Automated identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms from sequencing data

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Automated identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms from sequencing data
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Visualization techniques for genomic data
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A Kohonen self-organizing map for the functional classification of proteins based on one-dimensional sequence information
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A framework towards efficient and effective sequence clustering
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A hydrophobicity based neural network method for predicting transmembrane segments in protein sequences
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Phylogenetic tree reconstruction using self-adaptive genetic algorithm
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Implementation of a parallel processing system for inference of phylogenetic trees
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Computers are from Mars, organisms are from Venus
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A comparative study of genetic sequence classification algorithms
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Fuzzy sequence pattern matching in zinc finger domain proteins
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A neural-fuzzy system for the protein folding problem
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Fuzzy molecular modeling
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Using fuzzy logic and a hybrid genetic algorithm for metabolic modeling
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Biochemical metabolic modeling using fuzzy concepts
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Simulation of the human glucose metabolism using fuzzy arithmetic
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Creating metabolic and regulatory network models using fuzzy cognitive maps
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A deformable template model based on fuzzy alignment algorithm
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The hardware implementation of a genetic algortihm model with FPGA

Tu Lei; Ming-cheng Zhu; Jing-xia Wang;

Field-Programmable Technology, 2002. (FPT). Proceedings. 2002 IEEE International Conference on , 2002

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FPGA implementation of four-step genetic search algorithm

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Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 1999. Proceedings of ICECS '99. The 6th IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 2 , 5-8 Sep 1999

Page(s): 1143 -1146 vol.2


Genetic programming in FPGA implementation of addition as a part of the convolution

Jamro, E.; Wiatr, K.;

Digital Systems, Design, 2001. Proceedings. Euromicro Symposium on , 2001

Page(s): 466 -473


A hydrophobicity based neural network method for predicting transmembrane segments in protein sequences

Zhongqiang Chen; Qi Liu; Yisheng Zhu; Yixue Li; Yuhong Xu;

Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2001. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE , Volume: 3 , 2001

Page(s): 2899 -2902

A Kohonen self-organizing map for the functional classification of proteins based on one-dimensional sequence information

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Classification and function estimation of protein by using data compression and genetic algorithms

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@techreport{ krogh93hidden,

author = "Anders Krogh and Michael Brown and I. Saira Mian and Kimmen Sjolander and David Haussler",


number = "UCSC-CRL-93-32",

year = "1993",

url = "" } 05/12/02

@techreport{ krogh94hidden,

author = "Anders Krogh and I. Saira Mian and David Haussler",

title = "A {HIDDEN} {MARKOV} {MODEL} {THAT} {FINDS} {GENES} {IN} {E}. {COLI} {DNA}",

number = "UCSC-CRL-93-33",

year = "1994",

url = "" } 05/12/02

@article{ hughey96hidden,

author = "R. Hughey and A. Krogh",

title = "Hidden Markov models for sequence analysis: extension and analysis of basic method.",

journal = "Comp. Appl. BioSci",

volume = "12",

number = "2",

pages = "95--108",

year = "1996",

url = "" } 05/12/02

@misc{ grundy97metameme,

author = "W. Grundy and T. Bailey and C. Elkan and M. Baker",

title = "MetaMEME: Motif-based hidden Markov models of protein families",

text = "Grundy, W. N., T. L. Bailey, C. P. Elkan and M. E. Baker. MetaMEME: Motif-based

hidden Markov models of protein families. CABIOS, 1997. To appear. Grundy,

W. N., T. L. Bailey, C. P. Elkan and M. E. Baker. Hidden Markov model analysis

of motifs in steroid dehydrogenases and their homologs. BBRC, 231(3):760-766,


year = "1997",

url = "" } 05/12/02

@misc{ grundy-hidden,

author = "William N Grundy and Timothy L Bailey and Charles P Elkan and Michael E


title = "Hidden Markov Model Analysis of Motifs in Steroid Dehydrogenases and their


url = "" } 05/12/02

@misc{ karplus98hidden,

author = "K. Karplus and C. Barrett and R. Hughey",

title = "Hidden markov models for detecting remote protein homologies",

text = "Kevin Karplus, Christian Barrett, and Richard Hughey. Hidden markov models

for detecting remote protein homologies. Bioinformatics, 14(10):846--856,


year = "1998",

url = "" } 05/12/02

@inproceedings{ haussler93protein,

author = "David Haussler and Andrews Krogh and I. Saira Mian and Kimmen Sjolander",

title = "Protein Modeling using Hidden {M}arkov Models: Analysis of Globins",

booktitle = "Proceedings of the 26th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences",

publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press",

address = "Honolulu",

pages = "792--802",

year = "1993",


The hardware implementation of a genetic algortihm model with FPGA

Tu Lei; Ming-cheng Zhu; Jing-xia Wang;

Field-Programmable Technology, 2002. (FPT). Proceedings. 2002 IEEE International Conference on , 2002

Page(s): 374 -377


FPGA implementation of four-step genetic search algorithm

So, M.F.; Wu, A.;

Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 1999. Proceedings of ICECS '99. The 6th IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 2 , 5-8 Sep 1999

Page(s): 1143 -1146 vol.2


Genetic programming in FPGA implementation of addition as a part of the convolution

Jamro, E.; Wiatr, K.;

Digital Systems, Design, 2001. Proceedings. Euromicro Symposium on , 2001

Page(s): 466 -473
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