Action Items dc meeting – 14 – Dominican College

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Action Items

DC Meeting – 9.8.14 – Dominican College

[Items highlighted in green require action before the October DC meeting. Items highlighted in blue shall be included on the agenda at a future DC meeting. Items highlighted in yellow are those which were voted on during the meeting].

  1. The conference office will develop a best practices/documents webpage for ADs to share information (ie. Travel waiver forms, fitness center forms, coaching contracts, volunteer contracts, etc.).

  1. Tom Shirley requested vendor contracts/kickbacks be a discussion topic at the October DC meeting. Specifically, the parameters on development in athletics versus the institution as a whole.

  1. Laura Liesman made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 19-20, 2014 DC meetings. Ben DiNallo seconded. Approved 14-0.

  1. Ellen will reach out to several other meeting venues to potentially host the 2015 DC retreat. Mount Airy Casino and Resort, the Sands in Bethlehem, and the Breakers in Spring Lake are some options to explore. This will be discussed at the October DC meeting.

  1. Sandy Michael requested the committee reconvene and develop specific size/location standards for the logos in each of the conference sports

  1. Ben DiNallo motioned to approve the divisional schedule (six north teams and five south teams). Double headers would be nine and seven innings (cannot be split) and single games are nine innings. The top three teams from each division would qualify for the CACC tournament. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion defeated 3-9-2.

  1. The Championships Committee will review the request for change in the baseball tournament format at the October meeting.

  1. Ben DiNallo made a motion for the softball recommendation to be discussed by the DC rather than the Championships Committee. Sandy Michael seconded. Approved 14-0.

  1. Roberta has proposed a fee of $175 plus half of the mileage cost per official for the 2015 lacrosse season. Tom Shirley made a motion to accept Roberta’s proposal. Sandy Michael seconded. Approved 12-0-2.

  1. Ben DiNallo made a motion to move the volleyball championship from 1PM to 12PM. Mark Corino seconded. Approved 14-0.

  1. Tom Shirley suggested the Scheduling Committee convene to discuss the 2015-16 CACC championship schedules.

  1. Ben DiNallo made a motion that the DC endorse the proposed criterion guideline/draft for the CACC Hall of Fame. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 14-0.

  1. (CACC Golf Outing) Laura Liesman will reach out to the Eagle Ridge course for pricing. Tom Shirley will reach out to Ace, Mark Corino to Cedar Hill, and Ellen to Renault. It is recommended that a firm or individual be hired to assist with the planning.

  1. Kevin Huckle has resigned at Holy Family and has taken a position at the Patriot League. There is a national committee spot now open for women’s lacrosse. This is a Nomination Committee responsibility.

  1. Laura Liesman made a motion to adjourn. Mike Mannetti seconded. Approved 14-0.


Summary of Actions

September 8, 2014, 9:00AM

Dominican College - Badami Room

Bloomfield: Sheila Wooten

Caldwell: Mark Corino

Chestnut Hill: Lynn Tubman

Concordia: Ivan Marquez and Kathy Laoutaris

Dominican: Joe Clinton, Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light, and Jim Crawley

Felician: Ben DiNallo and Lori Kwiatkowski

Georgian Court: Laura Liesman

Goldey-Beacom: Chuck Hammond

Holy Family: Sandy Michael

Nyack: Keith Davie

Philadelphia: Tom Shirley

Post: Mike Mannetti

Sciences: Marc Caseria and Bob Heller

Wilmington: Linda Andrzjewski

CACC Staff: Commissioner, Dan Mara; Assistant Commissioner, Doug DeBiase; Internal Operations Assistant, Kelsey Lengyel-Jacovich; and Associate Commissioner, Ellen O’Brien

Meeting commenced at 8:58AM

  1. Conference Office Updates/Introductions

    1. Dan Mara introduced Kelsey Lengyel-Jacovich, Internal Operations Assistant and Doug DeBiase, Assistant Commissioner. Doug shared a few of his ideas and plans with the group, including: A nightly scoreboard email; a “CACC Digital Network” YouTube channel; and development of a CACC slogan. Mark Corino requested that Doug always copy the ADs on emails which are sent to SIDs and require responses. Marc Caseria, Interim AD at USciences introduced himself to the group.

