A publication of Perry Hall Presbyterian Church

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A Publication of Perry Hall Presbyterian Church

June, 2014


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And as I always enjoy saying…..The Lord Has Risen and the people say….He Has Risen Indeed!!! Oh my, what a wonderful affirmation of faith; and what a tremendous proclamation of the gospel. Certainly, for this great gift of faith, we give thanks to God and we rejoice always.

As I sit in my office this morning, I look out the windows of the manse and see people walking by, merchants and customers busy in their stores, and traffic driving by at a fast pace. A question which gets raised in my mind is along the lines of ”How can we reach these people for Christ ?” How might we have them take an interest in Perry Hall Presbyterian Church? How do we begin to do this? Where do we start?

Let me explain. As you know, we are heading into another hurricane season which begins on June 1. Hurricanes are very powerful storms which can cause tremendous destruction. They can originate anywhere in the Caribbean, in the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean and affect the USA. Their beginning though, is very quiet and almost unnoticed. These large and powerful storms start very quietly when some water vapor rises into the atmosphere to form a cloud and begins to swirl around with other clouds around a lower point of pressure. It can be a very tiny circulation almost unnoticed by radar satellites. It may go undetected for days but as it slowly gathers more clouds it slowly becomes a force to reckon with. It gathers strength from the sea level temperatures and the release of energy through the condensation of the moisture in the clouds. And then if the surrounding atmosphere is friendly and supportive, the storm can grow into a sizeable system. But it all began in quietness with a small piece of moisture.

Where do we begin in trying to grow a church? I believe it begins when each one of us, in the quietness of our lives, begins to pray about it and quietly ask God for help again and again and again. One person begins and then another and then another, and then another. And we pray that the church grows numerically and spiritually and we pray every day and every day for the same thing. It then becomes an important part of the church community life. Like a hurricane whose center swirls a low pressure center, so we focus our attention on Jesus Christ, the center of our lives and the center for the church.

I would also add another dimension. The church grows when we as church members and friends remain faithful to Jesus Christ in all those quiet ways that many people may not know about or ever hear about but its impact is felt on individual lives. For example, when we quietly call a church member we have not seen in a while; when we change a church sign; when we make an anonymous donation; when we sit on a committee; when we count the Sunday offerings; when we tweet a friend; when we add a message to the church website; when we cut the grass; when we light a candle in church; when we chair a committee; when we attend a Bible study; when we read the Sunday liturgy; when we help at the mini-golf course; when we arrange TV interviews; when we welcome strangers in worship. The list goes on and on.

As we do these things in the name of Christ, the church grows. It grows spiritually and it grows numerically. And as it grows, it not only influences peoples’ lives but changes and transforms peoples’ lives. The progress may be slow but it is steady. But we always have to remember that the church grows in many ways that we do not fully understand or have control over because it comes from the Holy Spirit. We are simply the people through which that Holy Spirit works.

Therefore, we pray; we rejoice; and we give thanks for Perry Hall Presbyterian and our part in building up the church of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God.

Peace and grace,

Pastor Joe

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This month, on June 8th to be exact, we observe the Day of Pentecost. The word Pentecost, in the Greek language means fiftieth day. Pentecost was a Jewish feast day, the Feast of Weeks, which commemorated the giving of the law, including the Ten Commandments, to Moses on Mt. Sinai. It was observed fifty days after the Sabbath of Passover Week. In Judaism today the feast is known as Shavuot. Some of you may have also heard of Pentecost being referred to as White Sunday or Whitsunday. Whitsunday is a term that is quite common in England. In the Christian Church today, Pentecost is sometimes called the birthday of the church because that is the day that the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, and others, who were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks. So why do we even bother to observe this day as Presbyterians if it is a Jewish Feast Day?

