10 October 2014 Higher Education Program News

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FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces

National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD

10 October 2014
Higher Education Program News:

  • Hi Ed Symposium:

Mark your calendars for the 17th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium scheduled for June 1- 4, 2015 at the Emergency Management Institute, Emmitsburg, MD. Information will be posted to the website in the next few months.

College and University Update:

  • CEMHS September 2014 Progress Report

Good afternoon CEMHS colleagues,

Just wanted a brief follow up from an e-mail sent last week about grant activity. It has been wonderful to hear many responses of activity and interest from our colleagues: including updates on recent grant awards, partners seeking grant assistance/support, and also inquiries from those interested in participating collaboratively on regional, state-wide, national (and private!) funding opportunities. We look forward to working with our large Emergency Management (EM)- Homeland Security (HS)- and Cybersecurity (Cyber)- academic and professional network to leverage our system-wide expertise and experience to secure large amounts of competitive grant funding to pursue a variety of projects and initiatives to enhance community preparedness/resilience, academic/business continuity, school safety and campus preparedness, specialized workforce development and training, and our additional educational objectives (i.e. related career pathways) here in California and nationally. 
There are a few additional items of interest in our September 2014 Progress Report. First, I had the opportunity to join the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Statewide Public Safety Education Advisory Committee representing 4-Year University Programs. Attended my first meeting in Sacramento and had the opportunity to discuss CEMHS and EM-HS-Cyber education, programs, curriculum, courses, career pathways, etc. It was a pleasure to provide a briefing on CEMHS, our state and national educational initiatives, and the breadth of our educational, research, and service activities. Representatives from many key California agencies and groups serve on this distinguished board, including California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), California State Sheriffs Association, California Police Chiefs Association, California Board of State and Community Corrections, Fire Technology Directors Association, State Fire Training, as well as from regional training centers all across the State. It was a very candid discussion of the state of EM-HS-Cyber Education in California and how we advance EM-HS-Cyber Career Pathways (at all levels) of education state-wide as well as various funding mechanisms to complete state-wide implementation. There is large amount of programmatic activity in EM-HS-Cyber in community colleges (and interest in further development!) including the "digital forensics" area of cyber-security. Very exciting discussion and looking forward to additional collaboration and partnership serving on this state-wide advisory committee.
Second, there has been significant activity with the California Cybersecurity Taskforce. A group of CSU and CEMHS Colleagues serve on the Taskforce. We have been meeting for over a year and making fine progress towards meeting the needs of California and developing innovative strategies, collaboration, and plans to protect state cyber infrastructure, networks, data, specialized workforce development, etc. It is important to acknowledge the leadership and vision of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the California Department of Technology for all their efforts and support in this massive undertaking. I look forward to attending the next taskforce meeting in Sacramento later this month.      
Third, we are in the final planning process of the Catastrophic Disruptive Events Meeting at Inglewood City Hall in February, 2015. (Additional information and RSVP information available shortly). It is critical to bring together federal, state, and local officials with additional major stakeholders and key partners (including the private sector) with educators, policy-makers, etc. and coordinate activities, preparedness, response, resiliency, etc. through the scenario/case study process. Please save the date of February 20th for this one day event. To support the Catastrophic Disruptive Event Meeting and to work on scenario development and to enhance the facilitative-collaborative process we utilize, we have scheduled a series of focus groups statewide. Curry Mayer (California Department of Agriculture) and I will be holding a focus group at Merritt College (Oakland) in later fall. Additional focus group meetings are scheduled at Fresno State and California State University, Fullerton (in December-January.) Please let me know if you are interested in attending any of these meetings.
Fourth, I deeply appreciate all the very kind e-mails, calls, and messages from colleagues on my announcement of seeking promotion to Full Professor at Fresno State this year. Some have asked how they could be of assistance; and actually there is a way of helping out. Kenneth Ryan and I are both coming forward for promotion this year and we could both use letters of support from you to include in our promotion binders and narratives. You may recall that back in 2008, Ken and I met with the California State University Chancellor's Office to launch CEMHS. At that time, we were both Assistant Professors (and had only been at Fresno State two years!). Six years later of leadership with CEMHS, we now have an organization of about 2,500 participants from across the CSU, California Community Colleges, University of California, K-12 education; across the country; all levels of government, and even a few international partners!  If you are interested in contributing a letter of support for Ken and I for promotion, please let me know so we can provide you with additional detail. Thank you very much for your consideration!
Finally, a document entitled "Designing, Developing, and Implementing a 'Vertical Track' Career Pathway in Emergency Management, Homeland Security, and Cyber-security at All Levels of Educational Attainment in California" is near completion and set for general distribution shortly. I am sure you will find it a very useful and interesting document.       
Best regards, Keith
Keith Clement, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Criminology
California State University, Fresno
Planning Director, CSU Council for Emergency
Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)

  • Frederick Community College - News Release on Business Continuity Program

FCC’s Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management Launches Programs in September to Support National Preparedness Month
Frederick, Md. -- In support of National Preparedness Month in September, the Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management (MACEM) at Frederick Community College is helping local businesses better prepare for emergencies and disruption of services that can affect operations.
The READY program of the Federal Emergency Management Agency has designated September 2014 as National Preparedness Month with the motto “Be disaster aware. Take action to Prepare.” MACEM is supporting the effort through a number of activities including an informational breakfast, Continuing Education course to help organizations develop continuity plans, and outreach to the business community. The center launched the initiatives to help business owners plan for how they will maintain operations in the event of a crisis.

