Atlantic Connection…Showcasing the Legacy

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Over the last ten years Atlantic Connection Network members have had opportunities to work collaboratively toward a common goal: to attract, integrate and retain Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs) to the healthcare systems of Atlantic Canada. Conference 2015, “Atlantic Connection…Showcasing the Legacy will celebrate progress towards this goal. The focus will be on progress achieved and the planned and unplanned outcomes, which reach beyond original objectives. Participants will share with colleagues, stories of where they began, where they are now and more importantly, where they are going next! Presentation themes will reflect the five pillars of the Atlantic Integration framework:

Pillar 1: Pre arrival programs and supports for IEHPs

Pillar 2: Assessment and gap analysis programs

Pillar 3: Bridging/gap filling programs

Pillar 4: Workplace integration for the IEHP

Pillar 5: Community Integration for the IEHP and family members

This is not a forum for commercial purposes; there will be no marketing or selling of products or services. Presentations will be for knowledge sharing, display, and interactive discussion purposes only.

Simultaneous interpretation from English to French will be available for all plenary sessions and for breakout sessions offered in Ballroom A. Other breakout sessions and café presentations will be in the language in which the abstract was submitted.

Conference Program

Plenary Session 1 – October 28, 10:00-12:00

Ballroom A

Wow! Together we make a difference!

“Every success, every achievement has to first start with a thought, and thoughts are like seeds in a garden… with nurturing and care they grow into reality!” You will be guided through the importance of acting on your moments of inspiration and to deal with your internal dialogue “little voices” as you go!  A team who embraces “CHANGE” and the “NEW” with thoughts like “…what if we succeed…” instead of the fear of the unknown will always go further and realize they have this incredible power to build something better. Be ready to celebrate the success of your common goal and the difference you made through each step taken to build this amazing legacy that will help attract, integrate and retain Internationally Educated Health Professionals to Atlantic Canada.

With special guest Janice Butler

Janice Butler is an internationally renowned speaker, author of “WOW Your Life!”, and adventurer. Born and raised in Paquetville in the north eastern part of New Brunswick, she then lived in Fredericton, Los Angeles, and Perth, Australia. She now lives in Bear Island, close to Fredericton. Her past experience as an international corporate seminar leader gave her the opportunity to work with thousands of people around the globe in organizations like Fujitsu, The Boeing Company, Air France and the Australian Government. In November 2005, she developed a collection of motivational and inspirational programs that have been thrilling people in workplaces, associations, and groups across North America. They are all positively impacted by her refreshing, entertaining, and uplifting style. You will LEARN, LAUGH, and BE INSPIRED!

Plenary Session 2 – October 29, 11:30-12:15

Ballroom A

We’re Not Done Yet!

In this session we will explore strategies for maintaining and building on the work that has been completed over the past 11 years, focusing on the possibilities and generating ideas for continued co-operation, collaboration, improvement and more successes! Bring your ideas and share your views about the future of the Atlantic Connection Network. We look forward to the discussion!

Concurrent Sessions:

October 28, 1:30-2:15 pm

Ballroom A

Vision Towards a Pan-Canadian Harmonization of IEN Education Credentials

English, Pillar 2-Assessment

Siu Mee Cheng, National Nursing Assessment Services; Ann Mann, NS; Becky Gosbee, PEI; Lynn Power, NFLD.

Objective: Harmonization to assess nursing education credentials for internationally educated nurses (IENs) has been achieved within a pan-Canadian context to support the pathway towards nursing licensure. Partnership: 22 nursing regulatory bodies (RBs) from the three nursing disciplines (registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and psychiatric nurses) among nine provinces comprise the membership of the National Nursing Assessment Services (NNAS), whose mandate is to deliver a single point of entry for IENs in order to assess education credentials to support decision-making on licensure amongst the membership. Design & Methods: Through a collaborative and participative approach, assessment tools and processes were developed that would enable a consistent evaluation of IEN education credentials. The assessment tools are based on evidence that assures equity, fairness and consistency in the assessment for IENs. Results: A shared and common assessment platform exists for all the 22 RBs to determine the education and evaluate the education credentials of IENs, and to inform RBs on the next appropriate licensure step. This has created a consistent approach that is based on a rigourous and structured credentialing evaluation approach irrespective of nursing discipline or jurisdiction. In the past, the pan-Canadian landscape for nursing licensure was described as fragmented. NNAS offers up an easy access point for IENs who are seeking licensure within Canada. For RBs in the Atlantic region, NNAS provides an opportunity to increase efficiency, enhance standardization and establish greater comprehensiveness in this stage of their licensure journey.