Great Question! I am glad you asked. Pentecost is observed in the Christian Church, and we Presbyterians are included in the Christian Church, because, as stated earlier this is the day when the Christian Church can mark its earliest beginnings. This account is found in Acts 2; hopefully you remember the highlights; the disciples and friends assembled; sound of a blowing, rushing wind; tongues of fire; speaking in tongues. But did you know that the disciples were together to celebrate the Feast of Weeks? Being Jewish this observance of this Jewish feast day would have been something the disciples would be doing. However what came next was not expected I am sure. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples that he would send them an advocate, the Holy Spirit, but they did not know when this event would occur. As we read Luke’s account of the happenings on this day in the book of Acts we see strange and quite out-of-the ordinary happenings. When the disciples and others were speaking in tongues, many of those who saw this thought they were drunk on wine.
Have you ever considered this Pentecost account today? What would you have thought when all these folks were speaking in tongues that you didn’t understand and seeing tongues of flame atop their heads? Would you too have thought they were drunk? Have you ever considered that what seems impossible to human understanding can and is possible when the Holy Spirit gets involved? Events in our own lives or in our corporate life as believers can seem strange when we use our human intellect to understand them. I believe that God still uses extraordinary means to accomplish God’s purposes and the Holy Spirit is the conduit to make the impossible possible. Quite frankly being in seminary and studying to become a Presbyterian Teaching Elder would not be possible without the Holy Spirit’s direct involvement. The various obstacles I have encountered along the way have not been removed but through the Holy Spirit’s involvement, this path that at one time, seemed impossible is coming toward completion.
I challenge each one of you to not only be open to the Holy Spirit’s involvement in your life but to also look for ways that you may seek discernment on when it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you or when it is something else. One way we know it is the Holy Spirit is that we know that God would never direct us into an activity or a decision that went against the gospel message of Jesus Christ. This message of love for all and service among those we live within community is paramount. If we sense that the Holy Spirit is speaking to us and telling us to do something that isn’t in line with Jesus’ gospel then this is not truly the Holy Spirit. I pray that this month you open your hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit’s interactions in your life in ways you may have never thought of before.
Until next time, remember, “And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

Vicar David J. Petr

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John Garst

Laura Michel

Rebecca Bruzdzinski

Sandy Coradi

Katelynn Olson

Michaela Olson

John Olson

Evelyn Shimko

Nicholas Lentz

Beth Lentz

Cathy Barnes

Edward Heimiller

Matthew Lentz

Stacey Russ
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Gloria and John Garst

Christine and James Lutz

Carole and Jack Owings

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Pam Cooking Spray will dry fingernail polish?
Sunburn – empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water.
Never feed bread to ducks. They can’t digest it and it could kill them.
Do not use chemicals to kill ants. Instead, get a spray bottle, fill it with water and salt (25%), shake well, spray…Boom! Dead!
Kool Aid will clean dishwasher pipes. Just put in the detergent section and run a cycle; it will also clean a toilet. (Wow and we drink this stuff!)
Pam will remove paint and grease from your hands
Tie Dye T-shirt – mix a solution of Kool Aid in a container, tie a rubber band around a section(s) of the T-shirt and soak.
Wine stains – pour on Morton Salt
To remove labels off glassware etc. rub with peanut butter.
Listerine will clean dirty grout.
Coca Cola will remove grease stains, corrosion from car batteries and grease from the driveway when left on over night
To keep FRESH FLOWERS longer add a little Clorox, 2 Bayer aspirin or use 7-Up instead of water.
To determine how fresh bread in the grocery store is use the colored tag to determine the day of the week it was delivered. Monday – Blue; Tuesday – Green; Thursday – Red; Friday – White and Saturday – Yellow. Colors are alphabetical Monday through Saturday – Blue, Green, Red, White, and Yellow. Bread is not delivered on Wednesdays or Sundays.
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VBS sign up and a pot luck picnic will be held on Sunday June 1, 2014 after the service.

Bring your favorite dish to share and join us for a day of fun and fellowship.

Outreach and Nurture
O&N had its second meeting on Monday, May 5, 2014 and is off to a good start. Many things were discussed, among them: floor plans hung in the Narthax, outside directional signs, advertising of PHPC, bathroom signs, etc. and we would like to thank Joe and Suzanne Krug for taking on the tedious task of changing the sign on Belair Road on a regular basis.

We are hoping to introduce a Prayer Shawl Ministry to PHPC and are looking for interested parties to volunteer to make them. At the present time they will be used solely at PHPC until we can get the word into the community.

We are also looking into a “Linus” project only on a much smaller scale. The blankets crocheted, knitted or quilted would then be used for children who have to spend long hours and days in the hospital or children who have been traumatized in one way or another. i.e. natural disaster, accident, loss of a loved one etc.