MACEM, which is part of FCC’s Emergency Management Program, provides public education, professional training and higher education, and professional services related to emergency management.

An Orientation to Business Continuity breakfast will be held Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014, from 8:30-10:30 a.m. in H202/203 of the Classroom Student Center. The cost for the breakfast is $10, and participants can register at www.frederick.edu/em. Participants will learn more about a four-session Continuing Education course in the spring designed to help them develop risk analysis and continuity plan.
Continuity planning involves preparing for crisis and emergency events that threaten normal business operations, not only from disaster events but also by business interruptions caused by power outages, water shortages, epidemics, local events, and environmental or technical issues. The first step is to identify those threats or hazards, and then to evaluate the risk or potential for the event to occur. Based on the risk analysis the business may develop plans to identify procedures and resources that will limit the potential losses, assist in maintaining normal business activities, and support the employees in handling the impact of the event.
Starting in October, MACEM will offer professional services to organizations to assist in the risk and business impact analysis, and continuity plan. Experienced business continuity advisers will work on-site with managers to develop custom business continuity plans based on the risk analysis.
MACEM has designed training and education programs for federal and state agencies along with emergency management professionals in the private sector. The center is the lead developer for the Maryland Department of Education’s Career and Technology Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Program. FCC began providing college programs in emergency management in 2006. FCC offers an Associate of Applied Science in Emergency Management as well as an Emergency Management Certificate Program, and a Letter of Recognition Program in specific emergency management areas.
For more information about MACEM programs and initiatives, please call 301.624.2854 or visit www.frederick.edu/macem.

Emergency Management/Homeland Security News:

  • Department of Homeland Security - Office of Academic Engagement


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will hold the next Homeland Security Academic Advisory Council (HSAAC) meeting on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public and will take place at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Floor B, Room B1.5-10, Washington, D.C. 20004. For more information on the HSAAC, please visit http://www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-academic-advisory-council-hsaac.

The National Seminar and Tabletop Exercise for Institutions of Higher Education is scheduled to take place on October 23, 2014. Hosted by DHS and Northeastern University in Boston, and in collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Exercise Division, the event will bring together representatives from higher education in the New England region, as well as federal, state and local personnel from emergency management, education, public health, and law enforcement agencies. Through workshops and a facilitated tabletop exercise, participants will learn about and discuss specific threats facing colleges and universities.
October: Focus on Campus Resilience
In collaboration with other government partners, DHS provides numerous programs, initiatives, best practices and tools to improve college and university preparedness, and build more resilient campus communities.
Through the Campus Ready program, FEMA offers information on emergency management planning, training courses, and resources for institutions of higher education. FEMA is also developing guides and templates to help institutions of higher education create Campus Community Emergency Response Team programs. Modeled on FEMA’s broader CERT program, the initiative helps train students, faculty, and staff on how to respond to both everyday emergencies and large-scale disasters that may occur on campus.
DHS has also taken steps to help improve campus emergency operations planning. Last year, DHS joined the departments of Education, Justice, and Health and Human Services to create guides for developing high-quality emergency operations plans for schools and institutions of higher education. These guides outline a process academic institutions can use to develop and update their own emergency operations plans, as well as tailor their plans to their unique settings.
DHS continues to work with the Department of Justice National Center for Campus Public Safety and the Department of Education Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center in support of their campus safety and readiness endeavors.


To further enhance campus emergency management efforts, DHS launched the Campus Resilience Pilot Program, in which seven competitively-selected colleges and universities developed and piloted an emergency preparedness and resilience planning process. DHS hopes to build upon this program in the near future.

Promoting resilient academic communities is a priority to DHS and aligns with the Department’s overall goal of building a more resilient nation. For more information on DHS’s campus resilience tools, resources, and programs, visit FEMA’s Academia and Resilience web portal.
Be sure to watch for next month’s Academic Engagement Update.
The monthly Academic Engagement Update is a product of the Office of Academic Engagement. The office supports DHS’s mission by building, improving and leveraging relationships with the academic community. For more information, visit http://www.dhs.gov/topic/academic-engagement.

  • Disaster Information Outreach by Librarians, NLM/NIH – September , 2014

MAR Can Help You Earn a Disaster Information Specialization
The Medical Library Association (MLA) and National Library of Medicine (NLM) have joined together to offer a Disaster Information Specialization Program. It’s an opportunity for you to acquire knowledge and skills to support your institution and community in times of disaster or public health emergencies.
You can reach the list moderator at DISASTR-OUTREACH-LIB-request@list.nih.gov. This forum is provided by the Disaster Information Management Research Center, U.S. National Library of Medicine.

  • EIIP EMForum.org Archive Now Available On DRC Website


October 6, 2014


In follow up to the June 30 notice of the closing of the EIIP, Avagene Moore and Amy Sebring, proudly announce a partnership with the University of Delaware Disaster Research Center (DRC) to host the EMForum.org Archive.  According to Moore:


The disposition of the Archive was of prime concern as Amy and I approached the end of the EMForum work.  The Archive is a valuable tool as proven by the thousands of downloads and many personal testimonies of practitioners in diverse disciplines.  We are grateful to the DRC and extremely pleased that this resource will be accessible to all interested persons for the foreseeable future.