To-date, over 6,000 IENs have initiated credentialing assessment with NNAS seeking licensure from amongst the nine provinces, of which over 200 IENs began assessment to practice in eastern Canada. These IENs come from over 133 countries. Conclusions / Implications: NNAS is an innovative expression of collaboration of 22 RBs from three nursing disciplines. This common and standardized approach and degree of collaboration is unique within Canada and amongst all the health professions. It further supports the focus towards protecting patient care through trained and qualified nursing practise.


Working with IEHPs: Partnerships & Innovation, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

English, Pillar 1-Prearrival; Pillar 3-Bridging; Pillar 4-Workplace & Community Integration

Jan Sheppard Kutcher); Mohja Alia; Carol Derby; Beth Vye, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

For many years, partnerships & innovation have been the drivers of our work with IEHPs. With the complex problem of international qualifications recognition (IQR), collaboration is the only way to work for fairness in the system, as well as to help our clients acquire the skills & knowledge they need to move forward with licensure & employment. In addition, our smaller numbers in the Atlantic have inspired innovation and the exploration of new approaches to these complex challenges.

Our presentation will begin by introducing the multi-stakeholder work group project. This collaborative approach to IQR has broken down siloed thinking and is considered a best practice across the country. There are currently six work groups in healthcare fields, each bringing key stakeholders together on a regular basis to identify critical issues & gaps, develop practical solutions & provide ongoing advice.

Part two of the presentation will focus on ISANS bridging programs to support IEHPs in Nova Scotia & beyond, and both pre & post arrival. Our “menu of options” approach includes ground-breaking exam preparation programs for pharmacists, physicians and dentists; as well as supports such as employment counselling, practice interviews & the Career Pathways Loan Fund. Emerging results on national exams suggest this approach to bridging is remarkably effective. Third, we will examine the ISANS communication programs which encompass both language training and workplace culture. The Communications Skills for Internationally Educated Healthcare Professions will be highlighted along with a range of other innovative language programs available in classroom, online and workplace-based formats. Many of these programs are available both pre & post arrival. Our presentation will be as interactive as possible within the given time constraints, and rather than focus on program detail, we will present our IEHP work over the years under the themes of partnerships and innovation.


The Nova Scotia Sector Council Model - Connection, Collaboration, Creativity!

English, Pillars 4 & 5, Workplace & Community Integration

Janet Everest, Executive Director Health Care Human Resource Sector Council; Kelsey MacLeod, Industry Sector Coordinator, Workplace Initiatives Division - Employer supports for Skills, Training and HR Solutions, Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education

Sector councils are industry organizations that address human resource and skills development issues within their respective industry sectors. There are a number of regional and national sector councils, each as unique as the industry sector they serve.

The Nova Scotia Health Care Human Resource Sector Council maintains close ties with health sector stakeholders such as employers, employees, industry organizations, regulatory bodies, educational institutions and government departments and related agencies. These relationships with such a wide base of stakeholders allows the Council on-going access to the expertise, ingenuity and guidance that helps address the human resource issues of the sector. By providing objective focus in occupational and labour market analyses, sustaining collaborative linkages and consulting with employers to understand health human resource challenges, the Council contributes to a viable, well trained health sector workforce through information sharing, training and providing a forum for open discussion between stakeholders.

The Council is a member of the Association of Industry Sector Councils (AISC) which receives funding through the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education (DLAE) Workplace Initiatives Division.

Recognizing the value of the Sector Councils, the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education, in consultation with the Atlantic Industry Sector Councils, funded the Three Year Sector Council Pilot Project which provided outcome based funding to sector councils and sector council like organizations over the three year period 2012-2015. Upon completion of the project, the Department of Labour and Advanced Education undertook a review of the program.

This presentation will

  1. Provide an overview of the sector council model in Nova Scotia

  2. Discuss the Three Year Sector Council Pilot Review findings and next steps for the program

  3. Provide examples of the activities of the Health Care Human Resource Sector Council in Nova Scotia and how the Council contributes to a viable, competent workforce within the Nova Scotia Health sector.


