Barbara j. Bono

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210 Crescent Avenue Department of English

Buffalo, N.Y. 14214 The University at Buffalo

(716) 834-7880 Buffalo, N.Y. 14260 (716) 645-0713


October 2016

1970-78: Ph.D., Brown University, English Literature.

Thesis: Renaissance Transvaluation: From Vergilian Epic to Shakespearean Heroic Drama.

1966-70: A.B., Thomas More College of Fordham University, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.
2010-2016: Director, UB Undergraduate Academy, Civic Engagement

2003 on: Affiliate member, Department of History, The University at Buffalo

1996: Faculty member, NEH summer Teaching Shakespeare Institute,

The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.

1986 on: Associate Professor, Department of English, The University at Buffalo.

        • Study leave, spring 2007, spent as guest of the Folger Shakespeare Library ;

        • Sabbatical, spring 1998, spent as guest of The Tanner Humanities Center, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT;

        • Sabbatical, fall 1990-spring 1991, spent as guest of The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.

1984-86: Assistant Professor, Department of English, The University at Buffalo

1983-84: Mellon Fellow, Harvard University

1982-83: Junior Fellow, Cornell University Society for the Humanities

1978-82: Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

1975-77: Instructor, Department of English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

1972-75: Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Brown University

2016-17: Participant, Teaching Medieval Drama and Performance,” Yearlong

Colloquium, The Folger Institute ($2,124 individual grant-in-aid)

2016: President Emeritus and Mrs. Martin Meyerson Award for Distinguished

Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring

2015-6: Major UB Humanities Institute Conference Funding ($20,000), plus about

$8,000 from other sources to fund a three-part commemorative year conference on “Object and Adaptation: The Worlds of Shakespeare and Cervantes,” as well as other public humanities events in the year-long “Bvffalo Bard 2016: 400 Years Since Shakespeare”

2014: Co-author and PI, UB President’s Circle Proposal, Field-Based Experiential Learning Experience for Living Learning Communities at the University at Buffalo: ReTree the District ($50,000, not awarded)

2002: Education Technology Center Faculty Summer Workshop

2001-02: Milton Plesur Undergraduate Student Association Award for Excellence in Teaching

2000: One-time SUNY Mission Review Grant of $118,000 to enhance entering graduate student stipends for F2001

2000: Co-proposer (with Professor Claire Kahane), SUNY Conferences in the Disciplines grant of $2,500 in support of November 2000 UB English Department conference on “The Holocaust: Trauma, Memory, and Representation”

1995-97: Co-chair (with Associate Vice-Provost for University Services Carole Smith Petro and Distinguished Service Professor Claude Welch), UB University-wide Sesquicentennial Committee

1992-93: Milton Plesur Undergraduate Student Association Award for Excellence in Teaching

1990: Keynote speaker, Phi Beta Kappa induction, UB chapter, "Space for Reflection"

1989: SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, UB

1989: Keynote speaker, inaugural award ceremony, Golden Key National Honor Society, UB chapter

1989: Panelist, seventy-fifth anniversary celebration, Arts and Sciences Faculties, UB

1986-90: Senior member, Undergraduate College, UB

1985: SUNY Individual Faculty Development Grant, UB

1983-84: Harvard University Mellon Faculty Fellowship

1982-83: Junior Fellow, Cornell University Society for the Humanities

1981: University of Michigan Class of '23 Award for outstanding undergraduate teaching

1979: University of Michigan Rackham Faculty Research Fellowship

1984: Literary Transvaluation: From Vergilian Epic to Shakespearean Tragicomedy. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 264 pp.