As stated by Dr. James Kendra, Director, and Patricia Young, Resource Collection Coordinator, of the Disaster Research Center:


The Disaster Research Center is very grateful to Avagene Moore for reaching out to us to suggest this perfect partnership.  We are also grateful to Amy Sebring for all of the behind the scenes work that she did to ensure that the EMForum.org archive was in such excellent shape when turned over to our guardianship.  The DRC welcomes this wonderful opportunity to further enhance what is already widely recognized as a premiere collection of information on the social science aspects of disasters by adding this stellar and eclectic collection of presentations that span EIIP's 17 year history.  We appreciate our role as custodians of this collection and we look forward to the new connections with the emergency management community that it will foster.


To access the EIIP EMForum.org Archive, please see the DRC’s E. L. Quarantelli Resource Collection at http://www.udel.edu/DRC/E.L.Q.ResourceCollection/Main.html.  There you will find additional background information regarding DRC's partnership with the EIIP and a link to the full collection of EMForum.org transcripts and recordings.

  • Great Shakout – October 16, 2014

Signup for the Great ShakeOut on October 16 and join millions of people who are practicing what to do during an earthquake.

It's an opportunity for individuals, schools, businesses, organizations, and others to improve their level of preparedness.

  • IAEM Dispatch, October 9, 2014

Deadline is Oct. 14 for discounted IAEM Annual Conference registration and entry to win a free training course
The deadline for Early Bird Registration to the IAEM 62nd Annual Conference & EMEX is Tuesday, Oct. 14. Register today in order to take advantage of the savings and attend the conference in San Antonio, Texas, Nov.14-19, 2014. Don't forget to include a registration for a one-day pre-conference training course. IAEM is offering a chance to win the registration fee for a one-day training course if you register by Oct. 14. Do so, and you may be the lucky winner of our training course drawing, with an opportunity to win a rebate of up to $176 (not to exceed the actual registration fee you paid for the course). Eligible courses include: L0548 COOP Program Manager Train-the-Trainer; L0948 Situational Awareness & Common Operational Picture; L0146 HSEEP; L0197 Integrating Access & Functional Needs; L0775 EOC Management and Operations; Maximizing Disaster Cost Recovery; Pediatric Disaster Response & Emergency Preparedness; Persuade (a course on presenting for emergency managers); National Response Team Joint Information Center Training; IAEM-USA Universities & Colleges EM Practitioners Symposium; and Leadership Symposium. Learn about these courses by visiting the online conference program.
International Journal of Emergency Management seeks articles for upcoming issue on 'The Global Katrina Effect'
The International Journal of Emergency Management has published a call for papers for its upcoming special issue on "The Global Katrina Effect, 2005-2015: Hurricane Katrina's Impact on Disaster Management Systems Worldwide." This special issue seeks to advance new ways of understanding the global lessons drawn from Hurricane Katrina through a cross-national comparative examination of case studies. Guest editors will be Dr. Robert J. Bookmiller and Dr. Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller, Millersville University. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is Dec. 1, 2014, and complete details are available here.
EMForum.org archive now available on Disaster Research Center website
Avagene Moore, CEM, and Amy Sebring have announced a partnership with the University of Delaware Disaster Research Center to host the EMForum.org archive. With the closing of the Emergency Management Infrastructure Project (EIIP) in June, a home was sought for long-term access of the EMForum.org webinar archives. From 1997 to 2014, EIIP hosted a continuing series of real-time, interactive presentations on a wide variety of emergency management-related topics, first via text chat and subsequently by webinar, for the purpose of providing the opportunity for continuing education and professional exchange. Leaders in all phases of emergency management — preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation — volunteered their time to share their expertise and experience with their colleagues and respond to their questions. To access the EIIP EMForum.org archive, please see the DRC's E. L. Quarantelli Resource Collection, for additional background information regarding DRC's partnership with the EIIP and a link to the full collection of EMForum.org transcripts and recordings.
FEMA's $250M supply chain management system may not deliver during a disaster
After spending nearly a quarter of a billion dollars to develop a new supply chain management system over nine years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency "cannot be certain" that it will work well during a catastrophic disaster, an internal audit found.
FEMA will issue refunds to over 1 million flood insurance policyholders nationwide
Staten Island Advance
The Federal Emergency Management Agency will issue refunds to more than 1 million flood insurance policyholders nationwide, who were previously forced to pay high premiums due to the Biggert-Waters Act of 2012.
EAC, AU Commission team to address Africa disaster risks
New Vision Online
Natural hazards, such as floods, droughts, and earthquakes are becoming more regular and intense, increasing impact on people and communities. Low-income households have more difficulty buffering losses, meaning that disaster losses translate into a series of impacts, including more poverty, declining health and worsening nutrition.
FEMA seeks comments on State Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance Key Concepts by Oct. 17
FEMA continues to work to update the "State Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance," which was last updated in January 2008. This document is the official guidance to help officials ensure that State Mitigation Plans meet the requirements at Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 201. As part of the update process, "State Mitigation Plan Review Guide — Highlights of Key Concepts" is available online at the FEMA Library. The key concepts under consideration result from incorporating lessons learned from stakeholders involved in state mitigation planning as well as principles from relevant changes in federal policy. Engaging agencies and stakeholders early in the planning process facilitates both successful plan development and implementation.

Written comments may be submitted to FEMA via email no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on October 17, 2014.