Solutions and Strategies: Integrating and Retaining IEHPs in Communities and Workplaces

English, Pillars 4 & 5, Workplace & Community Integration

Melanie Bailey, Carrie MacLean, PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEI ANC)

The PEI ANC, Internationally Educated Health Professional (IEHP) Project was designed to help integrate and retain IEHP’s. A successful pilot, funded by the Atlantic Population Table in 2010 led to the continuation of this work from 2011-2016, it is funded by Health Canada and overseen by the Atlantic Connection Steering Committee.

While many move to Atlantic Canada for attributes a larger city can’t offer, the process of integration and a true sense of belonging elude many for years. This has contributed to the loss of many good IEHPs and newcomers. Statistics will tell you that communities and workplaces across the Atlantic rely on immigration for population and economic growth. Employers will tell you that IEHPs are needed to fill shortages in our health system. IEHPs do come and they do enrich workplaces with their ideas and talent, but many do not stay.

Retention challenges have plagued PEI. The loss of just one or two Physicians has brought rural communities and specialty services to a standstill, these communities and affected service providers will tell you that they absolutely need to retain IEHPs and they will absolutely do whatever is needed for improved attraction and retention. This is the backdrop under which a movement for increased IEHP attraction, integration and retention was possible. Six years later, this movement has spread across PEI. We will share solutions and strategies with you today, in the work of better settling, integrating and retaining your IEHPs.

A shared desire to see IEHPs and newcomers established in PEI communities has helped the PEI ANC, communities, and workplaces work in partnership on new initiatives (Retention Committees, Municipally-based Services, Navigators, Community Events, Welcome Receptions, Welcome Packages, and Orientations). We have seen first-hand the power of working together to create communities and workplaces that are more welcoming, inclusive, and supportive.

A focus on IEHP retention can reverse trends, improve retention rates, and create wide-spread collaboration and commitment. In doing this, the PEI ANC works with hundreds of people and organizations across PEI. Together we have begun to take ownership over our immigration story and impact the lives of IEHPs across PEI. Join us to find out how you can see improved integration and retention of IEHPs in your community and workplace as well.

October 28, 2:45-3:30 pm

Ballroom A

Learning Together: A innovative Maritime approach to supports for Internationally Educated Nurses

English, Pillar 2-Assessment; Pillar 3-Bridging

Kate Mercer; Ruth Whelan, Registered Nurses Professional Development Centre (RN-PDC); Lynda Finley Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB).

For over a decade, faculty at the Registered Nurses Professional Development Centre (RN-PDC) have promoted successful integration of Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs) into the Canadian health care work force. Initial work centered on preparation of IEHPs to work in the Canadian health care system and to write the national licensure exam. With the success of these initial endeavours, faculty’s work evolved into competency-based assessment and bridging/re-entry education for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs). As the demand for services grew, faculty welcomed the challenge to meet the needs of others in the Maritime region through innovative educational delivery and policy development. Faculty collaborated with government, professional nursing regulatory bodies and settlement agencies embracing a regional approach, with a vision to ensure that the programs meet the needs of IENs while maintaining fiscal responsibility. Together with the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia, the Nurses Association of New Brunswick, and the Association of Registered Nurses of Prince Edward Island the principles of fair-access are upheld. These IEN educational offerings follow national standards, are offered in both official languages, evidence-informed, responsive to the needs of the IEN, regulatory body standards, as well as the ever-changing health care system. This level of commitment requires an ongoing collaboration, communication, and excellence in educational principles. Faculty from the RN-PDC are eager to share their achievements, lessons learned, and future goals in regards to the successful integration of IENs into the Canadian health care workforce.


What a Difference a SART Makes!

English, Pillar 1-Prearrival

Kelly McKnight, Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC); Jane Wojcik, Associate, PMA Workforce Development Solutions (PMA)

In 2016, the Self Assessment Readiness Tool project will conclude with the development and deployment of 21 bilingual SARTs™ for IEHPs.

In the early days of this work, the SARTs™ team could not have predicted the reach of these tools nor their potential impact. Our initial vision was to provide a pre-arrival/ transparent/effective way for an IEHP to determine if they want to immigrate to and practice in Canada. A deceptively simple statement and, of course, not so easily achieved. Our journey has had unexpected outcomes including feedback from educators, guidance counsellors and career advisors who are finding the SARTs™ to be useful for Canadian students and the emerging need for alternative health career information. In many respects, the existence of these tools represents a legacy – what is the ripple effect of this resource? How many have used a SART™ or referred a colleague/friend/family member? We can answer some of those questions but more importantly we want to share our learning and insights – some from formal research and some gained from informal and serendipitous connections. This is a time for celebrating our deep investment in this work – please come and hear our story!


