Architectural Graphics Standard

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Architectural Graphics Standard - CAD Symbols for Security System Layout – Release 3.0

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Architectural Graphics Standard -

CAD Symbols for Security System Layout – Release 3.0

SIA/IAPSC AG-01-1995.12 (R2000.03) (R2015)

Security Industry Association

International Association of Professional Security Consultants

Copyright © 2000 – 2015 SIA

Publication Order Number: 14021

This standards document is published by the Security Industry Association (SIA) and was developed and adopted by a consensus of industry volunteers in accordance with SIA’s standards development policies and procedures. It is intended to facilitate product compatibility and interchangeability, to reduce misunderstandings between implementers and other parties, and to assist purchasers in obtaining the proper products to fulfill their particular needs.

The existence of this or any SIA standards document shall not prevent any SIA member or non-member from manufacturing, selling, or using products not conforming to this or any SIA standard. SIA standards are voluntary. SIA encourages the use of this document but will not take any action to ensure compliance with this or any other SIA Standard.

SIA assumes no responsibility for the use, application or misapplication of this document. Industry members using this document, particularly those having participated in its development and adoption, are considered by SIA to have waived any right they might otherwise have had to assert claims against SIA regarding the development process of this standard.

Although some SIA standards establish minimum performance requirements, they are intended neither to preclude additional product features or functions nor to act as a maximum performance limit. Any product the specifications of which meet the minimum requirements of a SIA standard shall be considered in compliance with that standard. Any product the specifications of which exceed the minimum requirements of a SIA standard shall also be considered in compliance with the standard, provided that such product specifications do not exceed any maximum requirements set by the standard. SIA standards are not intended to supersede any recommended procedures set by a manufacturer for its products.

SIA reserves the right to revise this document at any time. Because SIA policy requires that every standard be reviewed periodically and be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn, users of this document are cautioned to obtain and use the most recent edition of this standard. Current information regarding the revision level or status of this or any other SIA standard may be obtained by contacting SIA.

Requests to modify this document are welcome at any time from any party, regardless of membership affiliation with SIA. Such requests, which must be in writing and sent to the address set forth below, must clearly identify the document and text subject to the proposed modification and should include a draft of proposed changes with supporting comments. Such requests will be considered in accordance with SIA’s standards development policies and procedures.

Written requests for interpretations of a SIA standard will be considered in accordance with SIA’s standards development policies and procedures. While it is the practice of SIA staff to process an interpretation request quickly, immediate responses may not be possible since it is often necessary for the appropriate standards subcommittee to review the request and develop an appropriate interpretation.

Requests to modify a standard, requests for interpretations of a standard, or any other comments are welcome and may be sent to:

Security Industry Association
8405 Colesville Road, Suite 500

Silver Spring, MD 20910


This document is owned by the Security Industry Association and may not be reproduced, in whole or part, without prior written permission from SIA.


This standard is co-sponsored by SIA and the International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC). The development of the CAD Security Symbols is due to the many security professionals who volunteered their time, creativity, and experience to this valuable and much needed effort. The following have contributed at SIA/IAPSC meetings, with written comments, and/or CAD drafting support:
1995 Baseline, Release 1.0:

Chairman of the SIA Standards Committee:

David S. Terrett Aritech Corporation

Chairman of the SIA AG Standards Subcommittee, Chairman of the IAPSC Standards Committee:

*David G. Aggleton, CPP Electronic Systems Associates

Staff Liaison:

L. Virginia Williams Security Industry Association


*Ron Libengood, CPP (Vice Chair) SecuraComm Consultants, Inc.

Andrew Benson Inelec Corporation

Orrin Charm Standards Representative for CEDIA

*Jim Clark, CPP James A. Clark & Associates

Stephen Eklund Southern California Edison

William Farrell, CPP Farrell & Farrell Consulting Group, Inc.

Kevin Farrell, CPP Electronic Systems Associates

*Harold Frank, CPE H. Frank & Associates

*Steve Kaufer, CPP Inter/Action Associates

Tom Lewin Appropriate Data Communications, Inc.

Todd Libengood SecuraComm Consultants, Inc.

Gary Parr SDM Magazine

Dennis [Max] Riordan Interex Design Center

*Tom Roemer, CPP Thomas D. Roemer

Gary Schiff, CPP Schiff and Associates

William Shaw Electronic Systems Associates

John Strauchs, CPP Systech Group, Inc.

