Atlantic Coast Conference Spring Assembly Minutes April 26, 2014, 9: 00 a m. to 3: 15 p m. North Baltimore Mennonite Church

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Atlantic Coast Conference Spring Assembly Minutes

April 26, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

North Baltimore Mennonite Church
In attendance: 82 delegates, approximately 127 in attendance

Staff: Warren Tyson, Merv Stoltzfus, Sandra Perez, Sonni Carrion, Njoki Njoroge, Lois Ann Mast, Brook Musselman

  1. Opening welcome by John Denlinger, ACC Moderator, Warren Tyson, ACC Executive Conference Minister, and Dave Greiser, Pastor of North Baltimore Mennonite Church.

    1. John shared that the focus of the day would be on working, talking and sharing together, shaped by God’s spirit.

    2. Warren commented on the high interest in the day’s assembly resulting in a filled hall, with attendees from as far as Great Britain joining us. He reflected on God’s presence in the gathering and admonished all to watch for God moments: moments that surprise us and that we wish not to forget.

    3. Dave welcomed all to Baltimore and gave directions and announcements for the day.

  1. Worship led by Matt Eshleman (North Baltimore) and accompanied by Marilyn Henderson (Hebron), with scripture reading and reflection from Dave Greiser.

    1. Hymnal Worship Book #41 Come thou mighty kingdom

    2. HWB #285 All hail the power of Jesus’ name

    3. Sing the Story #92 Sing with all the Saints in Glory

    4. Dave read 2 Corinth 4:6-7 and spoke about God’s light being present while we gather with mixed feelings and prepare to walk a new path through a process of discernment, as Christians have done for centuries. We gather in the wake of past disciples who apply the truth of old scriptures into a new world with new and challenging problems. We call on the Lord to guide us and make our church a faithful sign of His presence in this world.

    5. HWB #425 Come, come ye Saints

    6. Offering received by Chad Martin, Assistant Moderator and Ruth Ann Martin (Forest Hills) with John Denlinger offering a prayer of blessing over the offering.

  1. Conference Reporting and Action Items

    1. Presentation of the Fall Assembly 2013 Minutes, John Denlinger

      1. ACTION I: Motion to receive Fall Assembly 2013 minutes as presented, by Franz St. Iago-Peretz (Hopewell), second by Robert Petersheim (Conestoga).

    2. Executive Committee Summary Highlights of Actions report, with certain points of interest highlighted, Warren Tyson

      1. On the recommendation of the Gifts Discernment Committee, Redeat Abebe (Hiwet Legeta) has been appointed to complete Lisa White’s unexpired term as a member of the Executive Committee

      2. Tabor Community Services and New Person Ministries have been approved as conference-related ministries of ACC

      3. The transfer of the Ocean City property deed from ACC to CrossWay Church was completed.

      4. The approved Conflict of Interest Disclosure policy for all Executive Committee members has become part of the ACC Personnel, Policy and Procedure Manual.

      5. The implementation of a travel pool for conference wide credentialed leaders’ gatherings has been approved. This fund would equalize travel expenses for ACC credentialed ministers called on to come together for items of conference discernment.

    3. Gifts Discernment Committee: 2014 Leadership Solicitation, Warren Tyson

      1. Chad Martin will complete a one-year term in order to stagger the moderator and moderator-elect terms. He will be eligible for a two-year term as Assistant Conference Moderator

      2. Redeat Abebe and Jon Carlson are each eligible for a second term on the Executive Committee as additional members

      3. Nominations for additional names for the roles named above as well as other offices to be voted on in the fall assembly may be presented to John Weber, chair of the GDC (Akron)

    4. Finance & Stewardship Committee: Presentation of 2014-2015 Budget, Ken Martin Treasurer

      1. Ken stated his acceptance of the June 30, 2014 to July 1, 2015 budget proposal. Thank you to finance committee (Ken Herr, chair) for coming up with new budget and to all churches for their continued financial support of ACC.

      2. Merv Horst (Manhattan), How do congregations know what to give?

        1. Warren Tyson: Requested amount is $75 per member but we thank those who give far beyond that request.

        2. Ken Herr noted that expected congregational pledge amounts for each year should be submitted to the finance committee each January in order to create an approximated budget for the year.

      3. ACTION II: Motion to approve the 2014-2015 ACC budget by Ken Martin (Forest Hills) second by Jim Ralph (Ark Bible).

    5. 2014 Bible Quizzing Report, Jacob Dunst and Kendra Gilbert (Zion), Adam Fellenbaum (Ridgeview), Merv Stoltzfus (Conference Minister/Youth). Julie Dunst (Zion) interviewed each participant.

      1. Merv’s highlights included seeing 125 first time quizzers in 2014, knowing that scripture impacts and sticks with kids beyond the competition, seeing God at work through the weekly events.

      2. Adam, a fifth year quizzer, enjoyed competing on a smaller team and getting to know his teammates from the Jr. Youth Group, favorite quizzing passage was Exodus 4:11-12.

