8 October 2015 Higher Education Program News

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FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces

National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD

8 October 2015

Higher Education Program News:

  • FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Program Webinar Series – Session II

“Promoting Student Success through Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security”

October 15, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT

All across the United States, colleges and universities are welcoming students to the new 2015-16 school year. Many of those students have targeted emergency management or homeland security as a field of study and a first-choice career. In the Emergency Management Institute’s (EMI) second Higher Education Program webinar, Frederick Community College (FCC) will discuss the partnership between FCC’s Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management, the Maryland State Department of Education’s Career and Technology Education Program, and the Statewide Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Council. This partnership is an effort designed to provide effective pathways from secondary to post-secondary programs, and produce graduates possessing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that prepare them for work, life, and responsible citizenship.


Kathy L. Francis, MS, CEM, MPEM

Executive Director Program Manager

Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management Maryland State Department of Education

Frederick Community College Career and Technology Education Program

William Pratesi, Instructor

Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Pathway

Applications and Research Laboratory

Jeanne-Marie Holly

Program Manager

Maryland State Department of Education

Career and Technology Education Program

Steve Filyo, Chairman

Statewide Homeland Security and

Emergency Preparedness Committee


1. Develop and provide oversight of a Statewide Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council.

2. Unite secondary and post-secondary educators to share best practices and discuss challenges of the learning environment.

3. Unite educators with industry professionals to discuss current workforce needs.

4. Expose secondary and post-secondary educators to current topics, innovative trends, and case studies in the field.

5. Involve students in internships, special events, projects, and employment opportunities.

Registration: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/e4wj0hrp7cw/event/registration.html

For additional information: contact Lillian Virgil, Chief, Mitigation Branch, Emergency Management Institute, Lillian.Virgil@fema.dhs.gov or call 301-447-1490.

  • EM Hi Ed Webinar Series:

The Higher Education Program is continuing with the webinar series started in 2013.  The webinars will be used to increase the flow of information and knowledge to the emergency management higher education community.  Knowing what is important and essential to your programs is important.  To that end, we request that you provide us topics that are of particular interest and necessary to your academic programs or your institution.  Ideas for webinar topics may be sent to Wendy Walsh, Hi Ed Program Manager, at Wendy.Walsh@fema.dhs.gov .

  • 18th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium is scheduled for June 6-9, 2016 at the National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD. Mark your calendars now. Information for the 2016 symposium will be posted to the Hi Ed website in the coming months.

  • New Look for the Hi Ed Weekly Report:

Work on a new look for the Hi Ed weekly report will begin soon. I’ll continue to provide you with all the fantastic information sent to me each week but hopefully a new design will make it easier for readers to scan and pick out important information. If you have any great ideas that you would like to see implemented let me know. The general idea is to make the pages more user friendly. We won’t be able to use all suggestions because we do have FEMA standards to uphold but we would like to keep our customers happy so all will at least be considered. Please send any and all suggestions to me at Barbara.Johnson3@fema.dhs.gov. Thanks.

College/University News and Information:

  • Emergency Management (EM) Education at the Master's Level Survey

This is a chance to express your views on Emergency Management (EM) education at the Master's Level. This is a short survey (15 minutes) that gives you a chance to vote on alternative required and elective courses for an Emergency Management Master's and also a separate set of courses for a concentration in EM Information Systems. You will also be able to make any comments you wish on specific choices.

This is being done under the "U.S. protection of human subjects regulations" and your vote rating and comments will never be publicly identified. This is being done internationally under the sponsorship of the Educational Committee of ISCRAM. We will be showing differences between voters from different countries, and differentiating academics from practitioners as well.