  1. Athletic Directors Discussion Topics – Laura Liesman

    1. The ADs had best practices discussions on various topics. The conference office will develop a best practices/documents webpage for ADs to share information (ie. Travel waiver forms, fitness center forms, coaching contracts, volunteer contracts, etc.). Tom Shirley requested vendor contracts/kickbacks be a discussion topic at the October DC meeting. Specifically, the parameters on development in athletics versus the institution as a whole.

  1. Review of minutes from May 19-20, 2014 DC Meeting (2015 Site?)(Attachment # 1)

    1. Laura Liesman made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 19-20, 2014 DC meetings. Ben DiNallo seconded. Approved 14-0.

    2. Ellen will reach out to several other meeting venues to potentially host the 2015 DC retreat. Mount Airy Casino and Resort, the Sands in Bethlehem, and Breakers in Spring Lake are some options to explore. This will be discussed at the October DC meeting.

  1. Review of Presidents Council Planning Meeting June 2014 (Attachment #2)

    1. The Presidents Council reviewed NCAA Division II census data at the June 2014 meeting. The Direct Reports meeting has been finalized and will be on October 9th at USciences. The PC also discussed the next stages in the strategic planning process. They approved the contribution of $300 per institution to assist the funding of added CACC Championships. The 2014-15 peer review slate is set for the 2014-15 year (Post, Felician, and Georgian Court). The CACC auditor moved to another firm, and the PC agreed that the conference should move with him to the new firm. The PC will meet again on November 3rd at USciences.

  1. CACC Coaches’ Calls/ Uniform Committee – (Attachment #3A-E)

    1. Uniform Committee:

      1. Ivan Marquez, Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light, Erin Harvey, and Jonathan Harper had a conference call in June to discuss logo placement on uniforms. The committee made the following recommendation:

        1. The CACC logo will be placed on all uniforms using the following guidelines: The block “CACC” lettering logo will be the only logo used on all uniforms. The logo must keep the official colors of the conference and may not be altered. The logo must be placed on the jersey tops of all uniforms and not the shorts, pants, etc. The logo will be mandated to be placed on the jerseys the year following the affirmative vote of the Directors Council.

        2. The Executive Committee reviewed this recommendation and agreed that this proposal will need to be altered to specify that uniforms PURCHASED after the 2014-15 year will need to have the CACC logo on them, rather than placing the logo on any CURRENT uniforms.

      2. Ivan Marquez shared that Concordia has used both sublimation and patch logos on their current uniforms. Tom Shirley believes that all logos should have the same placement across institutions, but may vary by sport. Sandy Michael requested the committee reconvene and develop specific size/location standards for the logos in each of the conference sports.

    2. Men’s Tennis

      1. No action items came from the men’s tennis coaches’ call

    3. Women’s Lacrosse

      1. No action items came from the women’s lacrosse coaches’ call.

    4. Baseball

      1. The baseball coaches voted to recommend a divisional schedule. Mark Corino voiced his concern regarding being able to complete a divisional conference schedule which has added games. The availability of facilities is another potential issue, considering only two CACC institutions have fields. Ben DiNallo motioned to approve the divisional schedule (six north teams and five south teams). Double headers would be nine and seven innings (cannot be split) and single games are nine innings. The top three teams from each division would qualify for the CACC tournament. Lynn Tubman seconded. Motion defeated 3-9-2.The Championships Committee will review the request for change in the baseball tournament format at the October meeting.

    1. Softball

      1. The softball coaches voted to recommend a change from the eight-team championship to a six-team championship with a single elimination round (#5 playing #8 and #6 playing #7). Kathy Laoutaris feels that by switching to the recommended format two teams are cheated out of the championships tournament experience and environment. Ben DiNallo made a motion for the softball recommendation to be discussed by the DC rather than the Championships Committee. Sandy Michael seconded. Approved 14-0. The DC agreed to keep the softball tournament as is.