1998: Reprint of “Mixed Gender, Mixed Gender in Shakespeare’s As You Like

It,” Gale Research Press

1994: "The Birth of Tragedy: Tragic Action in Julius Caesar," English

Literary Renaissance 24 (1994), 449-70

1992: “The Chief Knot of All the Discourse: The Maternal Subtext Tying

Sidney's Arcadia to Shakespeare's King Lear” in Gloriana's Face:

Women, Public and Private, in the English Renaissance, ed. Susan

Cerasano and Marion Wynne-Davies (London: Harvester-Wheatsheaf Press, 1992), 105-28

1992: Reprint of "Mixed Gender, Mixed Genre in Shakespeare's As You Like

It," Rosalind, ed. Harold Bloom (New York and Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1992), 151-66

1990: "Dido," in The Spenser Encyclopedia, ed. A.C. Hamilton, et. al.

(Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press and London: Routledge, 1990) 218-19 (4 single-spaced columns)

1987: Reprint of "The Dido Episode" (a chapter from Literary

Transvaluation) in Virgil's "Aeneid", ed. Harold Bloom (New

York and Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1987), 103-26

1986: "Mixed Gender, Mixed Genre in Shakespeare's As You Like It," Harvard

English Studies, 14 (1986) 189-212

1975: "The Prose Fictions of William Morris: A Study in the Literary Aesthetic

of a Victorian Social Reformer," Victorian Poetry 13 (1975), 43-59


1998: Review of Katharine Eisaman Maus's Inwardness and Theater in the

English Renaissance, in Medieval and Renaissance Drama In England, 10 (1998), 352-58

1993: Review (with James J. Bono) of F. David Hoeniger's Medicine and

Shakespeare in the English Renaissance, in Literature and

Medicine, 12 (1993), 253-57

1992: Review of Mihoko Suzuki's The Metamorphoses of Helen: Authority,

Difference, and the Epic, in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in

England, 6 (1992), 247-52

Partial citations of some of my scholarly work are publically available through GOOGLE Scholar Citations. As of May 2016 they have found that my scholarship has been:

  • cited 118 times;

  • not surprisingly, my most frequented-cited work is my book, at 79 citations;

  • it is followed by my article on As You Like It, at 22 citations;

  • these modest citations are relatively evenly-distributed, even to the present day, and even experienced a small recent spike in 2014-15.

2016: Invited speaker, The Western New York Network of English Teachers 2016 Summer Conference: Rethinking Shakespeare, “Shakespeare and ‘The Seven Ages of Man’: And What About Women and Other Possibilities?”

2016: Program notes, screenings of re-mastered copy of Orson Welles classic

Shakespeare film, Chimes at Midnight (1965) for Buffalo’s North Park


2016: Invited speaker, The Center for the Study of Art & Architecture, History &

Nature (C-SAAHN), “Shakespeare and Public Humanities,” May 3, downtown Buffalo & Erie County Library

2016: Invited participant, seminar, Shakespeare Association of America,

“Shakespeare and Montaigne,” “Happy, or ‘I’ll teach you how to flow,’ March 23-26, New Orleans

2016: Introduction, gala screening of the film Shakespeare in Love, The North Park

Theatre, Buffalo, New York, in conjunction with “Bvffalo Bard:

2016: 400 Years Since Shakespeare”

2016: Endowed Samuel G. Dunn Lecture in the Medical Humanities on “Comedy/

Tragedy, Laughing. Crying, Farting/Bleeding: Balancing the Humoral

Body” in conjunction with the National Library of Medicine touring

exhibit, “’And there’s the humor of it’: Shakespeare and the Four

Humors,” University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas

2015: Invited co-ordinator, colloquy, “The Best Class I (N)Ever Taught,” with some

8-10 of my former graduate students, Blackfriars Conference, Staunton, Virginia, October 27-November 1

2015: Invited participant, seminar, Shakespeare Association of America,

“Shakespeare and Film Forum,” “’He has no children’: Othello, Internal Affairs and the Logic of Cultural Reproduction” April 1-4, Vancouver

2014: Invited participant, Sixteenth Century Society, session on plague, “Ben

Jonson’s The Alchemist and Re-Amortizing the Body Politic,” October 16-19, New Orleans