FEMA publishes amendments for the Public Assistance and Individual Assistance Program for Fiscal Year 2015
FEMA published Federal Register Notices amending several important indicators for the Public Assistance and Individual Assistance program for Fiscal Year 2015. Under the Individual Assistance program, the maximum grant award was amended to $32,900. Under the Public Assistance program, the statewide per capita indicator was amended to $1.41 and the countywide per capita indicator was amended to $3.56. The minimum amount to process a project worksheet was amended to $3,040, and the maximum dollar amount for a project to be considered a small project was amended to $121,600. Projects over $121,600 will be processed as a large project. These changes are effective for disasters declared on or after Oct. 1, 2014.
Queensland drone research could help emergency response efforts in natural disasters
ABC Online
Scientists at the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation have successfully staged a fully-automated emergency landing of a small unmanned aerial vehicle or drone. ARCAA director Professor Duncan Campbell said it was the first step towards more drones being allowed to fly in the crowded skies above populated areas.
FEMA and Operation Hope release revised Emergency Financial First Aid Kit
FEMA and Operation Hope released an updated tool to support emergency preparedness. The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) is a flexible tool to help individuals and families at all income levels collect and secure for themselves critical documents and information. With recommendations for household information, financial and legal documentation, medical information, and household contacts, the EFFAK provides a structured approach for safeguarding the documentation needed to start the recovery process. The EFFAK includes a fillable form for families to track their documentation on-line. The revised EFFAK is available on the FEMA website. Support materials are also available for organizations to use in promoting financial preparedness with their constituents at ready.gov/prepare.
Could there really be a volcano season?
Ars Technica
The Earth seems to have been smoking a lot recently. Volcanoes are currently erupting in Iceland, Hawaii, Indonesia and Mexico. Others, in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, erupted recently but seem to have calmed down. And then there was the fatal eruption in Japan. Many of these have threatened homes and forced evacuations. But among their less-endangered spectators, these eruptions may have raised a question: Is there such a thing as a season for volcanic eruptions?
Why Florida's record-setting hurricane drought portends danger
The Washington Post
Florida has gone 3,270 days without a hurricane — nearly nine years and, by far, the longest stretch on record (the next longest streak is 5 seasons from 1980-1984, in records dating back to 1851). Meanwhile, the Sunshine state's population and development have boomed.

Take part in upcoming certification prep courses or exam offerings
Register today for one of the upcoming CEM®/AEM℠ Prep Courses or Exams that is convenient to you.

  • Oct. 24, 2014 (Exam Only): Washington, D.C.

  • Nov. 14, 2014 (Exam Only): Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

  • Nov. 16, 2014 (Prep Course and Exam): San Antonio, Texas

  • Dec. 9, 2014 (Prep Course and Exam): Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Dec. 20, 2014 (Exam Only): Hillsborough, New Jersey

  • Feb. 24, 2015 (Prep Course and Exam): Baltimore, Maryland

  • March 24, 2015 (Prep Course and Exam): Long Beach, New York

Register through the IAEM website to secure your space. IAEM requires a minimum of 10 registrants for the Prep Course. If you have any questions, contact CEM Administrator Kate McClimans.
First Responder Group Capacity Building Webinar Series: 'Detecting and Monitoring Illness and Disease Outbreaks: Data Sources and Systems for Public Health and Emergency Management Officials'
This webinar will be held on Oct. 23, 2014, 1:00-2:30 p.m. It is hosted by the First Responders Group and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate. Guest presenters will offer lessons learned, best practices, and resources on how to detect and monitor illness, disease, and syndrome trends and outbreaks. Presenters include: Dr. Michael Jhung Medical Officer, Influenza Division, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Dr. Teresa Quitugua Deputy Director, National Biosurveillance Integration Center, Office of Health Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and Lt. Cody Thornton Program Manager, U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Division of International Health Security, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Register today.
National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference to be held Dec. 10-12, 2014 in Denver
The National Healthcare Coalition Resource Center Preparedness Conference provides attendees with the opportunity to gain valuable education; training and best practices to assist their organization and their community to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disaster. There are four specialty workshops supplementing the conference: Disaster Medicine Training for Coalition Partners; Pediatric Disaster Response; Adding Value Through Exercise Design: Developing Exercises for Your Coalition; and the Business of Coalitions: Building Effective and Sustainable Coalitions. Learn more and register today.
Super Typhoon Vongfong, World's strongest cyclone of 2014; Dangerous threat to Okinawa, Japan
The Weather Channel
Super Typhoon Vongfong became the strongest tropical cyclone of 2014 and fifth super typhoon (150 mph max sustained winds or higher) of the year after intensifying rapidly.
Typhoon Phanfone hits Okinawa and central Japan, 3 US airman swept out to sea
The Associated Press via The Huffington Post
A powerful typhoon that washed three American airmen in Okinawa out to sea, killing at least one, slammed central Japan on Monday, stalling trains and flights and triggering mudslides, before swerving to the Pacific Ocean. Elsewhere in the Pacific, a separate typhoon whipped the Mariana Islands, including Guam, with high winds and heavy rain.
Ebola crisis: Nurse in Spain tests positive in 1st infection outside west Africa
The Guardian
A nurse in Spain has tested positive for the Ebola virus after treating a patient repatriated to Madrid from Sierra Leone, the country's health authorities said. The nurse is thought to be the first person to have contracted the virus outside west Africa.
Officials to take temperature of travelers from Ebola-stricken countries at 5 US airports
Fox News
Travelers arriving from Ebola-stricken countries in West Africa will start to have their temperatures taken upon arrival at five U.S. airports as part of extra screening measures being implemented in the coming days, officials said.
US health providers expand their Ebola precautions
The Associated Press via Yahoo News
Public hospitals in New York City are so concerned about Ebola, they've secretly been sending actors with mock symptoms into emergency rooms to test how well the triage staffs identify and isolate possible cases. There hasn't been a single confirmed case of an Ebola infection happening on U.S. soil; the case confirmed in Dallas involves a man who, like several health care workers treated in the U.S., contracted the virus in Liberia. But health care providers are worried enough to take a wide variety of precautions.
Bárðarbunga volcano keeps shaking
Iceland Review
Almost 30 earthquakes have occurred in and around Bárðarbunga volcano under Vatnajökull glacier since 7 pm yesterday, according to the Icelandic Met Office's update this morning. The volcanic eruption in Holuhraun continues at a similar intensity as in previous days, as stated in the latest status report issued by the Civil Protection Department's National Crisis Coordination Center.
Japan volcano victims leave photos of last moments
The Associated Press via San Francisco Chronicle
The victims include hiking enthusiasts from a major insurance company. Members of a group of nature lovers studying wild plants. A construction manager who snapped about 100 photos — found on his scratched and dented camera — to show his wife what she was missing because she had to work that day. More than 50 people died when Mount Ontake, a popular hiking destination in central Japan, erupted without warning in the country's deadliest volcanic eruption since World War II.
Mexico prepares for yet another hurricane
Al Jazeera
The storm-battered coast of western Mexico is braced for the arrival of another tropical system in what has been one of the busiest hurricane seasons on record. Tropical Storm Simon is weakening, but is still likely to dump flooding rains across the Baja California peninsula. Hurricane Simon weakened into a tropical storm on Monday having once been a powerful Category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.
Flood waters leave trail of destruction in southern France
The Strait Times
Images of destruction from the south of France have surfaced as flood waters subside. Overnight flash floods due to torrential showers had overturned cars, severely damaged roads and covered buildings with mud. Recently, France declared a state of natural disaster in about 60 southern towns hit by record-breaking downpours, which also left the Mediterranean city of Montpellier under water.
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  • Naval Postgraduate School - Greta E. Marlatt; email: gmarlatt@nps.edu/, September 15, 2014;