  1. CACC Direct Reports Meeting- (Attachment #4)

    1. The CACC Direct Reports meeting is scheduled for October 9th at USciences. This is an educational and informational meeting opportunity for the direct supervisors of conference ADs.

  1. DII ADA Report – Mark Corino

    1. Mark Corino requested that all CACC ADs register for both D2ADA and NACDA. Mark reviewed the notes from the NCAA Division II Championships conference call with the D2CCA and D2ADA. The NCAA is considering the following proposals: Increases in charter costs; increases in championship local travel costs; baseball expansions to 56 teams ($215,000); basketball use of courtside monitor system; increased roster sizes for basketball; expansion of soccer tournament (if men’s expands to 48, then it becomes an AQ sport). They are also considering a mileage qualification increase from 500 to 600. Therefore, institutions will not qualify for airfare if the travel distance is less than 600 miles. Money saved from this change may not return to the Championships fund. This was a preliminary call - The NCAA will continue to develop and plan for potential change.

  1. CACC Baseball and Lacrosse Supervisor of Officials/ Ref Talk

    1. Lacrosse: Tom Shirley, Linda Andrzjewski, and Dan Mara reviewed proposals from Debbie Martin and Roberta Butler. The committee has agreed to hire Roberta as the women’s lacrosse assignor for at least one more year. She agreed to provide training for her officials and to recruit some younger officials to add to the pool. Roberta has proposed a fee of $175 plus half of the mileage cost per official for the 2015 lacrosse season. Tom Shirley made a motion to accept Roberta’s proposal. Sandy Michael seconded. Approved 12-0-2.

    2. Baseball: Dan Mara, Bob Dranoff, and Julie Ruppert had a conference call to discuss the baseball assignor situation regarding Nick Zibelli. The Atlantic 10 has chosen another assignor who also assigns the ACC. The Ivy League and MAC are considering a change as well. The CACC will continue to monitor the situation to determine if change is necessary.

    3. Soccer: Three ref talk sets have been donated to the conference for use this year. Based on a random draw it was determined that Goldey-Beacom, Caldwell, and Chestnut Hill will have use of them during the 2014-15 academic year (3 sets each). The sets will be brought to Post for use during the conference semifinals and finals. Ivan Marquez is concerned about potential future costs if all CACC schools will soon be expected to purchase individual ref talk sets. The ECC used conference grant money ($400) per school to offset the costs. There are also concerns regarding the cleaning and maintenance of the head sets. Perhaps the officials hired by Alex should be required to provide their own headsets.

  1. NCAA Legislation/Championships (Attachment #5A-C)

    1. The NCAA Division II Presidents Council is strongly supporting a legislative proposal that would allow institutions to provide unlimited meals/snacks to student-athletes. Tom Shirley voiced his concern regarding the potential financial implications of this legislation.

    2. Sandy Michael requested that the CACC sponsor a proposal to eliminate the 30 day waiting period for coaches to retake the certification test.

    3. The CACC was going to put forth an amendment to add in a grandfather clause for the Coaching/AD proposal. The NCAA DII Membership Committee has gone ahead and implemented a clause, which would allow current coaching ADs to continue in the dual roles for the remainder of their employment terms. This portion of the proposal would have an effective date of August 2015. Compliance coordinators would need to be relieved of coaching duties by August 2018.

  1. For-Profit Institutions- NCAA Action (Attachment #6)

    1. The NCAA has determined that for-profit members cannot serve on national committees, vote at national meetings, or receive funding directly from the NCAA. There are only five for-profit institutions in the NCAA. The CACC sends grant funding to the Post Foundation, which is a nonprofit associated with Post University. Representatives from for-profit institutions may still serve on RACs.

Lunch break from 12:13PM – 12:42PM
The DC met in Executive Session from 12:43PM – 1:17PM

  1. Championships Committee Report – Ben DiNallo (Distributed at Meeting)

    1. Review Fall and Winter Championships Information

      1. All Fall and Winter Championship dates, sites, and times remain unchanged since approved at the May 2014 meetings with the exception of volleyball. The Championships Committee recommended the Championship Volleyball match be moved from 1PM to 12PM on November 15th. Ben DiNallo made a motion to move the volleyball championship from 1PM to 12PM. Mark Corino seconded. Approved 14-0. Tom Shirley suggested in future years the tournament be moved to a Saturday/Sunday format.