Visit us at our website: www.perryhallpc.org

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History of Father's Day in US
Modern version of Father's Day celebration originated in United States of America and thereafter the tradition spread in countries around the world. The world owes thanks to Ms Sonora Louise Smart Dodd a loving daughter from Spokane, Washington as it is because of her struggle that Father's Day saw the light of the day.

The idea of Father's Day celebration originated in Sonora's mind when she per chance listened to Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Fairly mature at the age 27, Sonora pondered if there is a day to honor mother then why not for father? Sonora felt strongly for fathers because of the affection she received from her own father Mr. William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran. Sonora's mother died while childbirth when she was just 16. Mr. Smart raised the newborn and five other children with love and care.

Inspired by Ms Anna Jarvis's struggle to promote Mother's Day, Ms Dodd began a rigorous campaign to celebrate Father's Day in US. The Spokane Ministerial Association and the local Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) supported Sonora's cause. As a result Spokane celebrated its first Father's Day on June 19, 1910. Though there was initial hesitation the idea gained gradual popularity all over US and Fathers Day came to be celebrated in cities across the country.

Looking at the heightened popularity of Father's Day in US, President Woodrow Wilson approved of this idea in 1916. President Calvin Coolidge too supported the idea of a national Father's Day in 1924 to, "establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations". After a protracted struggle of over four decades, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father's Day in 1966. Then in 1972, President Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of Father's Day to be held on the third Sunday of June. Sonora Smart Dodd was honored for her contribution at the World's Fair in Spokane in 1974. Mrs. Dodd died in 1978 at age 96.

Father's Day Prayer of Remembering

"Fathers young, fathers old

Remembering good times are our gold.

Value earned through guidance given

helping us go forth in living'.

Each father adding to our trove

A treasure chest of love untold.

Remembering fathers in our lives

Taking time to realize.

Fatherly love brings wealth to living

Remembering this, we go forth in giving.

Fathers young, fathers old

We remember you all
As life unfolds."

by Susan Kramer
Poor Preacher
After the church service a little boy told the pastor, "When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money."
"Well, thank you," the pastor replied, "but why?"
"Because my daddy says you're one of the poorest preachers we've ever had."
New and Improved
The little girl was sitting in her grandfather's lap as he read her a story. From time to time, she would take her eyes off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek. By and by she was alternately stroking her own cheek, then his again.

Finally she spoke, "Granddaddy, did God make you?"

"Yes, sweetheart" he answered, "God made me a long time ago."

"Oh she said," then "Granddaddy, did God make me too?"

"Yes, indeed honey" he assured her. "God made you just a little while ago."

"Oh" she said. Feeling their respective faces again, she observed, "God's getting better at it now isn't he?"

Letters Between Son and Dad

Dear Dad,

$chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I need, $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.

Your $on

The Reply:

Dear Son,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.


father’s day word search puzzle - free english worksheet for kids

Who Are You Going to Call?
If you need the Pastor or want to let him know a prayer concern or if you have an emergency and have to reach someone quickly:
Call Pastor Condro’s Cell phone at 410-459-4290
Email Pastor Condro: joecondro@yahoo.com
*Send private note via: http://www.perryhallpc.org/prayer-request/
The church office can be reached during office hours at 410-256-6780.
Church office Secretary’s Email: perryhallpc@gmail.com
*Send note: http://www.perryhallpc.org/contact-us/
* These web pages are linked to their emails directly.
What’s Cool On http://www.perryhallpc.org
Home page: See Maps/Directions to church, address, phone, fax numbers
Our Story: Read brief PHPC church history, Visitor orientation, Pastor’s message. See pictures of our staff and brief bio of the Pastor and Vicar. Discover which Elder to contact regarding a Committee issue.
What’s Happening: You can reference recent Bulletins/announcements, PerryPres. The Church Event Calendar is live so you can sync to your Google calendar as ready reference. See pictures and learn about our music ministry, Christian education and mission opportunities. Note that the groups meeting at PHPC include pictures, information and web links that are interesting. Learn about cub scouts, girl scouts, Youth For Christ, Perry Hall Masonic Lodge #235, MS Support Group, DRADA and NA. Click links to resources for dealing with depression, and substance abuse. Click links to see what Presbyterian Men and Women are doing in the broader church organization. See our photo gallery (click on Facebook for more great stuff including videos).
Spiritual Tools: Read recent Sermons. Discover web resources for spiritual growth/study.
Links: Link to PH Mini Golf, Baltimore Presbytery, Mid-Atlantic Synod
Prayer Request: Send note directly to Pastor Condro’s email (privately).
Contact Us: Send note directly to church office secretary’s email
ELDERS & Committee(s):
Jim Doty 410-529-5837

