Afrotc cadet Exit Survey

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AFROTC Cadet Exit Survey
College Attending:_______________________________

Class Year: ___ AS 100 ___ AS 200 ___ AS 300 ___ AS 400

Scholarship Recipient? ___ 4 YR ___ 3 YR ___ 2 YR ___ No Scholarship

Thank you for completing this survey. Your honest feedback is important to us. We track reasons why cadets withdraw from the AFROTC program and invite their comments in order to continuously evaluate our program and make improvements.

PART I. Please indicate your reasons for entering the AFROTC program and for choosing to leave the program. Number your choices for entering and leaving separately starting with #1 as the primary reason for each and then choosing as few or as many as you feel necessary.
Reasons for Entering Reasons for Leaving

1. ___ Desire to become an Air Force officer

12. ___ Medical problems/disqualification

2. ___ Scholarship opportunity

13. ___ AFOQT exam scores

3. ___ Employment/career opportunity after graduation

14. ___ Transferring to another AFROTC detachment

4. ___ Desire to become a pilot

15. ___ ROTC time commitment

5. ___ For the experience - travel, unique job, etc…

16. ___ Active duty military service commitment

6. ___ Family tradition

17. ___ Low academic grades

7. ___ Desire to serve my country

18. ___ No scholarship

8. ___ Wanted to join Air Force, but not as enlisted troop

19. ___ No pilot opportunity

9. ___ Was JROTC member

20. ___ Physical fitness standards

10. ___ Curiosity about the program

21. ___ Commute too difficult

11. ___ Other (please be specific)

22. ___ Other (please be specific)

PART II. Please describe how the following aspects of the program influenced your decision to withdraw.










Air Force Standards

22. _____ Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

23. _____ Physical Training

24. _____ AFOQT scores

25. _____ GPA requirements

26. _____ Medical disqualification

Air Force Rewards and Requirements

27. ____ Did not receive scholarship

28. ____ Scholarship not offered in desired major

29. ____ Active duty service commitment

29. ____ Current flying opportunities

30. ____ Requirements of a military lifestyle

Air Force ROTC
31. _____ Did not enjoy Leadership Lab

32. _____ Did not enjoy the AFROTC class

33. _____ Did not feel comfortable in AFROTC

34. _____ Additional time demands of ROTC

35. _____ Wanted more leadership opportunities
Personal Reasons

36. _____ Program not convenient with school

37. _____ Personality not compatible with military

38. _____ Family/Spouse not supportive

39. _____ Decided not to attend college

40. _____ Program did not my meet expectations

Please list any additional comments on reverse side.

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