    2. Men’s Tennis

      1. Lynn Tubman suggested the championship be moved to 4/25 and 4/26 in order to accommodate the May 2-5 NCAA Regional dates. The group discussed the dates of previous CACC Men’s Tennis Championship tournaments compared to the NCAA regional dates. It was determined that the CACC men’s tennis championship dates have been consistent with the exception of last year due to the timing of Easter. If the tournaments double up on one weekend, the conference office would have to split between the two. Sandy Michael believes there needs to be a more rational and concrete reason to select tournament dates. Tom Shirley suggested the Scheduling Committee convene to discuss the 2015-16 CACC championship schedules. As the schedule is now, volleyball has a two week wait before regionals in 2015, as well. Men’s tennis will remain on April 18-19, 2015.

    3. Fall and Winter championship details:

    4. Women’s Tennis

      1. Dates: Semifinals on 10/25 at 10AM and 1PM, Finals on 10/26 at 12PM

      2. Institution: Chestnut Hill

      3. Recommended Hotels: Hilton Garden Inn, Doubletree Hotel 

      4. Banquet: 10/24 at 7PM

    5. Cross-Country

      1. Date: 11/2; Women at 10AM; Men at 11AM

      2. Institution: Philadelphia – Belmont Plateau

      3. Recommended Hotel: Crown Plaza, 4010 City Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.19131
        Stephanie Corro, 267-294-6126

      4. Bagged lunches after the race

    6. Soccer

      1. Dates: Men’s quarterfinals on 11/4 at 2PM; Women’s quarterfinals on 11/3 at 2PM (at higher seeds); Men’s semis on 11/6 at 11AM and 1:30PM at Post; Women’s semis on 11/6 at 12PM and 2:30PM at Municipal; Finals on 11/8 at 11AM and 1:30PM at Post (Women play first)

      2. Institution: Post

      3. Hotel: Crowne Plaza Southbury

      4. Banquet: 11/5 at 7PM at Aria

    7. Volleyball

      1. Dates: Semifinals on 11/14 (1PM and 3:30PM); Finals 11/15 at 12PM

      2. Institution: Georgian Court

      3. Recommended Hotels: Hilton Garden Inn, Ramada Inn 

      4. Banquet: 11/13 at 7PM at GCU

    8. Basketball

      1. Dates: Semifinals on 3/6 at 12PM, 2PM, 5PM, and 7PM; Finals on 3/7 at 4PM and 7PM (Men play first). 2015-16 and 2016-17 will be women first and men second

      2. Institution: Philadelphia University

      3. Hotel: Crown Plaza, 4010 City Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.19131
        Stephanie Corro

      4. Banquet: 3/5 at 7PM at the Philadelphia Cricket Club

  1. CACC Committee Assignments (Attachment #11)

    1. Ben DiNallo suggested all committees be reset in order to be fair to current committee members. Committee purposes should also be clearly established. This may lead to constitutional changes which need to be approved by the Presidents Council. Viability, number and diversity of members should be reviewed for all current standing committees. This will be reviewed on next month’s officers’ call. Perhaps a subcommittee will then be developed to work out specific details. The committees will ideally be set by May 2015 and effective for the 2015-16 academic year.

  1. Conference Grant Request 2014-15 – O’Brien – (Attachment #7)

    1. The CACC received positive feedback regarding the 2013-14 grant report and the 2014-15 grant request. New SPO-3 funding includes $4,200 for institutions to purchase the I-Strike lightning application.