2014: Invited participant, seminar, Shakespeare Association of America “The

Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and his World,”

“What’s Obscene in Shakespeare’s Othello,” April 9-12, St. Louis

2014: Invited participant, Renaissance Society of America, “Classical Reception

in Early Modern England,”” Strange Constructions: The Influence of Cicero’s De natura deorum on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar,March 27-29, New York City

2013: Invited participant, Wooden O Symposium, Utah, “What’s Obscene in

Shakespeare’s Othello,” August 5-7, Cedar City, Utah

2013: Invited participant, seminar, “Class and Emotions,” Shakespeare

Association of America, “Bright metal on a sullen ground”: The

Foil of Class in Shakespeare’s I Henry IV,” March 28-30, Toronto

2012: Invited participant,””Early Modern Cities in Comparative Perspective,”

Conference, The Folger Institute, September 27-29. (Grant-in-aid),

Washington, D.C.

2011: Session Chair, “Writers and Writing in Early Modern England: A

Symposium in Honor of Barbara Kiefer Lewalski,” April 29-30, Harvard University

2011: Invited participant, “Translation: Theory, Practice, History,” Spring Weekend Conference, The Folger Institute, March 4-5. (Grant-in-aid), Washington. D.C.

2009: “The Perspective from a State University,” in “Today’s Students, Today’s Teachers: Economics,” MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia

2009: “Repetition and Remembering in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale,”

“Alum-inaries: A Homecoming Celebration for the Fordham

Community, Honoring Distinguished Alumnae & Alumni,”

October 7, 2009, Fordham University

2007: Invited participant, “The Second Shepherd’s Play and Early Drama Studies,” Weekend Workshop, The Folger Institute, December 13-14. (Grant-in-aid), Washington D.C.

2006: Invited participant, drama workshop on Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, 2.3, Renaissance Drama in Action, The University of Toronto

2004: “The Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I and the Construction of English National Identity,” Niagara Frontier Branch, The English Speaking Union, Buffalo

2002: Director, Workshop on “Teaching Shakespeare,” Western New York Writers’ Project Summer Institute, Buffalo

2002: “Collegiality and the Law: or The Ties That Bind,” formal talk and panel discussion for the double session on “Promotion and Tenure Denial and Other Conflicts: Strategies and Avenues Open to Faculty,” sponsored by the Academic Discriminatory Advisory Board, The National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada

1999: “’Wild Waters’:Teaching Shakespeare’s The Tempest,” Erie County

BOCES, Hamburg, New York

1999: Invited participant, “Constructing Power from Above and Below:

Shakespeare’s Henriad and Dekker’s The Shoemakers’ Holiday,

seminar on “Shakespeare and His Contemporary Dramatists, circa

1599-1601: Fin de Siècle and a Turning Point,” Shakespeare Association of America, San Francisco

1998: “The Cult of Elizabeth and the Production of Elizabethan Literature” (expanded and revised), The Tanner Humanities Center, the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

1998: As above, The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado

1998: “Teaching Shakespeare” (a workshop for graduate students of English and of Education), The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado

1997: Invited participant, Workshop on "Teaching Shakespeare 2000,"

Shakespeare Association of America, Washington, D.C.

1996: Three formal lectures--"Son of the Sun: Language, Genealogy and

Authority in Shakespeare's Richard II," "The Erotic Work of Romantic Comedy: Mixed Gender, Mixed Genre in Shakespeare's As You Like It," and "Caliban's Genealogy: Or Close Encounters of the Third Kind"—as faculty member, NEH summer Teaching Shakespeare Institute, the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.

