2nd Quarter Meeting Minutes April 22, 2015, 3: 00 P. M. Gulf Shores, Alabama

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Quarterly Executive Board

2nd Quarter Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2015, 3:00 P.M.

Gulf Shores, Alabama

  1. Call to Order: Roll Call

Present: President: Alan Campbell, First VP: Larry Fisher, VP Mobile LATA: Chuck McKinley,

VP Montgomery LATA: Lon Jones, VP Huntsville LATA: Johnny Hart, VP Commercial: Lee Moore; Guest: Alan Woods – Intrado; Rod Coleman – State Conference Chair

Absent: R.V. White (Past President)

VP Birmingham LATA: Bill Brodeur

President Alan Campbell declared a Quorum present to conduct business as required.

  1. Welcome – Alan welcomed our guests.

  1. Review and Approval of January 21, 2015 Minutes

Motion to Approve: Johnny Hart, 2nd by Lee Moore. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Review and Approval of Financial Reports and Expenditures, Quarter Ending 03/31/2015

Motion to Approve: Chuck McKinley, 2nd Lon Jones. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. State 9-1-1 Board Report – Alan Campbell

Alan reported that the last Board meeting was March and the next one would occur in May. He encouraged everyone to attend if they could since it would provide them with the latest information on the Board’s activities. Alan advised that the audit on the TelCo’s had been completed and there were no great surprises. He also indicated that at least 58 of the agreements with the ECD’s for continuing to support ANGEN had come in to the Administrative offices. The agreements allowed the Board to use excess funds from those monies acquired for cost recovery to the TelCo’s to continue to fund ANGEN.

  1. ANGEN Report – Alan Campbell

President Campbell provided the Executive Committee with the latest information on ANGEN. He mentioned that the project would stay status quo, no further expansion would occur. This would significantly reduce the cost of the project and would allow the Board to RFP for a new vendor which should be ready by late this year or early next year. By not continuing the effort, it could result in less hardware to replace with a new vendor. In addition, Alabama Supercomputer was bidding for connectivity and current and future pricing could change. It is still thought by the majority of the Board that ultimately a legislative effort would be needed to ensure future funding. General discussion continued on the ANGEN project. Lee Moore mentioned that if an agency needed connectivity, that AT&T had some great state pricing on T-1’s, however, he admitted that connecting to ANGEN over these circuits would not occur. Additional discussion continued on the ANGEN project, including the eventual use of ANGEN circuits for use by Agencies to connect P25 radio systems. There was an indication that the State Board could charge the agencies for this service. Mr. Fisher pointed out that putting dispatch on those circuits had been discussed as early as 2011 and it was agreed at that time that they could be used for that purpose. No charges were ever discussed for that use.

  1. Committee Reports (Conference, Training Standards, Awards Program, Web Site & ECD DB)

Conference – Rod Coleman

Rod reported that the conference was progressing nicely. They were still looking for an opening speaker, but almost all of the vendor booths were filled. Rod also mentioned that because of increased costs for food and other hotel expenses, the Committee was considering a $10-20.00 increase in the registration fee.

Training and PSAP Standards – Larry Fisher

Larry reported that there had been two meetings scheduled this year, but that there were insufficient members to fulfil the quorum requirements for an official meeting. Larry further reported that the State had contracted to conduct some Customer Service courses and some basic PST courses during the next 18 months. This would be a trail to start the training process and evaluate contracting versus a full blown State program.
Awards Program – Larry Fisher

The new .pdf documents would be forwarded to Chuck shortly to place on the website. A new award, Technician of the Year, drawn from the Administrative award would also be available for nominations. The Board discussed offering a full conference award to the winners and to present the awards during the beginning of the opening session.
Web Site – Chuck McKinley


GIS Conference – Alan Campbell


  1. LATA Reports: Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville, Montgomery and Commercial

Birmingham LATA – Bill Brodeur – NTR.
Huntsville LATA – Johnny Hart – NTR
Mobile LATA – Chuck McKinley - Mobile County brought over a contingency of dispatchers, a group each week for two weeks, to visit Baldwin County. It was a very interesting experience to hear the dispatchers discuss the way each of them did things in their respective agencies. He would suggest that other agencies consider doing the same thing if possible.
Montgomery – Lon Jones – Wiregrass is moving forward with its project. There have been some glitches, but they are going forward. Alan mentioned that although originally Bandwidth was going to work with ECW to handle the wireless calls IP, that is not going to happen now. They will still collect the calls and forward via IP, but will be converted to CAMA technology once they reach the respective agencies. Some discussion ensued. The system will still be a hosted solution with IP aspects, but not a complete IP network.
Commercial – Lee Moore – Lee reported that Chambers County had its ground breaking for its new 911 facility and that Macon County was conducting “text-to-911” and Elmore County should be testing soon. He provided an update on how “text-to-911” was going and that everyone should remain cautious and do their homework before proceeding.

  1. New Business - President Campbell

Secretary/Treasurer Position – Discussed the possibility of adding a Secretary/Treasurer position to the Executive Board. The Association had one in the past. The position would be like a LATA position, for two years. They would be part of the Executive Board, but a non-voting member of the Board. Language changing the by-laws or constitution, as appropriate, could be presented at the July meeting and voted on by the membership at the annual conference.

  1. Old Business – NTR

  1. Next Executive Board Quarterly Meeting: Florence, Alabama, July 22, 2015.

Motion to adjourn made and seconded. Motion unanimously approved, meeting adjourned.

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