The link to the survey is:

The survey was developed because of a 2014 ISCRAM paper examining this topic. With the success of this effort there are at least five other possible concentrations which deserve to be considered in future surveys to evolve effective interdisciplinary Emergency Management degrees


If you indicate in the survey that you wish to receive a copy of the analyzed results, we will add your email to a list to distribute a summary of the results, probably near the beginning of 2016.
We are soliciting views of Emergency Managers and academics world-wide. Feel free to

circulate this to potential responders you feel might be interested in joining this effort.
Thank You,
Murray Turoff (NJIT), Linda Plotnick (JSU), and Starr Roxanne Hiltz (NJIT)

murray.turoff@gmail.com, linda.plotnick@gmail.com, roxanne.hiltz@gmail.com

  • Request for Your Participation in an Academic Emergency Management Survey

Requesting Your Participation in This Nationwide Academic Emergency Management Survey
Study Name: Emergency Operation Center: Scientific and Technologic Resource Prioritization
Purpose: This research project will solicit prioritized Research and Development Emergency Operation Center (EOC) requirements from Local, Tribal, Territorial, Private Sector, State, and Federal Emergency Managers and select other professionals that will best advance the missions of Emergency Management.

Methodology: (1) Perform an online survey that allows Emergency Managers and/or Emergency Operation Center Managers, to identify their EOC Research and Development Priorities. (2) Publish the information in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology online “National Conversation” forum and solicit feedback from the whole of community regarding the findings of the survey. (3) Synthesize the data and discussion to create significant findings in coordination with Harvard University’s National Public Leadership Initiative faculty.

Outcome: Present the findings of the survey to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Task Force for Homeland Security Research and Development and the DHS Undersecretary for Science and Technology (S&T) for consideration during the prioritization of research and development activities. The findings will also be distributed to the leadership of: Big City Emergency Managers, International Association of Emergency Managers, National Emergency Management Association, and the Federal Emergency Management Grants Programs.

Sponsorship and Research Staff/Support: This is a Harvard University - National Public Leadership Institute 2015 Cohort Capstone Research Project being done by students from the AMTRAK Office of Emergency Management, the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department, and the US Department of Homeland Security - Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the Science and Technology Directorate. Questions can be sent to: CarrolJO@amtrak.com ; Keith.Holtermann@hq.dhs.gov ; Michelle.Riebeling@lacity.org ; or Joel.Rynes@hq.dhs.gov  .

Survey Web Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EOC-ST-8
Emergency Management/Homeland Security News:

  • Call for Manuscripts - American Journal of Disaster Medicine

American Journal of Disaster Medicine, an independent double-blind peer-reviewed print and online journal, welcomes original research manuscripts that contribute to the field of disaster, pre-hospital and mass casualty medicine.  The Journal also receives and publishes original papers regarding all aspects of pandemic planning and medical disaster response, as well as articles on the legal, ethical and regulatory issues surrounding disaster medicine response and practices. 

The Journal is indexed in PUBMED and is available on the Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC) journal page.


The "manuscript time to publish" is short and there are no publishing fees. Authors of accepted and published manuscripts receive a complimentary copy of the journal.

Manuscripts are accepted for review as original clinical or basic science research, case reports, clinical reviews, literature reviews, pharmacological updates and letters to the editor. Manuscript submission is handled electronically. To submit a manuscript, please click on this

Manuscript Link.
For additional author guidelines and instructions please visit the American Journal of Disaster Medicine  Author's Guideline Link, or visit our journal webpage at www.disastermedicinejournal.com Abstracts of published articles may be accessed online through our Abstacts Link.   


American Journal of Disaster Medicine is the led by Editor-In-Chief, Susan Briggs, MD, MPH and features a distinguished Editorial Review Board.  Dr. Briggs has a long standing reputation as one of the country's most respected leaders in the challenging field of trauma, disaster and mass casualty medicine.  


As Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Briggs guides the journal's leadership role at a time when the spotlight has been expanded from the initial disaster medical response to include longer term medical issues. The most recent Table of Contents can be found here.


We are actively seeking papers dealing with all aspects of disaster medicine.

These include:
- Basic Science and Research in Mass Casualty Medicine

- Pandemic Planning and Response

- Methods to Increase Medical Surge Capacity

- Medical Response Logistics

- Legal and Licensure Issues for Medical Responders

- Disaster Medicine Ethics

- New Surgical Techniques and Strategies of Triage

- And more...


To submit a manuscript, please go to our  Manuscript Link.  There are no submission, editing or layout fees for articles submitted and published in the journal.  