1993: "The Cult of Elizabeth and the Production of Elizabethan Literature," The

University of Nebraska, on the occasion of the acquisition of their two-millionth volume, a Shakespeare first folio, Lincoln, Nebraska

1993: As above, at The Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

1993: Invited participant, "His-teria: King Lear as Hysterical Text," seminar on "Shakespeare and Medicine," Shakespeare Association of America, Atlanta, Georgia

1993: As above, at The Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

1991: Commentator, divisional panel, Comparative Literature, "Witchcraft in Legal and Literary Discourses of the Renaissance," MLA, New York City

1991: Invited participant, "Hysteria/His-teria: Exorcising 'Woman' in Three of Shakespeare's Jacobean Plays" (Macbeth, King Lear and The Winter's Tale), seminar on "Shakespearean Romance and Its Sources," Shakespeare Association of America, Vancouver, B.C.

1989: Commentator, seminar on "Marxist/Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare,"

Shakespeare Association of America, San Francisco

1988: Invited participant, "Ovid and the Text of Social Mobility," seminar on

"Ovidian Shakespeare/Shakespearean Ovid," Shakespeare

Association of America, Baltimore, Maryland

1986: Invited participant, "'The Chiefe Knotte of All the Discourse': The Maternal Subtext Tying Sidney's Arcadia to Shakespeare's King Lear,” MLA special session on "The Other Texts in Shakespeare: New Perspectives on Shakespeare and His Sources," New York City

1986: Invited participant, "Repetition and Remembering: Imitation,

Intertextuality, and Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale," Shakespeare

Association of America, Montreal

1986: As above, at Carleton College, Minnesota

1986: Respondent, seminar on "Shakespeare's Narrative Poems," Shakespeare Association of America, Montreal

1986: Invited participant, "The Birth of Tragedy: Tragic Action in Julius Caesar," seminar on "Shakespeare and the Idea of Rome," Shakespeare Association of America, Montreal

1985: Invited participant, "Imitative Sonship in Shakespeare's Second

Tetralogy," seminar on "Imitation in Shakespeare," Shakespeare

Association of America, Nashville, Tennessee

1984: Invited participant, "Mixed Gender, Mixed Genre in Shakespeare's As You Like It," Ohio Shakespeare Conference on "Shakespeare and Gender," Boston, Masscahuseets

1983: Invited participant, "Étienne Jodelle's Didon se sacrifiant and the Invocation to Venus, 'Mere de tout estre vivant': Vergil, Ovid, Lucretius," MLA Special Session on "Ovid and Renaissance Poetry," New York City

1981: Invited participant, "'Thou art the armourer of my heart': Spenser's and

Shakespeare's Transvaluations of Vergil's Story of Dido," MLA

Special Session on "Women Through Renaissance Literature"

1979: Invited participant, "Spenser, Shakespeare, and the Feminization of Epic," The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan
2016: Invited speaker, English Department Commencement Ceremony

2016: Invited speaker, panel presentation, Research Across the Disciplines:

Adventures in Note-Taking.” Where’s Research @UB? UB Office of

Undergraduate Education

2016: Invited speaker, “The Cult of Elizabeth and the Production of Elizabethan

Literature,” UB Gender Institute Feminist Research Alliance Workshop

2015: Guest lecturer on Shakespeare's Hamlet, 3 classes English 214: "Books: The Top Ten, Professor Kenneth Dauber, The University at Buffalo

2015: Invited speaker, UB Gender Institute Gender Week Symposium, Wonder

Women and Super Men, “From A Midsummer Night’s Dream to Twelfth Night: Shakespeare and the Cult of Elizabeth in the Twilight of the Elizabethan Regime”

2015: Invited Work-in-Progress seminar, Early Modern Research Workshop,

“Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist and Re-Amortizing the Body


2014: Invited “Fireside Chat” on my professional history, UB English

Department Undergraduate Program

2012: Moderator, UB Feminist Research Alliance, “Disease’s Power to Expand

Subjectivity: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic”

2011: Respondent, UB Feminist Research Alliance, “Let’s Redefine Love: Narrative Analysis of Performed Monologues by Gay and Lesbian Students”