New or Updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports:

  • Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Background and Current Developments. RL33548

  • Poverty in the United States: 2013. RL33069

  • Unfunded Mandates Reform Act: History, Impact, and Issues. R40957

  • Legislative Research for Congressional Staff: How to Find Documents and Other Resources. R43434

American Security Project (ASP)

  • Global Security Defense Index on Climate Change https://www.americansecurityproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Ref-0168-GSDI-Introduction-2014.pdf

Congress. House. Homeland Security Committee

  • Ebola in the Homeland: The Importance of Effective International, Federal, State and Local Coordination http://homeland.house.gov/hearing/field-hearing-ebola-homeland-importance-effective-international-federal-state-and-local

Congress. Senate.  Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee

  • Defense Acquisition Reform: Where Do We Go from Here? A Compendium of Views by Leading Experts http://www.hsgac.senate.gov/download/report_-defense-acquisition-reform-where-do-we-go-from-here--a-compendium-of-views-by-leading-experts-october-2-2014

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General

  • OIG-14-151 FEMA's Logistics Supply Chain Management System May Not Be Effective During a Catastrophic Disaster http://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2014/OIG_14-151_Sep14.pdf

National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST)

  • Guidelines for Smart Grid Cybersecurity http://www.nist.gov/manuscript-publication-search.cfm?pub_id=916068

  • NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 3.0 http://www.nist.gov/smartgrid/upload/NIST-SP-1108r3.pdf

National Library of Medicine (NLM)

  • NLM Information Resources for the 2014 Ebola Outbreak http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/ebola_resources_2014.html

  • New post on Recovery Diva - http://recoverydiva.com/

According to the Recovery Diva: “Long-Term Recovery Is Not Just About How Much You Can Get from FEMA” In the current issue of the IAEM Bulletin, there is an excellent article by Marko Bourne, titled State and Local Governments: Long Term Disaster Recovery Is Not Just About How Much you Can Get from FEMA.  Go to pages 15-18 in this issue: 201410bulletinonline.

Among other things he mentions one of my chief current concerns, which is the need to translate "resiliency" from a laudable but amorphous concept into measurable results...."

  • NYC Citizen Corps Weekly News – October 8, 2014

New Release - Ready NYC Mobile App

In an effort to encourage more New Yorkers to make an emergency plan before disaster strikes, NYC Emergency Management has launched an enhanced mobile application called Ready NYC. The app, which is currently available for Apple iOS, allows users to store important information they may need in an emergency:

  • Emergency contacts

  • Meeting places

  • Health information

  • Supply lists to help users gather the right items for use in an emergency

Other key features of the app include tips and information about what to do during emergencies, and an alerts feed from Notify NYC -- New York City's official source for information about emergency events and important City services.

Developed with the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT), this mobile application serves as an update to the 2013 app, featuring an improved user experience that includes a new layout, added font adjustments to enable easier-to-read text, added ability to share an emergency plan, and more. 
As a trusted partner, we value your feedback and invite you to download this free app and share your experience. Click here to download the app: http://appsto.re/us/7idXL.i. To submit your feedback, please fill out the following survey, or email oemsocialmedia@oem.nyc.gov. Comments will be accepted through October 31.

