins
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has begun a review of claims filed by policyholders affected by Hurricane Sandy. The review is part of a broad process to reform NFIP claims and appeals procedures. In the review, policyholders who have not pursued litigation or already received the maximum amount under their policy will have an opportunity to have their files reviewed. FEMA will contact policyholders and explain how to request this review. A letter will be sent to approximately 142,000 NFIP policyholders who filed flood insurance claims. Policyholders will have 90 days from receipt of the letter to make contact with FEMA. Learn about the process on the FEMA website.
Be a peer reviewer for the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative grant program
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is looking for subject-matter experts to review Comprehensive School Safety Initiative grant program applications. Reviews will occur from June-August 2015. NIJ peer reviewers receive a nominal compensation as well as non-monetary benefits, such as professional experience and providing a valuable public service. Learn more about becoming a peer reviewer.

As states ready disaster plans, feds urge them to consider climate change
The Atlantic hurricane season starts next month — a time when coastal states have their disaster plans at the ready. Now, the federal government wants states to consider the potential effects of climate change in those blueprints. States lay out strategies for reducing harm from a whole host of calamities that might strike, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods or drought. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, gives states money to mitigate those risks — grants that might help pay for tornado safe rooms, or to elevate buildings in a flood zone, for instance. READ MORE
Study: Global warming fueling fewer but stronger hurricanes
The Washington Post
Warmer ocean temperatures appear to be fueling more intense hurricanes at the expense of the overall number of storms, says a new study published today in Nature Climate Change. Over the past decade, studies have analyzed ad nauseam how warmer temperatures might be changing the annual number of hurricanes, or the maximum intensity. In theory, the hurricane hypothesis has always been a simple one: Tropical cyclones are fueled by warm ocean surface water, so warmer oceans should be fueling stronger hurricanes. READ MORE
How Amtrak failed the victims of Train 188: A survivor's tale
I've spent much of my career helping with disasters, helping people and organizations at some of the worst times of their lives. I was always lucky enough not to need the help of people like me. That ended last week, after I boarded Amtrak Train 188. I'm now even more grateful for our first responders — police, fire, EMTs and hospital emergency rooms. And more convinced that Amtrak itself needs an overhaul. The trip started like every other from Union Station, with a long line of us waiting to have our tickets checked. However, it had a surprise ending: The train, running at 106 mph, more than twice the posted speed limit on that section, went off the rails just after stopping in Philadelphia. READ MORE
Single-option lockdown response is a failure for school shootings*
Emergency Management
When drive-by drills, known as lockdown in most of the country, were widely used in response to school shootings with little or no adaptation of tactics, we began down a path that ultimately led to the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook that took 26 innocent lives. There were stops along the way in places called Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora and many others. These were all opportunities to learn that our model for response was at great risk from those who would seek to use our plan (or lack of plan) against us. READ MORE
After Ebola outbreak, expert panel urges 'single, unified entity' within UN health agency for emergency response*
Independent experts tasked to assess the World Health Organization's response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa today said "at present, WHO does not have the operational capacity or culture to deliver a full emergency public health response" and urged investments by its member States to make it fit for purpose. "Now is the historic political moment for world leaders to give WHO new relevance and empower it to lead in global health," said the panel's first report, commissioned by WHO's Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan and shared with member States in advance of the World Health Assembly, the world's highest-level health setting body. READ MORE
Ten days left to submit your EMvision Talk & enter to win a free IAEM 2016 Annual Conference registration
The deadline to submit your talk for the IAEM presents EMvision Talks is Friday, May 30 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The Talks are modeled on the well-known TED™ Talk format and are limited to five minutes. To submit your talk, you must copy and paste the link to the high-quality recording of the unlisted YouTube video of your proposed talk. View the Speaker Guidance for more information. This is your chance to present a story you are passionate about in the field of emergency management live on the plenary session stage for the IAEM presents EMvision Talks at the Annual Conference in Clark County, Nevada, on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015. The top five to seven selected speakers will be part of a live contest where the audience will vote for the top speaker who will win a complimentary registration to the IAEM 64th Annual Conference & EMEX in Savannah, Georgia, Oct. 14-19, 2016.
Register today for the 2015 IAEM Annual Conference
Registration is now open for the 63rd IAEM-USA Annual Conference & EMEX in Clark County, Nevada, Nov. 13-18, 2015. View our online program and register today. This is the premiere emergency management event of the year! "The IAEM Annual Conference is a must experience for both disaster researchers and emergency management professionals," said Thomas E. Drabek, John Evans Professor Emeritus, University of Denver and author of The Human Side of Disaster, Second Edition. “It has provided real networking opportunities for me over the years and an excellent forum to present the latest research results. If you want to know what really is going on in emergency management today, this is the place to be."
National Hurricane Preparedness Week Toolkit now available
The Ready Campaign and America's PrepareAthon! have created an online toolkit that collects tips, how-tos, and images for using social media tools as a way to promote National Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 24-30. Components of the toolkit can be used throughout hurricane season as well.
Continuity of Operations online course available at Emergency Management Institute
With hurricane season starting June 1, it's important to talk to employees about their role in continuity planning. Continuity of Operations ensures agencies can continue to perform its essential functions during an emergency situation. FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers an online course, IS-546.a Continuity of Operations Awareness Course. Although this course directly addresses continuity requirements for federal executive branch organizations, it also is useful to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments. Learn more about Continuity of Operations.
Learn how to receive your certification diploma in the Class of 2015 at IAEM Annual Conference
CEM®/AEM candidates in the Class of 2015, who wish to receive their diplomas at the Nov. 18 IAEM 2015 Annual Conference awards ceremony, must (1) have their initial application approved no later than the September online review meeting, (2) take and return their completed exam to IAEM Headquarters by Oct. 12, and (3) receive a passing grade. No supplemental reviews will occur prior to the scheduled November/December 2015 online review meeting.
The US is testing a storm surge warning system for hurricanes
The wall of wind-driven ocean that accompanies a hurricane is called a "surge" for a reason: This isn’t a gentle rising of the water level, it's violent and destructive—sometimes more so than the hurricane's winds. This hurricane season, for the first time, the National Hurricane Center will be testing a prototype storm surge warning system which it hopes will be fully operational in 2017. READ MORE
Is it finally possible to predict earthquakes?
The Guardian
Predicting earthquakes was once thought to be impossible due to the difficulty of calculating the motion of rocky mantle flows. Such flows are caused by high temperatures inside the Earth, the hottest part of which is the iron core. This core heats the bottom of the rocky mantle, which causes it to move slowly in large streams. But thanks to a new algorithm, we now know that it is possible to model these underground streams. READ MORE
Hurricane forecasters add social science to toolbox*
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
As if the earth sciences aren't enough, now social science is helping weather forecasters teach the public about hurricanes. Sociologists have been studying how people digest information from NOAA's National Hurricane Center and working with meteorologists and emergency managers to refine their storm warnings. The changes can be as simple as color coding a forecast map to changing the risk terminology from "low" to "elevated." READ MORE