  • Congressional Research Service

DHS Appropriations FY2016: Security, Enforcement and Investigations, October 2, 2015


Emergency Relief for Disaster-Damaged Roads and Transit Systems: In Brief, October 2, 2015


  • Disaster Information Outreach by Librarians DISASTR-OUTREACH-LIB@LIST.NIH.GOV

Selections from over 100 e-sources

Follow NLM_DIMRC on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/NLM_DIMRC  
REMM website: new design launched
The Radiation Emergency Medical Management Team is proud to announce the first major redesign of our site since REMM was launched in 2007.


The redesign includes a more modern banner, a new color palette and font style, and a new navigation system.
There are now 6 content groups on the new home page.
We have added an easy to use navigational menu at the top of the home page with sections for

  • Interactive Clinical Tools

  • Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Reference and Data

  • Overview of REMM and

  • Links to downloading the REMM app for various mobile devices

One of our most popular features, the Multimedia Library in carousel form, remains on the home page, with 7 categories of multimedia assets.

Since REMM’s last major content update in November 2014, significant content updates have been added including

  1. New references and on most of the Emergencies Incidents pages

  2. New references in the Key Guidance Documents section

  3. Information about the March 2015 FDA-approval of filgrastim for the indication of radiation-induced myelosuppression

  4. New section describing Selection of Radiation Detection Systems

  5. New listings in the Training and Education page

  6. New references on the Recovery and Resilience page

  7. New information on the Other Audiences pages for Legal Advisors, Senior Leaders, First Responders, Veterinarians, Public Information Officers and Others

  8. New references in the very large Biodosimetry Library

  9. Major revisions to the Dose Reconstruction page

  10. Major revisions to the Data Collection page

  11. Update to the Monitoring Drinking Water and Milk page

  12. Updates to the Use of Blood Products page

  13. Update to the Stem Cell Transplant page

  14. Additions to the page of REMM consultants

  15. REMM has a new email update notification system by GovDelivery. If you are a REMM Listserv subscriber, you don't need to do anything. You were automatically moved to the new system.

Users who have previously bookmarked REMM pages of interest should know that all the prior URLs have been retained, so the bookmarks will still work just like before.

Users who have visited REMM pages before may need to refresh (reload) the web page to see the new design. Otherwise, only the old pages cached in your browser will display.


The REMM Team

Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)

Guidance on diagnosis and treatment for health care providers

Webinar: Stress and the Relaxation Response
National Library of Medicine

Disaster Information Management Research Center

Thursday, October 8th 1:30-2:30 pm ET

Stress is a very common reaction to disasters and humanitarian crises. Disaster-related stress affects the local population as well as the professionals and volunteers responding to a disaster. Even in the absence of a disaster, over 60% of visits (for any reason) to health care professionals are caused or exacerbated by stress for which there is no effective pharmacologic or procedural therapy. This presentation will focus on a counter-stress capacity - the relaxation response. Its elicitation effectively counteracts stress and is therapeutic for a multitude of stress-related disorders. The relaxation response will be defined historically and physiologically. Its genomic underpinnings as well as its dramatic impact on health care resource utilization will be described.

To join the meeting click on https://nih.webex.com/nih/e.php?MTID=m4a5a915363441fe83421baf80dbf19de  

Meeting number: 627830517

Meeting password: 1234
Webinar: Communicating Cascadia’s Earthquake Risk

Friday, October 16, 2015

10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET
Register for this free webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7275589756949725697

Webinar Co-Sponsors: Western States Seismic Policy Council, Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission

Geoscience research is at the forefront of characterizing the earthquake risks associated with the Cascadia subduction zone in the Pacific Northwest. This webinar will inform listeners of the science and its implications for policy decisions and resiliency efforts. During the webinar, the three presenters will provide an overview of what we know about the Cascadia subduction zone and the associated earthquake risk, how this information is used to guide policy decisions, how the science should be communicated, what state and local governments are doing to address the risks, and what more could be done to better protect the Pacific Northwest.

Overarching questions that will be addressed in this webinar include:

  • What does geoscience tell us about the risk posed by the Cascadia subduction zone?

  • How is earthquake science used in the decision-making process?

  • What challenges do state and local decision makers face responding to the threat of large-scale earthquakes in their area?

  • How can information about earthquake risk be communicated effectively to decision makers and the public?