Kevin Tartar National Guardian Security Services

Ralph Ward, CPP Ralph V. Ward, Ltd.

ASTM Liaison – F-12.10 Subcommittee Chair:

Edward Conrath, P.E. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
*Also members of the IAPSC Security Technical Standards Committee

2000 Revision, Release 2.0:

Chairman of the SIA Standards Committee:

Bill Moody ADT Security

Chairman of the SIA AG Standards Subcommittee, Chairman of the IAPSC Standards Committee:

David G. Aggleton, CPP Aggleton & Associates, Inc.

Staff Liaisons:

Virginia Williams Security Industry Association

Wadei Powell Security Industry Association


William M. Niemuth Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Thomas Lewin Appropriate Data Communications, Inc.

Jack Sigler Cardkey Systems

Michael A. Manna Corporate Security Services, Inc.

Scott B. Jensen, CPP Visonic, Inc.

Alex Phillips Daimler Chrysler

Craig Albrecht Security Management

David Murari Diebold Inc.

Frank J. Meiners, CPP Frank J Meiners & Associates

Jeff Britton Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. (DMP)

Ralph V. Ward, CPP Ralph V. Ward, Ltd. Security and Fire Protection Consultants

2015 Revision, Release 3.0:

Chairman of the SIA AG CAD Working Group:

Peter Michael, PSP, PMP Science Applications International Corporation

Staff Liaison:

Mia Smith Security Industry Association


Robert Chelstowski Commsult Group

Ray Coulombe

Chris Gaunt Louroe Electronics

Pat Green The Hezner Corporation

Doug Haines Haines Security Solutions

Vishal Kashyap Security Practioner

Wael Lahoud Security Practioner

Steven Oplinger Integrated Fire & Security Solutions, Inc.

*Frank Pisciotta Business Protection Specialist, Inc.

Chuck Reed, PSP, CAS Parsons Brinckerhoff

Michael Sarni Security Specialists

Nader S. Sayegh, PSP TSG Solutions Inc.

*Also members of the International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC)


The following are changes made to this document, listed by revision.
December 1995 BASELINE (Release 1.0)
Original Publication
2000 REVISION (Release 2.0)
Reformatted Standard to current style
Added Appendix A – Table of Symbols
Added new symbols to library

3.06 PWR-SPLY A symbol for a power supply is added

6.03 CELL-TX A symbol for a cellular transmitter is added

6.04 TEL-DIAL A symbol for a phone dialer/modem is added

6.05 FIBR-MOD A symbol for a fiber optic transmitter is added

11.05 VID-MUX The split screen symbol for a video multiplexer: although applicable for a

PC-based digital multiplexer/recorder, can be confused with a monitor. The new symbol shown below is substituted.

12.04 RELAY A symbol for a relay is added

13.03 TX-HINGE A symbol for a power transfer hinge is added

A.04 VID-ICM A symbol for a video intercom master is added

ALL-SYMB A quick reference of all symbols in the library
Block names are changed to be more descriptive (the old 8-character limit has been maintained for backward compatibility.)
The recommendations for symbol layer numbers and colors are deleted.
2015 REVISION (Release 3.0)

Revised body of document

Purpose (section 1.1 & 1.2)

References (section 2.1)

Products (section 2.2)

Added Visio and Image (JPEG symbols)

Clarified Precedence (section 2.3)

Moved section 3.2 to Appendix A, Addendum B

Updated distribution to reflect electronic versus media (section 4)


New Appendix Section names and counts

Revised format – symbol “M” and “T” on page 1

Added # for device number

Removed “M” and “T” from each individual device these are now implied

Added 2 characters for both mounting “M” and type “T”

Added new mounting methods

Added new technologies for many devices

Regrouped devices into consistent categories

Created new categories 10 total

Added new technology devices such as PoE, Sonar, Radar, Video, etc.

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Architectural Graphics Standard -

CAD Security Symbols

Release 3.0 – 2015

Copyright © 2000-2015 Security Industry Association

1.1 Scope

This standard details a Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) symbol library for security system layout. This set provides standardized, easily recognizable icons representing the form or function of the device and a reduced number of symbols through the development of generic icons with single character attributes for the mount style and technology or device type.