  1. CACC Hall of Fame – Ben DiNallo- (Attachment #8)

    1. There is a CACC Presidential mandate to establish a CACC Hall of Fame with the first induction taking place in 2015. Doug DeBiase shared that in the NE-10, the SIDs send in nominations which are then voted on by the HOF committee. Posters are developed to distribute to the schools and the nominees. When the individual schools have their own Hall of Fame ceremonies, any NE-10 HOF selections are recognized at that ceremony. Tom Shirley suggested CACC honorees be recognized at the specific championship sport banquets in addition to recognition by the school. The proposal (attachment 8) includes criteria, process, and timeline details. Ideally, nominations will be submitted by March 1st, reviewed by March 15th, selected May 30th, and announced on September 1st. The candidates must have graduated at least five years ago or served as a CACC coach five years ago. The Hall of Fame committee will discuss whether or not the nominees must be members of their institution’s HOF before being considered for the CACC HOF. Ben DiNallo made a motion that the DC endorse the proposed criterion guideline/draft for the CACC Hall of Fame. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 14-0.

  1. CACC Golf Event Concept

    1. Dan Mara proposed the concept of an annual CACC Golf outing (lunch, golf, dinner format). This would be a conference event for member schools (staff), sponsors, vendors and assignors. Ideally, the outing would be in the late spring at a central location. Tom Shirley suggested this outing be scheduled in conjunction with the DC May meetings (Sunday meeting, Monday golf outing, and Tuesday meeting). Tom suggested we consider moving the May meeting dates to May 31, and June 1-2. Perhaps the conference should hire an event manager. Mark has an event manager on campus who may be able to assist. Laura Liesman will reach out to the Eagle Ridge for pricing. Tom Shirley will reach out to Ace, Mark Corino to Cedar Hill, and Ellen to Renault. It is recommended that a firm or individual be hired to assist with the planning.

  1. 2015 NCAA Convention – Meeting

    1. The DC will meet at the convention in Washington, DC in January. Sandy Michael suggested the meeting take place in a reserved room at a nearby restaurant, rather than in the convention hotel.

  1. Joint ECC/CACC SAAC Retreat – Spring 2015

    1. The CACC is working with the ECC in planning a joint SAAC retreat. It is scheduled for Friday March 20th and Saturday March 21st at Molloy College. Two students per institution are requested to attend. The current dates overlap with Philadelphia University’s spring break.

  1. 2015-16 CACC Schedules (Forwarded Separately)

    1. Volleyball

      1. Linda Andrzjewski inquired about the conference policy on tri-matches. CACC institutions may not schedule tri-matches with other CACC institutions.

      2. Mark Corino requested that the Friday/Saturday match sets not be changed by ADs once schedules are approved. There are only two in the current schedule.

    2. Softball

      1. Caldwell has a late spring break and will need to change some of the game dates. Break and final exam conflicts should be worked out amongst ADs.

    3. Soccer

      1. Soccer games should not be scheduled on September 12 so teams can secure out of conference matches.

    4. The CACC softball, men’s tennis and women’s lacrosse championships are all currently scheduled for the same weekend. The scheduling committee (Mike Mannetti, Tom Shirley, Ben DiNallo, and Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light) will address all submitted scheduling issues via conference call.

  1. NCAA RACs for 2014-15 (Attachment #9)

    1. Kevin Huckle has resigned at Holy Family and has taken a position at the Patriot League. There is a national committee spot now open for women’s lacrosse. This is a Nomination Committee responsibility.

  1. CACC Sport Supervisors/Sport Chairs/ Championship Sites (Attachment #10 )

    1. Marc Caserio volunteered to serve as the AD Sport Chair for baseball. Steve Fagan was named to serve as the coach supervisor for women’s basketball. Kerry O’Donnell was selected to serve as the coach supervisor for women’s lacrosse.

  1. Old/New Business - Next Meeting – 10/27/14, 9:00AM – Philadelphia University - Gutman Library. The Championships Committee will meet at the Crowne Plaza on Sunday, October 26.

  1. Restaino Cup Presentations/AD of the Year Award

    1. Laura Liesman presented Lynn Tubman with the 2013-14 AD of the Year Award. Dan Mara presented Tom Shirley and Linda Andrzjewski with the 2013-14 Restaino Cup for having the most successful women’s and men’s teams, respectively. Laura Liesman made a motion to adjourn. Mike Mannetti seconded. Approved 14-0.

Meeting adjourned at 3:05PM

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