Thinking, and Acting, “Outside the Box” – Programming for IEHPs Pursuing Licensure

English, Pillar 3-Bridging

Amber, Clarke, Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatoon Saskatchewan

Objective: From our beginnings, through lessons learned, we will share our journey with emphasis on what we have learned regarding the non-technical challenges of a pathway to licensure.

Partnerships: Atlantic Connection, Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Economy, The Hope-Centered Research Team: Norman Amundson, University of British Columbia, Spencer Niles, College of William and Mary, Hyung Joon Yoon, Al Akhawayn University, Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISS of BC)

Design and Methods: Our study explored the use of the Hope-Centered model with 18 IEHPs who were attempting to regain their professional status but who seemed to be showing signs of disengagement on their pathway to licensure. Our research looks beyond the technical components of a pathway (language, educational bridging/assessments) to determine how to effect change for immigrants who become disengaged while pursuing licensure. Our use of the Hope Centered Career Inventory (HCCI) and a series of hope-based interventions led to significant results using behavioral indicators.

Results: Targeted, hope-based interventions can strengthen pathway, agency, and goal-directed thinking.

Conclusions: An increase in action-oriented hope, a catalyst for forward movement, is a key determinant of success on a pathway to licensure.

Implications for Practice or Policy: Findings support the use of holistic programming including the affective domain.

Future Directions: Incorporating the Hope-Centered Model into our work with MLTs.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank our participants for allowing us to learn and grow alongside them. We extend our gratitude to Health Canada for the opportunity to be part of the Internationally Educated Health Professional Initiative, and to our partners for their support on this incredible journey.

The Action-Oriented, Hope-Centered Career Development model and the Hope Centered Career Inventory (HCCI) were developed by Spencer Niles, Norm Amundson and Hyung Joon Yoon; presented in the book Essential Elements of Career Counseling (Niles, Amundson & Neault, 2011).


Bridge to Medical Laboratory Technologist

English, Pillar 3: Bridging, Pillar 4: Workplace Integration

Janelle Bourgeois, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Performance/Directrice des ressources humaines et performance organisationelle, Oulton College, Moncton; Paula Steeves, Executive Director , New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (NBSMLT)

The New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologist (NBSMLT) in partnership with College Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) developed a Bridging Program for internationally educated Medical Laboratory Technologist. The development of this program started in 2011 and required support of various stakeholders. The program offers online training, a simulated lab component and a clinical rotation in either French or English. It was among those funded by Health Canada under IEHP Atlantic Connection and also received funding support from the Province of New Brunswick. Where are we now? What have we learned?

October 29, 10:45-11:30 am

Ballroom A

Internationally Educated Nurses’ (IENs) Assessment and Bridging: Newfoundland and Labrador’s Story

English, Pillar 2-Assessment; Pillar 3-Bridging

Siobhainn Lewis, Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador; Denise English, Associate Director (Non-Degree Programs), Centre for Nursing Studies

Objective: To share how partnerships and planning provided a pathway for IEN registration and licensure through the development and piloting of competency based assessment (CBA) and bridging programs.

Partnerships: Health Canada

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)

Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (ARNNL)

Centre for Nursing Studies (CNS), NL

Memorial University

Design and Methods: The development and piloting of a CBA process, the development and implementation of a Bridging Program that aligned with the competencies for entry-level registered nurse practice in NL.


  1. Present the number of IENs advised a CBA was required due to inclusive credentials, referred to the CNS for a CBA, who completed a CBA at the CNS, and who completed the full or partial Bridging Program offered through the CNS.

  2. To present the quantitative and qualitative data of the pilot delivery of the IEN Bridging Program.

Conclusions: In NL, the IEN project was viewed positively by key stakeholders. A critical appraisal of policies, educational methods and best practices from a global context is needed to establish support networks for IENs to optimize their transition to practice.

Implications for Practice or Policy: IENs must meet registration and licensure eligibility as a Registered Nurse in NL, and practice safely, competently, compassionately and ethically in the Canadian context. Continuous ongoing support and education is necessary to ensure IENs integrate successfully into practice environments.

