Atlanta ncma chapter [program year] Annual Operating Plan

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Annual Operating Plan

The Annual Operating Plan (AOP) provides the activities, goals and objectives of the Atlanta Chapter for [Program Year]. The goals and responsibilities for each chapter officer are outlined below.

1. President’s Goals
The Chapter President is the chief executive officer of the Chapter and chairs all Chapter Executive Assembly and Chapter general membership meetings.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit **

Preside Over Summer Planning Meeting

Ensure Chapter Financial Report is submitted

Gain management support for NCMA

Ensure Chapter Audit of Financial Records is performed

Approve Annual Operating Plan

Approve Long Range Plan

Approve Annual Operating Budget

Approve Membership Retention Plan

Send Board Meeting Agenda

Preside Over Chapter Executive Assembly Meetings

Check Chapter Email

Preside Over Chapter General Membership Meetings

Prepare President’s Message For Inclusion In Chapter Newsletters

Provide Inputs to Chapter Newsletters

Review Draft Newsletter

Forward Chapter Events Information to Other Georgia and area Chapters

Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference **

Present a Summary of the Year’s Activities at the June General Membership Dinner Meeting

Transfer President’s Files to Next Year’s Chapter President

Prepare NCMA Annual Report

2. Vice President / President Elect Goals
The President Elect assists the President and coordinates the functions of the four junior vice-presidents. The Chapter President elect follows the Chapter President in the line of Chapter Authority. In the absence or incapacity of the Chapter President, the Chapter President Elect shall assume the authority, duties and responsibilities of the President.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit **

Attend Summer Planning Meeting

Present Chairperson Reports at Chapter Board Meetings

Attend Chapter General Membership Meetings

Newsletter Input (Chair Inputs – Nominations, Awards, Membership Data, Anniversaries, Event Announcements)

Coordinate Joint Dinner Meetings With Other Professional Organizations

Host Spring Educational Conference

Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference **

Transfer President Elect Files to Next Year’s –President Elect

3. Secretary’s Goals
The Chapter Secretary maintains the official records of all Chapter activities and property, except for financial affairs. The Secretary acts as the official recorder for the Atlanta Chapter and publishes and distributes minutes of the Executive Council monthly meetings. The Chapter Secretary follows the Vice-President of Programs in the line of Chapter authority.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit**

Attend Summer Planning Meeting

Submit Roster of Chapter Officers to National

Present Previous Month’s Meeting Minutes at Chapter Board Meetings

Attend Chapter General Membership Meetings

E-mail Executive Board Meeting Minutes to Board Members

Provide Inputs to Chapter Newsletter

Update Chapter Website

Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference

Transfer Secretary’s Files to Next Year’s Secretary

4. Treasurer’s Goals
The Treasurer is responsible for effectively managing and maintaining accurate records of the Chapter’s finances. The Chapter Treasurer follows the Chapter Secretary in the line of Chapter authority.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit**

Attend Summer Planning Meeting

Prepare the Chapter Annual Operating Budget

Present Financial Reports at Chapter Board Meetings

Attend Chapter General Membership Meetings

Pay all Chapter Bills

Monitor Receipt of all Chapter Income and Monitor Deposit it in the Chapter’s Financial Account(s)

Prepare and track Chapter

accounting functions in Quicken

Check and Manage P.O. Box

Provide Inputs to Chapter Newsletter

Attend East Coast Mid-Year Leadership **

Submit Financial Records to Auditor

Transfer Treasurer’s Files to Next Year’s Treasurer

Prepare and Submit Chapter Financial Report

5. Membership Chair Goals
The Membership Chair recruits new members for membership in the Association, encourages membership renewal, and ensures membership benefits are delivered to Chapter members.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit**

Attend Summer Planning Meeting

Present Officer/Chairperson Reports at Chapter Executive Assembly Meetings

Attend Chapter general membership dinner meetings

Provide Current Membership Status Report at Chapter Executive Assembly Meetings

Maintain Electronic Mailing List of Chapter Members

Submit Fellows applications to National

Update Membership Directory on Chapter Webpage

Maintain Attendance Records for Chapter Meetings

Newsletter Input to Vice President (New Members, Anniversaries, Announcements)

Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference**

Host Fellows Recognition Night

Submit a Report Summarizing the Year’s Membership Activities to Chapter President