      3. Kendra, a first year quizzer, loved the freedom to study God’s love letter, inside jokes shared with her team, favorite quizzing passage was Exodus 3.

      4. Jacob, a first year quizzer, always wanted to quiz after seeing brother involved, enjoyed time with team hacky sacking, favorite scripture was memorizing and reciting the 12 sons of Jacob.

    6. ACC Resource Advocate Report, Lois Ann Mast (Conestoga)

      1. MennoMedia has a new program for grades 3-8 titled Shine coming out in the Fall

      2. Each church is invited to explore GAMEO: Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, an online Mennonite history. The goal is for every ACC congregation to contribute to GAMEO by providing relevant info.

    7. Constituency Leaders Council Report, John Denlinger, Warrant Tyson, Jane Hoober Peifer

      1. John recounted the three days at Bethel College in Kansas where the 21 conference moderators and ministers met to discuss who we are and where we’re going as an MC USA body. His highlight was hearing Mountain States Conference representatives share their story and reflections as well as their humbly admitted missteps. Ervin Stutzman, MC USA Executive Director, also admitted missteps taken by the denomination. John shared that he appreciated each party owning mistakes and the unity that resulted from such humility.

      2. Warren discussed how we relate as conferences to enable unity. Each conference is guided by the MC USA ministerial leadership polity manual and confession of faith but churches make decisions about membership on a local level. Each conference decides which churches can be members and MC USA decides what conferences will be included, invited or released from membership. At the Kansas meeting, Ervin Stutzman mentioned that the temptation is often to let higher ups make decisions and to disengage at the local level. Warren called all churches to be respectful of member churches, understanding that although we may differ in how we live out our faith, we are members of a common faith community.

      3. Jane shared that because of semi-annual meetings of three days each, the Constituency Leaders Council members have strong relationships in place which allows for more heartfelt and honest discussions about differing understandings of human sexuality. As a result of strong relationships and the practice of extended silence in the recent meeting, participants heard God in the voices of their colleagues and realized their appreciation of the community of faith that makes up the Church.

  1. Facilitation Team Introduction, Julie Dunst, Nancy Sauder, Jon Carlson

    1. Julie gave background on the Facilitation Team consisting of Nancy Sauder (Neffsville), Rikki Godshall (Neffsville), Jon Carlson (Oley Valley), Bruce Bradshaw (Boston), Merv Horst (Manhattan), Bob Petersheim (Conestoga), Rolando Santiago (Neffsville), Rosemary Shenk (Bethel), Franz Santiago (Hopewell), Jared Stoltzfus (Forest Hills): it formed at the Fall 2013 Assembly with the charge of facilitating a time of scriptural reflection, story sharing, and exploration of how we relate as an affiliation of churches.

    2. Nancy thanked all participants for their thoughtful sharing of written expectations at registration. Common themes:

      1. Expected that a variety of views be shared, mutual respect be given, God’s spirit be present and love be expressed.

      2. Fears of rigidity, talking past one another, exacerbating any rift, taking of the broad road, not being respected, narrowness in thought, and focusing on grace not biblical points

      3. Hope for new insight, unification, revelation of next steps, ability to listen, learn, love, and agree to disagree

    3. The purpose of the facilitation session is to build relationships and understanding through the sharing of perspectives and fostering greater understanding about different issues, not about winning. The process should build trust and open new perspectives that will lead to action.

    4. Jon closed the initial session with directions and a call to engage more deeply with scripture together as a conference and to contribute each individual perspective and unique approach that a fuller, richer vision of God may be formed.

NOTE: The Assembly convened across the street at St David’s Episcopal Church for delegate sessions the balance of the day due to limited space at North Baltimore Mennonite and the size of assembly.

  1. Facilitation Team Activity

    1. After a time of silence to read and reflect on the selected Bible passages, Julie Dunst opened the activity with prayer. Participants were then invited to answer a series of questions to help reflect on the chosen scripture.

    2. Scripture selected for reflection: Romans 1:22-2:1, Colossians 3:12-17, Psalm 139:23-24, Isaiah 56:4-5, James 1:19-20, Genesis 2:24-25, Romans 14:13-18,22, John 8:10-11, 1 Corinthians 11:4-6, Ephesians 4:1-3.

    3. After a time of sharing among table members using the 2-4-8 groups facilitation tool, a representative from each group presented a chosen theme or reflection with the group.

      1. The Mennonite Church has weathered many storms by agreeing and disagreeing with respect, humility, gentleness, and patience. Interactions with one another are practiced through the lens of Jesus’ commandment to love one another as God loves.

      2. God cares for both the husband/wife unit as well as the eunuch.

      3. We must not overlook the personality aspect of God’s wrath in favor of his love, mercy and prosperity.

      4. An understanding of biblical events, cultural norms, and language will lead us to understand scripture better.

      5. God invites and accepts all people who are able to accept his words.

      6. As followers of Christ, we must first look within and know any evil within ourselves. We must go to the cross together and seek restoration as we’re aware of that which needs redemption within us.