Why are we still coordinating disaster relief over radios?*
The Verge
Recently, Philadelphia's emergency dispatch channels lit up. The city was the site of a catastrophic Amtrak derailment, resulting in seven deaths and dozens of injuries, and first responders were scrambling to cut through the chaos. If you listened in to the open radio channels, you could hear it — EMS drivers looking for a hospital with room for patients, or dispatchers directing resources. Even finding the right staging area was a challenge at points, given the flood of different agencies rushing to help, and conducting everything over regular non-digital radio channels only made it more of a challenge. READ MORE
Apply for funding to evaluate school safety methods
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks applications for grant funding under the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI), which aims to build evidence-based knowledge about the causes of school violence and test innovative approaches that will contribute to the understanding of how to help make schools safe for students and school personnel. CSSI grantees will work to: develop knowledge about what works to make schools safe; explore the causes and consequences of school violence; and develop and evaluate a comprehensive school safety framework. Applications for funding are due at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on June 12, 2015. Listen to a webinar to learn more about applying. Learn more.
FEMA National Engagement Webinar: Update of National Planning Frameworks
FEMA is hosting a series of 60-minute engagement webinars to discuss the update of the National Planning Frameworks. Advanced registration is required due to space limitation. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. All webinars are open to the whole community, which encompasses individuals (including those with disabilities and others with access and functional needs), businesses and nonprofits, faith-based and community groups, schools, and all levels of government. The sessions are scheduled for: Wednesday, May 27, 12:00 p.m. EDT; and Thursday, May 28, 10:30 a.m. EDT. Because each engagement webinar will cover the same information, please choose the session most convenient for you. Learn more.