Co-Chair of Finance/Stewardship

Virgilio Galariti 410-661-8056

Chairman of Missions

Sharon Heimiller 410-817-4654

Co-Chair of Christian Education

Tom Heimiller 410-817-4654

Co-Chair of Property

Alvina Hickey 410-882-0736

Co-Chair of Outreach/Nurture

Jeff Mitchell 410-529-4897

Chair of Finance/Stewardship

Jane Olson 443-992-0665

Chairman of Worship

Becky Papa 410-692-4200

Co-Chair of Christian Education

Brad Russ 410-663-1013

Co-Chair of Outreach/Nurture

Craig Shiel 410-256-7624

Co-Chair of Property

Bob Smith 410-592-3216

Co-Chair of Finance/Stewardship

Kathy Weiman 410-419-4162

Clerk of Session

Visit us at our website: www.perryhallpc.org
Cathy Shiel, Chairman 410-256-7624

Bridget Alloway 410-931-0686

Marc Friend 443-827-7727

Corrine Keppeler 410-592-3034

Jeanne Markowski 410-529-0014

Marjorey Mowrey 410-882-2247

Katie Olson 443-243-1044

Joe Papa 410-692-4200

Stacey Russ 410-663-1013

Karen Waldon 410-882-2044

Christina Wang 443-798-5198

Hymn Tunes: The Stories Behind the Melodies

By Bob Barnes

Have you ever wondered about the melodies of the hymns we sing as an act of worship? We are all familiar with story of how “Silent Night” came to be written, but what of the hundreds of other hymns we sing on Sunday?

Hymn No. 313 in the Presbyterian Hymnal, “Come Down, O Love Divine,” is set to the tune of Down Ampney, which is a medium-sized village located in the Cotswold district in Gloucestershire, in England. It is located between Cirencester and Faringdon (in Oxfordshire) north of Cricklade.

Down Ampney was notable in medieval times as one of the principal seats of the powerful Hungerford family (their principal seat was at Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset) and a number of elaborate family monuments survive in the village church.

The Old Vicarage in Down Ampney was the birthplace of Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1872. The tune he composed used for the hymn "Come Down, O Love Divine" is titled "Down Ampney" in its honor. Ralph, or Rafe, Vaughan Williams may be better known to many people as the composer of “Fantasia on Greensleeves.” He is listed in the Presbyterian Hymnal as the composer of arranger of eighteen hymns.

During World War II, the airfield RAF Down Ampney saw action, with planes flying to and from the runway whilst serving in the war. The church has a stained glass window in commemoration of the planes that flew from the airfield for the Battle of Arnhem, 1944.

Aside from the airfield, a school older than 150 years, a multi-use games area for younger residents, a tennis club, a village hall, a small village shop, and the church mentioned above, which evidently dates back to before the bubonic plague, are also present in the current arrangement of the village.

The tune to which we sing the hymn was written by a well known classical composer and named for the historic town where he was born.

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All committee chairs, committee members and members and friends of PHPC are encouraged to submit picture, articles, jokes, puzzles, crafts, etc. to the Pres staff for inclusion in the newsletter. All contributions are warmly welcomed. Email to acraftylady@ymail.com or perryhallpc@gmail.com

We look forward to having your input. Deadline for submission is the 10th of the month preceding the issue.


Visit us at our website: www.perryhallpc.org

Interim Pastor: Rev. Joseph Condro Vicar: David Petr (443-643-8240)

Church Office: 410-256-5780 Secretary: Kim Kalinowski

Church Email: PerryHallPC@gmail.com Music Director: Nancy Barnes

Web Site: www.perryhallpc.org
Like us on Face Book at Perry Hall Presbyterian Church!

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