2010: Invited book discussion leader, UB Libraries, UBReads 2010 selection Greg Mortenson’s Three Cups of Tea

2010: Invited “Fireside Chat” on my professional history, UB English Department Undergraduate Program

2004: “To See or Not to See,” UB Center for Teaching and Learning Resources

2004: Introduction, Barbara Ehrenreich, UB Distinguished Speaker’s Series

2004: Introduction and welcome, UB GSA-Renaissance Club, First Annual

Shakespeare Conference, “Addressing The Dresser: Post- Imperialist Shakespeare”

2003: Invited speaker, “The Emperor is All Clothes: Handel’s Serse and the

Colors of Opera,” academic panel presentation preceding the UB

Department of Music Opera Workshop production of Handel’s Serse

2003: Invited speaker, UB Gender Institute Graduate Student panel presentation

on “Gender in the Classroom: Gender Dynamics, Curriculum and Gender”

2002: “The Death of Tragedy,” guest lecture on Dante’s Divine Comedy, World

Civilization course of Professor James Bono. (At his request I

regularly give one of the lectures on Dante in History Department

Professor James Bono’s World Civilization course. This was the third time I have lectured to them.)

2002: Special class on “The Cult of Elizabeth and the Production of Elizabethan

Literature,” English Department teach-in, “Genderworks in Progress,” UB Gender Week

2002: Invited keynote speaker, English Department Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

2001: Invited lecturer on “Shakespeare’s Will,” UB Campus Club

2001: Guest lecturer, “On Choosing a Major,” UB 101, Ms. Dawn Becker

2001: Organizer and mistress of ceremonies, English Department Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

2000: Organizer and mistress of ceremonies, English Department Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

2000: Guest lecturer on “Lying in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra,” English 310: Shakespeare: Later Works, Professor Theodora Janokowski

1999: Guest lecturer on “Beating the Bounds: Licensed Liberty in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure,” Humanities One ’99: Shaping Justice, Professor Bruce Jackson, Department of English, The University at Buffalo

1998: “Translatio studii, translatio imperii”: From Shakespeare’s Henriad to Robert Redford’s Quiz Show, or ‘The truth is, television is gonna get us,’” Professor Deidre Lynch, The English Department Goes to the Movies, The University at Buffalo

1997: Guest lecturer on Shakespeare's Hamlet, English 214: "Books: The Top Ten, Professor Kenneth Dauber, The University at Buffalo

1995: Guest lecturer on Shakespeare's Sonnets, Fine Arts course, Instructor

William Kinser, The University at Buffalo

1993: Invited keynote speaker, first English Department Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

1990 Invited keynote speaker, "Space for Reflection," annual induction ceremony, Phi Beta Kappa, Professor Claude Welch, The University at Buffalo

1989: Invited keynote speaker, inaugural induction ceremony, Golden Key National Honor Society, Dr. Peter Gold, The University at Buffalo

1989: Panelist, seventy-fifth anniversary celebration, Arts and Sciences College, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education John Thorpe, The University at Buffalo

1989: Lecture on "Recent Matter in Criticism of Shakespeare's Work," Professor Arthur Efron, Graduate Program in Literature and Society, The Department of English, The University at Buffalo

1988: Respondent for conference on "1 Henry IV: Social Upheaval and Critical Controversy," Professor Arthur Efron, Graduate Program in Literature and Society, Department of English, The University at Buffalo

1988: Guest lecturer on "Edmund Spenser," English 681, Proseminar: The Renaissance, Professor Max Wickert, Department of English, The University at Buffalo

1985: "The Representation of the Feminine in Patriarchal Literature, Women's Studies 309: New Research on Women: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Professor Elizabeth Kennedy, The University at Buffalo

1984: Work-in-progress seminar, “The Gynecology of the Text: The Sources of Shakespeare’s King Lear and Some of Their Progeny,” Program on History and Literature, Harvard University

1983: Work-in-progress seminar, “’The heart of my mystery’: Authority, Power and Sexuality in the Plays of William Shakespeare,” Andrew White Society for the Humanities, Cornell University

1980: "Blooms-bury Circles: Toward a Theory of Influence," Critical Theory Symposium, Department of English, The University of Michigan

1979: "The Influence of Vergil: Augustine to Shakespeare," three lectures, M.A.