Register today for the NAGC Communications School and join the nation's top government communicators, June 2-4, 2015, in Memphis, Tennessee
Time is running out, so register today for the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) 2015 Communications School, "Blues, BBQs and Government News," set for June 2-4, 2015, in Memphis, Tennessee. Be inspired by keynote speaker Mike Long, director of writing MPS/PRCC, Georgetown University, about “Bringing Creativity into Government Communication." General session speaker Renate Myles, MBA, chief, News Media Branch, NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison, will speak on "Explaining Ebola: Focused Communications on a Highly Charged Issue." These are just two of several general session presentations, along with 18 breakout sessions to choose from — all on the top relevant issues and concerns of all government communicators today. The topics related to citizen engagement will be especially worthwhile to emergency management professionals, so download the program and find out why you can't afford to miss the NAGC 2015 Communications School.
Colombia rescuers search for landslide victims; 78 dead
Colombian rescuers continued searching for victims of a landslide that sent torrents of water and mud crashing onto a neighborhood in the town of Salgar, killing 78 people and injuring dozens in the worst disaster of its kind for a decade. Rescue efforts using search dogs resumed at dawn after being suspended overnight to find a still unknown number of people missing since the landslide occurred. The national disaster unit said in a statement that 78 were killed and at least 40 others had been treated for injuries. The homes of more than 500 people were destroyed or damaged. READ MORE
Ruptured pipeline spills 21,000 gallons of oil along California coast
Just as moms were planning what to pack in the family cooler and beach lovers in and around Santa Barbara were preparing for a holiday weekend of summer sunning and fun, a 21,000-gallon crude oil spill has washed those plans out to sea. Four days before the Memorial Day weekend, which typically marks the start of summer, a 24-inch pipeline ruptured along the Santa Barbara coast, leaking the oil near Refugio State Beach, a protected state park, said Capt. Jennifer Williams of the U.S. Coast Guard. READ MORE
Tornadoes strike Texas, Oklahoma: At least 2 injured in North Texas; homes, businesses damaged
The Weather Channel
Damaging storms swept across Texas and Oklahoma, spawning more than two dozen reported tornadoes in the two states. Flash flooding also disrupted road travel in parts of the region. According to the Storm Prediction Center, 27 reported tornadoes were spotted. These reports will need to be surveyed and confirmed; crews from the National Weather Service will review the damage and determine how many tornadoes were actually in progress during this event. READ MORE
Latest Western storm raises flood danger in wildfire area while kayakers and skiers play
Greenfield Daily Reporter
Rain and snow from the latest Pacific storm to hit the West renewed the risk of flooding in Colorado while providing two seasons of fun for kayakers and skiers and some relief from the drought. The storm brought winter snow to parts of the mountains and spring rain to the eastern part of the state. READ MORE
Solar-powered ATMs to deliver clean drinking water in Pakistan*
Reuters via Yahoo News
Punjab province is set to launch an innovation for water-short Pakistan: Solar-powered ATMs that dispense clean water when a smart card is scanned. The two-foot-square prototype machine looks and functions like an ATM, but dispenses water instead of cash. Users are issued a card they can use to claim a daily share of water. READ MORE
Philippine factory fire: Death toll rises to 72
BBC News
The death toll in a fire that destroyed a shoe factory in the Philippine capital has risen to 72, officials say. Police have vowed to take swift action against those responsible, amid workers' claims of poor health and safety standards. "Definitely there will be charges here, because people died," acting national police chief Leonardo Espina said. Police say the fire started when sparks from welding work ignited flammable chemicals near the building's entrance. READ MORE
Kenya cholera death toll rises to 65
The Guardian Nigeria
At least 65 people are confirmed to have died in a nearly five-month-old cholera outbreak in Kenya, with infections also continuing to rise in the capital Nairobi, health officials said. Health Minister James Macharia said 326 new cases have been reported over the past week nationwide, a nearly 50 percent increase over the previous week and bringing the total number of cases to 3,223. READ MORE
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  • Naval Postgraduate School - Greta E. Marlatt; email: gmarlatt@nps.edu/, May 18, 2015