Future Directions: To maintain the pathway of successful integration of IENs into practice in NL. Research is warranted to evaluate the pilot project that currently exists to support IENs in NL. Research is also required to determine how employers orientate and mentor IENs in practice environments. Equally important is research that explores the strengths/challenges that IENs experience during their transition to nursing practice in NL and in Canada.


The Legacy of the Pathway… Success!

English, Pillar 2-Assessment; Pillar 4-Workplace

Kelly McKnight, Nova Scotia Community College; Karen Sigouin; Ann Mann, College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Nova Scotia (CLPNNS)

The collaborative work of the Atlantic Connection from 2005-2010 built the partnerships which created the Pathway to Success Program. This presentation will provide an overview of the Pathway to Success. The Pathway is an award winning program that supports IENs to transition to the role of an LPN in NS. Most of our candidates have been educated as RNs in their country of origin and have limited understanding of the roles and responsibilities of an LPN in NS and/or Canada. We have been funded by the NS Office of Immigration since 2009 to develop and deliver this Pathway which won national recognition in 2014 from the international Qualification Network for Innovation. To date, this work is directly responsible for 125 IENs gaining licensure as LPNs in Nova Scotia. Our data states that 99% of these IENs are employed in NS. Over the past 6 years, the Pathway team has built a legacy of success due in large part to a unique partnership between the LPN regulator (CLPNNS) and the provincial educator (NSCC). Come and hear our success stories!


The Substantial Equivalency Assessment System (SEAS) for Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists - An Exemplary Practice

English, Pillar 2-Assessment

Heather Cutcliffe,PEI Occupational Therapists Registration Board; Gayle Salsman, College of Occupational Therapists of Nova Scotia; Kim Doyle, Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Therapy Board; Catherine Pente, New Brunswick Association of Occupational Therapists

We will take you on the journey of ten regulators, who through a federally funded project led by the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulators (ACOTRO), were able to harmonize registration standards and processes to implement a consistent, fair, objective and transparent approach to the assessment of internationally educated occupational therapists (IEOTs). You will learn about the various tools created and the activities put in place to implement this centrally run assessment process that determines whether the educational qualifications and competencies are "substantially equivalent" to those of a Canadian-educated occupational therapist. Prior to this project, there were significant differences in the way each provincial regulator assessed IEOT applications: for instance, regulators used different language proficiency standards, different external agencies assessing the academic credentials (each with their own set of standards and lenses) and had a different approach to assessing course work. The new SEAS model, implemented May 1st of this year, enhances public protection by ensuring that all registered occupational therapists, regardless of where they choose to work in Canada, are consistently assessed and that those who are deemed equivalent truly meet the minimum level of competencies for safe and ethical practice in Canada. One of the highlights for us as regulators is that the IEOT has the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and what they can do, a much better assessment than a simple pass/fail examination. The former Fairness Commissionaire in Ontario described the new system as an exemplary practice, you may want to join us to hear more details on why.


Nurses from the unknown worlds: Echoing their aspirations, frustrations, rejections, resilience, and expectations

English, Pillar 1-Prearrival; Pillar 2-Assessment; Pillar 3-Bridging; Pillar 4-Workplace; Pillar 5-Community

Damilola Iduye, Graduate Student Nursing, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS

As the Canadian nursing workforce continues to experience a nursing shortage, internationally educated nurses (IENs) have become an important addition to the nursing workforce in most provinces. However, Nova Scotia lacks the contextual understanding of the migration trends and the experiences of IENs as they pass through different stages of nursing registration. Anecdotal reports suggest that most IENs in Nova Scotia are successful in obtaining licences either as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or as a registered nurse (RN). Nevertheless, a gap still exists in understanding what their experiences are in completing their registration and in integrating into the workforce.

The purpose of this presentation is to share the stories of some IENs I interviewed for the Adult Theory course practicum in my first year of graduate studies at the Dalhousie School of Nursing. In addition, the peer support initiative, which I developed as an outcome for the practicum, will be shared at the conference. I will be sharing the stories of IENs who are at various stages of nursing registration using themes, such as their aspirations to migrate to Canada, frustrations in obtaining licence, resilience in overcoming obstacles, rejections and acceptance in the workplace, and their expectations of what needs to be done to facilitate their integration.