Proseminar Common Hour, Department of English, The University of Michigan

1978: "Sidney's Apology for Poetry," critical theory component, core courses for majors, Department of English, The University of Michigan

1977: "Edmund Spenser: The English Vergil," Renaissance area mini-course, The University of Michigan

1976: "Francis Bacon and the Uses of Mythology," Renaissance area mini-course, The University of Michigan

2014 on: Member, Sixteenth Century Society

1985 on: Member, Shakespeare Association of America.

1974 on: Member, MLA.

1971 on: Member, Renaissance Society of America.

2016: Principal organizer, “Bvffalo Bard 2016: 400 Years Since

Shakespeare” a year-long series of regional public

humanities events including library displays of the early Shakespeare Folios and supporting materials at both the downtown Buffalo and Erie County Public Library and the UB Poetry Collection; Shakespeare-themed library displays and a Shakespeare Read-A-Thon at the UB Libraries; academic talks and a significant academic conference in Three Acts with Two Intervals (one-day undergraduate and graduate conferences), “Object and Adaptation: The Worlds of Shakespeare and Cervantes”; an all-day community and K-12 Shakespeare Festival; over a dozen dramatic productions by local high schools, colleges and theatre companies; a planetarium show; choral and orchestral performances music of based on Shakespeare’s works; film screenings of Shakespeare-themed works at local movie houses and a Shakespeare and film course; the launch of a Shakespeare Garden; and a “Shakespeare Jubilee”

2015-2017: Co-Director (with Professor David Castillo of Romance Languages

and Literatures) of UB Early Modern Research Workshop

2014: Expert scholar, Folger Educational Division/English Speaking

Union 2-day Shakespeare Intensive for regional high

school teachers on “Teaching Romeo and Juliet” in

accordance with Common Core standards

2014: Reader, Peter Lang Press

2013: Internal reviewer, tenure case, UB Graduate School of Education

2012: Reader, PMLA

2012: Reader, The Norton Shakespeare, 3rd edition, Julius Caesar

2012: Reader, Modern Philology

2011: Tenure review, Tulane University, New Orleans

2012-14: Chair, Applications Review Committee, The Folger Institute

2010-14: Member, Applications Review Committee, The Folger


2007: Tenure review, University of Colorado, Boulder

2004: External reader, Ph.D dissertation, Prasanta Chakravarty, Like Parchment in the Fire: Literature and Radicalism, 1640- 1660, University at Buffalo Department of Comparative Literature

2004: Participant, annual conference of the National Council for Research on Women, Oakland, California

2002: Promotion review, full professor, Drake University

1999-2014: Member, Executive Board, The Folger Institute

1999: Reader, Bedford Books

1999: Participant, MLA conference on “The Future of Doctoral Education,” The University of Wisconsin

1996: Invited participant, conference on "The Future of English," the University of Pittsburgh

1995: Reader, The University of Toronto Press

1994: Organizer, double seminar on "The Dramatic Origins of the English Revolution," Shakespeare Association of America

1994: Reader, Shakespeare Studies

1994: Tenure review, University of California, Riverside.

1994: Tenure review, University of Wisconsin, Madison

1990-93: Editorial Board Member, Studies in Iconography

1992: Reader, Shakespeare Studies

1991: Promotion review, full professor, Cornell University

1991: Tenure review, University of West Florida

1990: Promotion review, full professor, The University of Pennsylvania

1987: Reader, The University of New England Press

1982: Reader, The University of California Press

1981: Organizer, MLA Special Session on "Women Through Renaissance Literature"

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