New or Updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports:

  • U.S.-China Nuclear Cooperation Agreement. RL33192

  • Tesla's Home Battery--An Electricity Storage Breakthrough?, CRS Insights. IN10271

  • Fact Sheet: Selected Highlights of H.R. 1735, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2016. R44019

  • The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN? R44022

  • The United Kingdom: Background and Relations with the United States. RL33105

  • The United Kingdom Election, CRS Insights. IN10266

Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)

  • Airport Emergency Post-Event Recovery Practices http://onlinepubs.trb.org/Onlinepubs/acrp/acrp_syn_060.pdf

Atlantic Council

  • Beyond Camp David: A Gradualist Strategy to Upgrade the US-Gulf Security Partnership http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/images/publications/Camp_David_0508.pdf


  • Financing U.S. Transportation Infrastructure in the 21st Century http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2015/05/07-financing-transportation-infrastructure-altman-krueger-klein

  • Racing Ahead or Falling Behind? 6 Economic Facts about Transportation Infrastructure in the United States http://www.brookings.edu/research/reports/2015/05/6-infrastructure-facts

Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

  • Conducting Global Climate Change Negotiations https://www.cigionline.org/sites/default/files/fixing_climate_governance_pb_no2.pdf

Chatham House

  • Beyond the UNFCCC: Rethinking the Global Politics of Climate Change [transcript] http://www.chathamhouse.org/event/towards-paris-politics-climate-change-policy

College of Europe

  • State Aid to Infrastructure: Do Competitively Selected Operators Obtain an Undue Advantage?  https://www.coleurope.eu/system/files_force/research-paper/beer33.pdf?download=1

Congress. House. Foreign Affairs Committee

  • Energy Revolution in the Western Hemisphere: Opportunities and Challenges for the U.S. http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/subcommittee-hearing-energy-revolution-western-hemisphere-opportunities-and-challenges-us

Congress. House. Oversight & Government Reform Committee

  • The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness Against the Threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse Event http://oversight.house.gov/hearing/the-emp-threat-the-state-of-preparedness-against-the-threat-of-an-electromagnetic-pulse-event/

  • Transportation Security: Are Our Airports Safe? http://oversight.house.gov/hearing/transportation-security-airports-safe/

Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations Committee

  • Cybersecurity: Setting The Rules For Responsible Global Cyber Behavior http://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/cybersecurity-setting-the-rules-for-responsible-global-cyber-behavior

Congress. Senate. Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee

  • Securing the Border: Fencing, Infrastructure, Technology Force Multipliers http://www.hsgac.senate.gov/hearings/securing-the-border-fencing-infrastructure-and-technology-force-multipliers

Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG)

  • Lead Inspector General for Operation United Assistance - Quarterly Report on U.S. Government’s Activities:  International Ebola Response and Preparedness http://www.dodig.mil/IGInformation/archives/IERPQuarterlyReport_March312015.pdf

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

  • Body-Worn Video Cameras for Law Enforcement Assessment Report http://www.firstresponder.gov/SAVER/Documents/Body-Worn-Cams-AR_0415-508.pdf