This standard was based on ASTM F967 Standard Practice for Security Engineer Symbols (manually drafted symbols), and subsequently updated to include symbols required for security system design and implementation.
This standard is intended to provide uniformity in the design and layout of physical security systems, making CAD generated construction drawings more easily read and understood by all in security management, design disciplines and construction trades.
This standard is intended for implementation by Architects, Building Contractors, System Integrators, Electrical Contractors, and Security Managers who use CAD to produce construction drawings, shop drawings, and installation/as-built drawings, and all other entities that are involved with physical security system layouts. It is meant to serve as a model for elaboration and incorporation into computer products used either for security systems design and layout or other geographical displays of security systems.
This standard is voluntary and self-enforcing.

Compliance and use are the sole responsibility of the implementer.

1.2 Purpose

There have been a number of security symbol lists developed by various organizations and companies. The symbols were originally developed before Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) became as prevalent as it is today. Some manual drafting symbols are somewhat cryptic, recognizable only by those who use them on a regular basis. This has led many security organizations to develop their own "home grown" variety of symbols. As many as four different sets of symbols can be seen on a single project: the security manager's set for concepts, the security consultant/engineer for construction documents, the security contractor for shop drawings, and the electrical contractor for installation/as-built drawings.

In April 1994, the International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC) Security Technical Standards Committee approached the Security Industry Association (SIA) and formed the joint SIA/IAPSC Architectural Graphics Standards Subcommittee to develop and issue a CAD Security Symbol standard. A preliminary set of CAD symbols was prepared and issued to and adopted by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Subcommittee F12.10 as a cross-reference in their standard of manual symbols, F967.
In 1995 the SIA/IAPSC Subcommittee developed specific symbol design criteria, field tested candidate symbol sets on design projects, adopted final selections, and submitted the revisions to ASTM. The adopted set complies with ASTM’s 1996 F967 standard. It is anticipated that future revisions of this CAD standard will also be forwarded to ASTM for consideration as a cross reference in their manual drafting standard.
The symbol design criteria used in the development of the symbols include:

  • Easily recognizable icons representing the form or function of the device.

  • Simplification to minimize memory usage and plotting time, and to permit symbols to be hand drawn (freestyle or with a template) for concept drawings or where architectural backgrounds are not available in CAD format.

  • A reduced number of symbols by developing generic icons and using single character attributes for the mount style (at the upper right of the symbol as a superscript) and for the technology or type of device (at the lower right of the symbol as a subscript.)

  • The symbols will cover only security devices and devices directly related to security; i.e. electrical, lighting and telecommunications will not be included, but equipment specific for security such as lights for cameras and data switches for security will be included.

  • Where manual and automatic devices, such as a monitored switch, have similar functions, a square outline represents devices required for user or operator interaction, e.g., a pressure mat, and a circular outline represents a device that operates automatically, e.g. door position switch (magnetic contact).

  • Multiple devices or functions that are contained in a single enclosure or system are indicated by enclosing the devices in a single outline box.

2.1 Other Standards

This standard is intended to be in harmony with the following standard:

ASTM F967 - Standard Practice for Security Engineering Symbols Designation, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM Committee F-12 on Security Systems and Equipment, Subcommittee F-12.10 on Security Systems and Services)
The following standards contain symbols used in related industries:
NFPA 170 – Public Fire Safety Symbols, National Fire Protection Association
IEEE 315 – Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (including Reference Designation Class Designation Letters), Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Standard symbols used by other design professionals such as lighting engineers, architects, and network systems, except for devices directly related to security are excluded from this standard.

    1. Products

The symbols for this standard are intended for use with AutoCAD (release 13 or higher .DXF), Visio (2010 or higher .VDX) or Revit (2008 or higher .RVT). Also included are JPEG images for easy cut and paste applications.
Other computer products, including CAD design packages and active security system display packages, may incorporate these symbols. (See their product literature for any special application notes.)
2.3 Precedence

In the event of conflict between this standard and other documents referenced herein, the order of precedence shall be:

  1. Local building codes

  2. RFP requirements

  3. Client requirements

  4. This Standard

  5. CAD or other product literature

  6. Other Standards

3.1 Conventions

3.1.1 Identification of Sections.
Sections within this standard are identified and referenced by the number preceding each section. Unless otherwise specified, references to a section refer to only the text within that numbered section and not to subsequent numbered subsections within the section.