Presenting at this conference will provide the opportunity for networking with stakeholders from the four provinces in Atlantic Canada. It will also create a forum for dialogue with stakeholders to broaden their understanding of what IENs go through in obtaining nursing licences and in integrating into the workforce. Having such understanding will help stakeholders including the regulatory bodies, settlement organizations, professional development centres, provincial governments, employers, unit managers, and co-workers to tailor strategies and interventions that will better facilitate the integration of IENs into the provincial nursing workforce.
Café Presentations - October 28, 3:45 – 4:45

Ballroom A

Table 1

Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace Program

English, Pillar 4-Workplace Integration

Crystal-Lynn O'Meara, PEI Health Sector Council; Janet Everest, Health Care Human Resource Sector Council, NS

Program Overview: The Executive Directors of the PEI Health Sector Council (PEIHSC) and Health Care Human Resource Sector Council (HCHRSC) will co-present on the Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace model as a promising strategy for positively impacting the integration and retention of Internationally Educated Health Professionals in our region. The session will be highly interactive with large group exercises associated with the program’s curriculum.


  • Share the Responsive Leadership program journey and success story

  • Inform stakeholders of the Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace model

  • Discuss possible partnership opportunities


Collaboration is a key cornerstone to the Responsive Leadership model, which includes subject matter experts, employers and co-facilitators. Our current partners include:

  • Department of Health & Wellness, Government of PEI

  • Health Care Human Resource Sector Council, N.S.

  • Health PEI

  • PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEIANC)

  • Public Service Commission, Government of PEI


Details will be shared on the:

  • Outcomes of the past deliveries

  • Development of two new programs:

  1. Responsive Leadership for Diverse Community Program (PEIANC)

  2. Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace, Nova Scotia Health and Community Services Sectors (HCHRSC)

  • Presentation made at the 2015 National Metropolis Conference on the Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace model, per an invite from the Ontario Fairness Commissioner

Future Directions:

Please contact the PEI Health Sector Council for additional information on the Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace Program.


A sincere thank you to the IEHP Atlantic Connection for their support with financial contribution from Health Canada in the development and delivery of the Responsive Leadership for a Diverse Workplace Program.

Table 2

YouTube and the Web as an Engagement and Education Medium

English, Pillar 1-Prearrival

John Leahy, immediaC Worldwide Inc.

Over the last ten years immediaC has worked as a partner with the Atlantic Connection and numerous professional colleges to develop and implement a wide variety of programs to help achieve specific objectives in attraction and education of internally educated health professionals.

Objectives of these programs include attraction and education. Using multilingual video and online marketing tools like Search Engine Optimization we have created projects that reach around the world in 10 languages. Technology is a powerful medium that can cost effectively help organization reach their goals. True stories, told in a compelling way, are central to the engagement and effectiveness of online presentations.

Having team members like the CRNNS and Atlantic Connection were crucial to building effective and award winning programs.

Table 3

NSCC Online Learning's Contribution

English, Pillar 2-Assessment, Pillar 3-Bridging, Pillar 4-Workplace

Shelley Hire, Celeste Robicheau Nova Scotia Community College English

This session will explore the contributions of NSCC's Online Learning Department to the development and operation of the SART tools. Topics discussed will include technical development for the programming, working with the subject matter experts and working in two languages.

Table 4

The Navigator - IEHP Community Development Officer (Navigator):

English, Pillar 5-Community

Belinda, Woods, PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada

“I greatly appreciate the guidance and advice provided to me” - IEHP Client, Queens County

The Navigator is responsible for reaching hundreds of community stakeholders and organizations, increasing community engagement in the work of supporting new IEHP residents, and providing leadership in the work of creating “Welcoming Communities”. Within the IEHP Integration and Retention Project, and for any that are seeking increased integration and retention of IEHPs, a Navigator position is highly recommended.

In addition to preparing the community at large, Navigators directly support IEHPs and their families. Navigators provide direct client services, ongoing settlement assistance, and referrals; while helping new families navigate within their new community. Navigators play an integral role in lives of IEHPs. They become the primary service provider, a settlement assistant, a community conduit, an emergency contact, and provide reassurance to new families- they are not alone in navigating the many challenges encountered by settling within a new job, new community, and new country.

For this reason and many more that will be discussed today- it is critical that community-based Navigators are in place in your province. Navigators are certainly the most influential factor behind increased physician retention rates in PEI.