Conduct Member Recognition /Awards Ceremony at June General Membership Meeting

Transfer Files and Petty Cash Fund to Next Year’s Officer and Chairpersons

6. Education Chair Goals
The Education Chair develops and presents Chapter education programs to facilitate the professional growth of Chapter members. The focus is on fostering professional development through national and chapter sponsored training programs and encouraging professional certification. The Education Chair is assisted by the following committees: Certification, Education, National Education Seminar, Scholarship, and Spring Education Conference.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit**

Attend Summer Planning Meeting

Present Officer/Chairperson Reports at Chapter Executive Assembly Meetings

Attend Chapter General Membership Dinner Meetings

Newsletter Input to Vice President (Certification Info, Study Groups, Announcements)

Prepare and Distribute National Educational Seminar Flyer

Determine Spring Education Conference (SEC) Topic(s)

Prepare and Distribute SEC Flyer

Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference**

Host the Winter Education Conference

Prepare and Distribute Scholarship Application Forms

Host National Educational Seminar

Host Certification Workshop

Evaluate Scholarship Applications

Submit a Report Summarizing the Year’s Educational Activities to Chapter President

Present Scholarship Award(s) at June’s General Membership Dinner Meeting

Transfer Files to Next Year’s Officer and Chairpersons

7. Programs Chair Goals
The Programs Chair plans informative programs designed to assist Chapter members in their professional development through presentations at monthly meetings/workshops; outreach activities; employment opportunity services; and program fund raisers. The focus is to enhance and promote programs to serve the needs of a diverse membership.


Action Date


Attend NCMA Leadership Summit**

Attend Summer Planning Meeting

Present Officer/Chairperson Reports at Chapter Executive Assembly Meetings

Attend Chapter General Membership Dinner Meetings

Establish Contract With Venues for Chapter Functions

Recruit Speakers/Workshop Presenters

Provide Biographies of Speakers and Workshop Presenters for Chapter Newsletter and Webpage

Introduce Speakers/Workshop Presenters at Chapter Meetings/Workshops

Provide Speaker Gifts for Chapter Meetings

Conduct Outreach Workshop

Maintain Attendance Records for Chapter Workshops

Newsletter Input to Vice President (Upcoming Events)

Attend Mid-Year Leadership Conference**

Submit a Report Summarizing the Year’s Program Activities to Chapter President

Hold Audio Seminars

Transfer Files to Next Year’s Officer and Chairpersons

8. Communications Chair
The Communication Chair is responsible for providing information on the Chapter to promote events and encourage interest in the Chapter and the Contracting Profession.


Action Date


Post Current List of Chapter Officers and Chairpersons to Chapter Webpage

Solicit Inputs for Chapter Newsletter

Submit Draft Newsletter to President for Review

Publish and Distribute Chapter Newsletter

Post Chapter Newsletters to Chapter Webpage

Email General Meeting Reminder

Maintain Current List of Chapter Events on Chapter Webpage

Submit Chapter Event Photos to National

Advertise Chapter Events in Local Publications

Transfer Files to Next Year’s Officer and Chairpersons

9. Nominations and Elections Chair
The Nominations and Elections Chair is responsible for ensuring that the evaluation and voting review process for NCMA Chapter Officers.


Action Date


Newsletter Input to Vice President (Nominations and Awards Announcements)

Solicit Nominations for Chapter Awards Program at March Board Meeting

Present Slate of Award Nominees at April Board Meeting

Announce Chapter is Seeking Nominations for Next Year’s Chapter Officers in Newsletter and on Webpage

Announce Chapter is Seeking Nominations for Next Year’s Chapter Officers at March General Membership Dinner Meeting

Present the Slate of Nominees for Next Year’s Chapter Officers at April General Membership Dinner Meeting

Conduct Election of Next Year’s Officers at May General Membership Dinner Meeting

Transfer Files to Next Year’s Officer and Chairpersons

10. Employment and Industry Chair
The Employment and Industry Chair serves the Chapter membership and the local economy by maintaining employment and industry information service and job postings.


Action Date


Develops and implements programs related to workforce development

Works with local universities with procurement programs to encourage students to become active in NCMA, and to assist them in forming student chapters

Works with government, industry, academia, and other workforce development organizations to promote the contract management profession

Newsletter Input to Vice President (Job Openings and Announcements)

Advertise Job Opportunities in Chapter Newsletter and on Webpage

Transfer Files to Next Year’s Officer and Chairpersons

** Optional

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