Atlantic High School Academy of Law and Government Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, November 15, 2010 minutes

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Atlantic High School

Academy of Law and Government

Advisory Committee Meeting

Monday, November 15, 2010
In Attendance: The Honorable Shawn Briese, Circuit Court Judge;

Ron Pagano, Principal, Atlantic High School; Jon Brodie, Port Orange Police Department, Lew Hartman, Atlantic High School Jeremy Ossler, Atlantic High School; Delia Boehm, Atlantic High School; Cindy Moore, Booster Club President; Dr. Cassandra Renzi, Kaiser University

The meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m.
Update on Justice Teaching Program-Judge Briese

Judge Briese welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked all members to introduce themselves. An article was written by a student, teacher, and Advisory Board Member to be published. As well two of our students will be participating in a Law radio show on January 17. Dr. Renzi volunteered to represent the Board on the show.

General Update- Mr. Ossler

There are approximately 102 students enrolled in the academy this year. The freshman and sophomore classes are full. There are only nine students from the junior class who are enrolled this year. The sophomore and freshman classes are very strong academically and they are actively involved in academy projects.

Mr. Pagano and Mr. Ossler expressed concern about changes that have occurred this year with the implementation of the class size amendment. Mr. Pagano explained that all core classes will be limited to 25 students. There is no such limitation on the size of CTE classes. Judge Briese noted his concern about the impact of these changes upon the academy’s Gold Seal Status.

Mr. Ossler discussed the back to school bar-b-q. There were about 100 people who attended. Mr. Pagano suggested that perhaps next year our Advisory Board members can attend to meet the new students and their parents.

Junior and Senior students will travel to Tallahassee this year. Last year the trip included a mock trial exercise at the Supreme Court, observing the Senate in session, and meetings with the Lieutenant Governor, local representatives, and the League of Cities. A similar agenda is planned for the upcoming year.

Mock Trial- Mr. Ossler

Atlantic’s team placed 13th in the state-wide competition last year. The team will practice Tuesday/Thursday 3:00-5:00 from mid-November until the end of March.

Teen Court-Mrs. Boehm

Students new to the program completed their training October 22. Students participate in the program every Tuesday night at the Volusia County Courthouse in Daytona, and Teen Court Atlantic continues to be held the fourth Thursday of each month.


Ron Pagano would like to promote the involvement of academy students in the Tomorrow’s Leaders program sponsored by the Volusia County Schools.

Jon Brodie reported that his agency can provide two more internship placements. He also noted that one student who started working for them during high school is now enrolled in Rookie School and his department will be seriously considering him as an employee at the conclusion of his training. Judge Briese suggested that this be included in our newsletter.

Jeremy Ossler stated that Law Week is being organized. He asked board members to e-mail suggestions and availability to speak. We are working with Judge Orfinger of the 5th DCA to schedule a session of oral arguments at Atlantic. .

Judge Briese inquired about connections that exist between Atlantic and universities for college credits. Mr. Pagano noted that dual enrollment at DBCC is possible, but again, there are challenges that may be presented by the adoption of the seven period day next year. Judge Briese also asked that we obtain information about the Lou Frey Institute.

Additionally, Judge Briese requested some follow up information about an Alumni Association. Jeremy Ossler volunteered to chair a subcommittee that will move forward with this project.

The next meeting of the Advisory Board will be March 10, 2011 at 6:00 p.m in the Atlantic High School Courtroom.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

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