NYC Citizen Corps and Other Initiatives
Commodity Distribution Point Training Program

The Commodity Distribution Point (CDP) Program is a coordinated, City-led operation to distribute temporarily unavailable life-sustaining commodities such as food, water, ice, and baby formula to the public following an emergency or disaster that disrupts access to traditional supply chains. Primary CDP sites have been identified throughout the five boroughs, one in each community district, to use as points of distribution. OEM is looking to build a team of trained individuals who may be called upon to volunteer at one of these CDP sites during an emergency response. 


NYC OEM will be hosting monthly CDP trainings for interested volunteers.  You only have to attend ONE session.  Please click this link to see available training dates.  The next available trainings will be held on October 29th, November 19th, December 17th.

Resources from NYC OEM's Partner in Preparedness Program 

Partners in Preparedness has released a brochure explaining the program, benefits of being a partner, and the steps to partnership.  A second brochure provides a wider explanation of NYC OEM programs for businesses and the unique role each has in supporting the City's resilience. Check out other resources for businesses on OEM's website. 


Know Your Zone - Hurricane Awareness Campaign

New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has launched a new "Know Your Zone" hurricane awareness campaign to encourage New Yorkers to find out whether they live in one of the city's six hurricane evacuation zones. We encourage everyone to spread the word about the Know Your Zone campaign by showing off badges to their websites and social media, requesting window stickers for display, and sharing this motiongraphic. For hurricane safety preparedness tips and information, or to request a Ready New York hurricane presentation, visit the Know Your Zone website or call 311.   

WANY Toolkits Now Available

The "The Storm" toolkit features 1 Facilitator Guide, 1 DVD of "The Storm", 5 Sets of Conversation Groups Pictures and Words, 30 Study Guides, and 30 Emergency "My Plan" workbooks, which allow people to write in their own personalized plans. Toolkits can be used by ESL instructors, conversation group leaders, and community groups interested in helping New Yorkers improve their English while learning how to plan, prepare, and get informed during emergencies. If you would like to order toolkits, click here.  If you are interested in learning more about this project, you can click here or email NYC Citizen Corps.


During Hurricane Irene and Sandy, thousands of volunteers spent time in one of the City's Evacuation or Distribution Centers. NYC Service is working with NYC OEM to recruit New Yorkers who can be called upon in case of an emergency to help staff Evacuation Shelters and Commodity Distribution Points. To find out how you can use your skills for good, visit EmergeNYC. 

(NEW) The Ebola Virus - Information and Resources 

As has been reported, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed (through laboratory tests) the first case of the Ebola virus to be diagnosed in the United States in a person who had traveled to Dallas, Texas from West Africa.

There are no confirmed cases in New York City or the surrounding area at this time. However, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) regularly monitor and respond to disease outbreaks, in conjunction with the city's healthcare community.

Ebola is a severe, often fatal disease that affects humans and some animals. Ebola spreads through direct contact with an infected person's or animal's skin, blood or body fluids.  It cannot be spread simply by being near someone who is infected. People can be infected by touching objects that contain infected blood or body fluids, such as needles or bed sheets.      


For more information about Ebola, please see the resources below.

  • New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene's Ebola webpage

  • CDC's Ebola webpage

  • Follow Dr. Mary T. Bassett on Twitter, @DrMaryTBassett

  • Follow the CDC on Twitter, @cdcgov

When The Sky Turns Gray: How (Un)Prepared Are You For Winter Storms?

FEMA has released a new guide and video on preparation for winter storms as part of America's PrepareAthon on Tuesday, September 30th. To view the guide, click here. To view the video, click here. To learn more about America's PrepareAthon, please visit America's PrepareAthon: Be Smart, Take Park, Prepare. 


Beyond the Go Kit: Empowering Older Adults in Disasters

The New York Academy of Medicine has released a report regarding how to keep older adults safe during disasters. The report draws from lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy and recommends 12 action steps toward community preparedness, including establishing community planning hubs in each neighborhood, supporting landlords with large concentrations of older adults, enacting a pharmacy law for disasters, and consulting with home health care and hospice providers on emergency plans. For more information, click here.

Stronger Community, Better Response: Connecting Community Organizations During Disaster Video

Regional Catastrophic Planning Team has released a new video on connecting community organizations during disaster. To view this video, click here.

National Disaster Distress Helpline 

The national Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH), a program of the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and administered by the Mental Health Association of New York City (MHA-NYC), offers specialized crisis counseling and support for anyone struggling with emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. The DDH offers 24/7/365 toll-free, confidential and multi-lingual hotline (1-800-985-5990) and SMS (text "TalkWithUs" to 66746; Spanish-speakers can text "Hablanos" to 66746) counseling, support, and referrals to local community-based resources. Calls and texts are answered by trained crisis counselors. For more information, click here or email Lauri Benblatt.

Sandy Recovery
The New York Recovery Network  

Join the New York Recovery Network (NYRN) on MAX.gov, an online community where you will find tools and resources to help you with important work.  It includes news, reports, grant announcements, access to experts, conferences, training and programs. The NYRN was designed to link people from different governmental and nongovernmental agencies and organizations working on Hurricane Sandy recovery.  As a member of the NYRN you will be able to share ideas, updates and best practices with other professionals and volunteers working in all areas of recovery. To join the network, simply email NYRN@fema.dhs.gov to get sponsored, and complete your registration to MAX.gov using the link in the email that will be provided to you.