3.1.2 Binding Language
This standard uses the following language conventions:

  1. The term “shall” is used to convey binding requirements.

  2. The term “may” is used to convey features that are allowed but not required.

  3. Terms such as “is”, “are”, and “will” are used to convey statements of fact for advisory purposes only.

  4. The annotation “Note:” precedes advisory information.

  5. Where this standard is silent on a feature, the feature is permitted so long as it is not in conflict with the requirements contained herein.

  6. Unless otherwise specified, appendices contain non-binding information.


    1. Copyright

The symbols and text included in the .ZIP file are the copyright of the Security Industry Association (SIA) copyright 2000-2015.
SIA accepts the common practice of SIA Standards being reproduced within a

Company FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY once that company has legally acquired an original copy of the standard through SIA. This practice, however, should not be extended to include multiple branch offices of a company or to parties outside of the company. SIA cautions any company making internal use copies to control distribution, in order to maintain notices of revisions.

    1. Registration

The original recipient of a CAD Security Symbols download is registered with SIA and is authorized to receive updates. All other recipients are requested to register with SIA to receive updates.

    1. Updates & Comments

Periodically, the symbols list will be updated and modified. Registered purchasers of this standard will receive notice of revisions by email.
To encourage feedback from users of these CAD symbols, those who submit comments and suggestions on new symbols or modifications to existing symbols that are adopted by the committee, will be issued complimentary revisions of the standard. Please submit your comments or suggestions to SIA.
5. Files (Release 3.0)

    1. Contents of .ZIP File Download

The .ZIP contains the following:

AG-01 CAD Symbols.pdf

(This document, in PDF format)


(AutoCAD 2007 format)


(Generic format)


(AutoCAD device symbol directory)


(Generic device symbol directory)

Visio .VSS format

JPEG .JPG images of each symbol

5.2 SYMBLIST Files
The SYMBLIST drawings are graphical depictions of the symbol set. Each drawing shows the symbols set, as shown in Appendix A; each page can be printed separately to create a reference manual.

  • SYMBLIST.DWG can be opened into AutoCAD Release 2007 or higher.

  • SYMBLIST.DXF can be imported into any CAD program that will accept the .DXF format exported by AutoCAD Release 2007.

Each sheet has 4 columns:

  • SYMBOL #: X.YY Note that combination symbols are shown in Addendum A at the end of the chart

  • SYMBOL: This column shows the symbols as adopted by the SIA/IAPSC subcommittee. These symbols are contained in separate block files in the SECSYMBA directory (.DWG) and the SECSYMBG directory (.DXF).

  • BLOCK NAME: The block names for the symbols in the SECSYMBA & SECSYMBG directories. NOTE: Some block names have been updated to improve recognition but remain no longer than 8 characters to conform to historic file name restrictions.

  • DESCRIPTION: The header shows the typical application of the left superscript (#), right superscript (M), and right subscript (T) attributes, and lists typical superscript values for M. The # and M attributes are common to all symbols. The T attributes are different for each symbol and suggested values for T are shown in the row for that symbol with * indicating a reference to an equipment table or similar.

Text in SYMBLIST is in the AutoCAD font "Bold"; if your CAD program defaults to another font, text may spread across column boundaries.

The symbols in the list are not in block format. If your CAD program cannot manipulate symbols as blocks, SYMBLIST should be used to select and copy individual symbols directly onto your drawings, or to create a symbol library in a format suitable to your CAD program.

    1. \SECSYMBA and \SECSYMBG Directories

\SECSYMBA and \SECSYMBG each contain the block files for the individual security symbols. The block file names are those found in the “Block Name” column in SYMBLIST.

\SECSYMBA and \SECSYMBG each contain the same blocks; in \SECSYMBA, the symbols are in AutoCAD R 2007 .DWG format and, in \SECSYMBG, the symbols are in the generic .DXF format.
Each of the two directories also contains a file ALL-SYMB. This is a single landscape oriented sheet that shows all of the symbols with block and device names for use as a reference.
Refer to your CAD program manual for instructions on importing .DWG or .DXF files and arranging blocks or libraries.

    1. Visio .VSS

A Visio version of the CAD symbols is provided as part of this standard. These images can be used in Visio or other software programs that can import and use the .VSS format.

    1. JPEG

A JPEG image of each symbol is provided to allow easy cut and paste of the SIA CAD symbols into any compatible document.

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