  • What actions are state and local decision makers taking to prepare for the risks posed by Cascadia and other similar faults? What other actions could be taken?

Our speakers include:

Chris Goldfinger, Oregon State University
Jeff Rubin, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Tom Brocher, Earthquake Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey
Ebola Preparedness in the U.S. - One Year Later

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

HHS released a five minute video that captures the work the Department has done in the year since Ebola spread through three West African countries and into the United States. The video features HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell, CDC Director Tom Frieden, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Kent Brantly, and the HHS Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response, Dr. Lurie.


Ready, Pet, Go! Prepare for Disasters with Get Ready’s 2016 Calendar

American Public Health Association (APHA)

APHA’s Get Ready campaign has released its 2016 calendar featuring adorable animals and tips to keep you and your loved ones safe during disasters. Each month features a different animal sharing helpful safety advice, including protecting yourself from disease, where to take shelter during a storm and what to include in your emergency stockpile.


Interns Work on DIMRC Projects this Summer

This past summer, the National Library of Medicine Specialized Information Services Division hosted a handful of interns ready to share their diverse skills and insights. The latest issue of NLM in Focus describes the work of two interns, John Nelson and Rachel Tadeu, who teamed up to work on a virtual-reality-based training project focused on teaching hospital personnel how to manage patients with Ebola or other highly infectious diseases.

Tribal Assistance Coordination Group (TAC-G) National Workshop

November 2-6, 2015

Tulsa, OK

The mandate of the Tribal Assistance Coordination Group (TAC-G) is to both raise awareness and dispel obscurity regarding emergency services support to Tribal Nations, before, during, and after disasters. The 2015 TAC-G National Workshop will provide  an environment for collaboration between individuals and organizations dedicated to the organized assistance for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN), Tribes, and Tribal governments in their time of need during emergencies and disasters. The material presented will be some of the most accurate and up to date emergency services information available, delivered by nationally recognized and emerging authorities.

Registration:  http://tacg2015.eventzilla.net
New in Disaster Lit http://disasterlit.nlm.nih.gov/latest/?pg=&pgSize=100&PubYear=&PubTypeID=&AuID=&SourceID=&ResearchDocument=&period=14
Shifts in Global Health Security: Lessons from Ebola

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), September 2015

This one-hour, six-minute webinar discusses how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, other U.S. government agencies, and global partners are working to promote global health security as an international priority, and accelerate progress toward a world safe and secure from epidemics of infectious disease. Speakers discuss lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak, which highlighted the importance of ensuring that every country is prepared to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks and emerging health threats.
Emergency Medical Services and Patient Surge: Essential Legal Issues

Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) May 2015

This one-hour webinar and its accompanying 124-page report feature research and analysis of legal issues impacting emergency medical services (EMS) providers and others during medical surge. The webinar and report explore legal issues for EMS providers: Identifying emergency, disaster, or public health emergency authorities; use of protocols to authorize specific actions among EMS providers; licensing reciprocity for EMS providers; modifying scopes of practice for emergency medical technicians and paramedics; state equivalents or extensions of requirements pursuant to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act concerning screening and treatment at non-hospital sites; and legal accountability for the EMS provider.


You are receiving this message as a member of the DISASTR-OUTREACH-LIB discussion group for librarians, information specialists and others interested in disaster information outreach to their communities and responding to information needs for all-hazards preparedness, response and recovery.


The National Library of Medicine (https://www.nlm.nih.gov) is the world’s largest biomedical library and provides extensive online health information resources. Visit the NLM Disaster Information Management Research Center site (http://disasterinfo.nlm.nih.gov) to learn more about disaster-related health information resources and tools.

For your own subscription, sign up at http://disasterinfo.nlm.nih.gov/dimrc/dimrclistserv.html

  • IAEM Dispatch, October 8, 2015

Act now for discounted room rates at IAEM Annual Conference — deadline is tomorrow, Oct. 9
Lock in your hotel rates today for the IAEM 63rd Annual Conference & EMEX, Nov. 13-18, 2015. The discounted room rates, including the per diem rates, are only guaranteed until Friday, Oct. 9, 2015, for the Paris and Bally's Hotel, our conference headquarters. For more information and to make your room reservations, visit our conference website.

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