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General

  • Investigation of Events at White House Involving Suspicious Package Investigation on March 4, 2015 https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mga/OIG_mga-050615.pdf

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  • Aviation Security: TSA Has Taken Steps to Improve Oversight of Key Programs, but Additional Actions Are Needed. GAO-15-559T [testimony] http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-15-559T

  • Border Security: Progress and Challenges in DHS's Efforts to Implement and Assess Infrastructure and Technology. GAO-15-595T [testimony] http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-15-595T

  • Coast Guard Acquisitions: As Major Assets are Fielded, Overall Portfolio Remains Unaffordable. GAO-15-620T [testimony]

  • http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-15-620T

Pew Research Center

  • From Telephone to the Web: The Challenge of Mode of Interview Effects in Public Opinion Polls http://www.pewresearch.org/2015/05/13/from-telephone-to-the-web-the-challenge-of-mode-of-interview-effects-in-public-opinion-polls/

Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE)

  • Q1 2015 Energy Security Fact Pack http://www.secureenergy.org/sites/default/files/Q1_2015_ESFP.pdf

  • New York Citizen Corps Communications Network, May 20, 2015

This American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), in partnership with the National Association of EMT's (NAEMT), is recognizing National EMS Week 2015 with the theme "EMS Strong".

An indispensable part of the healthcare continuum, National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to publicize safety and honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services. This year's theme of "EMS Strong" is an integral part of a campaign to drive awareness, interest and excitement about the profession.

Click here to learn more about National EMS Week 2015.

Click here to visit the EMS Strong website and learn more about the campaign.


NYC Emergency Management's Tip of the Week   


Temperatures Rise, Don't Get Caught by Surprise

Summer may officially arrive next month, but it's important to be ready. On warm summer days, the city can be as much as 10 degrees warmer than its surrounding areas. Check out the Beat the Heat website for tips and information about how to be prepared for warmer weather, including how to stay healthy and cool, ways to save energy, and more.

Learn more about extreme heat from the Ready New York: Beat the Heat guide    

Sign up to receive the Tip of the Week

Employment Information

A vacancy announcement has been posted for a Supervisory Program Specialist, GS- 0301-14 in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), National Preparedness Assessment Division (NPAD).

FEMA-15-EA-41953-MP: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/404898500
FEMA-15-EA-41953-DEU:  https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/404898600

  • Job Opening: Emergency Management Director for Montgomery County, MD

Chris Voss - May 20, 2015 08:09

I am leaving my Montgomery County, Maryland, Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security position and heading west to Multnomah County, Oregon.  If you are interested in my Montgomery County position, follow the link below.  If you are in the Portland area and want to get together for a beer, feel free to shoot me an E-mail chris77.voss@gmail.com.


The Montgomery County position is not earmarked for anyone so feel free to apply.  Here are my unofficial Top Ten reasons you should consider this position:
1) Great staff members

2) Salary range for FY16 (starting July 12, 2015): $98,111 – $174,256

3) We are a stand-alone office and are not buried in another public safety department

4) We were just EMAP Accredited so we might be doing something right

5) Work for an administration that listens more than second guesses

6) The office view (we sit right on a lake in Gaithersburg, MD)

7) This position is NOT appointed and falls under the county’s MLS program

8) Appropriately staffed (16 full time employees and contractors)

9) We are part of the NCR UASI receiving 54 million in 2015 (You may not love the politics, but it will never be the same day twice).

10) Appropriately funded (the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS)) has a budget of approximately 2.7 million annually (about 50% is grant funded)

You are also welcome to contact me if you are interested in the position.  My 3,000 mile move means I am unlikely to be on the interview panel.
*Friday, June 5th, a weekly report will not be sent due to staff involvement with the 17th Annual EM Higher Education Symposium.

Thank you and have a grateful and safe Memorial Day weekend,
Barbara L. Johnson

Higher Education Program Assistant


Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton Avenue, K016

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

Ph: (301) 447-1452


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.”
FEMA and the EMI Higher Education Program do not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications.

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