VNSNY's Disaster Distress Response Program

This free program operating in areas of Staten Island, Brooklyn, the Rockaways, and Nassau and Suffolk Counties offers clinical staff trained by the National Center for PTSD to come to you in your home or community for Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Post Disaster Distress (CBT-PD). CBT-PD helps affected individuals to identify the triggers that produce negative feelings/thoughts related to a disaster and help him/her in recovery. For information about VNSNY's Disaster Distress Response Program, call 1-718-888-6955 or visit link.

iHelp Sandy Stress Relief

As part of MHA-NYC, iHelp: Sandy Stress Relief is a new program that will provide internet based cognitive behavioral therapy to New York residents who are experiencing prolonged mental health effects of Superstorm Sandy. Cognitive behavioral therapy with telephone, text, and chat supports will be made available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week free of charge. To access iHelp, visit mha.cobaltcbt.com or call 1-866-793-2765. For more information about the program, please contact Melany Avrut, MA, Ed.M at 212-614-6349 or via email. 


Hurricane Sandy NY Resource List

Check out these great tools to see some of the resources available to New Yorkers in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

  • NY Disaster Grants Resources Guide (UPDATED 4/23/14)

  • NY State Recovery Resources Center (UPDATED 7/15/14) 

Upcoming Events

October 14th - Disaster Volunteerism 1: Physical and Emotional Safety

[World Cares Center Disaster Volunteerism Series] This session focuses on front line volunteer activities. A common understanding of disaster management structure and clear expectations of volunteer work offer an improved community response and recovery. Volunteers will learn the physical and emotional hazards of volunteering, as well as ways to reduce and address such hazards. This event is free. Location: World Cares Centers Offices (520 8th Ave, 2nd Floor Conference Room), 6:00pm-8:00pm. To register, click here.

October 15th - Listen, Protect, Connect: Responding to Trauma and Creating Community Resilience

Listen, Protect, Connect (LPC) is a psychological first aid (PFA) model developed specifically for use by community members to enhance resilience. LPC helps to ensure that non-mental health responders have the skills and confidence to intervene with families, children, individuals and communities in the aftermath of traumatic events to build community resiliency and responder to responder peer support. This event is free. To register, click here.

October 16th - The Great ShakeOut

Join millions of people at 10:16am for the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills by practicing "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" and other aspects of their emergency plans. You can find more detailed information and event registration here and tips on how organizations and business can participate.

October 18th - A Conversation with Dr. David Schonfeld, MD, FAAP
The American Red Cross of Greater New York is hosting on Saturday October 18, 11am-2pm, an informative conversation with Dr. Schonfeld, a leader in childhood bereavement.  This will be a discussion-focused event for Red Cross mental health and partner group spiritual care providers who have responded to disasters affecting children. Discussion topics will include how children grieve, supporting children in the aftermath of crisis and loss, responses to school shootings, and professional self-care. All are welcome to this complimentary program at 520 W. 49th Street, New York, NY 10019. Please RSVP to Diane Ryan at Diane.Ryan@redcross.org. Please click here for event flyer.
October 21st - Disaster Volunteerism 2: Flood Response Hazards

[World Cares Center Disaster Volunteerism Series] This session addresses the specific microbial hazards that volunteers and residents must be aware of to remain safe while being a part of a flood response or recovery effort. Participants are taught to identify, avoid, and address present hazards common to flood response appropriately, safely, and effectively. This event is free. Location: World Cares Cetners Offices (520 8th Ave, 2nd Floor Conference Room), 6:00pm-8:00pm. To register, click here.

October 28th - Disaster Volunteerism 3: Home Assessments and Risk Mapping

[World Cares Center Disaster Volunteerism Series] This session participants are taught to identify, and map areas that must be avoided, and address present hazards and prepare a work plan for their team. This event is free. Location: World Cares Cetners Offices (520 8th Ave, 2nd Floor Conference Room), 6:00pm-8:00pm. To register, click here.

October 29th - Commodity Distribution Point Training Program

The Commodity Distribution Point (CDP) Program is a coordinated, City-led operation to distribute temporarily unavailable life-sustaining commodities such as food, water, ice, and baby formula to the public following an emergency or disaster that disrupts access to traditional supply chains. Primary CDP sites have been identified throughout the five boroughs, one in each community district, to use as points of distribution. OEM is looking to build a team of trained individuals who may be called upon to volunteer at one of these CDP sites during an emergency response. NYC OEM will be hosting monthly CDP trainings for interested volunteers. You only have to attend ONE session. Please click this link to register.

November 14th - Disaster Volunteerism 4: Mucking, Gutting, and Mold Suppression

[World Cares Center Disaster Volunteerism Series] This "How to" session teaches participants how to conduct a muck out and mold remediation project step by step. The session includes what equipment, skills, guidelines, and process of safely and effectively recovering flood affected property are needed in order to prepare it for safe repair and rebuild work. This event is free. Location: World Cares Cetners Offices (520 8th Ave, 2nd Floor Conference Room), 6:00pm-8:00pm. To register, click here.

  • The R.E.A.D.Y. Report from Urban Assembly School for Emergency Management (UASEM)

September 2014 christened our second year as a school, and the excitement of year one has yet to wane!

We welcomed our new freshman cohort earlier this summer and our sophomores continue to blaze through the uncharted territory of high school Emergency Management curriculum. Helping lead the charge is our new 10th grade Emergency Management teacher, Keisha Husbands. We’ve also welcomed nine new teachers, as well as a Parent Coordinator to engage our families. Each new UASEM member has been carefully recruited and selected to continue our unified vision of creating one of the premier high schools in the country. 

