August 2013 uestions for discussion

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Episode 21

6th August 2013

uestions for discussion

Egypt Trouble

  1. What do you know about ancient Egypt?

  2. What is ancient Egypt famous for?

  3. Where in the world is Egypt? Find using Google Maps.

    1. Asia

    2. Middle East

    3. Europe

  4. As a class discuss the current political problems happening in Egypt?

  5. How would you describe the current situation in Egypt?

  6. Why are the young people in Egypt protesting?

  7. What is a dictator?

  8. Egypt’s army is the biggest in the Middle East and the oldest in the world. True or false?

  9. Imagine what life is like for kids growing up in Egypt. How is it similar or different to growing up in Australia?

  10. The Egypt Trouble story was an example of a...

    1. Procedure

    2. Argument

    3. Report

Check out BtN’s Egypt Trouble teacher resource. Students will develop their historical knowledge and understanding of ancient Egypt.

Smacking Ban

  1. What happens to you if you do the wrong thing at home?

  2. What is smacking technically called?

  3. It’s been said that in the 1950s around 99% of families used some form of corporal punishment in the home. True or false?

  4. What percentage of Australian families say occasional smacking is ok?

    1. 6.9%

    2. 69%

    3. 96%

  5. Why do you think the rate of smacking has dropped over time?

  6. Name one country where smacking is illegal.

  7. Who has come out saying that they want smacking banned?

  8. Why do they want to ban smacking?

  9. Why is smacking a controversial topic?

  10. What do you think? Head to the BtN website and have your say in the online poll.

Should smacking children be banned? Have your say in the BtN online poll. To vote head to the BtN website

War Games

  1. What are war games?

  2. What was the name of the mission featured in the BtN story?

  3. Who is the Australian Defence Force partnering with in the war games?

  4. How often are the war games held?

  5. Describe what happens during war games.

  6. Troops can stay in trenches for up to 72 hours. True or false?

  7. One of the Australian ships involved in the exercise is called...

    1. HMAS Choules

    2. HMAS Sapphire

    3. HMAS Albatross

  8. Why are some people against war games?

  9. How did the recent war games impact on the environment?

  10. List some advantages and disadvantages of war games.

Test your knowledge in the War Games quiz. Go to the BtN website and follow the links.

Citizen Science

  1. Describe the scientific study featured in the BtN Citizen Science story?

  2. Before European settlers arrived in Australia koalas only lived in Darwin. True or false?

  3. What do koalas eat?

  4. Why is it important to find out more about South Australia’s koalas?

  5. What has happened to koala populations in the eastern states of Australia?

  6. Describe how school kids helped with the koala count project.

  7. How was the data recorded?

  8. What is citizen science?

  9. What other sorts of citizen science research can people get involved in?

  10. Would you like to participate in citizen science research? Why or why not?

Check out BtN’s Citizen Science teacher resource. Students will find out about the advantages and how they can become involved in citizen science research.

Snooker Kid

  1. What do you know about snooker?

  2. In what age groups did Arthur recently win a snooker title?

  3. How old was Arthur when he first starting playing snooker?

  4. Arthur has a snooker scholarship. True or false?

  5. In what country was snooker created?

    1. England

    2. India

    3. Russia

  6. Describe the rules of snooker.

  7. What colours do snooker balls come in?

  8. Where did Arthur travel to, to compete in the Under 21 World Snooker Championships?

  9. What skills do you need to be a successful snooker player?

  10. What is Arthur’s ambition?

Send a message to Arthur in the Snooker Kid story. Visit the Snooker Kid story page and leave your comment.

Episode 21

6th August 2013


Egypt Trouble
Key Learning

Students will develop their historical knowledge and understanding of ancient Egypt. Students will identify a range of questions about the past to inform historical inquiry on ancient Egypt.

The Australian Curriculum

History / Historical Knowledge and Understanding / Depth Studies / The Mediterranean world / Egypt

The physical features of ancient Egypt (such as the River Nile) and how they influenced the civilisation that developed there (ACDSEH002)

Roles of key groups in ancient Egyptian society (such as the nobility, bureaucracy, women, slaves), including the influence of law and religion(ACDSEH032)

The significant beliefs, values and practices of the ancient Egyptians, with a particular emphasis on ONE of the following areas: everyday life, warfare, or death and funerary customs (ACDSEH033)

History / Historical Knowledge and Understanding / Depth Studies / The Mediterranean world / Egypt

Contacts and conflicts within and/or with other societies, resulting in developments such as the conquest of other lands, the expansion of trade, and peace treaties (ACDSEH034)

The role of a significant individual in ancient Egyptian history such as Hatshepsut or Rameses II(ACDSEH129)

History / Historical Skills / Historical questions and research

Identify a range of questions about the past to inform a historical inquiry (ACHHS207)

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you know about ancient Egypt?

  2. What is ancient Egypt famous for?

  3. Where in the world is Egypt? Find using Google Maps.

    1. Asia

    2. Middle East

    3. Europe

  4. As a class discuss the current political problems happening in Egypt?

  5. How would you describe the current situation in Egypt?

  6. Why are the young people in Egypt protesting?

  7. What is a dictator?

  8. Egypt’s army is the biggest in the Middle East and the oldest in the world. True or false?

  9. Imagine what life is like for kids growing up in Egypt. How is it similar or different to growing up in Australia?

  10. The Egypt Trouble story was an example of a...

    1. Procedure

    2. Argument

    3. Report


The ancient past

Develop inquiry questions into the ancient past of Egypt

  • Ask students to look at the newspaper headline about the discovery of the oldest pharaoh rock art in Egypt.

  • Provide students with some time to think about and discuss the topic with a partner or in small groups.

  • Ask what they think the topic might be about and what they would like to find out.

  • Students can work in groups or pairs to brainstorm and write down key ideas, then regroup to summarise ideas as a whole class.

  • HHhhloccccagHelp students develop their own inquiry questions to structure their investigation. Refer to the AC History Units Inquiry Process for step-by-step assistance.

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