      7. If we focus on the issues, we will not promote peace and upbuilding. If we focus on respect, the issues are less important. We acknowledge that we follow the confession of faith and are a community.

      8. Walking with Jesus in grace and truth requires change and as we listen and care for others in love, that may require a change in me.

  1. Worship music led by Clair Sauder

HWB # 26 Holy Spirit, come with power

HWB #303 Come, gracious Spirit

HWB #102 To God be the glory

  1. Reservoir Hill House of Peace, Anita Zimmerman, RHHP board chair (North Baltimore)

Anita shared about RHHP and the many functions of the house that North Baltimore took over in 2003 at ACC’s invitation. It serves as a unit of Mennonite Voluntary Service, houses immigrants through the Asylum Seekers Housing Network, welcomes community residents for periods of time, and serves as a base for a youth after school program in the arts. The house and its overseers are currently in a time of transition and discernment after the house leaders recently left.

  1. Howard Good, Mennonite World Conference

Howard shared in place of the North America Representative, Lynn Roth, about the preparations for world conference in Harrisburg, 2015. The theme for the conference with be Walking with God and will hold sessions in the morning and evening with workshops, tours and service projects being held each afternoon. He shared the need for 100 more guest beds in private homes and offered MWC literature to display in area churches.

  1. Brenda Martin Hurst, Pastor of Frazer Mennonite Church

Brenda shared about her congregation’s journey and desire to become a full-member of ACC. Frazer Mennonite is currently an associate member and has been making financial contributions to the conference since 2013. Brenda shared that she appreciates the grace and acceptance she receives at assemblies and enjoys the relationships of both clusters she is a part of. The congregation affirms unity and diversity by sending a member to the Peace and Justice Committee. Fraser serves the community and Chester County Food Bank with the community garden located on their property. The church leadership is open to any further conversation with other churches or groups for dialogue and invites others to visit the congregation.

  1. Afternoon session, Julie Dunst facilitated with assistance from Jon Carlson & Nancy Sauder

    1. Julie introduced the afternoon facilitation as a time to speak to one another, delegate to delegate, with four center chairs for people who want to contribute. The agreements that all participants make with their presence: all affirmations will be kept until the end, the facilitator may cut off a participant or hold a participant for further dialogue, a listener from the speaking circle should speak a response in order to clarify.

    2. Prompt: what does ACC mean to you, what do you want to communicate regarding the current issue, in light of dialogue on human sexuality? Main points shared:

      1. Many charter ACC churches come out of Lancaster Conference where uniformity was expected and formed ACC out of a desire for diversity. The conference never lived in the vision of having a uniform stance on human sexuality, but its members understood that God allows individual congregations to take a stance. All executive committee members for the last 30 years knew about a congregation having a welcoming stance toward same-sex covenants but none perceived that the issue was significant enough to walk away from commitments to each other. Concerning Frazer Mennonite, it would be an immense tragedy for us not to live together.

      2. Some were offended by an unsolicited paper distributed at lunch advocating a stance on non-inclusion. As a community we should pray for Christian understanding and sensitivity on what we believe.

      3. It is necessary to follow biblical principles regarding homosexuality as a sin and that we must respect both the wrathful and loving aspects of God’s character.

      4. Biblical references to homosexuality often deal with issues of rape and abuse, and that we must view scripture with respect to cultural and linguistic differences.

      5. A distinction should be made between homosexual behavior and orientation. As a Christian one should resist certain things that may be contrary to scripture, with homosexual actions being one of those things.

      6. Each point of view demands respect and as members of ACC we all should be able to serve God and practice our faith in the way that we believe best.

      7. Congregations are losing the membership of same-sex supporters because ACC is taking too long to accept them.

      8. An open and affirming stance is biblically based. We need to have a redemptive theology based around this issue as we have around others like remarriage after a divorce takes place

      9. All should acknowledge that each person is sinful and unholy but that Jesus says “I forgive you”, even regarding sexual sin. All are forgiven and part of God’s family.

      10. Many church members with differing perspectives may be lost as a result of ACC embracing Frazer Mennonite.

      11. We come at this issue from different perspectives, using different language. Sin and identity are hard, powerful issues so we must continue to share thoughts, feelings and insights with leaders and let the conversation continue.

  1. Comments on upcoming Frazer Mennonite Membership vote, John Denlinger & Chad Martin

    1. The purpose of today’s conversation was to learn, to share with each other and to understand, not to agree. There will be a vote on reviewing Frazer’s status at the Fall Assembly. The vote will not be a referendum on MC USA or a decision on anything relating to same-sex relationships, only reassessing membership of Frazer Mennonite. The Executive Committee will make a recommendation in a timely manner so that congregations can have a discussion about how to vote.

  1. Communion was shared by intinction through eight servers at four serving stations. Joyce Martin (Zion) provided guitar background music during the communion sharing.

  1. Closing and dismissal at 3:15 p.m.

Recorder: Brook Musselman, conference Coordinator

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