With the help of our partners, we continue to provide unique, life-altering opportunities for our students. Among the new opportunities for our sophomores is our status as a SHOREline school. With its tagline “Youth Helping Youth Recover from Disaster,” the SHOREline network of schools brings together teenagers from disaster-affected areas across the nation. Meanwhile, for our freshmen, our newest partner Verizon has agreed to pair 29 of our freshmen with 29 of their executives for mentorships that will last four years.

It is the focus of all members of the UASEM school community to ensure our students are being prepared, challenged, and supported to engage in the rigorous work of college and career that awaits them.  We have grown in scale but our mission and vision remain vibrant and focused.  Our commitment to quality instruction, our investment in student success, and our emphasis on authentic opportunities would not be possible without you!

What's Been Happening?
We moved!
Now nestled between the ends of the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges, next to One Police Plaza and Civic Center, we are starting to feel right at home in our new location, surrounded by many of our partners (and perilously close to the river). We look forward to welcoming our partners to 411 Pearl Street, giving you a tour, and introducing you to our new Freshman class. Stayed tuned for an invite!

PSAs from Last Spring's Preparathon Survey Day
After students surveyed residents in all five boroughs about their disaster readiness, they created terrific Public Service Announcements based on their findings. Please take a look at a few of them on our Vimeo page! https://vimeo.com/uasem

TeenCERT Training
Thanks to our partners at the NYC Office of Emergency Management for creating a training for UASEM students to become the city's first TeenCERT team. Training will take place on Saturday, October 25th, and students will get to participate in the citywide CERT graduation in December, which UASEM will host in our auditorium.

A SHOREline School
We are thrilled to now be a SHOREline school. Developed by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, SHOREline's goal is to build a network of disaster-affected youth who build connections with other youth and with adult leaders and innovators. This spring 16 of our students will have the chance to present their capstone projects at a summit in Mobile, Alabama.
Read more: http://ncdp.columbia.edu/microsite-page/shoreline/shoreline-home

Governor's Committee for Scholastic Achievement Verizon Mentorships
Congratulations to the 29 UASEM freshmen who were paired with 29 mentors from Verizon. These students will have this extra support and encouragement of a mentor for all four years of high school.

GISMO Memberships
Thanks to our partner Alan Leidner, who let us know all UASEM students are eligible for free membership in New York's association for GIS professionals. http://www.gismonyc.org

Volunteer Trips

UASEM students love helping their communities! In our first month we've already had THREE great volunteer trips. Students helped educate low-income seniors in Manhattan and Coney Island about emergency preparedness, and we've done renters' rights advocacy in the Bronx.


Upcoming volunteer opportunities:

-- October 19: Trailblazing in Staten Island

-- October 25: Day of Service with the Rockaway Youth Corps

-- November 8: Hurricane Recovery with Friends of Rockaway

Our partners at the Met Council have named our school their "Volunteer of the Month" for October! Read more here: http://www.metcouncil.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Get_Involved_Volunteer_ofthe_Month

9/11 Timeline
To commemorate and understand the events of 9/11, students assembled a timeline that highlighted major events, as well as the personal background of every individual who died that day. UASEM will continue to commemorate those who served on 9/11 with classroom dedications. Stayed tuned for more details on this year's dedication ceremony, to happen in the new year.

Student Clubs
Clubs and activities that relate to Emergency Management are among our most popular this year. In addition to last year's Movie Club, we will have a "Masters of Disaster" club led by Mr. Puglisi, a Red Cross Club, and FDNY Explorers, among many, many other fun opportunities. Thanks to Red Cross, OEM, and FDNY for attending our Student Opportunties Fair!

Go-Bag Supply Drive
To observe the anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, students are organizing a Go-Bag Supply Drive to collect materials for go-bags for homeless New Yorkers. Starting next week a collection box will be located in our front lobby. Feel free to drop off a spare flashlight, poncho, first aid kit or other item!

Fall Squall
The Fall Squall, UASEM's annual fundraiser, is coming up in November. Currently on the hunt for a spectacular location, we will have details for you soon. We hope you'll invite all of your colleagues!

In the meantime, if you'd like to make a contribution to support student programs or to help send our students down south in the spring, we always need and appreciate any help!  Donate here:

PARTNER ACTION ITEM: First Advisory Board Meeting
It's time again for the advisory board to come together! We would love for board members to chat with students and get a quality school tour during their visit. Please send your availability for the last week of October and the first week of November so we can set a date! Email lizoliver@uasem.org

  • Webinar on Detecting and Monitoring Disease and Illness Outbreaks on Thursday, October 23rd—Register Now

DHS S&T and the National Information Sharing Consortium

Presenters will offer best practices, lessons learned and resources on how to detect and monitor illness, disease, and syndrome trends and outbreaks.

Emergency managers, first responders, public health officials, and academicians

  • October 23, 2014

  • 1:00 p.m. EDT/10:00 p.m. PDT


  • Register: http://bit.ly/register-for-CBW21

  • More info: http://www.firstresponder.gov/SitePages/GrantsAndTraining/Webinars.aspx


  • Dr. Michael Jhung, Medical Officer, Influenza Division, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • Dr. Teresa Quitugua, Deputy Director, National Biosurveillance Integration Center, Office of Health Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  • LT Cody Thornton, Program Manager, Division of International Health Security, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Thank you and have a splendid and hopefully long weekend,
Barbara L. Johnson

Higher Education Program Assistant


Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton Avenue, K016

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

Ph: (301) 447-1452


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.”
FEMA and the EMI Higher Education Program do not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications.

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