Join us as we explore this position, the role the Navigators play in the lives of IEHPs, the success that have been garnered, and the recommendations that we can provide after five years of experience through Health Canada funding, under the priority: IEHP integration and retention in communities and workplaces.

“We always remember that you are one of the best things we found in this Island” – IEHP Client, Prince County"

Table 5

Workforce Integration Initiatives for Multiple Professions in Newfoundland and Labrador

English, Pillar 3-Bridging; Pillar 4-Workplace Integration

Louise Jones; Norma Baker, Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professionals

Objective: To share the tools and resources developed to support specific IEHPs in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) in obtaining registration.

Partnerships: Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professions (NLCHP), Health Canada, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial University, College of the North Atlantic (CONA).

Design/Methods: Development of a web portal, three online modules (Jurisprudence, Canadian Health Care System, Mentorship), and bridging programs/elements.


  • Web portal launched (

  • Jurisprudence module launched; 6 versions for 6 professions - Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncturists, Audiologists, Dental Hygienists, Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs), Respiratory Therapists (RTs), Speech Language Pathologists

  • The Canadian Health Care System launched; one version to address needs of all professions

  • Mentoring module in development

  • Ongoing building of processes and pathways for registration for MLTs and RTs

Conclusions: Previous IEHP funding and current sharing across jurisdictions has enabled the NLCHP to develop tools and resources to meet the educational needs of specific IEHPs in NL.

Implications for Practice or Policy: NLCHP has limited expertise to evaluate IEHP’s credentials and competency. NLCHP will need to continue to collaborate with CONA and other organizations or jurisdictions to develop and/or maintain necessary tools and resources. The aim of the bridging programs, specifically, is to prepare IEHP’s to successfully pass their national exam, which is a requirement for registration within NL.

Future Directions: All new applicants for registration in the professions regulated by the NLCHP must now complete the Jurisprudence module, regardless if a Canadian or international graduate. The resources developed for MLTs and RTs at CONA will continue to be made available after the life of the project.

Acknowledgements: New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists; the Centre for Nursing Studies, NL; the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS).

Table 6

The BC Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS) - Bringing regulators together to ensure effective and streamlined approaches to IEN assessments

English, Pillar 2-Assessment

Cynthia Johansen, College of Registered Nurses of BC "Concurrent Session

The BC Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS) is the first of its kind in Canada bringing together the BC Colleges of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses and the BC Care Aide and Community Health Worker Registry to collaboratively build a competency-based assessment service across the four professions. The goals of the service are:

  • To enhance BC’s capacity to build and maintain a safe, competent and adequately resourced nursing work force;

  • To provide an accelerated, streamlined approach for Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs) seeking to access opportunities in BC’s health workplace;

  • To help IEHPs integrate into the Canadian workforce by better assessing their understanding of the Canadian health care culture and system of practice;

  • To identify training needed to fill gaps in competencies; and

  • To identify an alternate related profession/role and facilitating a seamless mid-process transfer for which the candidate may have demonstrated suitable competencies.

NCAS has created an integrated service platform on which competency assessments can be delivered. The tools and processes developed through this work can be adopted across jurisdictions with a focus on reinforcing both labour mobility and the equivalency of “ready-to-practice” standards of licensure across Canada. The collaborative governance structure developed to support NCAS will provide the Regulators, Registry and IEHPs with the information needed to complete the evaluation and assessment process in a timely and effective manner.

Schedule at a Glance

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Registration/Information Desk

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

8:00 - 9:30

Registration/Information Desk


Continental Breakfast

9:30 -10:00

Welcome & Introductory Remarks


Plenary Session 1 - Wow! Together We Make a Difference!


Lunch & Exhibits

1:30 -2:15

Concurrent Sessions

2:15 -2:45

Refreshment Break

2:45 - 3:30

Concurrent Sessions

3:45- 4:45

Conversation Cafés

4:45 -5:00

Wrap –Up Day 1


Welcome Reception & Entertainment

Thursday, October 29, 2015

8:00 - 9:30

Registration/Information Desk

8:30 - 9:30

Continental Breakfast

9:30 - 10:30

Panel Presentation - Factors of Success


Refreshment Break

10:45 -11:30

Concurrent Sessions


Plenary Session – We’re not Done Yet!


Concluding Remarks


Box Lunch to Go

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